super unscrupulous student

Chapter 8441 Unearthed Treasure 3

He stepped forward with one step, and his figure flashed strangely. In the storm blowing outwards, he advanced instead of retreating, as if being pulled in by an invisible hand.


Zhuo Yifan rushed into the core.

From a long distance away, he saw a blurred halo emanating from it. In that halo, Xiao Tongtian had a ferocious face, with fresh blood spurting from his mouth, and his breath was sluggish.

"Tongtian, how are you doing?"

Zhuo Yifan felt his heart tense, and he didn't care about the danger, his body flashed and rushed towards the halo.

Although the distance in front of him seemed very close, Zhuo Yifan's figure was constantly rotating around the halo, and every time he turned around, he got closer.

This halo seems simple, but it is actually an incomparably complicated space-time magic circle, which is out of reach.

That is to say, Zhuo Yifan, an ordinary expert, really couldn't get in.

This Tongtian must have triggered the energy of Yuanbao after coming into contact with Yuanbao, which caused the current scene to appear.

His hands were deeply immersed in the halo, and the aura on his body became weaker and weaker, and it seemed that he couldn't last long.

This halo looked like a cloud of fog, but even Zhuo Yifan couldn't detect this fog.

It's like an unfathomable abyss, and there is no way to know how deep it is.

Zhuo Yifan's eyes shot brightly: "Tongtian, hold on, dad will be here soon."

At this moment, he exploded with all his potential, stepped on the void node, and his figure gradually blurred.

In the end, Zhuo Yifan disappeared and seemed to become a member of the halo.

In the next second, he passed through the endless turbulence of time and space and entered the core.

But it is on the other side of Tongtian.

"Dad, I can't take it anymore, this guy is sucking my blood."

Tong Tian's face was pale, and he yelled weakly.

Zhuo Yifan's eyes were fixed, but he was a little helpless.

He tried to detect, but found that there was nothingness in front of him, nothing.

But looking directly at the past, it was another cloud of fog that was constantly wriggling, exuding a gleaming halo.

What the hell is this?

Seeing that Tongtian's arm was completely trapped in it, with a painful expression on his face, Zhuo Yifan knew that this thing was definitely not as simple as it seemed on the surface.

But the magnetic field of the mind cannot be detected, which proves that it is absolutely impossible to be a monster.

It was the first time for Zhuo Yifan to encounter such a weird thing.

Helpless, he gritted his teeth and suddenly stretched out his hand towards the mist.

"Father, don't want it. This mist is alive and will devour essence and blood."

Tong Tian shouted palely, struggling to stop Zhuo Yifan, but he couldn't move, so he could only watch Zhuo Yifan fall into the clutches with tears in his eyes.

Zhuo Yifan stretched his hand into the mist, but was taken aback.

There is still nothingness in this mist, and there are no strange creatures at all.

He groped around in surprise, but there was still no movement.

Suddenly, Zhuo Yifan felt a presence in the mist, he couldn't help opening his mouth wide, and looked at Tongtian in horror.

Tong Tian was also taken aback, and exclaimed in surprise: "Dad, this is your hand, I can feel it, it's warm and comfortable."

Zhuo Yifan smiled: "Father and son, life and death are inseparable."

"Well, we will be together forever, no matter how many times we reincarnate, we will be happy father and son."

Tongtian said happily.

The blood on his face began to recover.

But Zhuo Yifan's face gradually became pale.

His vitality, like a bank burst, was passing away crazily.

Almost instantly, Zhuo Yifan felt a strong sense of weakness.

But he didn't show pain, but looked at Tongtian gently, and said: "Tongtian, remember, your real identity is Chitian of the Alliance of Light, and our task is to take away the reincarnation disk of the Dark Lord .”

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