Pirate Song

Chapter 107

Gao Huaiyuan looked again at the majestic battle armor in front of him. This armor was a brand-new style of armor specially crafted by Zhou Botong and other skilled craftsmen based on the blueprints drawn by him.

According to Gao Huaiyuan's battle experience when he served in the army for the past two years, he found that there are many problems with the various armors used by the Song Army. Attack, defense is very low, even the leather armor he added is not effective.

The iron armor used by the Song army is very cumbersome and heavy. Although the armor worn by the generals has a large protective area, it is heavy. The iron armor he wore when he was in the army is not as good as that of the infantry in the Northern Song Dynasty. The weight of the armor, but it also weighs nearly [-] catties. After wearing it, the average infantry moves very slowly, and there is no mobility at all. Moreover, this kind of armor made of iron sheets, although it is relatively strong against swords and swords Strong, but the defense ability against arrows and spears is relatively low. In the period of cold weapons, the quality of armor plays a vital role in morale and combat effectiveness. It can even be said that the source of morale comes from armor.

Gao Huaiyuan experienced several bloody battles before the battle, and each time it can be said that he was not spared from injuries, most of which were caused by arrow wounds, and many soldiers who died in battle around him were also sent away because of the problem of the armor's defensive ability. Thinking about it made him sigh, if the quality of the armor worn by these people could have been better, then many unnecessary casualties could have been reduced, so he had long since thought of improving the armor currently in use .

So after he returned to Daye County, he began to gradually outline the style of the new armor in his mind, and a year ago, he initially drew the style of this armor, and continued to modify and improve it, and finally handed it over to Zhou Botong and his group tried to make a new type of armor.

The armor in front of them is the finished product of their trial production. The reason why this armor looks very different from the armor in the world today is that Gao Huaiyuan borrowed a lot of elements from European knight armor. A large armor plate was used to replace the small armor plate, which greatly enhanced the defense ability of important parts, and at the same time reduced the weight of the armor, but he did not completely copy the style of the European armor, after all, the European armor Although the protective area and protective power of the battle armor are strong, it is more cumbersome, so he has retained some of the armor's advantages in some parts that need to be moved, such as the ribs and lower abdomen, which are not easy to be injured. , so this set of battle armor looks more like a combination of Chinese and Western armor, it looks more powerful, and it is a bit like the anti-riot suit worn by special police in later generations, and its defense against arrows and spears has been greatly enhanced. , It does not affect the activities of the limbs and waist, and it is much more convenient to wear.

In addition, although this set of armor is composed of a large area of ​​armor, in order to reduce the weight, Gao Huaiyuan chose to appropriately reduce the defensive area, which not only greatly enhanced the defense of the vital parts, but also ensured The protective force on the front of the wearer reduces the area of ​​the armor plate on the back, which makes the wearer's activities more convenient. At the same time, it also reduces the physical consumption during exercise, making the wearer appear more capable. This is helpful for improving the pace. The mobility and defense of the army are of great benefit.

The reason for this is that Gao Huaiyuan's understanding of war is very different from that of contemporary people. Gao Huaiyuan has experienced from the battles before the battle that if he wants to have an invincible army, he must first ensure the army's aggressiveness. In the world, only an army that goes forward bravely and never retreats can be called an iron army, and any retreat with its back to the enemy is a shameful rout. No matter how good the armor on the body is, no matter how large the protective area is, they will not be able to escape the fate of being defeated in the end, and in the end, they will not be able to escape the word of death when the enemy army hides and kills them!For such behavior, instead of wasting resources to protect their backs, it is better to simply save these resources and leave them for those who can fight. This point has been tested by the war when the Northern Song Dynasty fell.

