super unscrupulous student

Chapter 8648 Demon Lord's wish

Yulong was shocked.

He couldn't believe it. He didn't expect this person to be the mysterious person who left a secret book on Three Immortals.

So, what does he mean by leaving those things behind?

Mozun sighed and said: "I just planned ahead and wanted to lay a pawn in all walks of life, but I never thought that you were just a flag, but you could become the person who controls the chess game. By now, I have long since lost the pawn to control the chess game." I just want to make friends with you."

Yulong said: "According to what you said, back then, you also traveled in the world and became an adult?"

"Yes, I have countless distractions, and I have created a thousand machine changes. I think you know this magical skill. Through the demons, this world has no secrets from me, unless it is an immortal king, because in this world, unless I personally act No one has the ability to test the Immortal King."

"I have incarnated countless times and wandered in the Three Realms. I have also seen the long struggle of the human race from slave to master, and the gradual decline of the Yuan race."

"The more I look at it, the more I can't calm down. This world is made into a mess by these people. It's not interesting at all. I miss the world when the world first opened. At that time, although there were few creatures, everything So immaculate."

Yulong said in a deep voice: "What do you want to say? Is there any relationship between the Death Alliance and you?"

"Hehe, would you believe me if I said no?"

"Of course I don't believe it." Yulong said: "The people of the Death Alliance take destroying the world as their mission, which coincides with your ideals."

"How do you know I want to destroy the world?"

Yulong smiled: "Your experiences, what you have seen and heard, together with the evolution of this world, will definitely cause you to be psychologically distorted. To be honest, if I have experienced so much, I am afraid that I will also have the same impulse."

"The God of Death Alliance is indeed related to me, but I am not leading it." Demon Venerable said: "The Alliance of Death God's control of subordinates is exactly the soul control method of our demon family, using the demons to ensure the loyalty of the entire alliance."

"You're not in charge? But you should know who is in charge, right?"

"I don't know, I can't see through that person." The Demon Venerable was silent for a while, and said: "In this world, the only people that the Demon Venerable can't see through are the true gods."

Yulong was dumbfounded: "You mean that one of the 20 true gods is in charge of the Alliance of Death Gods?"

"I'm not sure, but this person is very mysterious, but he doesn't look like the 20 True Gods, because I know all 20 True Gods, and I know their past well when they were young."

"But this person is very mysterious and terrifying. He makes me feel like... just like you."

"Like me?" Yulong couldn't believe it.

"Of course it's not your current body, but another one. It's as vast and unfathomable as the universe. No one dares to explore it, let alone take the risk to go deep." His detection caught his attention, grabbed my soul immediately, and bit off a third of it with one bite, causing me to be fatally injured in history."

Yulong was shocked and said: "He can directly devour your soul?"

"That's right, that's why I said it's the same as you, and he also has an aura similar to yours."

"Impossible." Yulong said decisively, "I definitely don't know the person behind the scenes."

"It doesn't matter, you will definitely meet in the future." Demon Venerable said lightly: "It's time to end the causal relationship between you and me.

"Break it? How do you want to end it?"

"Why don't you stand up and have a look?" Mozun said calmly, "You were never so timid before."

"Facing the king of demons, how can I slack off?" Yulong said with a smile: "As you said, I who have practiced Thousand Chance Transformation can't be killed at all. If I can't be killed, why should I be afraid?"

He stepped up, grasped the coffin lid with both hands, and pushed it away forcefully.

With a creaking sound, the heavy coffin lid opened, revealing the true content inside.

Yulong was dumbfounded, speechless.

Lying inside the coffin was a pair of crystal bones.

The upper and lower jaws of this crystal bone are still moving: "What, are you surprised to see me like this? This is Nuwa's masterpiece. She worried that I would harm the Three Realms, so she sealed my soul consciousness under the crystal bone. In the midst of it, there will never be relief, and it will just sleep like this."

There are several small chains tied to the crystal skull, but the chains are glowing red, always bright and sometimes dark.

Whenever the crystal skull moves, the chain lights up.

Yulong's eyes brightened: "What a perfect space-time chain, it has been maintained in the best condition for a long time, and it has continuously shuttled through time and space, realizing the real perpetual power."

"That's right, so no matter what I do, I can't break away from it. This space-time chain has been completely connected with my soul consciousness. Although I can still think, I don't even have the strength to move a finger. In this kind of day, It's almost like dying."

"Aren't you a demon? All monks are jealous of you. No one can restrain your soul consciousness." Yulong smiled faintly: "Mozun, don't you try to lie to me?"

"Hahaha, I'm really smart, I can think of all of this." Mozun smiled: "That's right, I can indeed escape a part of my soul consciousness, probably only with a golden immortal cultivation base."

"Using your means to escape a little at a time, what is left here over the years should be just a trace of remnants!"

"However, Nu Wa's methods are too powerful. As long as this trace of my soul remains, the rest will never escape. She said that this trace of soul is for me to experience the joys of the world and to sharpen my state of mind."

Yulong was a little surprised, but also felt that it was a matter of course.

Nuwa is exhaustive, and will definitely not leave any loopholes.

"How does Master Mozun want me to help you? I dare not touch this space-time chain."

"This is Nuwa's super magic weapon refined by using the world's original power and the world's rules. Of course you can't crack it. I don't want you to save me, but I want you to help me out?" Demon Venerable said sadly: "The free soul has been trapped here for millions of years. I've had enough of it. I can only watch it with my own eyes. Do you understand that feeling?"

"The existence of power is to show. If it can't be shown, what's the point of existence?" Mozun sighed, "I've already despaired of this world, and I just want to leave quietly. My only request is that please keep it. The only good thoughts I have left, if there is a chance in the future, your kingdom of God can be perfected, and when you open up a new world, let me be reincarnated in the new world."

Yulong was dumbfounded.

He never dreamed that Mozun invited him to kill him.

"Looking at the Three Realms, apart from Nuwa, you are probably the only one who can really kill me." Mozun said with a smile, "I never thought it would be so difficult to die."

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