super unscrupulous student

Chapter 8673 Meat Grinder

After this battle started, the people on both sides became red-eyed, stuck together, inseparable.

Ordinary people fell to their knees and kept praying, praying that Master Yulong could restore the formation as soon as possible and completely expel these foreign enemies.

At this moment, Yulong issued a strange order.

"Everyone, retreat to the inner city and give up the periphery."

The entire Imperial City formation is like a ring, one circle after another, and the outermost circle is also the largest circle.

At the time of the war, everyone had already retreated, and the periphery became a completely fierce fighting area.

Due to the decline of the large formation, the power of the large formation is already very weak in this area, and it cannot play a protective role at all.

How can the soldiers who are fighting fiercely listen?

Yulong's spiritual power turned into a huge shock, spreading with the help of the power of the formation: "Everyone obeys the order and retreats to the third ring immediately. Anyone who violates it will be regarded as a crime of treason."

These words resounded directly in the depths of everyone's hearts, making the red-eyed masters calm down immediately.

After all, Master Yulong had just beheaded two immortal kings, causing his own strength to be damaged.

Even the Immortal King can kill as soon as he says it, let alone ordinary people.

As a result, soldiers from all directions began to retreat in an orderly manner.

The foreign race was stimulated and became even more crazy.

Obviously, this is a sign of repair failure!

Never since ancient times have they penetrated so deep.

Therefore, the masters of the foreign race issued orders for a general attack one after another, vowing to destroy the entire imperial city formation in exchange for the stable foundation of the foreign race for tens of millions of years.

The hundreds of millions of people who know the battle ahead have only one thought in their minds at the moment, and that is to pray for Lord Yulong's success.

In an instant, Yulong felt that the power of his faith had deepened and grown rapidly.

Countless people are becoming devout believers.

As long as Master Yulong can save all the people from the fire and water and let his family members live, what is it even if he sacrifices his own life?

Faith in this crisis is stronger and easier than in peacetime.

"Retreat two more rings and completely bring in the alien army. I want to catch them all in one go."

Yulong's voice was full of calmness, giving people a sense of peace of mind.

Even the fairy kings seemed much calmer when they heard the telepathy.

They are the ones who are most likely to run away in battle. Once things can't be done, they will definitely protect the safety of their own people first, and will not really fight to the end.

So, everyone retreated.

In the process of retreating, the weapon of war was fully fired, without any reservations.

This also confirmed the fact that the human race has nothing to do in disguise.

Of course, it is impossible for a foreign race whose intelligence is no lower than that of the human race to give up such a good opportunity.

A large number of masters surrounded one after another, trying to engulf the imperial city.

Standing in the void where the fairy kings are fighting, one can see that the outer periphery of the huge imperial city has been surrounded by black invasion, and circles of black ripples are emerging and gradually spreading to the center.

Seeing that the entire imperial city was going to be covered in black.

Everyone is in despair.



A strange sound sounded.

The blackness of the sky was falling like rain, covering the ground.

Below Jinxian, it completely collapsed and turned into a blood corpse.

"Long live Lord Yulong."

Everyone excitedly drank together.

Everyone knows that this is a spiritual attack.

With the help of a large formation, this spiritual power spread out tens of thousands of miles and exploded.

The power grid, like an electric mosquito, suddenly turns on.

The mosquitoes covering the net were collectively electrocuted and died completely.

"Master Yulong is luring the enemy deep and annihilating them in one fell swoop. It is too powerful."

"I'm really ashamed. I was still suspicious of Lord Yulong just now. I deserve death."

"These ferocious beasts are like ants in front of Lord Yulong. They can be destroyed as soon as they want. Why should they be afraid?"

"With Master Yulong here, who would dare to offend?"


Both the people and the fighters have been greatly encouraged, and countless people are called believers every second.

But the foreign race is also determined. Seeing Yulong attacking with spiritual power, they feel more at ease.

Because this is the last resort of the spiritual master.

As we all know, although the spiritual master is powerful, but because the spiritual power is very precious, it is generally used as the last attack method of the spiritual master, and generally will never be easily displayed.

Yulong has now displayed his spiritual power, obviously he is at the end of his rope.

How could these people give up this opportunity?

It would be troublesome if Yulong repaired the formation, he had to be killed before that.

Countless immortal king-level masters roared in, and there was an endless stream of all kinds of golden immortals behind them.

Xuanyuan Lieyang shouted: "Master Yulong, be careful, this is the most powerful immortal king team of the alien race, and their goal is you."

"Everyone protects Lord Yulong and resists to the death. These people must not be allowed to approach Lord Yulong."

"Master Yulong is repairing the formation, and it is almost successful, everyone hold them back."


Whoosh whoosh!

The fairy kings teleported over to stop the army, and a world-shattering battle was launched in the imperial city.

The aliens felt that the suppressing power of the formation was still weakening, and they were full of confidence.


Another strange fluctuation came out, shaking the entire imperial city.

Countless alien armies once again perished collectively, their blood was washed away, but they were absorbed by the formation.

"Master Yulong is invincible and invincible."

"Let's all pray for the adults together."

"With adults around, the foreign race will perish sooner or later."


Under the pressure of the crisis, every time Yulong makes a move, it attracts countless fans, and the number of believers is increasing rapidly.

It can be said that he has become the greatest high priest who ever lived, worshiped by all peoples.

The alien masters seemed to be endless, and soon, they were covered by black again.

"Yulong, how much spiritual power do you have left? If you want to fight a war of attrition with my holy race, we will consume you to death."

Since Yulong was launching an attack, he probably didn't have much energy to repair the formation.

So, if you don't work hard now, when will you wait?

"Everyone, take another step back."

Yulong calmly ordered.

So, everyone retreated thousands of miles again.

The foreign army almost occupied most of the places, leaving only around the core circle of the imperial city.

Most of the people are also hiding in this area.

Before launching the attack, Yulong ordered the major teleportation formations to start evacuating the people first.


It was another extremely powerful attack of spiritual power. With the help of the big formation, the power was so powerful that even several golden immortals fell.

This circle is very large, and the number of alien races pouring in is innumerable in units of one hundred million.

But each attack took away at least tens of millions.

Killing becomes very easy at this moment.

It was completely different from the collective tension in the outside world. At this moment, Yulong was sitting at the core of the formation with an indifferent smile on his face.

Beside him, blood drops kept rolling out like product outlets on an assembly line.

The blood essence of hundreds of millions of alien races was absorbed by the formation and turned into the purest blood pill.

"Hehe, on this plane, the breeding of other races is really terrible, it's better to reduce it as much as possible."

Yulong murmured, and waved his staff.

The powerful spiritual power is amplified and radiated through the large array.

Whoosh whoosh!

The sky is filled with the corpses of birds and beasts of different races, turned into flesh and blood, and turned into blood pills.


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