super unscrupulous student

Chapter 8574 The Great Migration

The first group of believers gathered on Yinjia Continent, waiting for Zhuo Yifan.

Zhuo Yifan came to Yinjia Continent through the teleportation array.

The first group of people were all believers, among them, among the objects of relocation, schools were the key points.

Wang Yan'er, Zhou Jing, and Xia Xiaoyu are responsible for the statistics and planning of universities across the country.

These are the future of Tianyao Sect and the foundation of the kingdom of God, so they must be taken seriously.

Among them, the most famous one is [Tianyao Academy], which is a key college with Wang Yan'er personally serving as the dean, which is equivalent to the status of Peking University and Tsinghua University in the hearts of Chinese people.

Student Qianqian, enter first.

Zhuo Yifan's appearance in the sky immediately attracted cheers from the crowd like a tsunami. Everyone was so excited that they worshiped the savior one after another.

People who have known what happened in other continents are full of gratitude to Zhuo Yifan, and the number of fans is increasing every day.

In order not to affect the current social order, Zhuo Yifan didn't want to build a harmonious society of Datong, but just tried to be as equal as possible.

In fact, the gap between rich and poor, high or low status, is not inherent, and has a very important relationship with personal ability and conduct.

Even if everyone stands on the same starting line, it won't take ten or eight years, but after half a year, there will be a very obvious gap between the rich and the poor and a change in status among these people.

It is better to teach people to fish than to teach them to fish. Therefore, Tianyao Sect will not deliberately do anything, but strive to create a harmonious social system, so that everyone has clothes to wear, food to eat, and income from work.

Of course, absolute fairness and justice cannot be achieved, and there are some things that need to be fought for by oneself.

And some people are born with bad roots, which cannot be eradicated.

Zhuo Yifan just smiled and waved, and the believers were so excited that tears filled their eyes.

Being able to see the true god with his own eyes, and the adult even smiled at himself, just for this, can become the greatest pride of the family and the capital for bragging in the future.

Zhuo Yifan didn't do anything, he shared his soul transmission and told everyone to live a good life, then he turned and left to go to the second place.

The people were all stunned, why did Lord True God leave without doing anything?

Didn't he say that he would lead everyone to the kingdom of God? Was it a lie?

This square, this teleportation array, this sculpture, all of these have not changed at all!

It was the real surprise when these people returned home full of doubts.

I saw that the place where I used to live had completely changed.

Rows of palace-like houses are neat and orderly, and the asphalt roads are straight.

Gardens, parks, government buildings, etc. are all available.

Looking at this familiar yet unfamiliar place, everyone realized that they had already entered the Kingdom of God unknowingly.

On the whole land, there is a fresh and charming atmosphere. Even ordinary people who don't know how to practice know that it is because of the spiritual energy.

The cultivator was even more excited and knelt down on the ground, bowing to the true god again and again.

Here, it is simply a fairyland!

The relocation of hundreds of millions of people did not cause any disputes or conflicts, not only because of the large number of believers, but also because of the iron-blooded and invincible Tian Yaozong to maintain order, no one dared to mess around.

Of course, there are still small episodes.

For example, after entering some rich houses, they suddenly found that the poor people who lived next to them actually owned the same mansion as themselves.

These were harmless and were quickly suppressed.

Those who made mistakes were dealt with in a low-key manner by Tian Yaozong.

As for how to deal with it, it is up to the benevolent to see the benevolent and the wise to see the wisdom. Anyway, this kind of person has never appeared in everyone's life since then.

Zhuo Yifan went to several places to take the believers into the Kingdom of God for resettlement.

If Zhuo Yifan was himself, he would definitely throw everyone in at will and let himself develop.

But Xia Yunshui, Yunyao, Shen Jiayi and other business genius wives, as well as Xie Dongting and Song Yingjie, a group of earth elites, all have a stubborn understanding and recognition of the social system.

Therefore, on the premise of not disturbing the original living environment of the believers, the whole relocation has made some changes to become more standardized and perfect, and truly established a perfect world.

This society no longer simply relies on the beliefs of believers. Of course, beliefs are still the most important part, and many scientific and advanced management concepts have also been introduced.

Everything is still in the experimental integration stage, and it needs to develop slowly.

But for believers living in the Kingdom of God, they have too much time to do these things.

Zhuo Yifan is good at being a hands-off shopkeeper. He took these people in, but he was too busy for everyone.

And he did it all in less than two hours.

As a result, in the entire Tianyao Continent, there are only some diehards and some vicious unknown associations left.

These people, either some local hooligans left in Tianyao Continent, or some demons who don't trust Zhuo Yifan, plus some masters who escaped from other continents, formed a small group to oppose Zhuo Yifan rule.

For this kind of people, Zhuo Yifan is not a fucking saint, why should he take care of them?

So, these guys were pleasantly surprised to find that they were the only ones left in the originally overcrowded city.

Then they panicked again.

Where did all these people go?

At this moment, the Death Alliance army is attacking strongly.

The days of relying on Tian Yaozong's protection seemed to be coming to an end.

At this moment, Tian Yaozong issued a call-up order, calling on everyone to join the army to prevent the Death Alliance from invading.

These people just sneered, hum, they want us to be your Tianyaozong's guns, dreaming.

Anyway, this is Zhuo Yifan's territory, so he can't ignore it.

As the saying goes, when the sky falls and there is a big man supporting it, they are not worried at all.

After Zhuo Yifan moved all the believers and related people to the Kingdom of God, he ordered his disciples to use all the resources to set up a big battle formation in every city.

His purpose is simply to kill the living combat power of the Death God Alliance.

Since Tianyao Continent has been abandoned by him, of course they can't get any benefits.

As for the person who stays inside, what does it matter to him if he dies?

The war without scruples was very cool.

Zhuo Yifan stayed comfortably in the palace of the Nether Tower, but Ba Xian was a little displeased: "It's too gloomy here, husband, can you make it brighter?"

Zhuo Yifan was taken aback, honestly speaking, he had never thought about this question.

This palace was like this from the beginning, and he never wanted to change it in the past. He just woke up when he heard what Baxian said. It turned out that this was already his treasure. But it doesn't match his image of a sunny and handsome guy at all!

Every time the wives come here, they are just OOXX, without even enjoying the scenery, which is really a failure and shameless.

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