super unscrupulous student

Chapter 8438 Ancient legend 45

The demon god of hell secretly groaned.

Before, he thought that Zhuo Yifan was nothing more than that, but after seeing him forging weapons with his gestures, he felt a chill coming from his back.

Compared with the arrogant and domineering Tongtian, Zhuo Yifan seemed to be more terrifying.

Even the huge body of the Wannian Black Dragon can be condensed into a small necklace, the strength of Zhuo Yifan is beyond imagination!

Seeing Tongtian jumping out again, all the contestants were trembling, their expressions were extremely ugly.

But among thousands of troops, it is impossible to retreat in battle.

Tong Tian giggled and said, "Whose turn is it next? Why don't you go up together."

The remaining seven warriors were ashamed and angry.

This kid is too arrogant, isn't he looking down on people?

You must know that they are all elites in their own small tribe, and they are deeply loved and admired. How have they ever been ridiculed like this?

People in this ancient era are somewhat bloody. As the saying goes, the head can be broken and the blood can be shed, and the dignity cannot be lost. Tong Tian is so aggressive, how can they give up?

"Tongtian, I'll meet you."

Another big man more than ten feet tall came out, like a tyrannosaurus, aiming at Tongtian and charging towards him.

This power immediately won wild cheers from the soldiers. Although Tongtian is awesome, he can't be too cowardly on his side. Even if he loses, he can't lose his ambition.

Tong Tian's eyes shined: "Haha, it's just in time, let's keep your teeth!"

His small figure flashed, and he rushed towards the giant, looking excited, like a child running towards his own toy.

Zhuo Yifan lay down on his back, and couldn't bear to look at it anymore.

Sure enough, with a roar, the two collided.

What is shocking is that in this disproportionate collision, it is the bigger party that suffers.

The giant let out a painful howl, and his whole body flew into the air, as if hitting an invisible wall of air.

Tong Tian giggled, Zi Ah ran wildly on the ground.

He raised his small hand to the sky, like holding a big kite.

Everyone was stunned.


Tongtian grabbed the big man like he was waving a toy, and smashed it hard on the ground, causing smoke and dust to rise everywhere.

There was a scream.

After a while, Tongtian came to Zhuo Yifan and spread out his palms with a smile: "Dad, here it is, this is the best one."

Zhuo Yifan took it over speechlessly, but threw it aside casually: "Just get it all together and let's do it together!"

"Dad is right." Tong Tian jumped up and pointed at the six people: "You guys, don't waste my dad's precious time. Everyone leaves their front teeth, and I will save your life."

Front teeth?

Everyone subconsciously covered their fangs.

Ma De, this fang is a status symbol of a warrior, if you really want to take the initiative to knock it off and give it away, wouldn't you be unable to hold your head up for the rest of your life?

The six people looked at each other, their eyes met, they all nodded secretly, and suddenly they all rushed over with a loud shout.

These six big men were like six bulldozers, dust was flying everywhere they went, and their aura was terrifying.

Tong Tian rubbed his hands, and said excitedly: "That's right! The baby is about to be unearthed, and you are still struggling, it's time to hit it."

Bang bang bang!

clap clap clap!


A strange sound echoed in the battlefield.

Six giants and a child mixed together, but it was like seven tyrannosaurs fighting in a melee, very scary.

There is nothing around that can be destroyed. The ground has been scratched layer by layer, and outsiders can't see clearly what's going on inside.

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