At that time, although the main corps of the Northern Song Dynasty lacked horses, but apart from this point, the equipment was not bad. It can even be said that at the beginning of the war, the army's equipment was far superior to that of their opponent Jin Guo. Basically, it can be said that They are all heavy infantry. Many elite infantry troops in the main force of the Song Army are equipped with the most powerful infantry armor in Chinese history. Among the armor, there are more than 800 pieces of iron armor, and the weight is as high as more than [-] kilograms. There are even Debu Renjia weighing [-] to [-] kilograms. What is the result?However, under the command of those incompetent generals, the Song army was defeated and lost half of the entire Song Dynasty to the Kingdom of Jin.

Only Yue Fei and Han Shizhong, the famous generals in the early Southern Song Dynasty, could really push the fighting power of the heavy infantry to the limit. It's a pity that the old Zhao Gou destroyed himself in the end, making them unable to restore the country.

Therefore, when Gao Huaiyuan designed this new type of armor, he simply reduced the defensive ability on the back in a large area. His philosophy is that fighters should face the enemy head-on at any time, and even when retreating, they must maintain In a state of tenacious defense, such soldiers are worthy of spending military funds to protect them, and those guys who give their backs to the enemy, I'm sorry, you are useless anyway, just ask for luck!

It is precisely because of the introduction of this concept that the weight of this new type of armor can be compressed to a level of more than 30 kilograms, which can reduce a lot of unnecessary physical exertion of infantry on the battlefield, but maintain the ability to defend against the front.

After Gao Huaiyuan looked at the suit of armor on the shelf, he waved his hand and said, "Take it off and put it on for me, I want to try it on myself!"

Everyone immediately stepped forward and put this set of armor on Gao Huaiyuan's body. Sure enough, this kind of armor is much more convenient to wear. There are only a few buckles on the whole body. Once the buckles are tightened, they are firmly fixed on Gao Huaiyuan's body. .

Gao Huaiyuan beat his chest a few times with his fist, making a dull sound, then he moved around in the shed with his arms and legs up, experiencing the feeling of wearing this suit of armor.

"Zhou Hao! Take your knife, let's go outside and do some tricks!" Gao Huaiyuan suddenly greeted Zhou Hao.

"Okay!" Zhou Hao replied immediately, and then stretched out his hand to pull out the waist knife under his ribs.

The crowd surrounded Gao Huaiyuan and Zhou Hao and walked to an open space outside the work shed. Gao Huaiyuan also reached out to take a waist knife, shook it and smiled, "Be careful!"

Everyone immediately widened their eyes. For a long time, everyone knew that Gao Huaiyuan was outstanding in martial arts and was known as the enemy of ten thousand people, but they rarely saw Gao Huaiyuan fighting with others. Everyone felt a little curious and wanted to Let's see how Gao Huaiyuan's real kung fu is.

I saw that Gao Huaiyuan did not take the initiative to attack, but stood firmly on his legs, giving people a feeling of being as stable as Mount Tai, and immediately exuded a kind of power, which made people suffocate.

"Master's kung fu has improved again!" Xue Yan whispered to Zhou Botong beside him.

"Yeah! I can feel it. Once the young master stands here, the old man feels a little helpless. He really looks like a master!" Zhou Botong also knows kung fu. If a craftsman like him wants to make a good weapon, he doesn't know how to do it. No, he must be able to accurately grasp the center of gravity and the way of force of the weapon he makes. Only in this way can he make better weapons, so he can be regarded as an expert.

Zhou Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, crossed the knife in his hand to his chest, and started to walk around Gao Huaiyuan with his feet interlaced. He was quite experienced in dealing with Gao Huaiyuan, and he knew that Gao Huaiyuan must not let Gao Huaiyuan take the lead. Otherwise, there is no room for him to play at all.

After walking around for a while, Zhou Hao still couldn't find Gao Huaiyuan's weak spot, so he couldn't wait any longer, and swung his knife and rushed towards Gao Huaiyuan. The scimitar in his hand flashed coldly and hit Gao Huaiyuan's neck. , The attack was extremely vicious, as if Gao Huaiyuan was his enemy, he wanted to take Gao Huaiyuan's head with a single blow.

