Pirate Song

Chapter 109

Most of the time, people just compare their hearts to their hearts. Only when you treat others well can you get their loyalty. The ancients paid more attention to the word "loyalty". If Gao Huaiyuan treated them like this, they would naturally do things for Gao Huaiyuan with determination. Gao Huaiyuan has always followed a principle in dealing with his subordinates, otherwise, no matter how capable he is, he would not be able to do so many things.

And Gao Huaiyuan really didn't fool these craftsmen. Before returning to Crouching Tiger Manor this time, he had already dispatched a few smart men with enough money to go to the Zaoyang area of ​​Jiangbei, and sent a carrier pigeon to inform the present in advance. Huang Yan, who was the general of the Zhongshun Army, met them, and selected two of the northerners in Zhuangzi as guides. Taking advantage of the brief cessation of the war between the two countries during this period, they sneaked into the territory of the Kingdom of Jin to find these craftsmen. As for their family members, Gao Huaiyuan didn't say enough about how many he could find, but at least he had to find some of them and bring them back to show his sincerity.

At the same time, he did this for another purpose, which was to start extending his tentacles into the territory of the Kingdom of Jin, and collect as much information as possible from the Kingdom of Jin and pass it back, so it was worthwhile to spend some money.

But what he did, in the eyes of these craftsmen, is undoubtedly an act of righteousness, which made everyone very grateful, so they completely returned their hearts to him, and never thought of him again.

When Gao Huaiyuan and the others were drinking, a craftsman named Ma Bing suddenly brought something to Gao Huaiyuan, leaned over and said, "Master, what you ordered me to do earlier, I have already made it." It has become one, it is really easy to use, please take a look at it, young master!"

Gao Huaiyuan was overjoyed when he heard that, and almost slapped himself. When he came to Tiezuo this time, he had thought about it at first, but when he saw the firecracker, he happily forgot about it. If Bing didn't offer this kind of thing, he would have really forgotten about it!

Ma Lian is also one of the craftsmen he brought back from the army, but Ma Lian is a decorator. In the past, he made some ornaments and other objects specially for people. He is very ingenious. Now all the compass of Gao Huaiyuan is made by Ma Lian The handicrafts are quite meticulous, so Gao Huaiyuan often arranged for him to make some new gadgets.

What Ma Lian presented this time was not an ordinary thing, but a lighter, one of the common necessities of daily life in later generations. However, this kind of thing is still very primitive and crude, but its basic functions have the functions of lighters in later generations. .

Ever since Gao Huaiyuan arrived in this era, he has suffered from the lack of suitable fire starters. In this era, lighting a fire is a technical task, and it takes a lot of time and effort. You need a fire sickle, flint, fire fold, etc. It is very inconvenient to ignite the fire after a while of ping-ping-pong-pong. How can there be a match that can be easily lit after being wiped or a lighter that can be easily lit after being struck?

So Gao Huaiyuan wanted to make matches as a substitute at first, but because he couldn't find suitable chemical materials, and yellow phosphorus is highly toxic, it might poison people to death, so he finally decided on a lighter, so I just thought about this matter when I had nothing to do, and finally after several twists and turns, I finally designed a lighter with a simple mechanical principle, and drew a sketch, and handed it over to the horse soldiers for trial production.

But Ma Bing finally lived up to the expectations of everyone, and made this kind of Gao's lighter trial-produced, and took advantage of Gao Huaiyuan's head to present it to Gao Huaiyuan.

This kind of lighter is as big as a cigarette case. The shell is made of copper. After opening the upper cover, there is a special strong spring inside. On the flint, and the fire starter is a cotton rope, which contains saltpeter powder, which will catch fire when it encounters sparks. The principle is very close to that of the flintgun. Originally, Gao Huaiyuan wanted to use kerosene. But kerosene is not easy to catch fire, and it is not easy to get oil now, so this kind of cotton with saltpeter powder will be used instead, and we will wait until we get oil to improve it.

In front of everyone, Gao Huaiyuan took this new gadget and vigorously flipped the spring, and then heard a clear knocking sound, and immediately a few sparks popped out, but unfortunately they didn't fall on the gun cotton. So Gao Huaiyuan made two more calls in succession, and a few sparks immediately landed on the cotton, sparking a flame.

Such a fresh thing immediately attracted everyone's attention, Gao Huaiyuan laughed and said: "Ma Lian did a good job! This is what I want. Let's take a look now. This thing is cheaper than the usual Huosi It’s much simpler! Zhou Hao, give me a big reward for Jin Tong and Ma Bing, they gave me a lot of surprises today! As long as everyone has meritorious service, Gao will never be stingy in rewarding you! If you have nothing to do, make more of this kind of thing, the more the better, let our people use this kind of thing first!"

Everyone looked at the thing that could ignite in Gao Huaiyuan's hands, and couldn't help being amazed again. Gao Huaiyuan didn't hesitate to let everyone pass it on for a while, and finally satisfied everyone's curiosity. Everyone continued to chat, laugh and drink.

After he stayed in the iron work of the mine for a day, he drove a cart with Zhou Hao and others, loaded it with three already cast firecrackers, and returned to Crouching Tiger Manor.

