Pirate Song

Chapter 87

When Gao Huaiyuan put on the official uniform specially made for him, he felt a little awkward. He was used to a strong outfit on weekdays, and suddenly he put on this messy green official uniform that showed his order , feeling a little uncomfortable all over, muttering his dissatisfaction, accompanied by Ji Xiancheng, came to Daye County to take up his post.

Regarding Gao Huaiyuan's appointment, a group of colleagues in the county government specially hosted a banquet in the city to entertain Gao Huaiyuan. Naturally, Gao Huaiyuan is very familiar with this group of people, and Gao Huaiyuan has dealt with them a lot in recent years. , so they don't feel stiff with each other.

As a county government agency, there are quite a lot of people in the county government. In addition to Liu Zhixian, the chief official, there are also county magistrates, masters, and Yasi. Those who can attend the banquet are considered to be prominent in the county government. The characters, push a cup to change a cup, so that there is a lot of excitement.

As expected, Gao Huaiyuan's idea was also fulfilled. Liu Zhixian's superiority to Gao Huaiyuan this time did play a role in mediating. When Gao Huaiyuan led the army to the front of the army, he angered Gao Huaiyuan's father Gao Jian Gao Jian often made things difficult for Liu Zhixian, which made Liu Zhixian a little embarrassed, so this time when he heard that Gao Jian was trying to get Gao Huaiyuan to fill the vacancy of county captain, Liu Zhixian considered making up for Gao Jian, so After active mediation, and Gao Jian's presents in court, the matter really didn't take much effort, and it was done for him.

From Liu Zhixian's speech during the meeting, Gao Huaiyuan heard this meaning, so he thanked Liu Zhixian repeatedly for his kindness, and pretended to pat his chest to promise that Liu Zhixian would do a good job.

This made Liu Zhixian quite gratified, at least Gao Huaiyuan was also from Daye County, and he knew the basics and the bottom line, and he had a good friendship with him in the past few years. When he was just a elder, he helped the county government a lot. Thinking about it, it is also much easier to use.

So for Gao Huaiyuan's appointment, the people in the county government are quite happy. Knowing that Gao Huaiyuan is a generous person, after becoming an official in Daye in the future, there will naturally be their benefits.

Therefore, the matter of Gao Huaiyuan taking over the county captain went smoothly. Basically, no one set up any artificial obstacles for him to make things difficult for him. In just two days, Gao Huaiyuan quickly took over the county with the help of Ji Xiancheng. Wei thing.

Don't look at a county government sparrow that is small, but has all the internal organs. Gao Huaiyuan didn't pay much attention to this matter before, and he didn't know the responsibilities of the various officials in the county government. Fortunately, Ji Xiancheng was by his side. After making up for it, I finally got a general understanding of these things.

As the chief executive of Daye County, Liuzhi County is responsible for a wide range of affairs, including real household registration, tax collection, uniform labor, repairing water conservancy, persuading agriculture and mulberry, leading military administration, eliminating thieves, running schools, moralizing people, and exile , Relief for the Poor, Judging Prison Lawsuits, etc., integrating military administration, administration, civil affairs, judiciary, and finance.He is the top leader in the county in terms of coordinating the relationship between the central and local governments and stabilizing the local governance order.

The county magistrate is the assistant official of the county magistrate, whose main responsibility is the management of documents, warehouses, etc. The post of Wei is the chief officer in charge of apprehending bandits in a county, maintaining local law and order, and inspecting county archers. He is at the same level as his Bao Yilang, both ninth-rank officials, and a serious sesame boy. Officials are officials in charge of military equipment in the county. They are similar to Gao Huaiyuan and can be regarded as military officials.

After figuring this out, Gao Huaiyuan knew his responsibilities. It turned out that the hard work in the county government office was all his. No wonder Liu Zhixian hurriedly got him into the county government office. He was eager to let him act as a thug. !Gao Huaiyuan couldn't help but smiled wryly at Ji Xiancheng.

"Since the young master wants to do something, the position of county lieutenant is not bad. Although Daye County is not big, it is also a medium-sized county. It is not necessarily a bad thing to start from a small one. It is better than secretly training yourself. There are a lot of private soldiers to be stronger, the young master can use this opportunity to learn what he has learned, and it is a good deed to be able to strengthen the people of one side. After all, now that the Kingdom of Jin is destroying me, the heart of Song Dynasty is not dead, so it is not sure when they will come to commit crimes. It will be a good thing for the future if the people in the local area can be strong and strong!" Ji Xiancheng sipped the teacup leisurely while persuading Gao Huaiyuan.

When Gao Huaiyuan heard this, he really made the case. Didn't he encourage Liu Zhixian and Wang Xianwei to set up a bow and arrow club in Daye County to train the people to practice archery and kung fu?Now that he has become a county lieutenant, can't this matter be carried out?So Gao Huaiyuan felt relieved for the time being, and began to take care of the accumulated affairs with the help of Ji Xiancheng honestly.

