Pirate Song

Chapter 114

After listening to Gao Huaiyuan's impassioned speech, it immediately aroused the sympathy of the following township braves, and many township braves immediately followed suit and shouted.

For a while, the shouts of "willing to fight across the river with the general!" resounded through the sky, and even many people in the village who did not want to cross the river with the army at the beginning felt ashamed and stood up. Please fight and ask to join the army across the river.

The shouting echoed for a long time before it gradually subsided. It turned out that some of those crying and unwilling to cross the river stopped their mourning after listening to Gao Huaiyuan's words, and retreated into the battle with shame on their faces. Among them, only four people are still begging for mercy, begging Gao Huaiyuan to let them go and let them stay in the south bank.

"Master County Captain, the young ones have the old and the young, and the young ones still need to be taken care of at home. The young ones are not good men. I implore the adults to keep the young ones behind!..." Three of the four continued to cry, and immediately triggered The contemptuous eyes of the surrounding townsmen came.

"Life and death are up to fate. It is God's will that you wait to cross the river with the adults. Why are you so timid and afraid of death? Don't you think it's okay to lose all of us in Daye?" A scold came from behind them The voice of Guo Liang came out more and more, pointing at them and cursing.

"Don't tell me this, I just don't want to cross the river! Whoever wants to go will go! At worst, he will be beaten!" A guy with a dead pig's attitude that he is not afraid of being scalded by boiling water actually turned his head back.

Gao Huaiyuan was really going to be annoyed by this fellow, at this moment, this fellow is still prevaricating like this, how could such people exist in the army.

"Since you don't want to go, then I won't make it difficult for you. When I selected people, I said that life and death are up to you. Since you have won the lottery, you should make your own destiny and go to Huangzhou with me! But Since you guys don't want to obey orders, I'll blame you for being rude!

Come, drag these four people out of the gate and behead them on the spot. What I want is a warrior, not a coward!

This is the army, not your backyard, and you are not allowed to be the masters, but you are bewitching the army again and again, how can I tolerate you!kill! "Gao Huaiyuan couldn't bear it any longer, and yelled at the four people in a sharp voice.

As soon as his words fell, a group of people rushed out from behind, went up and pressed the four people firmly, tied them up with ropes, and was about to drag them out.

This frightened the four of them. They didn't want to go to Huangzhou because they were afraid of death. They thought they could stay after making a fuss, but they didn't expect Gao Huaiyuan to kill as soon as he said it. They are not allowed to get away with it.

So a few people were frightened and frightened, begging for mercy, not begging to stay in Ezhou, even wanting to cross the river, but at this time, it was impossible for Gao Huaiyuan to take back his life.

"Guo Liang is out! I order you to be the supervising officer who crosses the river this time. Anyone who disobeys the general, is greedy for life and fears death, and flees before the battle will be killed immediately without pardon. You go to execute the punishment on your behalf, and sacrifice the heads of the four to the flag. This officer is waiting here! Make no mistakes!" Gao Huaiyuan didn't even listen to the wailing of the four of them, and immediately shouted loudly to Xiang Yongzhong below.

"Little one obeys!" Guo Liang immediately stepped out of the crowd, stood in front of Gao Huaiyuan and clasped his fists to receive the order. He had served Gao Huaiyuan before the army and knew Gao Huaiyuan's temper. If you are cruel, I am afraid that the emperor will not be able to change his mind when he comes here.

As the wailing of the four people faded away, the camp suddenly became silent. Everyone was a little stunned by Gao Huaiyuan. They didn't expect Gao Huaiyuan to be so ruthless. Knowing what ruthless military law is, it seems that these four people have hit Gao Huaiyuan's sword.

In the hunting wind, only the wailing of a few people could be heard continuously coming from the gate, and then Guo Liang shouted outside the gate: "Kill!"