Immediately after returning to the village, Zhou Hao's father, Zhou Laowu, was found and arranged for him to lead the carpenter to make a few shelves. Such a thing was naturally easy for Zhou Laowu, an old carpenter. Huaiyuan's request was fulfilled.

Considering that this is something of an experimental nature, Gao Huaiyuan did not make any gun mounts too carefully, but simply fixed the three firecrackers of different sizes firmly on the wooden frame. OK.

After finishing all this, he sent someone to fetch a barrel of gunpowder from Houshan gunpowder workshop, and a large bag of iron particles the size of a little finger, and then he brought the most considerate group of people to drag the three fire blunderbusses through the thorns and thorns. Entering the ravine, found an open valley, and placed the three fire blunderbuss down.

When Gao Huaiyuan did these things, he didn't explain anything to everyone. Zhou Hao and the others were also used to Gao Huaiyuan's behavior. Everyone just lowered their heads and did things without asking too many questions. There was another surprise for them, but they couldn't figure out why Gao Huaiyuan had so many strange things in his mind, any of them would be shocking and good, and they couldn't be convinced.

When it was time to set off the cannon, Gao Huaiyuan really scratched his head a little. Even though he has played with many guns in later generations, it was really the first time a big girl got on the sedan chair to set off the cannon. To count it into the category of guns, and how to load this thing, he only knows in theory, but in practice, it is really a bit messy.

Fortunately, the preparations were sufficient. Gao Huaiyuan prepared three wooden sticks of the same caliber as the gun bore in advance to be used as gun barrels for loading, and three long-stem brushes as brushes for cleaning the gun bore. What he saw in the film and television works was copied by him.

After placing the three gunpowders, Gao Huaiyuan did not call for help from others. After checking the firmness of the gunpowder, he began to tinker with the gunpowder. The attitude of stones crossing the river starts with the small ones, and the first shot of the province blows up the barrel when it is ignited.

Everyone gathered around and watched Gao Huaiyuan busy alone, Li Ruohu scratched his head and muttered, "What are you doing, young master? Why are you filling this copper pipe with gunpowder? It's not about making a new type of thunderbolt." !"

Gao Huaiyuan didn't answer them, and kept busy on his own. After tossing for a long time, he finally loaded all three firecrackers, and used the barrel to tamp the ammunition inside, and connected them to the firemen. On the long leads.

At any rate, the barrels of these three firecrackers were cast to a fairly standard, and the insides were well polished, and there was no uneven thickness or jerky feeling when loading, which made Gao Huaiyuan feel relieved a lot.

"Stay far away, I'm going to test the cannon! Everyone hide behind the rocks!" Gao Huaiyuan wiped the sweat from his forehead and told Zhou Hao and others, and took out his lighter from his arms and started cracking. They slapped.

Everyone saw Gao Huaiyuan's posture, and immediately consciously let each other find a place to hide. Now that they all knew that the gunpowder exploded, they didn't dare to make a big deal, and quickly hid their bodies, only half of their heads were exposed. Looking far away.

Gao Huaiyuan took a deep breath anxiously, then put the flame of the lighter on the thinnest firecracker, lit the fuse, and immediately ran away, stuck his head behind a big rock, and then immediately stretched out halfway. A head turned his eyes to the firecracker hissing with blue smoke.

He didn't want to miss the scene where the No. [-] cannon in the world was fired. Anyway, this was his masterpiece, so he had to see the result with his own eyes.

Everyone held their breath and looked nervously at the smoking copper pipe, wondering whether Gao Huaiyuan was a little too extravagant, to spend so much effort to get this thing out, after this thing exploded, wouldn't it be Scrapped?It's not as simple as casting an iron lump with pig iron.

And a roar finally exploded in the anticipation of everyone. I saw the firecracker suddenly shook, jumped on the ground, and retreated a certain distance to the back. A ball of flames spewed out from the muzzle, and the smoke immediately filled , the air was filled with a pungent smell of gunpowder smoke.

"Haha..." Just when everyone was still looking out from the hiding place, everyone suddenly heard a man's wild laughter, and a figure rushed out, and rushed to the explosion-like sound like lightning. At the copper pipe.

I saw Gao Huaiyuan surrounding the smoking copper pipe like a nympho, stretching out his hand to caress the still intact copper pipe while drooling, laughing wildly.

"Successful! Haha! The best gun in the world! I finally succeeded! Haha!" Gao Huaiyuan wished he could hug this firecracker and give it a strong kiss.

Everyone also came out one after another, gathered around Gao Huaiyuan, and watched this weird thing together. They really couldn't figure out how it was still intact after it exploded.

"Brother! This thing didn't explode, can it be considered a success?" Zhou Hao looked at Gao Huaiyuan's demented expression, and was really worried that he was stimulated and went crazy, so he carefully reminded Gao Huaiyuan.

"Of course it succeeded! If this thing exploded, it would be a failure. It is intact now, how can it be said that it was not a success?" Gao Huaiyuan retorted to Zhou Hao so happy that his mouth almost crooked.