The onlookers couldn't help but gasp, because Zhou Hao's shots were too fast, and the ruthlessness was unacceptable. It felt like the two were not exchanging martial arts, but fighting with their lives.

And just when everyone was worried about Gao Huaiyuan, Gao Huaiyuan also moved, slightly raised the scimitar in his hand, and caught Zhou Hao's blade with one stroke, and then Zhou Hao's body was immediately brought forward by him. Falling to the side, both of them moved very quickly, a face to face counted as passing, Zhou Hao's piercing knife was considered to be resolved by Gao Huaiyuan, and the left rib was exposed.

As soon as Gao Huaiyuan succeeded in the move, he immediately withdrew his knife and went straight for Zhou Hao's weakness, and Zhou Hao didn't give it in vain. With a sudden twist of his waist, he dodged Gao Huaiyuan's blade, turned around and struck Gao Huaiyuan's shoulder, and was caught Gao Huaiyuan raised his hand to block it, and the two immediately fought into a ball in the courtyard.

The big guys immediately cheered in unison, and they have all learned some kung fu, and there are many teenagers trained by Crouching Tiger Village. When they saw the sword skills of Gao Huaiyuan and Zhou Hao, they immediately fell in love with it In admiration, he cheered loudly.

Zhou Hao knew that his strength was no match for Gao Huaiyuan, so he adopted guerrilla tactics, surrounding Gao Huaiyuan and not fighting him head-on, constantly attacking Gao Huaiyuan's weaknesses from tricky angles. Zhou Hao's attacks were resolved one by one, and the two of them fought inextricably. The wind of the sword brought a chill to the onlookers who were a few steps away.

The two fought faster and faster, dancing the saber into two spheres of light, and from time to time there were a few golden cries when the sabers collided. Everyone was dazzled and forgot to applaud for a while, their eyes widened. But they couldn't see the sword moves of the two of them clearly.

After a loud bang, everyone saw Zhou Hao step back and jumped out of the circle. The waist knife in his hand was knocked out, and he shook his wrist and shouted: "No more fights! No more fights! I'm not you!" Now that Huang Yan is not here, I can't deal with you, a barbarian! You are too strong, it's not fair!" He raised his hand and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

After Gao Huaiyuan put away the saber, he raised his hand and threw it to Li Ruohu who was following him, and said with a smile, "Zhou Hao, your saber technique has also improved a lot, and you managed to connect ten sabers before letting go. It seems that I have improved during this period of time." Not big! Hehe! This armor is good, basically it doesn’t affect the movement, but the waist needs to be changed a little bit, which still affects the movement of the waist, and the buckle belt on the shoulder is a bit uncomfortable, which affects the lifting of the arm. Everything else is good! I like it very much!"

Several people stepped forward to help Gao Huaiyuan take off the armor, and hung it on the shelf again. Zhou Botong and others gathered around and began to check the problems Gao Huaiyuan pointed out, and discussed the solutions.

"Young Master, don't worry, this modification is not troublesome, it will be done soon, Master will try again in a few days! I promise to satisfy you!" Zhou Botong immediately assured Gao Huaiyuan.

"It's not in a hurry. Let's see if there are any other areas that need to be improved. It is necessary to achieve stronger frontal defense, maintain the center of gravity, and try to make the wearer more comfortable and labor-saving. This is the basic principle. Grasp these few points Just order it. It is unrealistic to want to come up with good things in a short while. Don't be too anxious about this matter!

What's more, once the shape is finalized, I will give you an idea, which can greatly reduce your workload. You can mold a large-area armor piece. As long as the steel piece is made, it is placed on the mold and tapped. Novices can also do it, which can save a lot of manpower!