The wailing and begging of the four people stopped abruptly, only the sound of the wind blowing the battle flag and hunting was left. Not long after, the four executioners, each carrying a bloody head, followed Guo Liang back to the camp, and Put the head at Gao Huaiyuan's feet.

Gao Huaiyuan coldly glanced at the heads of several people, and saw that all of them had their eyes slightly open, as if they were dying, and couldn't help but sighed slightly inwardly. These four people might not be bad people, but it's a pity that they came to the wrong place Gao Huaiyuan didn't know which township the four of them were from, and he didn't know if they were forced to come to Ezhou, but he didn't have time to figure out these things at this time. What he needed was morale and military discipline, so he could only borrow Their heads were used.

"Hang the heads of these four people on the gate of the camp. Anyone who disobeys orders should take this as a warning. I don't want to kill them, but they want to kill themselves. I can't blame me for anything!

Let's think about it in our hearts, this is the army, the military order is like a mountain, if anyone wants to challenge the military discipline and defy the law, these four people are role models!

Now the teams are leading off for dinner. Those who go out with me tonight will receive armor, pack up your armor, and be ready to dispatch at any time, and cross the river with me!Disband! "Gao Huaiyuan loudly ordered to disband.

Then he strode down from the stage, turned around and ordered some people, followed him out of the camp, and went to the warehouse of the garrison camp to get armor and other items. At the same time, he ordered the camp to be strictly guarded, and no one was allowed to leave the camp, otherwise he would be punished as fleeing the battle. God knows if there will be cowardly people who will sneak away at night when others are not prepared. Once there are deserters, then things will be troublesome.

The officer in charge of the treasury has received Zhao Fang's instructions, and has prepared the required armor for Gao Huaiyuan and others, and piled it outside the treasury, waiting for Gao Huaiyuan to come here to get it.

When Gao Huaiyuan came to the warehouse, the treasury officer was already impatient and sat in the tent cursing with dissatisfaction.

"Lieutenant Gao Huaiyuan of Daye County is here to collect bows, crossbows, armor and other things!" Just as the treasury officer was waiting impatiently, the voice of the small school came from outside.

It's finally here!The treasury officer said: "Allow him to enter the camp and ask him to come to my office to sign for what he needs! Wait until it's dark!"

Gao Huaiyuan entered the treasurer's room alone, and saw the guy with his legs raised on the case, holding a pair of scissors in his hand and trimming his nails, with a dissatisfied expression on his face, he only raised his eyes to look at Gao Huaiyuan , seeing Gao Huaiyuan coming in empty-handed, he snorted even more.

"It's not a small airs. Captain Gao, do you know that I have been waiting for you here for a long time? You really don't understand the rules!" The treasurer scolded Gao Huaiyuan dissatisfiedly after pursing his mouth and snorting coldly.

Gao Huaiyuan was already in a bad mood today, his heart was in a mess and he lost control of his emotions. Just now he killed four people who retreated from the battle, and his chest was full of hostility. He didn't know who to vent it on, so he forgot when he came. According to the rules in the army, when he comes to the warehouse to receive a large amount of supplies, under normal circumstances, it is necessary to give the officers in charge of the warehouse some benefits. Otherwise, they may not be able to receive the required supplies in sufficient quantities. He already knew the rules when he was in Xiangyang.

When he saw the face of the treasury officer, he immediately understood his mistake, but today he also committed a crime, and he didn't want to give face to such a person who eats the emperor's food and doesn't do business, he thought to himself, this is a big deal. I have to cross the river to risk my life, in order to fight for the Great Song Dynasty. It is not certain whether I will come back or not. You stay here comfortably and only put some supplies, but you want me to make offerings to you. Find someone to reason with!What's more, Lao Tzu is a nine-rank county captain, and you are a small treasury officer, but it's like asking Lao Tzu to make a confession for you, no way!

So Gao Huaiyuan didn't pay any attention to this guy's meaning, Quan Dang didn't know the rules, just cupped his fists and said: "I'm dealing with affairs in the camp, there is a delay, I hope the treasurer will forgive me, please let me go A, let me bring it back!"