After Ji Xiancheng accompanied Gao Huaiyuan to the county seat, he was very low-key. In order not to cause trouble for Gao Huaiyuan, he basically seldom showed up in the county government. If Gao Huaiyuan does things, it may have a bad influence on Gao Huaiyuan. Ji Xiancheng grasped this very well and never mentioned his name to others. Therefore, when Gao Huaiyuan took over the post of county captain, everyone only knew that Gao Huaiyuan had an aide who didn't like to talk, but no one knew about Ji Xiancheng's background, so he ignored Ji Xiancheng unconsciously.

After Gao Huaiyuan took over the post of county lieutenant, the gang of arresters he had befriended in the county government became his subordinates in a blink of an eye, including the jailers of the county government and archers like Guo Liang. , People involved in working with knives were basically assigned to Gao Huaiyuan's leadership.

At this point, Gao Huaiyuan basically skipped the process of getting acquainted with everyone, and soon entered the role. For Xing Butou, Gao Huaiyuan still became a county captain after all, which made him and the group of people under his command very happy. I'm happy, this time the group of them can take a breather, Xing Butou is complacent and clamoring, or he has a vision, he has long seen that Gao Huaiyuan can stand out, so Gao Huaiyuan is a little bit dissatisfied Sorry, it made him feel hypocritical, saying he didn't ask for this, but in the end he came to grab this seat, which made him sweat a little.

As a new official, Gao Huaiyuan, a rare young county lieutenant, naturally had to make some achievements first. He didn't know about the case he was investigating, but he was really shocked when he saw it. The small Daye County was not a big deal in his opinion before, but after he really took up the post of county lieutenant, he realized that Daye was like this. The area was far from peaceful as he had imagined.

There are dozens of these accumulated cases, large and small, including cases of stealing, fighting, murder, and even several massacres. No wonder Xing Xing As soon as the arresters saw Gao Huaiyuan, they complained incessantly. With so many cases, they, the dozen or so arresters, were really overwhelmed. This is a good thing, and now the arrester Xing is at ease. , The next thing should be handled by him, Maotou county lieutenant.

Looking at the cases piled up on his desk, Gao Huaiyuan couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed. He used to be in charge of arresting bandits, inspecting school shooters, and so on. Now he looks a bit like the director of the Public Security Bureau and the Minister of Armed Forces of the county in later generations. Poor Comrade Gao Xianwei waited until this time to realize that it is not easy to be a county captain as small as a ninth-grade sesame seed.

So he had no choice but to go through the case files one by one. Fortunately, Ji Xiancheng was there to help him. Even so, it took him two full days to sort out the cases at hand. clue.

"Catch the big and let go of the small! These burglary and petty thefts are probably the work of some petty thieves, and I'm not in a hurry to deal with them. I think it's better to deal with these few cases of extermination first!" Gao said. Huaiyuan stretched his waist and put down the file in hand, and said to Ji Xiancheng who was beside him.

"It's reasonable. After you, the county lieutenant, want to open up the situation, it seems impossible to just catch some small thieves. Otherwise, you will have to be ridiculed! From Ji's point of view, if the county lieutenant wants to If you want to convince the public, that's the only way to do it! I'm not good at doing this, it seems that Gao Xianwei should go out in person!" Ji Xiancheng helped Gao Huaiyuan sort out the files on his desk, and then answered with a smile.

"Well! That's right! It's better to let a rough person like me do the work like this! It seems that I will be busy for a while! Then Mr. Lao Ji will help you with these copywriting matters. I did it! It seems that Mr. Ji is a bit overqualified!" Gao Huaiyuan stood up and smiled.

Ji Xiancheng shrugged his shoulders and said, "It's not a big deal, you just feel free to go after those things, and I'll help you deal with the things here!"

Gao Huaiyuan was also polite, and immediately called Xing Butou and other arresters over, found out the major cases that happened in several counties before, and got to know them better.

It turns out that since last year, similar major cases have occurred in various townships in the county every once in a while. This is also a headache for Liu Zhixian, Xing Butou and others. There are students in every big township, and the perpetrators are ruthless, and those who kill are some rich people in the townships, and they often kill all the families as soon as they start, not to mention the extremely cruel methods, and they do it very cleanly Very few clues are left.

What's more, those who commit these major cases never commit crimes continuously, and only continue to do so after a few days. The magistrate was also alarmed. A few years ago, he even sent a supervisor to Daye County to help investigate the case, but the result was nothing, and the gang of thieves could not be caught.

And Gao Huaiyuan just took over the post of county lieutenant, and encountered this difficult nut to crack, so Gao Huaiyuan also planned to start with these cases, first to make a name for himself and then talk about it!

"It's not that I'm stupid. I've been arresting heads for many years. This is the first time I've come across a case like this. It's even more cunning than the Yang Tong gang we met in the early years! They didn't stay behind." There is a little bit of leeway, so we can't do anything!" Xing Butou replied to Gao Huaiyuan with a dejected expression on his face.

