Pirate Song

Chapter 14 Zhao and Ju

The old man didn't object to Huang Yan and the boys coming here, but he never cared about them, but let Gao Huaiyuan take care of them himself. As for how Gao Huaiyuan taught them, it was Gao Huaiyuan's own business.

Seeing the old man's appearance as a world-class expert, the boys didn't dare to make mistakes, so they could only practice martial arts with Gao Huaiyuan according to Gao Huaiyuan's request, and Gao Huaiyuan saw that they were willing to learn, but only asked them not to use this Tell the matter, otherwise, don't even think about following him in the future, and the boys all agreed.

After that, Gao Huaiyuan took out the old man's teaching method to him, and asked them to prepare a set of outfits similar to his when they went back, but they could only hold sand in it, and the weight was prepared according to what they could bear. Within a few days, only Huang Yan and a boy named Zhou Hao were left to be trained by this group of boys. The rest of the guys couldn't bear the torment, and they all died down, and they stopped getting up early to exercise. If they don't come, Gao Huaiyuan didn't force it, it was all up to them to decide.

For Huang Yan's performance, Gao Huaiyuan was quite surprised. He thought that he was a rich man, and he would definitely not be able to bear this hardship, and would run away in a few days, but he didn't expect that although this guy looked glib, he only listened to him all day long. He complained endlessly, but he persisted in the end. This shows that Huang Yan's character is relatively tough, and after some training, it shouldn't be too bad.

And this Zhou Hao's family is relatively poor, and they usually talk very little. There is no money for him to study at home, and no one to discipline him, so he can only hang out on the street and become Huang Yan's subordinate, but his personality belongs to the kind who is very capable. The hard-working young man never heard him complain about suffering, and he was in awe of Gao Huaiyuan. No matter what Gao Huaiyuan asked him to do, he always completed it honestly, and now he belonged to Gao Huaiyuan's die-hard supporters.

When the old man saw that there were only these two left, he no longer turned a blind eye to them, but varied from person to person, and each taught them something.

Huang Yan's character is relatively outgoing, the old man taught him a set of marksmanship, and asked him to start practicing spears in addition to normal exercises, while Zhou Hao's personality is calm and strong, so the old man taught him a set of swordsmanship, which made him He practiced knives.

Even Gao Huaiyuan didn't teach anything, and let him keep fighting like this, which made Gao Huaiyuan very unhappy. He was better than these two people in every way. They could learn spear and sword skills, but he couldn't. So I asked the old man to protest.

"You are different from them. They don't have your qualities, and they won't achieve great success in the end. That's why I let them learn some marksmanship and knife skills, but you can't learn them. If you teach them now, it will limit your development. , the real kung fu is not a few sets of tricks, but no matter what you get, it can become a handy weapon. There are tricks to win without tricks. You'd better understand this truth. Only when you reach this level can you learn Great success!" The old man took Gao Huaiyuan aside and explained to him alone.

Hearing what the old man said, Gao Huaiyuan became more honest, and stopped asking to learn any sword skills, and continued to accept the old man's individual teaching, beat him with a stick until he jumped like a dog, and hid everywhere in the woods.

Needless to say, this kind of training is really effective. When the old man started, he could hit Gao Huaiyuan every time he took a shot, but after a period of training, Gao Huaiyuan was no longer so naive. He dodged for a time or two, and wearing this outfit, with the support of the method of controlling Qi taught by the old man, his steps became lighter and lighter.

In this way, Gao Huaiyuan completely understood the old man's good intentions, so he practiced even harder.

In addition to teaching Gao Huaiyuan Kung Fu, the old man also often taught Gao Huaiyuan some things about the formation of troops. Gao Huaiyuan was also very interested in this way of fighting in the cold weapon era, so he kept in mind many things the old man taught him. I felt that I benefited a lot from the formation. The old man saw that he was interested, so he got some military books and strategies for him to read. It was like training him as a general. Although Gao Huaiyuan didn't know why the old man did this , but he also pretended to be confused, just listen, just memorize, anyway, these things are not sure when they may be used, and when it comes to troubled times, if they can’t escape, they will rise up and fight against the Mongolian army. I never thought about surrendering to the Mongolian army.

When he was free at night, Gao Huaiyuan thought about this matter, pondered over and over again, and finally came to a conclusion that the main reason why he never thought of surrendering to the Mongols and becoming an obedient citizen was the Yuan Dynasty's policy towards the Han people. The fourth class, the first class is Mongols, the second class is Semu people, the third class is northern Han people, and the fourth class is southerners. As southern Han people, they can’t even be called Han people. Mongolians only need to pay for killing Han people. A donkey would be fine, so he had no interest in being a donkey-worthy man under the Mongols, and just barely survived!So if the Mongols really came, he would never surrender to the Mongols!