As for the material, don't be stingy, it must be made of refined iron that has been repeatedly forged with a pestle and hammer. This is related to life, so don't be careless! "After a fight with Zhou Hao, Gao Huaiyuan was still out of breath, and explained to Zhou Botong and others.

"Little old man will follow the young master's instructions, and will not be sloppy! As for making molds, it's a good idea. I'll arrange someone to do it later!" Zhou Botong nodded repeatedly and wrote down Gao Huaiyuan's words. He is very interested in the method, otherwise, to create such a piece of armor full of curves, it is really only a master with quite good skills. To create a pair of armor like this will take a lot of man-hours, which will greatly affect the output. Yes, with the mould, this matter seems to be solved easily. He really didn't know that Gao Huaiyuan could come up with such a coup to solve many problems at once.

"Master, this armor is obviously different from the previous ones, do you want to give this new armor a name?" Xue Yan suddenly asked Gao Huaiyuan while standing aside.

After everyone heard about it, they all nodded, and felt that Xue Yan's question was right. The style of this armor is indeed too trendy, so what to call it is really a problem.

Gao Huaiyuan lowered his head and thought for a while, and he thought it was true. We can't always call this kind of armor a new type of armor!Anyway, all kinds of new things from him have names, and this new armor is no exception, so after looking at this new armor again, he said to everyone: "The wearer of this armor can only go forward indomitably. The principle of turning back, so I think it is called the Suppressing Armor! I don’t know what everyone thinks?”

It is really more appropriate to charge forward and move forward without hesitation, so everyone nodded in agreement, so a brand new armor was born in this world at this time, which is the famous armor in later generations.

After Gao Huaiyuan tried this kind of trap armor, he followed the crowd to the back to watch the two newly made pestle hammers here. After such a long time of use, everyone liked this hydraulic machine to death. The constant reciprocating movement of the never-ending pestle and hammer beats various iron materials on the anvil. After repeated forging, they saved a lot of time and manpower, and improved their work efficiency a lot, including manpower. The cost has also been greatly reduced, so although the iron works were relocated this time, they did not forget to choose a place close to the water to build a new iron work, and based on the previous pestle hammer, they built a dam again and built several brand new ones. pestle and hammer to provide power for their iron work, and even built a hydraulic blower to increase the temperature of their furnace, so that the temperature of the furnace can be increased, and the iron can be smelted faster.

After such an expansion, the ironworks have basically realized semi-mechanized production, and the quality of various ironware produced has improved a lot due to the improvement in the quality of iron materials. In order to maintain the operation of the ironworks, the main The products are not placed on the production of weapons and armor, but mainly on the production of various agricultural tools. The agricultural tools produced here are of high quality and the cost is much lower than that of ordinary handicraft workshops. Being welcomed by the farmers, ironwork has now transformed from a fully invested industry into a profitable industry. It no longer needs Gao Huaiyuan's continuous injection of funds, and at least it can initially maintain their production operations, which also reduces Gao Huaiyuan spent a lot of money, leaving a large sum of money for Gao Huaiyuan.

After Gao Huaiyuan looked at the dam, pestle and hammer and other machinery, he passed a stone bridge and entered a compound at the back of Tiezuo. There is also a camouflaged archery tower with full-time guards holding bows and crossbows to prevent outsiders from entering the courtyard. It can be seen that this is also the core of Gao Huaiyuan's iron work.

"Master, this is where our warehouse is located. There is a natural cave in the back that has been converted into our copper and iron reserve, and this is our copper work. If you want what we make, you can cast it here. Master, please Come in!" Xue Yan stood at the end of the stone bridge and introduced Gao Huaiyuan.

Gao Huaiyuan looked around for a while, and nodded in satisfaction. There is only one stone bridge passing through this place, and the rest of the place is surrounded. Basically, no one can cross the river to enter this courtyard. , and what he is currently doing inside is what he is really looking forward to seeing the most, but he doesn't know whether it has reached a practical level, so he took a deep breath and walked towards the courtyard.

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