super unscrupulous student

8633 - Battle of Survival 4

Huo Zhu lost his mind and said: "I never knew that the sky could be like this. I thought that our sky has always been gray."

The giant Xiangba also became silent, and sighed: "I have read the books of the clan, but their descriptions of the sky have never been more than a few words. A dishcloth that hasn't been washed, I didn't expect the real sky to be so beautiful."

The rest of the people also lamented that the recording crystal will record everything, and it must have brought incomparable shock to the world.

Yulong said: "Although the enemy's main general has perished, there are too many strange beasts. It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. Let's go."

"My lord, now that the enemy's general has fallen, shouldn't we go to the teleportation platform? This is a rare opportunity!"

Huozhu was a little puzzled, why the direction of Yulong's progress was still the dark forest.

"It's not that simple. The Ascension Platform is shrouded in a fog. My eyesight is not enough, so I can't see through it at all." Yuchan has returned to the appearance of a little fox, a little sluggish, with dull eyes.

Yulong said in a deep voice: "This shows that there is at least one master above the Golden Immortal sitting in the town. Apart from Senior Lie Yang, there is no second master of the Immortal King here, right?"

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words.

Immortal king-level aliens are simply terrifying!

Under normal circumstances, among the same level, the half-orc race is stronger than the alien race, but surpassing the Jinxian, the ability of the alien race is even stronger.

A fairy king of a foreign race can often face two or three masters of the same level, very powerful.

If there really is an immortal king, it would be almost the same as sending them to death if everyone went there.

"Brother Yulong, I'm so sleepy. I need to sleep. Be careful."

Yuchan said, her eyes closed slowly, and she fell asleep directly.

There was a trace of coldness in Yulong's eyes: "Let's go quickly, it will be too late if we are late."

Saying that, he took the lead and flew away.

Losing the ability of God's eyes, the surrounding space becomes utterly frenzied, like a broken road everywhere, driving too fast, the consequences will be disastrous.

Although everyone was far away, there was a roar from the Ascension Platform, and a terrifying aura shot up into the sky.


In mid-air, a giant palm slammed down, covering hundreds of miles.

The Ascension Platform was completely enveloped in it, and instantly turned into powder, sinking [-] meters deep, turning into a huge pit.

"Yulong, I want to see where you can escape."

The muffled thunder-like sound resounded thousands of miles around.


Above the sky, the group of beasts dodged, revealing a road.

Feeling something in Yulong's heart, he glanced at Feishengtai worriedly: "Everyone be careful, the enemy is coming."

Everyone was focused, and no one dared to be careless in the face of an enemy at the level of an immortal king.

If it weren't for the spiritual idol of Yulong, everyone probably wouldn't even have the slightest intention to resist.

At this moment, everyone is pulled together like a whole, moving rapidly under the guidance of Yulong.

Thousands of miles ahead, is the edge of the dark forest. Unlike the decadence in other places, this place is completely dead.

If other parts of the mainland are places where creatures live, then here is the world of undead.

It is full of a kind of dead air, which makes people daunting.

For those who rely on the aura of heaven and earth to live, it is even more forbidden.

Coming here, not only can't absorb the slightest aura, but also consume a lot of aura to maintain the shield and ensure your own safety.

Because these spirits of necromancy are very harmful to the human body, once contaminated, it is difficult to eradicate them.

This is also the reason why no one wants to get close to the dark forest. Entering it is tantamount to taking the chronic poison actively.

No one wants to come here unless it is absolutely necessary.

But now, feeling the terrifying aura of the Immortal King, everyone can't wait to teleport in.

The most dangerous place has become the safest place.

"Yulong, stay here! You have no chance."

A sky-shattering roar sounded, rumbling in the mid-air, and a terrifying divine sense seemed to shoot from radiation, covering the sky and the earth.

"Don't panic, just don't move."

Yulong said calmly.

During the sharing of hearts, everyone also felt his state of mind and immediately calmed down. Otherwise, under the oppression of the Immortal King's divine sense, it might be difficult to maintain calmness.

But even so, everyone still has doubts. They don't understand why hiding in the bushes like this can really escape the detection of the divine sense of the Immortal King level?

You know, the immortal king level divine sense is so powerful that even if you hide a hundred meters underground, you can't avoid it.

But more than 100 people just stood motionless under the treetops, can they really avoid it?

A powerful divine sense is like a radar scanning the area, everything is detailed.

"Hey, that's impossible."

The voice in mid-air revealed a trace of shock and anger: "Could it be possible that a mere true immortal can avoid the detection of my divine sense?"

Everyone looked at Yulong in shock, they didn't expect that he actually avoided the detection of the Immortal King-level divine sense, and even protected everyone.

This can only be described as a miracle.

After the divine sense detected it, Yulong put away his staff and said, "Let's move on, pay attention to the fluctuation of spiritual energy, this person may still be detecting nearby."

Everyone held their breath and restrained their aura, walking through the mountains and forests like ordinary people.

In the distance, the sky was slowly occupied by gray air currents and turned gray again.

Countless aliens searched everywhere.

Huozhu said in surprise: "My lord, why can't these alien races find us? We are right under their noses!"

Yulong waved his soul-eating staff lightly, and said with a smile: "Because their realm is not enough, they can only find us unless there are aliens at the golden fairy level who understand the rules of space. Unfortunately, they were all killed."

Xiang Ba exclaimed: "My lord's spatial rules are simply perfect. I don't think even the Immortal King-level aliens may be able to see through it!"

Yulong said: "Immortal king-level alien races are very sensitive. They are not only sensitive to energy mechanisms, but also very sensitive to heart fluctuations and spiritual energy fluctuations. I can fool them with the space maze, but I can't completely shield the spiritual energy fluctuations, so I need to stay still Move to be successful.”

Shi Po said: "Our supplies are almost exhausted. After entering the dark forest, how should we survive?"

Everyone was startled, this is a big problem.

After entering, there will be huge consumption all the time.

But everyone's resources are almost used up. It's like a hungry person walking into the desert. Without supplies, he will die sooner or later.

Yulong smiled faintly: "I have considered this issue a long time ago. These blood pills are enough for everyone to support for a period of time, so save them."

The blood pills he collected amounted to as many as a thousand, and each person divided ten of them, which was enough to last for a long time.

You must know that the lowest level of his blood pill is the level of a fairy, and it can't perfect all the power of a celestial master.

Most of the soldiers are true immortals, and one blood pill is equivalent to the superposition of ten full-blooded selves.

And 10 pieces are equivalent to 100 selves.

Even the most extravagant among them has never had so many reserve resources.

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