super unscrupulous student

Chapter 94 Breaking You into 2 Articles 1

"Grandpa! According to this, Zhuo Yifan must have something to do with that Huafeng?" Ouyang Xinyan was calculating quickly in his mind.This news made Ouyang Xinyan very excited.

"I heard from Canglang that Zhuo Yifan is also the descendant of Huajianmen, and that Huafeng is Zhuo Yifan's uncle! If we can catch Zhuo Yifan, we can force Huafeng to come out, or we can learn about Huafeng from him. In this way, your father's revenge can be avenged!" Ouyang Wentian's eyes flashed with a violent bloodthirsty murderous aura.

Now Ouyang Xinyan can be regarded as another village that is bright and bright!There was no anxiety in my heart, but I became happy instead: "Grandpa, then we can attack Zhuo Yifan!"

Ouyang Wentian stared at Ouyang Xinyan with piercing eyes and said: "This news can no longer be known to anyone else! Including Zhuo Yifan. Canglang is injured now. If you want to touch Zhuo Yifan, you don't have the ability! , but ruined the big thing! Remember, you don’t want to provoke Zhuo Yifan again for the time being! If you want to move him, you have to wait for the right opportunity!”

Ouyang Xinyan was a little unwilling, but now he could only listen to Ouyang Wentian.I have already offended the old man, and now I can't do anything to make the old man unhappy at this cusp.

While the grandfather and grandson of the Ouyang family were scheming Zhuo Yifan, Zhuo Yifan was sitting with Shui Yunyao in a tea restaurant and eating delicious pizza.

But to say that Zhuo Yifan's food is really not flattering.Zhuo Yifan, who was reincarnated as a starving ghost, attracted the attention of diners in the tea restaurant.Shui Yunyao didn't care about other people's contemptuous gazes, she just looked at Zhuo Yifan amusedly and said, "Eat slowly! No one is robbing you?"

Zhuo Yifan couldn't help but blush, but this guy can't learn the high-end etiquette of chewing and eating slowly. Although he has deliberately slowed down his eating speed, he still looks like a starving ghost. Shui Yunyao was quite helpless.

"Yunyao! Where are we going to play in the afternoon?" Zhuo Yifan said while stuffing pizza into his mouth.

Shui Yunyao was eating slowly, looking like a lady from everyone.Hearing Zhuo Yifan's words, Shui Yunyao shook her head and said, "I don't know where to go. I usually seldom go out to play, and my family won't let me!"

Zhuo Yifan felt a little sympathetic to Shui Yunyao. Although she was born in an aristocratic family and was the envy of everyone, she was bound by rules and etiquette since she was a child, and she lost a lot of ordinary people's fun.

"Then let's go to the movies?" Zhuo Yifan suggested excitedly.

Shui Yunyao nodded and smiled, "I have no objection, everything is up to you!"

So after the two left the tea restaurant, Zhuo Yifan ran to the street and hailed a taxi, and took the two of them to the nearest New Century Cinema.

"No way, there are so many people!" Zhuo Yifan regretted his proposal when he saw the long queue in front of the theater ticket window.

Shui Yunyao tilted her head and thought, "Today is the weekend, so it's not surprising that there are so many people!" That appearance was extremely cute, and attracted the attention of some men around.

Zhuo Yifan had no choice but to line up to buy tickets with a bitter face.After waiting for about ten minutes, Zhuo Yifan felt that he was about to collapse.This queue is more tiring than fighting!

Holding two movie tickets, Zhuo Yifan hurried back to Shui Yunyao and said, "I finally got it! Yunyao, are you tired?"

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