super unscrupulous student

Chapter 8655 Focus on killing

Xuanyuan Bupo was rather curious about what Yulong would do.

Just when he was thinking this way, he suddenly found that his heart tightened, and there was a sense of danger.

He couldn't help but looked at Yulong in surprise, only to see that Yulong had closed his eyes, and the staff in his hand moved forward a little, like a child playing around, but this made him shudder, feeling as if he had been named by the god of death Usually, fear arises from the depths of the soul.

Fortunately, this point is aimed at aliens.

Therefore, Xuanyuan Bupo saw countless alien beasts falling silently among the alien races, while the sonic attack completely disappeared.

He was able to freely choose the target and perform spot kills. What kind of cultivation is this?

Even if Xuanyuan is not broken, it cannot be done.

This kind of alien beast that attacks the mind seems terrifying, but facing Yulong, it is almost a bright light. The magnetic field of Yulong's mind clearly shows their marks. With Yulong's current cultivation base, it is easy to kill them .

After these supernatural beasts were killed, the combat team charged again, unstoppable.

Xuanyuan Bupo and Gui Lingfeng followed Yulong closely, like his left and right protectors.

Yulong, on the other hand, looked calm and calm, walking in the battlefield calmly.

That unhurried posture has its own aloof demeanor, which is truly aloof and unaffected by favor or humiliation.

After being blocked, there are more alien races, densely packed even more than locusts crossing the border.

Yulong was also terrified watching it. Why are there so many alien races? No wonder they have to fight every year.

Their best lands are all occupied by half-orcs, and they can only live in remote places. Coupled with such a huge base, they are naturally unwilling.

However, don't these guys have natural enemies?Don't fight each other?

If this continues to develop, no matter how big the plane is, it won't be enough for them to survive!

Yulong asked this question with some doubts.

Xuanyuan Bupo explained: "Alien races can actually control their births. The reason why they reproduce unrestrainedly is to fight us and cultivate fighters and masters during the battle."

Yulong suddenly realized, but felt a little sad in his heart.

No matter what race or creature, ordinary people are just cannon fodder and the tools of the higher-ups.

These alien races are even more miserable, they don't even know that their sacrifices are meaningless.

Xuanyuan Bupo frowned and said: "It seems that the foreign race really attaches great importance to you, sir. This troop strength is probably already one-fifth of their total troop strength. This is something that has never happened in history, even 10 years ago. The high priest Yu Ruyi has never been treated like this, it is really amazing."

"This is easy to understand, because Master Yulong is the last hope of the human race. Once he dies, no one will be able to repair the super formation. The alien race will rise from then on, and hundreds of races will become their prey. Such a rare opportunity. No one will give up." Gui Lingfeng sighed: "So my suggestion is to go back to the dark forest, where we are invincible."

Yulong smiled lightly: "Even if you want to go back now, it may be too late! We are already surrounded."

Xuanyuan Bupo said: "Fuxi City should have received the news, they will send troops to rescue, sir, don't worry."

There are still [-] miles to go, which seems to be a long way, but it is not. If there is no obstacle, it will be reached in less than an hour.

But alien races are everywhere, the space has become extremely confusing, and there are even man-made traps. At this time, teleportation is a test of skill and luck.

If you are accidentally trapped, the consequences will be absolutely disastrous. Even if Xuanyuan is not broken, he can only rely on flying and dare not teleport.

The battle was in full swing, and the battle formation team was already overwhelmed, but facing the siege of many masters, they also began to feel strenuous.

If it weren't for the large amount of blood pills hidden on their bodies, which could be replenished at any time, according to their combat intensity, they would have already fallen down.

Even Jinxian couldn't achieve this kind of battery life, but the battle formation team managed it. It has to be said that it is a miracle.

Yulong seems indifferent, but in fact, the magnetic field of the mind has been monitoring the surroundings. The cultivation base of Guanhun Dacheng allows him to easily cover an area of ​​thousands of miles. The marks of any living beings appear in the magnetic field of the mind, and he can attack anyone.

Of course, the greater the distance, the greater the consumption.

Now that Yulong has piled up [Divine Pills] and [Blood Pills] like a mountain, he doesn't care about the consumption at all.

Unbeknownst to Xuanyuan Bupo and Gui Lingfeng, the real masters had already been killed by him in one blow.

The golden fairy-level beasts are very cunning, and often hide behind the army to direct the attack.

Especially birds, the speed is super fast, it is almost like teleportation, once they find danger, they will flee away immediately.

But being locked by Yulong's spiritual power, no matter how far he ran, it would be useless.

Jade Dragon lightly pressed the staff, and the wave was sent out. The Golden Immortal Master was like shining stars, falling and disappearing one by one from the magnetic field of the mind.

Therefore, although the battle formation team seemed to face a large number of enemies, the real threat had already been secretly eliminated by Yulong.

But for them, it is still a rare opportunity. In the endless battle, everyone synthesized the original perception of the Immortal King level, and their cultivation base gradually increased at an unprecedented speed.

Yulong is building a team of followers who truly belong to him.

Another [-] miles were advanced.

The [-] miles was bloody step by step, every step was filled with the corpses of foreign races, the tragic battle was rare in the millions of years of war history.

Killing the red-eyed warrior, he didn't even care about it, and he didn't even notice his breakthrough.

It surprised Yulong a little, this dark plane cultivator broke through from Heavenly Immortal to Golden Immortal, but there is no Heavenly Tribulation, how is this possible?

Gui Lingfeng said: "This is the care of the ancestor God Nuwa for them. As long as they cultivate to the level of immortals, they will no longer be robbed. Unless they are promoted to immortal kings, they will be tested by heaven and earth."

Yulong was stunned: "It is indeed the most insurmountable hurdle to go from a heavenly immortal to a golden immortal. This move by the ancestor god Nuwa is really showing favor to the hundreds of clans."

Xuanyuan Bupo sighed: "This is the first time in my life that so many immortals break through to golden immortals in battle! My lord, you are really a person who is good at creating miracles!"

Yulong chuckled and said, "This is all the result of their own hard work, and it has nothing to do with me. I'm just icing on the cake."

Just as he was talking and laughing, Yulong's face changed, and he was a little solemn: "I don't want to break the senior, I am ready to attack, the opponent's master has arrived."

Xuanyuan Bupo was taken aback for a moment, he, the Immortal King, hadn't sensed it yet, but Yulong had sensed it. My lord's cultivation is really unfathomable!

Now whoever convinces him that Yulong is just a little fairy, he will definitely slap him with a backhand. Has Nima ever seen such an awesome fairy?

That's right, Yulong also broke through when absorbing the clone of the Heart Demon Supreme.

But the strange thing is that he didn't cause any catastrophe.

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