"Brother! I really can't see what is the use of this thing? Why are you so happy?" Zhou Hao really couldn't figure out why Gao Huaiyuan would be happy with this virtue.

"Stupid! What are you looking at around this firecracker! You should go and see the tree in front of you! See what's on the trunk before you talk!" Gao Huaiyuan turned his head and looked at the people around him. Staring at the bewildered look, he couldn't help but said to them.

After listening to Gao Huaiyuan's reminder, everyone turned their attention to the big tree that the thing was aimed at just now, walked over one after another, and looked at the trunk.

"Where do these holes come from?" Zhao Tong had sharp eyes, and immediately pointed to several damaged places on the trunk and asked Zhou Hao and others.

Everyone looked closely, and there were indeed many holes on the trunk, a piece of bark had been peeled off, and the xylem inside was exposed. There were at least several such damages on the thick trunk, and the smarter people immediately understood. .

"God! These holes seem to be made by the iron bullets filled in the copper pipe! They hit so far and are so powerful! Let me see how deep they go!" Zhou Jun exclaimed. Pulled out a shining dagger from the inside of the boot, lay down on the tree and started digging on the trunk.

At this time Gao Huaiyuan also came over, triumphantly lying on the tree trunk to watch the effect of the killing, when he saw the deep hole in the tree trunk, Gao Huaiyuan was so satisfied that his mouth completely tilted to the side in a smile.

"Could it really be made by that copper pipe? How could it have shot the iron bullet so far!" Zhou Hao began to understand a little bit at this time, and asked Gao Huaiyuan.

"That's right, it was made of that copper pipe. Now you should understand the purpose of this thing! In fact, this is a kind of burst gun, and now I officially name it a cannon! This cannon is a real cannon! It is also the first bronze cannon in the world today! Haha!" Gao Huaiyuan pointed at the firecracker that had just been let go and said to the crowd.

"Cannon? If this thing can be called a cannon, then what is the cannon used in the army! Could this be more powerful than that kind of cannon?" Zhou Hao still couldn't believe how much such a thing could be. Great, so I asked Gao Huaiyuan again.

"Of course it's powerful. This cannon is not that cannon. It is a weapon that uses gunpowder as the power to throw projectiles. It can be said to be far more powerful than that kind of stone cannon. As long as you aim at the enemy and shoot it, there is no reason for the hit , Even if you are wearing heavy armor, you can't resist the bombardment of this kind of thing, and this kind of cannon is expensive because the projectile is so fast that you can't distinguish it with the naked eye, no matter how skilled you are, you can't hide!

Just now this door is too small, its power is limited, you can't see its power, wait a moment and let you see the power of the other two big guys!Bring the pigs and sheep we brought with us and tie them to these trees, and you will know how powerful they are later! "Gao Huaiyuan couldn't contain his excitement and explained to this group of people.

Everyone didn't quite understand what they heard, but seeing how powerful this little thing is, it would be even more spectacular if they released the two big guys later, so Zhao Tong and the others immediately brought them from a distance. A few pigs and sheep were brought over, and according to Gao Huaiyuan's instructions, they were tied to these big trees.

At this time, Zhou Jun, who had been busy for a long time, finally dug out an iron bullet on the tree trunk with a dagger, and said with a smack, "My dear! This iron bullet is embedded so deep in the tree trunk, and its power is indeed terrifying. If this If it hits a person, no one can withstand such a blow, it is really powerful!"

Everyone immediately stretched their heads over to look at the iron bullet the size of a little finger in his hand, and saw that the iron bullet had long been deformed into a flat shape after hitting the tree trunk, and Zhou Jun dug out the tree trunk with a dagger. After a deep hole, it was only then that Gao Huaiyuan believed what Gao Huaiyuan said was true, and began to look at this ugly copper pipe with admiration.

Gao Huaiyuan led everyone behind the second medium-caliber gun, and then told them the firing principle of the gun in detail, so that they had an intuitive and preliminary concept of the gun, and then let everyone hide again. And lit the fuse of the second gun.

Lying behind the stone, Gao Huaiyuan silently chanted and counted. After counting to the tenth time, he heard a loud roar from the firecracker, and then Gao Huaiyuan opened his mouth wide, and he couldn't help it for a long time. Not closed.

It turned out that after the sound of the medium-caliber firecracker, Gao Huaiyuan and the others saw the firecracker and then turned his back and fell heavily backwards. After rolling a few times, he overturned on the ground. land.

And the pigs and sheep a hundred paces away in front of the artillery immediately let out screams, blood burst out of some of them, and then fell to the ground with screams.

After seeing the miserable conditions of those pigs and sheep, everyone no longer doubted the power of this kind of artillery. After a moment of shock, they immediately ran over to where the pigs and sheep were, and lowered their heads to check the wounds on these pigs and sheep.

As a result, everyone immediately clicked their tongues. The thick body of the huge pig was pierced by the iron bullets ejected from the cannon, and fell to the ground with a ripped stomach, and the few sheep that were shot were even more horrible. , his body was blasted to pieces, his tendons were broken and his bones were broken, his blood was so bloody that he couldn't die anymore.

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