At this time, Zhang Liang, Xing Butou's subordinate, also nodded and said: "Xing Butou is right, we have indeed worked hard, but these people's whereabouts are uncertain, and they change places to attack from time to time. Often after one success, they will disappear. For a period of time, they committed crimes again after a while, we really have nothing to do with them, until now we have no clue at all!"

Gao Huaiyuan nodded: "It seems that this gang of thieves is really well-planned, and they should be veterans! This kind of method is definitely not done by ordinary people, and these people are quite good at reaching out. These few cases should be a gang Humans did it, but as long as they are still human, it is impossible to commit crimes without leaving a trace of clues!

Think back, after the case, have you ever inquired in the market to see if the lost property ever appeared on the market after these thieves succeeded?If you can find the lost items, you can catch them by the tail and bring out the gang of thieves! "

Gao Huaiyuan is definitely no layman in investigating cases, so he immediately thought of starting with the stolen goods to investigate the case.

"We've checked, and we've thought about this method. These thieves are definitely cunning enough. The lost property of these bitter masters has never appeared on the market in Daye County. When these people commit crimes, they never touch any big things. They only looted the small valuables from the home of the poor, and there were also silver and other things. These things are easy to sell, and it seems that even if they sell the stolen goods, they should not be sold in our Daye County, so although we I checked, but I didn't find anything!" Catcher Xing replied immediately.

Gao Huaiyuan touched his chin and frowned. According to what Xing Butou and the others said, this time he really met his opponent!This group of people doesn't even sell stolen goods locally, so this case is really difficult to start, but such cases happen from time to time in the county, and ordinary people can say that those rich people are panic-stricken. The county government exerted a lot of pressure. If this group of people were not caught, he, the county lieutenant, would be kicked blind.

After thinking about it for a while, Gao Huaiyuan sorted out these cases that had already happened in his heart. Based on his experience in handling cases in his previous life, he used empathy to re-examine these cases, and then raised his head to Xing Butou. They said: "I don't think the people responsible for these cases should be the culprits who fled to our Daye County. I think these people are still our locals no matter what! And the number of people is not too many, there should be only four. There are about five people, and there is no way that there will be no clues at all!"

"Why did your lord say that? If we were locals, we wouldn't be able to find any clues!" Catcher Xing didn't believe Gao Huaiyuan's deduction. He and Gao Huaiyuan had different opinions on the person who committed the crime in Daye County.

"Look, these few cases have one thing in common. Although these bitter families are relatively rich, they are far from being big local families, and these families have a small population. The reason why the thieves chose them is because they valued They are easy to attack, and if they act faster, they can quickly subdue all of these people, so there will not be too many perpetrators, four or five people is probably the upper limit! And they should be very familiar with Daye County, This is not something that people who commit crimes on the run can do! So I think that this group of people should not be foreigners, it is more likely that local people did it! And judging from the situation of your investigation, these people should be That's right, although these families are not very rich, they all have large courtyards with high walls, and they can sneak into the house through the walls quietly. Outlined the general situation of these people!" Gao Huaiyuan analyzed some of the circumstances of the case for Xing Tutou.

After listening to Gao Huaiyuan's words, Xing Butou and the others began to nod their heads, thinking that Gao Huaiyuan's analysis was good, then Gao Huaiyuan said: "You can pay more attention to places like Goulan brothels these days, especially if you have nothing to do. Some prostitutes’ evaluations of their customers, pay attention to the customers who like to abuse prostitutes, and then follow, starting from this aspect, I think these cases should not be difficult to solve!”

Catcher Xing became a little confused, so he asked Gao Huaiyuan, "Why did Young Master Gao ask me to find out about those prostitutes? What's more, there are many prostitutes in Goulan in Daye County, and there are hundreds of prostitutes alone. If it is to be investigated, how should it be investigated! Besides, we don't even have a target!"

Gao Huaiyuan threw a few case files on the desk, and said with a sneer: "Speaking of which, you all have been doing this business for many years, but you have neglected a very important thing in these cases. Think back to these Cases! There is one thing in common here, that is, there are three cases in which the women of the owner’s family were insulted by the thieves before they died, and the records in the case files are very clear. In these three cases, the women who were insulted were not only Insulted, and covered with bruises, it is obvious that the assailant likes to abuse women, but you have ignored such details! For people like this, this is a very obvious clue, at least it shows that among these thieves, there should be There's a psychopath, so I figured if they were locals, with the money, a bastard like this would have to go to the hook-ups**, maybe it'd show up! If you guys thought about it sooner If you think about it, I'm afraid this case has already been solved! Why wait until I take over?"

When Xing Butou and the others heard Gao Huaiyuan's words, they immediately became enlightened. When they inspected the scene, they all noticed this. They just felt agitated, but they didn't think deeper. , they immediately wanted to understand the truth.

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