super unscrupulous student

Chapter 8666 is at stake

On the city wall, everyone was shocked to find that the originally dark sky suddenly became much taller, like a low shed suddenly turned into a high-rise building, giving people a very different feeling.

A strange force is spreading, thick and huge, not only covering the city wall, but also expanding outward.

A hundred miles!

Two hundred miles!

A thousand miles!

Ten thousand miles!

The spreading speed was terrifying, and the infinitely expanding formation finally exploded with real power. After it exploded to thousands of miles, the expanding speed slowed down.

Because at this time, the power of Xianmai is needed.

And the power of the fairy veins is just enough to maintain the operation of the large formation, so if it wants to expand, it needs time to drain the power of the underground fairy veins.

But this process is slow


But definitely won't stop.

That is to say, this {cover] will continue to grow, and it will force itself to prop up the cover of the alien race. How far it will grow in the end depends entirely on how powerful the power under the earth is.

Everyone turned to covet, and then burst into earth-shattering cheers.

Under the soaring sky, the beasts that had no time to retreat were exploded one after another, and their flesh and blood flew everywhere.

The alien beasts had a very strong sense of danger, and they immediately fled frantically, leaving Fuxi City far away.

This abnormal situation has not appeared in millions of years.

The first time it appeared was when the Hundred Clans first came to this world.

At that time, the ancestor gods used their supernatural powers and arranged 18 large formations in order to have a place for hundreds of clans to cultivate their health and rest.

After each large formation was formed, it swelled wildly, directly opening up a piece of heaven and earth.

Countless strange beasts were exterminated under such circumstances, and the two sides forged a deep hatred.

These 18 cities are the bases of the entire hundred clans in the dark plane, each of which is the size of a planet, which can be called a big deal.

But with the rise of the war, the strength of the shield became weaker and weaker, and finally reached the current point, already like an old woman in her dying years, about to lose her vitality.

But now, the formation seemed to be reborn from the ashes, exuding a completely different aura.

In an instant, he became stronger and taller.

Everyone fell to their knees, constantly thanking God and Mr. Yulong.

The Immortal King's divine sense is so strong that there is no problem covering the city of this planet.

Xuanyuan Bupo truthfully told all the people what happened, and asked everyone to always remember Lord Yulong's contributions and efforts.

All of a sudden, Yulong felt that he had countless believers, and the powerful power of faith gathered on him, which made him stunned for a while.

But now he doesn't care about it.

Because in the core circle, he received a familiar divine thought.

"Yifan, we finally meet again."

Yulong was stunned: "You can also recognize me now?"

"No matter how time and space change, no matter what time and space or era you are deep in, I can recognize you at a glance. This is a feeling that is unforgettable."

"Nuwa, what's going on with all this? Did you do it on purpose?"

"Yes, this is indeed my intention. I just want to help you. This plane has a very powerful potential, but what everyone doesn't know is that his potential is underground. I planted a fairy vein and used 18 The super large formation draws out the power under the earth to form a super immortal vein to help you grow quickly."

"Yifan, our time is running out. This universe is about to be destroyed. It is up to you to save all these creatures, and there is only so much I can do."

"You have to go to all the big formations, repair the core magic circle, take away the super immortal veins, and then consolidate the kingdom of God."

"Also, remember one sentence, don't trust anyone!"

When Yulong was stunned, a trace of Nuwa's spiritual thoughts had already turned into nothingness and disappeared into the space-time magic circle.

Yulong sighed.

He also didn't know which time and space the Nuwa who left this idea was in.

Walking out of the formation, Yulong's heart moved again, outside the barrier of time and space, he displayed a strange formation that has never appeared since ancient times.

Spirit array!

Inspired by Void Dungeon, the spiritual array integrates the fluctuations of the mind into the rules of time and space, and acts as a unique array barrier.

Even the Immortal King didn't dare to try this barrier easily.

Because everything is related to the origin of life, once it is backlashed, it is not difficult to kill the Immortal King.

Although the fairy king is strong, the source of life may not be comparable to the jade dragon.

Unless it is a spiritual master who has surpassed Yulong or is of the same vein, it is possible to crack it.

As a result, the heart and veins and other things were also covered in the hazy space-time circle, and could no longer be active.

Naturally, there is no need to worry about the celestial veins rebelling again, because they themselves cannot retain the slightest energy.

Any excess energy will be absorbed by the formation and used to expand the territory.

Occupying the entire Dark Plane is only a matter of time.

It can be said that Yulong's move has already wiped out all the alien races.

Hearing the believer's call, Yulong also showed a satisfied smile.

It seems that good deeds are rewarded.

This power of faith is the power controlled by the true god. It was obtained by plundering in the past, and it is rare to get it naturally like Yulong.

Everyone came to the teleportation array.

Xuanyuan Chongming suddenly bowed down to Yulong, saying: "Chongming represents the one billion people in Fuxi City, thank you for your great help and bring everyone a bright future."

Yulong quickly helped him up, and said: "It's not enough to raise one's hand, His Royal Highness is too polite."

Although it was just a change of title, it represented Yulong's approval.

Xuanyuan Bupo was secretly happy in his heart, if he could get Lord Yulong's approval, no one would be able to shake the position of His Royal Highness the Prince.

Xuanyuan Chongming looked at Yulong excitedly: "Master Yulong, please think about the people of the world, and you must save my father!

But Yulong frowned and said: "Your Highness, there is a sentence that I don't know if I should say it or not."

Xuanyuan Chongming was taken aback for a moment: "Your Excellency has something to say, it's fine."

Yulong pondered for a while, and said: "When I was repairing the formation, I found a message left by God Nuwa. This message is related to the prosperity and destruction of the entire hundred clans. I can't make a decision at the moment, so I have to ask everyone Give me an idea."

Xuanyuan Chongming said in surprise: "Master Yulong, what kind of message is it? Since it is the message left by the ancestor God Nuwa, it is of course the most important and must be obeyed."

Yulong pulled the corner of his mouth, showing a slight smile, and said: "The meaning of the ancestor god is that once the first big formation starts to collapse, the subsequent ones will collapse in turn, and it must be repaired as soon as possible, otherwise, once the big formation collapses, there is no need to repair it." If the aliens attack, the entire area covered by the magic circle will be wiped out, and no one will be spared."

Everyone was shocked and couldn't believe it.

These 18 cities are the foundation of hundreds of clans!

No matter which city is destroyed, it will cause unimaginable consequences.

There are billions of casualties at every turn.

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