super unscrupulous student

8652 - The Secret of the True God 2

Yin Ling sighed: "Until now we didn't know that we were not at the top of the universe. At the same time, we also knew that we would never be able to stand at the top of the universe, or even transcend ourselves. The collapse of the kingdom of God, the pursuit of the God Destroyer , and the war with the human and beast races, everything led to the complete destruction of the Yuan race."

"At a critical juncture, we were rescued by the ancestor god Nuwa. The ancestor gods such as Pangu and Hongjun fell to stop the god destroyers. Facing their former mentors, all the true gods felt extremely ashamed. Everyone unanimously decided that for this The universe does something."

"Because of the appearance of the Destroyer, no existence higher than the Immortal King's cultivation level is allowed in this world. Once anyone's cultivation level breaks through the Immortal King, he will be mercilessly slaughtered by him. For countless years, he has been sleeping in the Slaughter Temple , to deter all directions."

Yulong said in shock: "The Destroyer really exists? He's not dead yet?"

"He is in the Temple of Destruction, in the rift of time and space, and will never die. He didn't appear, but it's just that there is no one worthy of his appearance in the universe."

"So, this is the real reason you are hiding here, to escape from the God Destroyer?" Yulong asked.

"The God Destroyer is actually not the scariest thing." Yinling continued: "It is said that the ancient and peerless demon king, the Dark Lord, sleeps at the end of the universe. Once the three realms are out of balance, he will wake up, regain control of the darkness, and destroy the world. .”

"But does this have anything to do with your hiding?" Yulong was puzzled.

"Of course, the power in our body has reached a limit. Once it appears in the universe, it will be as dazzling as a bright light. As the Lord of Darkness, the Dark Lord is extremely sensitive to the power of faith. Once he finds us , will launch an extermination operation.”

"In fact, the world-destroying operation has already begun." Yulong explained the situation in the Three Realms, and said, "Could the Dark Lord be the backstage of the Death Alliance?"

"It's very possible, but the Dark Lord is a person who likes to hide behind the scenes and manipulate. From the beginning of the universe to the present, no one has seen his true face."

Yulong's eyelids twitched, and he said in surprise, "You haven't even seen Senior?"

"Yes, we haven't seen it." Yinling said regretfully: "The Dark Lord is just a legend. Many people even question his existence, but we believe that this person must exist, and the purpose of his existence is In order to destroy the universe, this point coincides with the death alliance you mentioned."

Yulong couldn't help sighing when he thought that he and Tongtian almost saw the true face of the Dark Lord.

It's a pity that until the end, all I saw was a huge majestic figure like a mecha warrior, but I didn't see his face clearly.

But Yulong believes that the Dark Lord must have a real face and identity.

who can that be?

It is obviously impossible to be the 20 True Gods. They know each other well, and no one can keep a secret from each other.

Other than these, only God Destroyer is eligible.

The God Destroyer does not allow existence in this universe that is higher than the Immortal King. Once he appears, he will definitely wake up and come to kill him. There is no need for anyone to call his name.

This point is also somewhat similar to the Dark Lord.

The majesty of the Destroyer can be seen.

Tangtang 20 True God was hunted down by him so much that he didn't dare to show his face, he didn't even dare to leak his breath, so he could only come to the dark plane and hide in the dark forest.

This is also the only place where God Destroyer can't find it.

"Senior, now the barriers of the three realms are about to be shattered. Once shattered, the time and space of the universe will be shattered, and this shattering trend is irreversible. The situation will only get worse and worse. In the end, the entire universe will be destroyed, and everything will return to nothingness. The Dark Lord makes a move, he just needs to wait quietly."

"What you said seems to make sense." Yin Ling pondered for a moment, and said: "The action of the Dark Lord must have a deep meaning."

Yulong said: "For a super strongman who survived from the previous universe, the destruction of this universe may not necessarily kill him, so why should he worry? And time should be the most meaningless thing to him, so wait a little longer It is not difficult for several million years."

No one thought about this question before, but now that Yulong said this, Yinling fell silent.

As for the thinking of the dark sage, everyone can't guess at all.

Yin Ling said: "The barrier of the three realms is the greatest project to save the universe. It is used to block the cracks in the universe. Once it collapses, the entire space-time of the universe will fall into chaos, and the cracks will continue to expand, eventually tearing everything apart. "

"If the Dark Lord really wants to destroy the world, he just needs to wait for the barrier of the Three Realms to collapse, without making any other efforts at all. However, he just formed the Death God Alliance to disrupt the Three Realms. This is not in line with his character at all."

Yulong had a flash of inspiration: "Perhaps, what is he trying to force? Looking for his old opponent?"

"You mean the reincarnated real person?" Yin Ling was also shocked, and said: "In this universe, the only one who can restrain the dark sage is the reincarnated real person, but the real person sacrificed for the birth of the universe, no one knows whether it exists or not." I know. Strictly speaking, the only person who has seen the true face of the Dark Lord is probably the Daoist Samsara."

Yulong smiled and didn't dwell on this topic.

He can't say that I am actually a reincarnated real person, so why should I be beaten to death by Yinling?

In fact, even the reincarnated real person himself can't determine the true face of the Dark Lord, let alone other people.

"When you have enough cultivation, come here again. Remember, you are using the body. I don't know how long this universe can last. We have to take precautions. The 20 of us have completely failed. The only world spirit is Everyone's hope."

"I don't know what level to reach to be considered qualified?" Yulong asked.

"After you have fully mastered your own kingdom of God and perfected all the rules, the time has come. We will work together to create a truly perfect world. We definitely have a wealth of experience in creating the world."

Yulong's heart moved slightly, and he said: "What senior said is very true."

"I believe that with everyone's joint efforts, this new world will be extremely powerful and perfect." Yinling said happily: "And the creatures of this universe can carry out large-scale immigration, even including all the resources of this universe, Can be integrated into the new universe, think about it, how powerful and perfect it should be."

Yulong was smiling on the surface, but sneered in his heart.

He really underestimated the ambitions of these true gods. Even if they were reduced to this point, they would live worse than wild dogs, and they still wanted to share the benefits.

Zhuo Yifan's Kingdom of God actually wants them to take charge together!

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