super unscrupulous student

Chapter 8626 Mysterious Master

Hades Tadis?

A hint of doubt appeared in Dongfang Liang's eyes, followed by surprise.

It turns out that the Six Paths of Reincarnation is true, as long as you have a pass, you can be reincarnated.

There was a trace of coldness in his eyes: "Zhuo Yifan, I will let you dance for a few days first, and when I control my strength, it will be your death."

He let out a roar, and thousands of hell dogs below trembled and fell to their knees.

The next moment, the black air all over the sky gathered, and the huge body continued to shrink.

On the contrary, his breath became more and more terrifying.

In the end, it condensed into a tall body of about two meters, and the black sickle also shrank accordingly. With a light wave, a deep imprint appeared in the void, which could not be closed for a long time.

Dongfang Liang laughed wildly, swung his sickle suddenly, and slashed forward fiercely.

A space portal then appeared, and he opened his big hand back, countless black air spread, covering the heads of all the three-headed hell dogs. The next moment, all the three-headed dogs disappeared, and Dongfang Liang stepped into the space portal and disappeared not see.

The dead world once again returned to calm, without wind or sound.

A voice sighed: "You pretended to be me and deceived Dongfang Liang. Is it really good to do this? Why?"

"You haven't spoken for a full 1000 years, I thought you would never speak in your life." A man's indifferent voice sounded from the void.

"Congratulations, you have successfully reincarnated again and found yourself. Does this mean that a new reincarnation has begun?" This voice was exactly the female voice just now, but it seemed more flat and gentle.

"Hehehe, you don't want to make a move. I can only rely on your strength and image. Dongfang Liang is a potential seed, and he will definitely not let me down." The man said.

"I don't understand. For so many years, you have countless opportunities to reverse the situation and end everything. Why do you use so many tricks and waste tens of millions of years? For what?"

"You don't understand, Tardis, although you are my most proud disciple, you stand too low to see a lot of things." The man sighed: "Of course there is a reason for me to do this .”

"Your reason requires hundreds of millions of souls to pay the bill, which is not fair."

"It's just some failed works. No matter how many there are, what's the use?" The man said in a low voice: "You have been in charge of the six realms of reincarnation for many years, and you should have seen all human nature. They don't deserve sympathy at all. It's just a hundred years. Flick of the fingers, after reincarnation, the past is forgotten, and everything starts again, but they are still the same, or repeat the same mistakes, this kind of creature, itself is flawed, if it is not destroyed, the universe will collapse."

"I just want to create a truly perfect world. If the dross is not cleaned, the world will be destroyed sooner or later. In this case, why not let me do it myself?"

"The existence of everything in the world is reasonable. What do you think of the perfect Yuan Clan? They haven't been eliminated by the universe. The survival of the fittest in this world, the fact that the human race can become the current master has proved their potential."

"If it weren't for the despicable humanity of these humans, why would the Yuanzu be destroyed? Look, what have they done?" The man said angrily, "The damage they have done to this universe for a long time cannot be healed, except for destruction. There is no second way out."

Tadis sighed: "In this case, teacher, you just destroy them directly, why bother? Also, what kind of existence is Zhuo Yifan, is it worth your trouble?"

"As I said, you already have a good understanding of this world, but it's not thorough enough." There was a strangeness in the man's voice: "I will tell you this secret at the end. , is the time when the Six Paths of Samsara is reconstituted, you, my dear disciple, will become the latest weapon spirit of the Six Paths of Samsara."

Tardis smiled coldly and said, "Then I wish the teacher an early success."

"For so many years, every time I reincarnated, I would ask you where the rest of the people went, but you never said. This time, you probably won't tell me, right?"

"Since the teacher knows my character, he shouldn't ask again."

"Actually, I already knew it, but I still want to ask you to prove it." The man said: "I have searched the entire Three Realms, but there is only one place that I cannot enter, and I dare not enter, and that is the dark place." Plane, where the real body of the 18th true god is hidden, right?"

It would be horrifying to hear their conversation.

The legendary 18 true gods are not dead, but are still hiding in the dark plane!

This news is really amazing.

Tardis didn't speak. As the former god of the underworld, her willpower is unmatched by anyone in the world. No one can force her to tell the secret she doesn't want to tell.

Tadis didn't speak, but the man knew that he had guessed right. He smiled and said, "This is indeed a good move. No one knows that they hid in the lair of their deadly enemy. If people from the dark plane know this news I don’t know if they will be scared to retreat immediately.”

"Teacher, I don't understand one thing. If this universe is destroyed, what will happen to the Dark Plane?" Tardis asked.

"No one knows, but this universe is the original universe, and other spaces or dimensional planes are attached to it. Once the main body is destroyed, it is really hard to say whether these attached secrets or spaces can still exist."

"Destroying the world, what good is it for you, teacher?"

"It's not good, but it's good for this universe. After death, we can do better in the new universe. At that time, there will be no despicable and dirty human beings, only the perfect race we created. Everything will be summarized in the six reincarnations. Everyone will live forever. .”

"This is the perfect world in the teacher's mind? A perfect race, repeating a perfect life? Tired of living and reincarnated to live again?" Tardis laughed: "I don't think this is meaningful, it has nothing to do with the walking dead What's the difference?"

"Only in this way can we stop fighting and stop destroying this world." The man sighed, "Creating a new universe is my greatest wish in this life."

Tadis asked suspiciously: "But what does all of this have to do with Zhuo Yifan? He is just a true demon who has just passed the tribulation."

"A real devil possesses the power of a devil king. Doesn't that explain anything?" The man smiled: "But it's not enough. His strength is too weak, and he needs to be honed and grown up."

"It turns out that the person you really want to train is Zhuo Yifan, and Dongfang Liang is just the whetstone you used to sharpen him?" Tardis sneered, "But in my memory of the Six Realms of Reincarnation, there has never been anything about his reincarnation. what kind of monster is he?"

The man chuckled and said, "What is he? I think people all over the universe are thinking about this question. In fact, I have been pursuing this question too. When he finds the 18 true gods, maybe we will know who he is. "

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