Gao Huaiyuan encountered a problem when he read the military books handed to him by those old men. These ancient books were all written in traditional Chinese characters, and all of them were classical Chinese. He was so embarrassed, and after thinking about it for a long time, he decided to talk to Gao Jian to see if he could find someone to teach him how to read. The requirements are not high, as long as he can read and understand these military books and tactics.

In his spare time, Gao Huaiyuan also went to see the little brother named Zhao Yuju. After understanding, this Zhao Yuju was indeed a clan relative, but he was a distant relative. According to Zhao Yuju himself, he was the tenth son of Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin. Grandson, his ancestor is Zhao Dezhao, that is to say, he is a branch of the Zhao family. From his great-grandfather and grandfather, he no longer has any titles, but in his father's generation, he was only a ninth-rank county captain and died early. , so in his generation, it has long since declined like a commoner. His mother, Quan's family, brought him and his younger brother. The orphans and widows couldn't even continue their lives, so they had to go to Shaoxing Mansion and return to Quan's natal family to stay. , life is quite embarrassing.

Although Gao Huaiyuan knows a little about history, he is not a professional in this matter, so he doesn't know too many details of history. After listening to Zhao Yuju's words, he thinks about it. It's unclear, Zhao Guangyi took over the throne, and naturally he would not make life easier for Zhao Kuangyin's descendants. As Zhao Kuangyin's descendants, it's not surprising that they got mixed up to this point.

And Zhao Yuju was very grateful to Gao Huaiyuan because of Gao Huaiyuan's help last time. Every time he saw Gao Huaiyuan, his elder brother kept shouting, which made Gao Huaiyuan feel kind to him, so He also taught him a few kung fu from time to time, saving Zhao Yuju from being bullied by other children, and even won Zhao Yuju's respect.

Huang Yan and his gang saw that Gao Huaiyuan and Zhao Yuju had a good relationship, so they all came to apologize to Zhao Yuju honestly. Order some food and clothing, send them to Zhao Yuju's house, and help Zhao Yuju's house, which can be regarded as flattering Gao Huaiyuan from the side.

Zhao Yuju is not stupid, he knows that all the favors he has received are due to Gao Huaiyuan's relationship, even his mother Quan's family also praises Gao Huaiyuan, and often asks Zhao Yuju to invite Gao Huaiyuan to come to play, so After coming and going, Gao Huaiyuan became a frequent visitor to Zhao Yuju's house, and even at Zhao Yuju's house, he could really feel the warmth of a family.

And after a long time, everyone also knew about Gao Huaiyuan, and knew that although Gao Huaiyuan was said to be the third youngest of the Gao family, in fact, because of his background and because he was stupid when he was young, his status in the Gao family was very unpopular We'll see, but the people who got to know Gao Huaiyuan did not underestimate Gao Huaiyuan because of this. In their eyes, Gao Huaiyuan is a straightforward person, and he is righteous. What surprised them even more was that Gao Huaiyuan knew a lot of strange things. It's beyond their imagination.

From Gao Huaiyuan, they heard that the land under their feet is actually a sphere, most of this sphere is water, only a small part is land, and Da Song is the largest piece of land on this sphere. There are still many places on land that haven't been discovered yet. They have heard a lot about these things from Gao Huaiyuan, and they all find them very novel and unbelievable.

Moreover, Gao Huaiyuan knew a lot of things, and he could get a very reasonable explanation for many things wherever he went, which made these little brothers feel admiration.

Gao Huaiyuan also told them a lot about the Mongolian army, Genghis Khan, and the ferocity of the Mongolian army, which made everyone a little scared. Only Huang Yan said indifferently: "I'm afraid of him! If the Mongols really come, See if I don’t shoot them one at a time, stab them to death! At worst, I will join the army in the future, and become a general in the future, leading the troops to fight back the Mongolian army, and see if they dare to provoke us Han people!”

After hearing this, the other guys were annoyed and continued to say that it was a big deal and they would fight with them. There are so many Han people, can they still be afraid of that handful of Mongols?

Gao Huaiyuan smiled and didn't answer their faults. The reason why these guys said that was because they didn't know how powerful the Mongols were, and the Mongol army had a huge composition. In the later period, there were all kinds of races in the Mongol army. The Song army was small, not to mention that it was not easy to be a general in the Song Dynasty, and he had to bear the constraints of unskilled civil servants everywhere. It might not be easy to contend with the Mongolian army!

Thinking about the future of Song Dynasty in the future, Gao Huaiyuan felt depressed. He was really not optimistic about the state of drunken life and death in Song Dynasty. Living in this era can only be said to be their misfortune. Could it be that they are going to hang around like this?Gao Huaiyuan always felt a little unwilling.

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