super unscrupulous student

Chapter 8410 Ancient legend 17

Pangu shattered the original power of darkness in his body, crawled out of the deep pit, and looked at Jizo coldly.

Hellroar let out a roar, and flames of hell spewed out from both ends at the same time.

This hell fire is very overbearing. Not only is it very destructive to the human body, but it can also harm the origin of the soul. It is known as the indestructible divine fire.

Seeing the raging fire spread to his side, Pangu snorted coldly and threw the ax casually.

There was a loud bang, the ground shook, and a large piece of the ground was lifted up by him directly, turning into a giant shield of the earth, rolled upside down, and smashed towards Dizang.

Dizang snorted coldly, the ripples in his eyes turned, and the power of darkness leaped out, turning into two huge death scythes, cutting horizontally.

Mountains and rocks flew, and the giant shield of the earth was shattered into pieces.

Hellroar leaped over with soaring flames and magma, opened its huge mouth, and rushed towards Pangu viciously.

There was no trace of panic on Pangu's rock-like firm face. The two stars in his eyes trembled slightly, and they shattered the chains of hell that Ksitigarbha had imposed on him at the same time.

The black chain broke and bounced far away, unable to cause any damage to Pan Gu's body.

Pan Gu stretched out his big hand, and punched him like a mountain bombardment, just hitting Hellscream's head.

There was a loud bang, amidst the smoke and dust, Hellroar let out a miserable howl, and retreated in a hurry.

Pangu's punch was comparable to the most powerful magic weapon bombardment in the world. The pure physical power had reached the pinnacle of this world.

How can a strange beast like Hell Roar bear it?

One of Hellroar's heads had already been crushed by his punch, and amidst the blood and flesh flying, magma gushed out continuously from the fracture.

This is the origin of darkness, very rare.

When the drops fell on the ground, even the earth couldn't bear it, and fell into the earth directly.

Suddenly, there was a rumbling sound from the ground.

Shockingly, the underground was triggered by the source of darkness and exploded.

A scorching breath rose into the sky.

Nuwa's eyes froze and she was shocked: "The volcano erupted?"

Pangu happened to be standing under the volcano, and the eruption immediately enveloped him.

The raging fire sizzled and burned, and Pan Gu's rock-like body, as if it had melted, cracked open, revealing deep marks.

Ksitigarbha looked excited and laughed triumphantly: "Pangu, I see what other tricks you have, just die."

Nuwa was shocked: "Brother Pangu."

With a wave of her slender hand, a bolt of hundreds of miles of lightning flew out of the sky, wrapped around Pangu, and pulled him out.


The volcano erupted hundreds of feet, as if it was going to burn through the sky.

The hot magma rolled down and landed on the ground, scaring everyone to dodge, for fear of being touched by the original flame.

In just one breath, the Grand Canyon was occupied by volcanic magma.

The bright red magma continuously sprayed out in all directions, forming a magma lake.

Everyone dodged one after another, and Baixi and other fighters also retreated to the other side of the Grand Canyon following Nuwa.

The fighters of the Dark Alliance all looked at this scene in horror.

Nuwa frowned, and a terrible name suddenly appeared in her mind, and she couldn't help but exclaimed: "No way, is it that Vulcan Chitian is about to be born?"

This Vulcan Chitian is definitely a terrifying existence among the natural gods.

At the beginning of the universe, the energies of various systems are intertwined, and everyone can magnify a certain power according to their own specialties.

For example, everyone also absorbs the original power of light. In Nuwa's place, not only does it contain endless vitality, but it can also be transformed into lightning.

But in Pan Gu's body, the destruction is vividly reflected, and at the same time, it also contains the breath of infinite [life].

Every god with a unique talent is extremely rare.

This Vulcan has absolute control over the Fire Element.

Any original power of light can be transformed into the most terrifying flame in him.

It is said that his flames can burn through the sky, and he is one of the most terrifying masters.

At this moment, endless lava is spreading in all directions, and at the core, a terrifying aura is surging.

This breath, carrying endless destruction, seemed to destroy the entire world.

Even the masters of the Dark Alliance, who enjoy destroying and killing, are trembling.

Ksitigarbha frowned and said, "What's going on? Could it be that there are some terrible monsters under the ground?"

The devil king of hell said obsequiously: "My lord, Nuwa and the others are setting up formation here just for this underground creature? I see that the aura seems to be a bit bad, and it seems that it is not a real person from our dark side who was born."

Ksitigarbha's eyes turned cold, and he said sharply, "Don't let him be born, otherwise the Light Alliance will greatly increase its power and send orders to attack the center of the volcano with all its strength."

After receiving the order, the fighters of the Dark Alliance launched a powerful attack on the volcano.

Under the amplification of Yuanbao, all kinds of original power continuously fell into the volcano as if they wanted to destroy the world.

Boom boom boom!

The sound of explosions continued, and the entire earth was cracking. Huge gaps opened around the volcano, and magma continued to flow along the gaps. Wherever it went, the flames were extremely strong and the heat rose.

In an instant, the Grand Canyon changed its appearance.

A volcano stands in the middle, surrounded by huge rivers of magma, which form a strange pattern when viewed from a high altitude.

Zhuo Yifan was shocked suddenly, he suddenly felt a little uneasy.

An inexplicable sense of crisis came.

With a thought in his heart, he quickly shrank the fairy mountain and accelerated the refining speed.

Those magma ditches continuously penetrated into the ground, seeming to be deeply embedded in them.

Nuwa's face changed: "No, these magmas are actually trying to absorb the original power between heaven and earth. This is a super magic circle."

Pan Gu frowned and said, "What do you mean?"

"This is Vulcan Chitian transforming into form, he will absorb all the original power around him." Nuwa said worriedly.

"Teacher!" Pangu had a flash of inspiration, and he was about to rush out in surprise: "No, we can't let him expand anymore, otherwise, it will affect the teacher's collection of Xianshan."

Nuwa stopped him: "What do you want to do? It's too late to stop it now, and you will be mistaken for the enemy instead, and the dark camp will be taken advantage of in vain."

Pan Gu said anxiously: "Then what should we do? We can't just let him affect the teacher, can we?"

"It doesn't matter, the teacher's fairy mountain is shrinking rapidly, obviously he also feels the threat." Nuwa glanced at the distance with deep eyes, revealing a hint of expectation.

Pan Gu was startled, but he also noticed this change. However, in order to prevent accidents, he still dodged and came outside the fairy mountain in case of accidents.

The magma ditch is as spiritual as a tentacles, winding under the ground, and the original force along the way is like iron filings attracted by a magnet, leaning towards it one after another.

Like a snowball, it gets bigger and bigger.

When the ditch stretched to a limit, a powerful breath came from the ground, as if a giant was opening its sleepy eyes.

The next moment, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, the earth shook violently, and the soil turned upside down.

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