Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 303 Have You Seen Enough?

But when he turned around, he saw someone else.

Shu Jue.

Shu Jue is numb all over now, she is still sleeping, lying on the sofa curled up, her snow-white butt facing Jiang Shen, her whole body showing a perfect curve.

It's like this outside, you can sleep, it really convinces you.

Jiang Shen swallowed, and saw that Shu Jue turned over suddenly.

The sofa was already small, so she turned over, plopped, and fell off the sofa.

The fall seemed a little heavy, the drunk Shu Jue slowly opened his eyes, and moaned in a low voice: "Is there any water?"

After speaking, he closed his eyes and continued to sleep.

Jiang Shen was angry and funny, saying that men are not human when they are drunk, and women are not much better when they are drunk.

He had no choice but to step forward, bend down, gently hug Shu Jue, and put him on the sofa again.

This is Shu Jue naked.

Just now they escaped from the outside and were so busy that Jiang Shen didn't enjoy it.

This time it was all right, Nephro Yu Wenxiang hugged her arms full, and touched her smooth little butt a few times.

It's really slippery.

If only I could touch her boobs a few times.

Jiang Shen can't do it too obviously, he can only indulge his eyesight and seize the opportunity to take a few more glances.

"Jiang Shen, you, take off your clothes." At this moment, Zheng Jia'er behind him was speaking in a mixture of shame and anger.

"What?" Jiang Shen was startled, turned his head abruptly, and stammered: "It's right here? It's developing too fast, right?" Do you want to have something with me?Shu Jue is still there.

Zheng Jiaer sat there in a very funny posture.

She covered her chest with her hands, her legs were slightly bent, and her side was facing Jiang Shen, like a mannequin.

Such protection allowed her important parts to be hidden.

"What are you looking at, what are you thinking about?" Zheng Jiaer wished she could stand up and stamp her feet a few times: "Give me your clothes to wear?"

"Isn't it?" Jiang Shen covered his chest with both hands, reluctantly: "I'm just a shirt, and there's nothing inside."

"Are you a man? Are you going to give it or not? You want to see both of us on purpose, right?" Zheng Jia'er was really ashamed and angry when Jiang Shen saw her from head to toe and saw her whole body.

"Okay, okay, just give it, it's agreed, don't look at me." Jiang Shen took off his shirt very reluctantly, and immediately revealed his rib-like body inside.

Who wants to see you, Zheng Jiaer is speechless.

"Turn around." She still had to put on her clothes: "Turn over there, don't look at Director Shu, I haven't seen enough of you yet."

Zheng Jiaer looked at Jiang Shen while putting on her clothes.

"Just your small body? Cut it." Jiang Shen is really a bit thin, and there are no crow's feet on his body, no wonder Zheng Jiaer expressed disdain.

The three of them were embarrassed inside, and Zhong Ping and the others were also depressed outside.

"Let's go, if you don't go, the police are coming."

"What did Brother Ping say?"

The three found that the door was very heavy. If they used a gun, they should be able to open it with a few more shots, but if someone behind them used a sofa or a counter to support it, they still couldn't get in.

If there is a phone inside and Jiang Shen calls the police, it will be very dangerous.

"This should be a karaoke room, soundproof, otherwise the door wouldn't be so heavy."

Zhong Ping was still very discerning.

I just don't know if there is a phone in here?

And is there a big table or a big cabinet inside.

He hesitated on the spot for less than ten seconds, and stomped his feet for the last time.

"Go." The three turned around and left.

It's okay to fail today, come again next time.

Now Jiang Shen has fled into the karaoke room, and there is still that taekwondo woman inside, it is really hard to kill.

As soon as the three of them left, Jiang Shen felt it with his spiritual sense.

But of course he wouldn't say it.

Now he is accompanying two beauties, and the two beauties are equal to each other.

Although Zheng Jiaer was wearing Jiang Shen's shirt, the shirt was not very long, it could only cover her butt, and her lower body couldn't be covered up, so Zheng Jiaer didn't dare to move while sitting on the sofa, for fear of being peeped by Jiang Shen.

"What should I do? Have they left yet? Do you want to open the door and have a look?" Jiang Shen asked intentionally, and while asking, his eyes were not polite, and he looked at Zheng Jiaer wantonly.

"Don't---they have guns." Zheng Jiaer shook her head quickly, while holding her shirt tightly with both hands: "Isn't there any movement now, maybe they were scared and left."

"Then I'll go take a look?"

"Don't---" Zheng Jiaer shouted again: "Wait, wait until dawn."

Zheng Jiaer hoped that the killer would go away, but she was afraid that she would be fooled by them when she opened the door, so she was in a dilemma, so she had to wait here.

Wait until dawn, you have to go.

"Should they leave at dawn? If we spend time here, we won't have anything to eat."

"Director Shu should wake up at dawn, ask her, maybe she has a solution." Zheng Jiaer was still a little scared.

Although she has learned taekwondo, the other party has a gun. She passed through this scene just now. It was purely a conditioned reflex. Looking back now, she is afraid.

"Jiang Shen." Zheng Jiaer spoke again: "Are you wearing underwear?" She stared at Jiang Shen.

Jiang Shen's upper body is naked now, and after hearing this, his eyes widened: "What do you want to do again? I don't want to borrow my pants."

