super unscrupulous student

Chapter 8578 Gray suggestion

After a group of people resigned, only Zhuo Yifan Baxian and Hua Bai were left in the hall.

Zhuo Yifan looked at Hua Bai: "Tell me, what's going on?"

Hua Bai said with a sneer: "Boss, it's not that I want to steal your limelight, these bastards are more familiar with me."

"I'm not talking about that, what's going on with the treasure house?"

Zhuo Yifan's eyes were burning.

"Oh, you mean this! Isn't this just some... treasures I searched everywhere." Hua Bai sighed: "In the treasure house, there are some items stored by themselves, which are protected by the space-time magic circle. Since they Wake up, of course it's theirs."

Zhuo Yifan always felt that something was wrong, but thinking about it, these people's cultivation bases were extremely terrifying. Since they were sealed by the Time and Space Seal, they must not carry anything on their bodies.

Ba Xian said: "My husband, these guys dare to capture the creatures of Samsara Continent as slaves, it's really disgusting."

Zhuo Yifan smiled wryly and said, "It shouldn't be that cruel, at most it's a conscript, conscript!"

Ba Xian sighed: "It's a pity that the current Samsara Continent has completely changed, and I don't know if the creatures in it still exist."

Zhuo Yifan said: "In that case, why don't we go and have a look?"

The Continent of Samsara is the world of Feng Tianling, and it is currently existing in the nether world, which is a part of the six realms of reincarnation.

In this way, it seems reasonable for Long Batian and the others to arrest these people as errands, after all, everyone is part of the six realms of reincarnation.

In a blink of an eye, two people and one dog appeared in Qingtian City.

Looking at the majestic city wall, Ba Xian's eyes were a bit complicated, and dusty memories kept emerging.

She looked at Zhuo Yifan with tenderness in her eyes.

It was a chance encounter outside the city that destined for an immortal love for thousands of years.

This love is heavy and sweet.

"I want to visit the Ba Clan." Ba Xian snuggled into Zhuo Yifan's arms and said softly.

At this moment, she was as gentle as a little daughter-in-law, and she could no longer see the domineering and savagery she used to be.

Zhuo Yifan nodded lightly, his eyes darkened, but he still said, "Okay."

According to the direction in memory, Zhuo Yifan was flying.

His speed is not fast, as if he is visiting the scenery.

I didn't use a powerful divine sense to detect it, because it wasn't necessary.

In life, it is better to keep some expectations and secrets.

Across the wilderness, gradually deepening, thousands of miles away, there is still a wilderness.

The expected situation did not appear.

Ba Xian's eyes were a little dazed, she jumped down, lingered in front of those seemingly familiar but unfamiliar hillsides, and stopped in front of those mountain walls, as if she had returned to that era of life.

Some strange but familiar faces appeared in front of her eyes, her long-lost memory was opened, and a teardrop finally dripped from the corner of her eye.

"Sister Fairy, don't be sad. This is the law of nature. No one can live forever, and there are things that never change. It is enough to have me by your side. I will accompany you forever."

Zhuo Yifan gently embraced her and said softly.

Ba Xian said quietly: "Actually, I understand all this, but it is inevitable that I feel a little sad when I touch the scene."

Huabai said: "Therefore, the Six Paths of Reincarnation must be established. Only when the Six Paths of Reincarnation exists can all living beings have a destination. Death is not the end, but just another beginning."

"You're right, husband Yifan, you must work hard to collect reincarnation fragments, and absolutely don't let the Death God Alliance succeed."

"Don't worry! After this battle, we will go to the Immortal Realm to repair the barriers of the Three Realms." Zhuo Yifan said: "The barriers of the Three Realms are indeed necessary to exist, no, they must exist. In the whole world, only I can It's fixed, I have to go."

"This news must not be known by the God of Death Alliance, otherwise, they will use all means to kill you." Ba Xian was worried.

Zhuo Yifan didn't understand: "If the barriers of the Three Realms are broken, the universe will be destroyed sooner or later, and the Death Alliance is no exception. Why do they do this? Isn't this digging their own grave?"

Hua Bai said: "There are some people who think that everyone is drunk and the only one is sober. They are extremely extreme. They think that in order to change the whole world, they must eliminate all the bad things in this world and then rebuild them. Such lunatics can be found everywhere. .”

Zhuo Yifan said: "It's just that what they didn't expect was that when the world is destroyed, they will be no exception."

"That's why they came up with the gimmick of reincarnation of the six realms, using the gimmick of the god of the underworld, Tardis, to fool those believers." Hua Bai said contemptuously: "Actually, if they really want to have an afterlife, it is the best choice to seek refuge with you, the boss." .The most ridiculous thing is that they still come up with a pass, hmph, thinking that they can pretend to be a real hell with a few bull-headed horse noodles, it's just naive. "

Zhuo Yifan was a little distressed: "But we can't expose them."

"You don't have to expose it. People who can be bewitched by the Death Alliance are not good things in themselves. They are full of negative energy and take destroying the world as their own responsibility. They are not worthy of sympathy." Hua Bai gritted his teeth: "I suggest that after you open the prison, boss, These people were all captured and used as prisoners."

Zhuo Yifan frowned: "Wouldn't it be better to kill him?"

"No, these people are very weird. They are better alive than dead." Hua Bai said: "I have studied some members of the Death Alliance, and there is a trace of mysterious imprint in their bodies. Once they die, the imprint will return to an unknown time and space. Among them, the stronger the person, the stronger the mark, if they don't die, the mark will naturally not return, and the master messenger behind the scenes will not get the slightest benefit."

Zhuo Yifan was taken aback: "You mean they are all controlled by others, like believers?"

"It's not the kind of control that believers have, but another kind. How to put it, it's like grazing. These masters are all livestock. The imprint absorbs their vitality to grow continuously, and at the same time provides them with powerful power to benefit each other. Once dead, it returns."

Zhuo Yifan nodded and said: "I understand. This imprint is planted in their bodies by the mastermind behind the scenes and cultivated with human bodies, but the mastermind behind the scenes can only be harvested after these people die naturally."

"That's roughly what it means. If we imprison them, not only will the black hands behind them not get the slightest benefit, but they will suffer huge losses. This is the best way to attack the Reaper Alliance."

Zhuo Yifan was thoughtful: "Could it be that those passports are seals?"

"That's right, the black hand behind the scenes has a very high vision. He doesn't look down on ordinary masters at all. Only those who have a pass are the targets of his herding, and we will target them and put them in prison. , seal it." Hua Bai said excitedly: "This is really exciting to think about! No matter how powerful the mastermind behind the scenes is, it is impossible to find the center of your Kingdom of God, boss. This place is definitely the most secretive prison in the world."

Zhuo Yifan couldn't help laughing.

Indeed, his Divine Kingdom World is definitely the most secret place in the world.

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