super unscrupulous student

Chapter 882 Shadow 1

"Go on for another 500 meters and turn right at the intersection." Song Zihan's voice came from the headset.

"Understood!" Zhuo Yifan lightly agreed, and then made a right turn at the intersection as Song Zihan said.Drive into the road facing Asia-Pacific Medicine.

"The target location is on your left! Be careful!" Song Zihan continued to remind.

"Understood!" Zhuo Yifan just agreed lightly, and then carefully looked at the factory building on the left.The terrain here is also a little too open.It is impossible for ordinary people to sneak in quietly.

Zhuo Yifan thought with some headaches, is it enough to let everyone wait outside and go in by himself?But in doing so, Zhuo Yifan really has no idea at all!When it comes to attacking by force, Zhuo Yifan was really afraid of scaring the snake, and let those people run away!

"It looks like he's here! Our people found a car outside!" Yamamoto said to Yamada Incheon with a smile.It seems that Zhuo Yifan is here to die!

"Don't be too happy! Maybe he brought someone over!" Yamada Incheon reminded.

"I made people stare at him! There is no tail behind!" Yamamoto said confidently.

"You mean, he wants to fight us alone?" Yamada Incheon looked at Yamamoto Tsuyoshi in surprise and asked.

"Is it strange? Zhuo Yifan is arrogant, it's normal to do this!" Yamamoto just explained.

"I hope what you said is right! Otherwise, today's matter may not end well! Is the retreat route ready?" Yamada Incheon asked a little worried.

"The retreat route has been prepared a long time ago! Don't worry! We will retreat according to the original plan after Zhuo Yifan is killed. I believe they will not find any evidence of us!" Yamamoto said with a smile.

"When you are China's national security, you always eat soft food?" Yamada Incheon hummed with some dissatisfaction.

"Mr. Yamada doesn't believe in my ability anymore?" Takeshi Yamamoto's face was not very good-looking!

"I don't mean that. I just want you to be more careful!" Yamada Incheon shook his head and said.

"Don't worry, I know what to do!" Yamamoto snorted coldly and said nothing more.

Zhuo Yifan parked the car at the gate of Asia Pacific Medicine, and then observed the movement at the gate.

The factory area is very quiet, there is no noisy sound, it seems that no work has started.However, the security guards at the door made Zhuo Yifan narrow his eyes.

"Is there any problem?" Song Zihan asked softly in the headset.

"I haven't seen anything yet! I won't know until I go in!" Zhuo Yifan replied.

"Then what are you going to do? Do you need us to sneak in from other directions?" Song Zihan asked hesitantly.

"Try it! If you can be quiet, of course it is possible! But don't startle the snake!" Zhuo Yifan nodded, and then reminded.

"Okay! I understand. You should also pay attention to safety." Song Zihan replied.

Zhuo Yifan squinted his eyes and stared at the gate for a while. After making sure that there was nothing unusual, he opened the door and got out of the car.

"Hey! I tell you guys to be more energetic! The big boss is inside now! I don't care about you normally, but you must guard the door for me today!" A middle-aged fat man came out of the reception room, Looking at the listless security guards, they shouted.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! We know!" Several security guards laughed at the fat man in a fawning manner.

"It's not that I want to control you, it's the big boss's request! Remember, if the big boss is unhappy, not only you, but I also want to play with you!" The fat man returned to the reception room angrily.

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