"I don't want to wear your stinky pants." Zheng Jiaer poohed, poohed several times.

"Take off your trousers and help Director Shu cover it. It's cold at night, what should you do if you catch a cold? Besides, it's outrageous." She slept there naked, showing you all over again, you deliberately right.

"How much space can my trousers cover?" Of course Jiang Shen refused, he was looking at Shu Jue having fun.

"That's better than nothing, what if she freezes?" Now it's the end of October, the day is fine, but the night is a bit cold.

"Then I only wear a pair of shorts, and I'll be cold too." Jiang Shen still shook his head.

"----" Zheng Jiaer looked at Jiang Shen speechlessly.

This bastard just wanted to take the opportunity to take a look at Shu Jue.

Of course she understood what Jiang Shen was thinking.

Those thief eyes looked at him for a while, and at Shu Jue for a while, they kept turning, and at a glance, he knew he was a little pervert.

She looked left and right in the room, and suddenly her eyes lit up: "Well, there is a piece of cloth over there, cover it for her."

Jiang Shen turned his head, and it turned out to be a piece of cloth covering the stereo.

But it's not small, it's more than one square meter, almost like a bath towel.

Grass, why didn't I put it away just now.

Jiang Shen had no choice but to go over dejectedly and take the piece of cloth over Shu Jue's body.

There was no movement outside, Jiang Shen knew they were gone.

Zheng Jiaer thought they were gone, but she was afraid that they were ambush outside, so she didn't dare to open the door.

The two moved all the things that could be moved in the room to the door and blocked them, and then they were ready to sleep.

While moving things, Jiang Shen had another feast of eyes.

Zheng Jiaer is only wearing Jiang Shen's shirt, her snow-white thighs are slender and charming, her buttocks and lower body are faintly visible, very seductive, so women wearing men's shirts are the sexiest. Fa rectified on the spot.

There are two sofas in the room, Zheng Jiaer is going to sleep after finishing these.

"Look, I'm going to bed too."

"Why didn't I sleep, you see?" Jiang Shen protested.

"Because you are a policeman and a man."


"Also, don't wait until I'm asleep to peek." Zheng Jia'er viciously raised her little powder fist: "Black belt seventh degree."

Cut, I will crush you to death with one finger, Jiang Shen showed disdain on his face.

Zheng Jiaer ignored Jiang Shen, took up a sofa and fell asleep, with her butt facing Jiang Shen, and she didn't care about her image at this time.

Anyway, Jiang Shen has seen his whole body, and now he can't escape even sleeping.

But she can choose to face Jiang Shen with her butt, and let Jiang Shen just look at her ass.

Jiang Shen was very helpless, turned to look at Shu Jue, and turned to look at Zheng Jiaer.

With the two beauties by his side, he could only watch.

Take them, take them, no, no more women, too many.

Two voices circled in his mind.

Zheng Jiaer seemed very tired and fell asleep after a while.

No one spoke to Jiang Shen, and the whole room fell silent, only the peaceful breathing of the two women could be heard.

Jiang Shen looked left and right, so that both of you can fall asleep?I have served you, and I will sleep too.

As soon as he lay down on the ground, he slept next to Shu Jue's sofa.

Of course it was fake for him to sleep, but now that no one is talking to him, he can only use sleep to practice.

Time passed little by little.

At three o'clock in the middle of the night, Shu Jue on the sofa slowly opened his eyes.

She was terribly thirsty, and a drunk person is very thirsty.

After sleeping for so long, she finally woke up.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she felt sore all over her body, and also had a headache and dizziness.

Wake up is wake up, the wine has not completely subsided yet.

Shu Jue was still a little confused, but it was much better than last night, at least he woke up.

She wanted to drink water, but just when she remembered, she moved and rolled off the sofa.

Jiang Shen is asleep below.

Jiang Shen was practicing supernatural powers with his eyes closed, but Shu Jue rolled down suddenly.

With a plop, Shu Jue pressed heavily on Jiang Shen.

Two lumps of special softness pressed against Jiang Shen's chest.

He is also naked upper body.

Shu Jue fell?

Jiang Shen quickly opened his eyes, and sure enough, he found that Shu Jue was pressing on him, and his hands were reflexively hugging Shu Jue.

"Hmm --- what is this?" Shu Jue muttered to himself, and in a daze, pulled off the cloth beside her. The cloth wrapped around her and fell down, making her very uncomfortable.

She twisted and twisted on Jiang Shen's body, she wanted to stand up, but Jiang Shen had arms around her, preventing her from getting up.

How would you react if a naked beauty wriggles around on your body.

"Director Shu, Director Shu---" Jiang Shen was holding back very hard, and whispered softly in her ear.

"Huh---Xiao Jiang?" Shu Jue was not drunk and unconscious, and he could still distinguish Jiang Shen's voice.

"I want to drink water, Xiao Jiang." Shu Jue murmured, his small forehead pressed against Jiang Shen's.

She struggled a few times and failed to stand up, her eyes were slightly closed, as if her whole body had lost all strength.

In fact, she really couldn't use it right now.

Being hugged naked by a man, Shu Jue hadn't been hugged by a man like this for many years. Although she was drunk, her body still had an instinctive reaction.

At this moment, her whole body was hot and weak, and the man's breath made her blood pulse high and her body was burning with desire.

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