Seeing Gao Huaiyuan's intentions, the treasurer's heart suddenly became furious, thinking that even though the things you want are approved by Mr. Zhao, you are still in the officialdom anyway!You don't even understand the rules, if everyone is as unreasonable as you, then how can I keep messing around in the future!With such a big family in Ezhou, can't they drink the northwest wind?But he also saw that Gao Huaiyuan had no intention of making a confession to him at all, even though he was full of anger, he couldn't ask Gao Huaiyuan for a bribe, so he rolled his eyes and immediately thought about it.

"Since this is the case, Mr. Gao is also involved in military affairs, and I have nothing to say as an official. Come, please Mr. Gao go to Beiku to get the armor! This is the list of armors, Mr. Gao, please sign for it!" Said the palm The treasurer pushed a list on the table to Gao Huaiyuan.

Gao Huaiyuan stepped forward to pick up the list of supplies, and looked at it with big eyes. There was nothing wrong with it, but he also kept an eye out and didn't sign for it right away. After this matter, as for what to receive, maybe!

Moreover, he also knew that the amount of things that the officers in charge of the treasury often put in is not enough. They rely on small tricks to resell the embezzled things to the black market for profit, so Gao Huaiyuan just looked at the list and turned around to ask for Follow a small official down to receive supplies.

"Oh? Why is Mr. Gao so ignorant of the rules? You sign for it first!" The treasurer officer saw that Gao Huaiyuan took the list and turned around, so he hurriedly called him to come.

"That's right? I always have to check and accept before signing for it!" Gao Huaiyuan continued to pretend not to understand.

This made the cashier very angry, so he immediately waved his hand and said, "Forget it! If that's the case, you go to check and accept it! Come and take Mr. Gao to pick up the goods!"

The little officials under him are also experienced people. When they heard their leader's order, they immediately understood the reason, so after a sly smile, they made a gesture of invitation to Gao Huaiyuan, and then went out to lead the way, leading Gao Huaiyuan Go to a warehouse in the back.

When the warehouse door was opened by a few soldiers guarding the warehouse, clouds of dust fell on the door, immediately covering people's heads and faces, choking so much that people could hardly breathe, Gao Huaiyuan frowned, Judging from the posture, this warehouse has not been opened for some years, what kind of good goods can be stored in it!

"Master Gao, the east side of this is where the armor is stored. There is an order on it. Mr. Gao must provide [-] sets of iron armor and [-] sets of leather armor. The middle place is for swords, guns and shields. Your lord can take six sets of armor at will. There are a hundred sets, and the west side is where the crossbow and bowstring are, you can take it, and then there are other bows and arrows in the storeroom, and you can use it later!"

A small official said loudly to Gao Huaiyuan with the list.

Gao Huaiyuan stared at this huge warehouse. It was so dark inside that he couldn't see anything clearly when he looked in. Moreover, after the warehouse door was opened, there were rats scurrying around. They ran out under their feet, and there was a musty smell everywhere.

Gao Huaiyuan immediately thought of the problem, so he immediately cursed in his heart. It seems that they didn't give a confession to the damn treasurer officer today, so they came up with a way to deal with themselves, and opened the warehouse of the discarded armor , let him choose the armor. Although he hasn't seen what's inside, Gao Huaiyuan already knows that there is absolutely nothing he needs in it.

These damn bastards, I am going to send troops to fight, but you are here to get bribes, and you are entrapping me, let me get some discarded things, and go to fight with the golden soldiers!Do you want me to die?

"Are you sure that the things I need are here?" Gao Huanyuan suppressed his anger and asked coldly to the soldiers guarding the warehouse who brought him over.

"That's right! This is where the armor you need is stored, sir!" A guy replied with a disdainful expression.

