super unscrupulous student

Chapter 8448 Meeting 2

The vastness of this continent is simply indescribable, at least larger than the three continents of the Demon Realm combined.

In this place called Killing Continent, although the aura is strong, it is extremely irritable, and the heaven and earth are filled with the aura of killing sand.

Moreover, the natives here are very fierce.

Their cultivation is not low, and there are many masters in the Mahayana period.

Absorbing violent aura all the year round, they are almost all demon cultivators, fierce and violent, and will fight for life and death if they disagree with each other.

It can even be said that the greatest joy of these monks is fighting and killing people.

The strange beasts born here are also extremely violent, even their eyes are blood red, and their combat power is powerful, even far surpassing that of humans.

After discovering these outsiders, the natives became crazy, and the two sides started countless wars, so they had to run for their lives.

In the end, relying on Anlong's unparalleled treasure hunting skills, he found this secret place.

But everyone didn't even enter the gate, so they were blocked outside the mountain gate.

After entering this forbidden area, they were even surrounded by a large army, and everyone set up a large formation to hold on to it.

At present, all kinds of resources have been exhausted. Just when everyone was desperate, Zhuo Yifan woke up unexpectedly. This has to be said to be God's will.

Zhuo Yifan didn't know how he came here from the reincarnation star, but it didn't matter anymore. The important thing was that his relatives and friends needed him, and he came here.

The regret of losing Tongtian just now still lingers in his heart, but Zhuo Yifan also knows that it is already a matter of ancient times.

After tasting the taste of loss, Zhuo Yifan never wanted to lose easily again.

Everyone felt Zhuo Yifan's experience and was completely stunned.

They never dreamed that Zhuo Yifan had experienced so many unimaginable things.

Every one of these things is unbelievable.

But they know that all this is true.

And the sincere father-son relationship between Zhuo Yifan and Tongtian also moved everyone very much, and they shed tears one after another.

Miss Fang and Anlong obviously haven't reached the point where they share their hearts with Zhuo Yifan.

And it was impossible for Zhuo Yifan to tell them such a secret thing.

To them, Zhuo Yifan just said that after he entered the real time and space of Samsara Star, he got here somehow.

Although they knew that what Zhuo Yifan said might not be the truth, Miss Fang and Anlong were smart enough not to inquire carefully.

Practitioners, who doesn't have any secrets?

Qingyan said in shock: "Yifan, so the fairy is Empress Nuwa? So where is she now?"

Zhuo Yifan sighed: "She is a part of Nuwa, but she is not Nuwa. She has entered her own reincarnation, and we will never see each other again."

His heart moved, reincarnation, is this reincarnation?

Everyone has their own reincarnation, just like a circle, the starting point is the end point, and the end point is also the starting point.

Ouyang Qingzhi said: "Yifan, it's not your fault. The Dark Lord's destruction of their world is doomed. It's a fact that has already happened. It cannot be changed at all. You don't have to blame yourself."

Zhuo Yifan smiled bitterly: "I understand, but I still can't let it go. As a father, I didn't save Tongtian. This will become an eternal pain in my heart. If I don't get rid of this demon, I will eventually step into self-destruction."

Everyone was shocked.

What practitioners are most afraid of is having a bad heart, also known as a demon.

If you can't pass this test, sooner or later it will accumulate and become the biggest obstacle on the road of practice.

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