super unscrupulous student

Chapter 8536 The Secret of the Altar

Zhuo Yifan came out with a relaxed expression, holding the Soul Eater Staff, smiling, his face full of spring breeze, there was no sense of tension at all.

The Soul Devouring Staff was circling in his hand, waving it casually, like a toy in the hands of a child, and the three of them were speechless for a while.

Zhuo Yifan is probably the only one who doesn't take the super artifact seriously!

"Brother Yuan, I knew you wouldn't let me down."

"Brother Yuan, you came out at the right time, the Ba Clan needs you."

"My lord envoy, you have finally succeeded, and the Tyrant Clan is saved."

There was excitement and peace of mind in the expressions of the three of them.

It seemed that as long as Zhuo Yifan appeared, all the difficulties would no longer be difficulties, and the feeling of being heavy in his heart disappeared instantly.

"Master Envoy, please."

The Ba Clan's voice transmission is very concise, but very sincere: "This is our Ba Clan's last line of defense, we have no way out, Master God Envoy, the life and death of 50 clansmen are in your hands, you can only succeed and not fail .”

Zhuo Yifan smiled bitterly and said, "Master Patriarch, you think highly of me, this burden is too heavy, I can only do my best."

"Thank you!"

The patriarch responded lightly.

200 miles away, there was a sudden burst of murderous intent, and the entire sky changed color.

Countless black clouds surged from the sky, seeming to engulf the entire world.

The loud cracking sound continued, and beams of brilliance shot up into the sky, like a messy fireworks scene, and the roars of various strange beasts were shocking even if they were hundreds of miles apart.

Zhuo Yifan couldn't help but think of the situation when he first arrived in Qingtian City and faced hundreds of lions, rocks and beasts.

At that time, hundreds of strange beasts had that kind of power, but now, at least hundreds of thousands of strange beasts are rushing in, and that kind of formation is simply shocking.

He finally understood what the six altars in Qingtian Peak were prepared for.

The time has indeed come.

Therefore, knowing that there were hundreds of thousands of alien beasts ahead, he still did not rush.

This kind of unhurriedness is spiritual. In fact, he has already seized the time.

Because he knew that if he was delayed for a second, an innocent soldier would be injured or even die.

"let's go."

Zhuo Yifan grabbed Ba Xian and flew away.

Although the suppression of this world is great, Zhuo Yifan's current strength is not weak, and he uses Void Dungeon at an astonishingly fast speed.

To enter Qingtian City, one must climb over Qingtian Peak.

Because, even if there is a seal of heaven, it must be activated at the core of the big formation in the city.

And this kind of thing, Zhuo Yifan has done it once before, so he is very familiar with the location and process.

Everything is under control.

When Zhuo Yifan left, he left the imprint of Void Dun along the way.

This kind of fluctuation is somewhat similar to spiritual power, but it is definitely not the same. Therefore, even if they sense these subtle fluctuations, the Tyrants will not connect them.

Now in order to save time, Zhuo Yifan directly used Void Dungeon, just like a real fairy.

Seeing this supernatural power, everyone in the Tyrant Clan applauded and was deeply encouraged.

When he came to Qingtian Peak, Zhuo Yifan was taken aback.

It is difficult to estimate how many 50 people there are without seeing it with their own eyes.

Especially for the Ba clan, the 50 is actually just a rough figure. They don't like to study, and they obviously don't have much interest in population registration.

There are heads everywhere in this darkness, it is simply a sea of ​​people.

It was even more frightening when everyone gathered under the mountain peak, it seemed as if they were going to fill up the valley.

Seeing Zhuo Yifan flying in the air, they all knelt down and prayed loudly.

At this moment, God caused the image of the adult to be infinitely magnified, becoming the god in their minds.

Zhuo Yifan's heart moved, but he was a little surprised.

He felt a familiar force of faith gathering.

However, this power of faith did not enter his body, but directly entered the [Soul Devouring Staff].

The Soul Devouring Staff is vast and boundless, and the power it can hold is simply too terrifying.

These powers of faith poured in, not even a drop of spray could be splashed.

Zhuo Yifan came to the second altar and put Ba Xian down.

"Brother Yuan, you must save them."

Looking at the pious Ba Clan people below, a trace of sadness flashed in Ba Xian's eyes.

"Don't worry!" Zhuo Yifan smiled confidently: "I will do my best."

He took a deep breath and walked up to the third altar.

On the steps, a vast force pressed down, and Zhuo Yifan took a step, as if he was resisting a mountain, and he was struggling.

Fortunately, his purpose is not to climb up directly, but to absorb the spiritual power in the steps.

According to the rules of Void Dun, this spiritual power has spread throughout the stair space. It has gradually increased for countless years, and now it has reached a terrifying amount.

Only a magical spiritual artifact like the [Soul Devourer Staff] can accommodate it.

Zhuo Yifan raised the Soul Devouring Staff, inserted it fiercely on the steps, and then stood on one side with his hands behind his back, not caring about it anymore.

The place where he inserted it was of course a carefully selected entrance, just like the socket of a socket, it fit perfectly with the Soul Devouring Staff.

Immediately, the vast spiritual power contained on the entire stone ladder continuously poured into the Soul Devouring Staff.

Fortunately, Qi Ling has fallen into a permanent deep sleep at this moment, and no matter how hard he tosses, it is impossible to wake up, otherwise, with such a huge power under its control, Zhuo Yifan is really not sure if it will have a different heart.

Baxian looked at Zhuo Yifan in surprise.

She thought of countless ways for Zhuo Yifan to break the formation, and even made up countless pictures in her mind.

But Zhuo Yifan turned out to be so relaxed, just inserting the Soul Eater staff lightly and it was over, it was beyond her expectation!

Under the valley and at the foot of the mountain, there are people from the Ba clan everywhere.

There are adults, there are children, and there are girls.

They all looked at Qingtian Peak and that sacred figure with anticipation.

Constant prayer, constant chanting, and hymns of praise resounded through the entire mountain.

At this moment, their unprecedented unity and unprecedented piety.

Endless power of faith drifted along and entered the staff.

Zhuo Yifan felt that the staff was like a real [empty space], vast and boundless, no matter how much power it had, it was not enough to fill it.

On the steps, an inexplicable aura surged and faded layer by layer.

Ba Xian said in shock: "Brother Yuan, this is really possible, I feel that the pressure on the stone ladder is gone now."

She happily ran over and stepped directly on the stone ladder, jumping and cheering endlessly: "My lord has succeeded, my lord has succeeded."

Hearing her voice, the people below were even more excited, cheering continuously, the atmosphere was very warm.

"Sister Fairy, don't mess around, the energy of the stone ladder has not been absorbed yet."

Zhuo Yifan hadn't finished speaking when Baxian yelled and rolled down the stone ladder.

Zhuo Yifan stretched out his big hand and hugged her into his arms.

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