super unscrupulous student

Chapter 8557 4 parties meet

Everyone didn't know that although he was still exploring the treasures, in fact these treasures were swallowed up by Zhuo Yifan alone.

They are all exploring in Zhuo Yifan's world of the Kingdom of God.

As a result, many of the original restrictions became much simpler, which reduced the rare moments of everyone living treasures, and everyone was happy and felt unprecedentedly excited.

Even Miss Fang was immersed in treasure hunting and couldn't extricate herself.

After obtaining the inheritance, she began to explore in the secret realm again, constantly discovering magic weapons such as flying swords.

With her usual indifference, she couldn't help but get excited.

This is a series of adventures, luck is too good.

Miss Fang felt joy in her heart, and she became more and more energetic.

But he didn't know that all of this was Zhuo Yifan's bait, the more he got, the more entanglements he had.

The Xingtian secret treasure disappeared, and the outside world was in an uproar.

Ba Xian was surprised and said: "No, people have set up a large formation here. If you forcefully cross it, you will need to consume a lot of power in the world. It will be fine if the world is stable, but now the world has just taken shape and is very fragile. I You can't borrow too much power."

Zhuo Yifan smiled faintly: "We are old friends, since we are here, wouldn't it be impolite to leave without saying hello?

He stepped forward, and he was already standing on the field. Looking back, the original altar had become a haze, without any mysterious atmosphere, just like an ordinary place.

In the wilderness where there was a battle with the natives, there were no corpses, and the smell of blood hadn't dissipated, and the mountain wind was blowing, which felt a little weird.

But at this moment, another group of people occupied the original position.

Although their number is not tens of thousands, they are even stronger.

As for Zhuo Yifan, there were only two people this time.

"Amitabha, table benefactor, you really did not disappoint the little monk, you got the biggest treasure right away, congratulations."

Cheng Wu's golden cassock is extremely dazzling, and the staff in his hand is also shining with golden light, surrounded by flying runes, with a bewitching aura, like a soaring monk who has attained the Tao.

Zhuo Yifan's eyes lit up: "Congratulations, Master, for making another breakthrough. It seems that Master will change his name again soon!"

The four generations of Yuan Tianchengkong are also the four major levels and great realms in the "Blissful Bible", and each level has undergone earth-shaking changes.

And the most intuitive change in their appearance is the color of the cassock and staff, which changes because of their power.

Zhuoye stood beside him in a daze, wearing a silver-white cassock that looked equally eye-catching, standing there, neither happy nor sad, even more majestic than Kongwu.

He didn't even look at Zhuo Yifan.

Zhuo Yifan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he felt a dull pain in his heart, but he didn't show it.

Beside the two of them stood a large number of natives.

These natives looked fanatical but pious, and they seemed to have become believers of the two.

Zhuo Yifan couldn't help but sneered: "The master is really powerful. Wherever he goes, the disciples will follow him. The Buddha's light is so great!"

"Hehe, it's the same with Benefactor Zhuo. Wherever he goes, troubles follow him, and there's no way to stop it." Even Cheng Wu's eyes began to glow with gold, and the flickering between his words was extremely majestic.

Zhuo Yifan was a little speechless. Will this guy even pee golden in the late stage of cultivation?

Zhuo Yifan was a little disgusted by the lingering spirit of Kongwu.

"Benefactor Zhuo, in fact, you are not fighting alone, we are your firm allies."

Cheng Wu's words were astonishing, and everyone was stunned.

The Reaper Alliance also occupied a large area, and the black air soared into the sky, covering half of the sky.

They were all dressed in black robes, with gloomy and crazy faces, and they also looked at Dongfang Liang with extreme fanaticism.

Zhuo Yifan was very familiar with this adoring gaze, and he couldn't help but secretly sighed.

It seems that although the true gods have disappeared, their method of using believers has been passed down.

It's just that this method is generally in the hands of a very small number of masters, and ordinary people can't touch it at all.

"Zhuo Yifan, you are enemies on all sides, this time I want to see how you resolve it."

Dongfang Liang's eyes are like two black holes, they don't seem to be moving, but as long as you pay attention, you will find that the whole world is being pulled by it, and it is extremely scary to enter it.

He also hated Zhuo Yifan deeply.

In the waking state, he even had a feud with Zhuo Yifan for murdering his son. Once he had the opportunity, he would never let it go.

Similarly, his strength also seems to have skyrocketed, and the death scythe is casually held in his hand, but it seems to be holding the gate of the entire hell, trying to wipe out all living beings.

Looking at Zhuo Yifan's eyes, there was an undisguised killing intent.

On the other side, the members of the Dark Alliance were also furious, staring at Zhuo Yifan.

Yulong yelled: "Zhuo Yifan, if you dare to fight against our fox clan, you are destined to have no good results. If you surrender now, we can still send you off lightly, otherwise don't blame us for being ruthless."

"Yulong, this Zhuo Yifan once frightened me, you can't let him go so easily." Yuchan poked her head out from Yulong's arms, gave Zhuo Yifan a hard look, but then shrank back in fright, rather cute.

Yulong said dotingly: "Okay, I will avenge you if I have the chance."

Xuanyuan Lieyang looked at Zhuo Yifan coldly, and said with disdain: "You are considered a child of the human race, Zhuo Yifan? Huh, what a hero I am. Zhang Wang, you are the one who tried to sneak into my dark plane, right?"

"It turned out to be you." Zhuo Yifan was shocked and said, "Why did you come here? Could it be that you are impatient?"

The former sentence made Xuanyuan Lieyang feel very refreshed, the kid was scared to pee when he heard his reputation, but why did the latter sentence sound so weird?

He was furious, his eyes were like blazing sun, and the flames were tumbling: "Zhuo Yifan, you are so courageous, you dare to challenge me as the Immortal King during the Mahayana period?"

"Well, it's true that it's a bit too much to challenge the Immortal King during the Mahayana period." Zhuo Yifan said with a smile: "How about the real immortal cultivation base?"

Everyone is puzzled.

But seeing a white light suddenly appearing from Zhuo Yifan's body, his momentum changed suddenly, and the surrounding wind was surging.

Dongfang Liang gritted his teeth and cursed: "Zhuo Yifan, you are so shameless, you deliberately chose this time to cross the catastrophe!"

"Brother Dongfang, you and I are both human, why do you not understand? Do I look like that kind of person?"

Zhuo Yifan spread his hands innocently.

The surrounding masters immediately retreated like a tide.

Xuanyuan Lieyang was so angry that his seven orifices were filled with smoke, so he wanted to go up and kill Zhuo Yifan, but Yulong grabbed him: "Master Lieyang, don't get angry, this person is full of hostility and demons in his heart, if he can overcome the tribulation successfully Strange, and this place is in the cracks of time and space. Even if he succeeds in crossing the catastrophe, he is only a mere true immortal, and it is impossible to ascend to the fairy world. It’s not worth the candle.”

"Thank you, sir, for reminding me, I was too reckless." Xuanyuan Lieyang broke into a cold sweat, and felt that Zhuo Yifan was disgusting.

"Damn it, this bastard Zhuo Yifan must have figured it out. It's too insidious to try to frame me. I think Mr. Priest is smart enough to see through his plot at a glance. Let's retreat."

With a big wave of the old guy's hand, the foxes and wolves were replaced by the people of the four clans, and they disappeared far away.

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