super unscrupulous student

Chapter 8502 Battle of the Mind

Ba Xian said excitedly: "Yes, only three hundred warriors can be qualified for ascension."

Zhuo Yifan said, "Where are you flying to?"

"Of course, I ascended to the fairy world and coexisted with the ancestor gods. I am very excited when I think of being able to meet the ancestor gods in person."

Xiao Nizi covered her chest with an intoxicated expression on her face.

Zhuo Yifan was speechless for a moment.

It turned out that they thought they would fly to Pangu Nuwa's side, how could this be possible?

Although Pangu Nuwa and others occasionally manifest their divine bodies to guide people in this world, they are closely connected with the reincarnation star and will never be separated.

It is absolutely impossible for people in this universe to ascend to another universe.

So here comes the question, where does this ascension fly to?

Zhuo Yifan was also a little confused. The people in this world are powerful, and they are more than one level higher than the lower realms such as the Demon Realm. According to Zhuo Yifan's estimation, they are at least at the level of the Immortal Realm.

Where can the creatures of the advanced world at the fairy world level fly to?

This problem is temporarily unresolved.

"Baxian Bashan, you can't escape, surrender, I will let you die with dignity."

The domineering voice came from afar, and the group of people ran fast.

Zhuo Yifan frowned slightly. These guys were obviously stronger than Ba ​​Shan and Ba Xian in terms of physical fitness, and in terms of spiritual power, they were led by Ba Feng, so they were indeed difficult to deal with.

Although Zhuo Yifan's spiritual magnetic field can sense the existence of the other party, he has encountered unprecedented challenges.

That is, spiritual masters have their own barriers between each other.

Zhuo Yifan's mental magnetic field did not dare to spread out as unscrupulously as in the Demon Realm, because it would directly contact the opponent's magnetic field, causing a strong collision, which was tantamount to a direct confrontation.

The confrontation of spiritual power is infinitely more terrifying than the confrontation of soul and consciousness.

Because what is used is the most core and basic energy fluctuation of this universe.

Similarly, Ba Feng was also a little apprehensive, he felt Zhuo Yifan's strength, and he didn't dare to expand the magnetic field of his heart without authorization.

The two sides fear each other.

But in the end, it is impossible for the strong side to remain stalemate.

"What's going on, why do I feel like I'm getting more and more strenuous?" Ba Shan said in surprise.

Zhuo Yifan and Baxian also frowned slightly, a little puzzled.

The physical cultivation of the three of them is mostly around the second floor of the [Immortal Stiffness Art]. If this is placed in the world, it is definitely a shocking super physique, but here, it can be seen everywhere.

This made Zhuo Yifan quite melancholy.

I have worked so hard to reach this state, but these big men are easily on par with me, it is really more popular than others.

Ba Xian exclaimed: "I see, there is a problem with these steps, the higher you go, the greater the pressure."

On the steps, there are all carved murals. These murals are almost exactly the same as the ones Zhuo Yifan had seen in No. [-] Secret Realm. They are all pictures of hunting and sacrifices by humans in ancient times.

What is engraved on it is absolutely impossible to be a Tyrannical Clan.

It is the universe where Samsara is located.

Zhuo Yifan squatted down, approached the murals with the power of his mind, and his face was slightly startled: "That's right, it is these murals that exude a strange spiritual wave that affects us. The higher we go, the harder it will be."

The three of them looked at the long ladder that could hardly be seen at a glance, and their expressions suddenly became unnatural.

Nima, according to this speed, I don't know how long it will take to reach the top of the mountain.

Ba Feng and the others also felt the changes in the stone ladder and couldn't help but be overjoyed.

They are all fighters, with strong bodies and amazing combat skills. This little pressure does not cause them a particularly big problem.

"Bashan, you have nowhere to escape, surrender! I can not kill you for the time being, how about handing you over to the patriarch? If you go up again, everyone will not be able to please you."

Ba Feng obviously knew about the legend of Sky City.

In this age of superstition, curse is definitely a topic that makes people change their faces, and no one wants to have anything to do with Sky City.

Ba Shan also showed a brave attitude at this moment, and sneered disdainfully: "Ba Feng, you don't want to fool me, I don't believe you are so kind, if you are afraid of being affected by the curse, why don't you go down now?"

"Hmph, if you don't eat a toast and eat fine wine, you're courting death."

Ba Feng had obviously reached the limit of his patience, and a killing intent flashed in his eyes.

"Bold, if you want to kill someone in front of me, ask me if you've ever asked me."

Ripples flashed in Zhuo Yifan's eyes, and the magnetic field in his mind unfolded with a bang, turning into a protective wall, covering Bashan and Baxian. The invisible long arrow flew out.


The invisible shock force collided in the void.

In that void, a circle of ripples visible to the naked eye suddenly rippled, and the strange spiritual fluctuations spread like lake water in an instant.

"Everyone get out of the way!"

Ba Feng shouted loudly, waved his big hand, and a small magic staff appeared in his hand.

On this staff, there is a skeleton in horror.

In the skull's eyes, there are two scarlet eyeballs, shining like rubies.

At this moment, a shocking force came from the skeleton's mouth, the air screamed, and a huge arrow mark appeared.

The arrow marks broke through the void and shot towards Zhuo Yifan and the others.

Although it was an invisible arrow, the breath of this arrow was all terrifying. Everyone felt the power contained in it, and their faces changed drastically.

Ba Feng's person was full of surprises, but Ba Shan and Ba Xian were ashamed.

Too strong!

"It's over. I didn't expect the patriarch to hand over such an artifact to it. It is refined from the body of the Void Devourer. It can greatly increase the user's strength. The higher the talent, the greater the increase."

Ba Shan cried out in despair.

They never dreamed that such an artifact would actually appear in Ba Feng's hands.

Sure enough, this arrow of the mind is extremely powerful, and it comes with a destructive space breath.

In the distance, the three of them even felt that the space was in front of it, and it seemed that they couldn't bear it, and they were making ugly broken sounds.

Nest, this is too strong!

Zhuo Yifan was shocked, but he couldn't retreat unless he jumped off the cliff.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, the magnetic field in his mind oscillated, and he built a thick spiritual shield in front of him.


The invisible collision is even more terrifying than the fierce energy confrontation, and the rippling aftermath is enough to turn tens of thousands of ordinary people into idiots or brain-dead on the spot.

Everyone present has the power of the mind, but facing this level of threat, they still couldn't help being frightened and dodged in a hurry.

Both Ba Shan and Ba Xian looked at Zhuo Yifan with strange expressions.

They didn't expect that Zhuo Yifan would use his own body to forcibly withstand the shock wave, resisting all the damage by himself.


Zhuo Yifan felt that the arrow was shot directly at his body, and the powerful force exploded, almost tearing his body apart.

The invisible soul shield barely persisted for three seconds before it shattered.

Poor Zhuo Yifan's mental magnetic field, which had just recovered, once again ushered in a cruel torture and became fragmented.

For the first time, he felt the horror of a spiritual battle. This seemingly simple touch brought him endless harm.

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