super unscrupulous student

8631 - Battle of Survival 2

Such a powerful beast, even a magic cannon had to be aimed at it to kill it, but it was killed by Yulong's finger.

This kind of miraculous skill is shocking.

But Yulong frowned and said, "I didn't expect this strange beast to have three hearts, no wonder it's so powerful."

He stepped forward casually and grabbed it with his big hand.


The invisible hand directly crushed the three-headed flying eagle the size of a passenger plane, wrapped in runes, and the blood energy gathered from the sky. The blood rain formed a vortex, frantically absorbing all the blood energy around it.

The collection of blood energy, like entering a bottomless pit, disappeared in an instant.

This process seems to be clear and clear, and it seems to be very slow, but in fact, it is extremely fast.

A look of horror appeared in the eyes of the four masters.

They themselves are beginning to comprehend the rules of time, and this time they feel even more deeply.

The eyes of the four of them looking at Yulong suddenly changed.

They understood that Yulong was deliberately instructing himself and the others, otherwise, they would not have been able to see all the changes clearly.

In an instant, the image of Yulong in their hearts has undergone a 180-degree reversal.

Such a selfless person, they have never seen before.

Every strong man who understands the rules of time does not want his secret to be known, let alone show it to others in detail.

Because in the eyes of experts, once they see through the changes in the opponent's space-time rules, it is very possible to find a flaw and cause huge damage in the battle.

In other words, everyone's perception is different, it's like covering the door, if people find out, there will be endless troubles.

But Yulong is selfless and publicly shows his feelings.

This man is either a fool or a saint.

No one would think that he is a fool, so he is a saint!

Although it was only for a short moment, the four of them seemed to have realized something, and combined their own perceptions, they instantly felt that the road ahead was smooth.

"Protect Lord Sacrifice, and absolutely no accidents are allowed."

Huozhu yelled, and the four masters surrounded Yulong, unfolding a space barrier, like an unbreakable safe.

If you want to hurt Yulong, you must break through their defenses.

These strange beasts seemed to have discovered their targets, and they came to kill them one after another.

The eyes of the soldiers were frightening and murderous, and the brilliance of various magic weapons reflected the space in a strange and strange way.

Whoosh whoosh!

The flying sword and the magic weapon flew into the sky, the sword was full of aura, strangling all directions.

Hundreds of people seem to be chaotic, but the breath is figured out, it is actually a battle formation.

"My lord, this is our military's unique killing battle formation. Once it starts to fight endlessly, it will be difficult for external enemies to attack. Don't worry, my lord."

Huozhu said in a deep voice.

Now that he knows the value of Yulong, he dare not be careless.

Yulong frowned slightly: "This battle formation... seems not quite right."

The four of them were stunned for a moment, a trace of sadness flashed in their eyes, but they didn't speak.

Yulong realized it for a while, but said angrily: "This is a death battle formation, and the soldiers' lives are used to form the formation. Once the battle formation is opened, they will surely die. Do these soldiers know?"

"My lord, we know, we know in practice, we have been waiting for this day to come, and for your lord, our sacrifice is worth it."

A captain hissed.

He only has the strength of a fairy, but under the boost of the battle formation, his attack is comparable to that of a golden fairy. He controls the flying sword to set up a death barrier in front, and all the birds that rush up are strangled.

But this kind of battle formation is based on the premise of consuming the vitality of the people who set up the formation.

Once the vitality is exhausted, the potential is also exhausted, and death is certain.

Yulong would never allow these innocent fighters to sacrifice for himself in vain, this is not his style.

"Stop it, you guys are too stupid to do this, things haven't reached this point yet."

"My lord, you are wrong. The danger of the matter is beyond your imagination." Huozhu said sadly: "We are almost sure that your identity and whereabouts must have been leaked, and they came for you."

Yulong was surprised and said: "Come here for me? This is impossible! I'm just a little real fairy!"

"My lord, there must be spies within us. They know that you are our only savior, so they want to kill you before you enter the imperial city."

Xiang Ba roared angrily: "Brothers, for the sake of the prosperity of the hundred clans, we must not let the enemy succeed, and we swear to protect Lord Sacrifice to the death."

"Swear to protect Lord Sacrifice to the death."

Everyone roared in unison, and the attack became even more tyrannical.

The entire sky, except for black and gray, is blood-colored, it is even scarier than hell.

Although the soldiers knew that they would die, they fought fiercely and fearlessly.

They are real warriors!

Just like my brothers from Tianyaozong, they are willing to give everything for themselves, including their lives.

At this moment, Yulong was deeply moved.

How could he just watch these innocent soldiers die for him?

Huozhu shouted: "Your Excellency, don't worry, the battle formation is enough to support us to rush to the teleportation platform."

Yulong said in a deep voice: "General Huozhu, in my opinion, we should not go to this teleportation platform. If there are really spies who leaked my whereabouts, then they must be sure that we will go to the teleportation platform. Not to mention that there is an army blocking us, it is not even known whether the teleportation platform is still in our hands."

Yulong looked ahead and said: "The enemy lured Senior Lie Yang away first. I guess Senior Lie Yang must be surrounded even if he is not in danger now. We can't count on him, we can only rely on ourselves now."

Huozhu was shocked and said: "My lord, what should we do now?"

Looking at the overwhelming alien army, everyone looked desperate.

Although they have the determination to die, but they can't see a hopeful future, which still makes people collapse.

Xiang Ba's eyes were red: "Even if you die, we will protect you, my lord, to break out of the encirclement."

Hu Chen, the general of the Tiger Clan, was also a fierce man, and shouted: "I don't believe we can't kill a bloody path."

Shi Po was calmer and wiser, frowning and said: "Even if the teleportation platform has not fallen at this moment, it is probably dangerous. There are enemies in all directions. Where can we go?"

Huozhu's face suddenly became happy, and said: "I have a place, maybe there is still a glimmer of life."

When everyone heard the words, they were not surprised, but rather terrified.

"No, the dark forest is a restricted area, and even the local aliens dare not go deep into it. If we enter rashly, we will surely die."

"That's right, it's clearly written in the clan's treasure book that no matter where the dark forest is, it's a restricted area, and our clan must never enter it."

"According to historical records, those who entered it never came out again."


Everyone objected.

"But do we still have a choice now?" Huo Zhu's eyes burst into flames: "The enemy is obviously coming prepared, we must not let them succeed. Going to the dark forest is the only way out."

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