super unscrupulous student

Chapter 8525 Temple Storm 2

The temple of the Tyrant clan has existed for tens of thousands of years, and it has always been the holy place of the clan.

In other words, the elders can enter at any time, listen to the teachings of the true god, and feel the power of the soul, while the rest of the people only have the opportunity to enter twice in their lifetime.

When you are born, you must be baptized and blessed, and when you die, you must be appeased and accepted by the ancestor gods.

But this kind of unexpected situation during kneeling has never happened before, and it is really shocking.

Everyone turned into gourds and became a mess.

Only Zhuo Yifan was still upright in place.

The floor around him was trembling, bluestones were constantly exploding, it looked very scary.

Ba Shan shouted: "Brother Yuan, don't! This is the temple of our Ba clan, it must not be destroyed."

Everyone didn't take Ba Shan's words seriously at first, but now they feel a chill of terror.

Ba Zun said sharply: "Ba Shan, what is going on?"

Ba Shan wept and said: "Master Patriarch, haven't I already reported to you? Brother Yuan can't kneel down to worship the statue of the ancestor god, otherwise, the statue will crack."

Everyone was shocked.

Even the ancestor gods couldn't bear Zhuo Yifan's worship.


How noble is his status?

A mischievous smile rose from the corner of Zhuo Yifan's mouth: "Hmph, let you count on me, and don't give you a little color. I really think I'm easy to bully."

He smiled coldly and kowtowed again.

But a magical force stopped him, as if an invisible hand was supporting him.

A hidden wave came out in the words of the soul: "Yifan, why are you bothering? In this world, you are our teacher. If you bow down and complete the worship, the trace of spirit left behind by our hard work will collapse."

Zhuo Yifan responded lightly: "Nuwa, this is the end of the matter, why did you leave your spiritual thoughts behind?"

"We have spiritual thoughts in many places, for no reason, just to guide future generations. Yifan, you are the only person who can travel to the past and the future. We cannot let you tamper with history as you like. These spiritual thoughts are actually for the sake of future generations. Existing to remind you."

"Remind me? Remind me of what?"

Zhuo Yifan was surprised.

"Remind you, don't do stupid things, let alone have a relationship with any woman from the Tyrant Clan. Remember, this is very important."

"What did you say? What's the secret behind this?"

"Yifan, believe me, you don't want this kind of result." Nuwa said quietly: "Find your own reincarnation disk, and you will understand everything."

Zhuo Yifan frowned and said, "Nuwa, you have lived from the last universe to the present. After countless years, you must have seen countless changes. Why don't you tell me what happened to my child Chi Tian?"

"Yifan, the Chitian God of War has made great contributions in the battle between good and evil. He has been looking for you all his life. His love for you is touching, but I can't tell him the truth, because the Light Alliance at that time needed His powerful combat power against the Dark Alliance, sorry."

"I just want to ask, what happened to him in the end?"

"He died in battle, at the hands of the Dark Lord."

Nu Wa sighed: "The Dark Lord is extremely powerful and invincible. In the final battle, the good and the evil will fight, and the lives will be destroyed. There are countless casualties. There are not many fighters left in our Light Alliance. What happened in the end? I don't remember either."

Zhuo Yifan frowned and said, "How could you not remember?"

"At that time, there was a shocking explosion, and everything in the universe returned to nothingness. Even us survivors didn't know how we survived. The memory of that period of time is completely missing."

Zhuo Yifan suddenly remembered that when he entered the Samsara Star for the first time, Pangu and Nuwa didn't seem to know him, but Pangu told himself that it was the real Samsara who risked his life to stop the dark sage before he was saved. reincarnation star.

So from this point of view, it seems that Nu Wa at this time does not know this secret.

In this way, the only person who can prevent Tongtian from dying is himself.

And I did go to that moment and saved Nuwa and other survivors.

It's just that when I first met Nüwa Pangu and others, there was no Tongtian.

Could it be that Tongtian really died in that accident?

So, he needs reincarnation?

"Yifan, it has been countless years since the last universe was destroyed. This time, we have learned our lesson and stopped interfering with the development and operation of this universe. We even created all kinds of creatures, educated them, and guided them. "

"This overlord is a race I created. They have a very important mission, and you must help them complete it." Nuwa said quietly: "You asked me to tell [you] this sentence."

Zhuo Yifan's eyes flashed brightly, and he guessed right.

I really traveled back more than once, the power hidden on the steps of Qingtian Peak, the fairy stones buried underground, and the information on the exercises left on the stone steps...

All of these are not random, but have deep intentions.

Zhuo Yifan said: "You haven't told me whether my Chi Tian has been reincarnated yet."

"I don't know. Over the long years, I have seen too many super geniuses, but none of them are like Chitian. I'm sorry, Yifan. Maybe he has been completely wiped out in ancient times like other ancestor gods."

"No, I don't believe it. Chi Tian and I have an agreement for thousands of generations. If the stone of death is still there, he will definitely be reincarnated." Zhuo Yifan clenched his fists in pain.

Chi Tian is definitely the softest part of his heart.

Those days of being together day and night, those sincere and deep friendships are deeply rooted in the soul and are irreplaceable.

Compared with the strangeness between Zhuo Ye and him, it seems that Chi Tian is his own son.

"Yifan, you should know that even if you are reincarnated, you don't necessarily keep your previous memories. You have been reincarnated countless times, do you remember anything from your previous life?"

Zhuo Yifan was stunned for a moment.

That's right, he was told that he had been reincarnated for thousands of lives, but he himself couldn't remember any of his lives.

The agreement with Chi Tian's thousand generations has reached the last one.

If he can't find him in this life, the fate of thousands of lives will be considered as a blindness.

Zhuo Yifan absolutely cannot tolerate this kind of thing happening!

"Nuwa, since you have become ancestor gods and no longer care about the affairs of the world, then don't meddle in my affairs. No matter what, I will find Chitian."

Zhuo Yifan yelled loudly and knocked down heavily.

At this moment, bright light suddenly burst out from his Soul-eating staff, and the huge spiritual power stored in it burst out suddenly, blessing Zhuo Yifan's body.

His man broke free from the shackles violently, and his head hit the ground heavily.

"Yifan... the past is over... why bother to be persistent, you will... regret it."

When the last faint spiritual thought came, the entire temple shook violently as if a magnitude 12 earthquake had occurred.


All of a sudden, the idol exploded, turning into thousands of fragments, and blasting away in all directions.

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