Gao Huaiyuan looked at this guy's face, and wished he could go up and slap him so hard that his teeth were all over the place, but after a second thought in his mind, he suppressed the anger in his heart and said, "If that's the case, then please hold the lamp, I will Then bring someone in to pick up the goods! Come on, follow me in and count the required armor!"

So someone brought a lantern, lit it, and led Gao Huaiyuan and his party into the huge warehouse. The musty smell in the warehouse was disgusting, and rats squeaked and ran around under their feet.

When Gao Huaiyuan saw the dusty pile of armor, Gao Huaiyuan had already made up his mind that this was really the place where the discarded armor was stored, and it was not at all the reserve warehouse for the regular equipment of the Song Army currently stationed in the army, because here The armors are not only dilapidated, but also of different shapes and shapes. There are not only zip armors, but also several sets of mirror armors that can be called antiques. It is almost impossible to tell the age of the works. The leather straps of the armor have even rotted away, and the large piece of armor has been rusted to the point where only a layer of skin remains, and there are still many cracks left. The ghost knows when it was picked off from the body of the dead.

As for those leather armors, they were covered with moldy green hairs, they smelled terrible, and they were in tatters. If Gao Huaiyuan didn't like it, the people who followed him jumped up.

"Is this armor for us? Can this kind of rag be called armor? Can this still be worn? I would rather go into battle with my butt naked than wear this rag to fight!" Someone stood in Gao Huaiyuan Immediately, he yelled behind his back, the voice was a little too loud, causing dust to fall from his head, choking him so much that he couldn't help coughing.

"That's right, that's all for you, do you want it or not! Anyway, you are all rural soldiers, and you are not worthy of being equipped with the armor used by the garrison army! Hurry up and choose! You can choose from here!" a supervisor The clerk of the library replied to Gao Huaiyuan and the others with a look of displeasure.

All of a sudden, the group of people brought by Gao Huaiyuan was so angry that one Buddha ascended to heaven and two Buddhas came out of their bodies, so a group of people wanted to go forward to argue with the soldiers in charge of the treasury, but Gao Huaiyuan suddenly stretched out his hand to stop them.

"Don't talk too much! Since these adults have prepared for us, let's pick some! Being able to use these things is already considered good, so what can I say? Hurry up!" Gao Huaiyuan said loudly.

This time, the people he brought stopped talking, and rummaged through the pile of armor angrily. With such a pull, the house smelled even more musty, and dust was flying everywhere.

The guys in charge of the warehouse couldn't bear the smell, so they retreated to the gate one after another, stretching their heads to breathe the fresh air outside.

"Everyone has heard this, don't say anything, don't ask anything, give me what you want, and move out after you get the amount together! I have my own use! Hurry up, everyone!" Gao Huaiyuan insisted Holding back his anger, he gave orders to those around him.

The people under him were at a loss for a moment, they didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Gao Huaiyuan's gourd. It seemed that their young master or county captain was not stupid!Why does it suddenly seem to be a bit of a funny trend today?

But in the afternoon, Gao Huaiyuan just killed four people who disrespected the order. Yu Wei was still there. The pile of tattered armor was tossed, and the broken armor that could no longer be broken was taken out, and then moved out of the warehouse.

A few soldiers in charge of the warehouse standing at the door of the warehouse watched the group of disgraced countrymen move the rags outside, so they covered their mouths and laughed and whispered.

"I said brother, these bumpkins are bumpkins, no wonder the higher-ups asked us to bring them here, you see, they are happy to move this thing, I have never seen it in the market! Hehe!"

"That's right, these bumpkins don't even know the rules, so they come here to pick up the goods, and they should use these things. There's no need to give them points, let them take it! Just clean up the warehouse for our brothers, so as not to occupy the warehouse Filled up!"

"You guys are stupid! You know nothing! Now we are going to be rich! We can't even see this! You are still planning to clean up the warehouse. I am convinced of you! If you want me to say that once they leave, It's time for us to get busy, wait and see, let's not stop tonight!"

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