Jiang Shen came first and hit the three killers in an instant. Zheng Jiaer's leg kicked the air with a whoosh.

She kicked in the air and almost lost her footing, so she didn't fall to the ground.

When he took a closer look, there were already three people lying on the ground.

In just a few seconds, the three big men on the opposite side were all knocked down by Jiang Shen?


"You---" Zheng Jiaer looked at Jiang Shen in shock and horror.

Are you an expert too?

Play pig eat tiger?

Why didn't you make a move at Shu Jue's house?

She didn't even see Jiang Shen's move, and the three killers fell to the ground.

so horrible.


She was in shock, but at this moment Jiang Shen had no time to talk to her.

He smiled and walked over, picking up the two guns on the ground first.

"Brother Ping, did you say it, or did they say it? Who sent you here?"

Brother Ping had a big footprint on his face.

The warehouse hadn't been cleaned for a long time, and the ground was covered with dust. Jiang Shen kicked him in the face, leaving an ugly footprint.

"So you're also a master? We've lost sight of it, and we admit it." Brother Ping didn't say who it was, and slowly struggled to stand up, but he felt weak all over his body, as if Jiang Shen kicked him, and his strength was gone.

"Jiang Shen, you have offended too many people, and I probably can't remember." The two killers were also stubborn, not saying who it was, but that Jiang Shen had offended many people.

"Well, you are from China, you should talk about it first, I will give you a chance." Jiang Shen picked up Brother Ping's knife from the ground again.

"You are dead. We failed today, and someone will come to you. You offended someone who shouldn't be offended. You will die sooner or later--" A killer looked at Jiang Shen with cold eyes. In his eyes, Jiang Shen It seems to be a dead person.

That's right, if you offend Young Master Sun, you will die sooner or later.

But he was not done yet.

"Puchi..." Jiang Shen's expression changed, and he swung his knife to stab it.

Brother Ping's knife was used to cut people, and the blade wasn't too sharp, but Jiang Shen stabbed it lightly.

"Uh---" There was a miserable expression on the killer's face, Jiang Shen stabbed his whole body, and blood spurted out like a gush.

I mean, Zhong Ping has cut countless people. Seeing Jiang Shen stabbing people through without hesitation, the hairs all over his body suddenly stood on end, and a chill came from the soles of his feet to the top of his head.

Ni Ma heard that you are a cop?More vicious than my underworld?

I finally understood why our Xiangmen club couldn't get along in the mainland.

"Ah---" Zheng Jiaer was also shocked, and Zheng Jiaer took a few steps back in fright, covering her mouth tightly with her own hand.

I really didn't expect Jiang Shen to dare to kill on the spot.

At this moment, she even wanted to turn around and run away.

In fact, Jiang Shen hasn't killed anyone for a long time.

But the killer was too arrogant today, and the two of them almost accidentally injured Zheng Jiaer and Shu Jue just now.

Come to me if you have anything to do, I hate that you don't know what is right and what is wrong, and kill everyone you see.

"Tell me, who told you to come." Jiang Shen pulled out the knife and slapped the other killer's face with the knife.

"Master Quan, Lord Quan from Jiangnan Province, Brother Gentleman, if you need anything, just ask him." Another killer was also frightened and gave out a name.

Jiang Shen is Jiang Shen's hometown.

Jiang Shen froze for a moment.

He has really heard of this master.

A person who is super awesome on the Jiangnan Provincial Highway can be described as well-known to all women and children.

Come to think of it, even Jiang Shen, a former student of **, who was unknown in school, has heard of this name, so he knows how awesome he is.

Their town is a very ordinary county-level town in Jiangnan Province. It is definitely not an ordinary hang that Master Quan's name can be passed on to their town.

How high is Quan Ye?Why is it so hanging?

There is a folk legend that once the governor of Jiangnan accompanied a leader to inspect Jiangnan. The motorcade was driving on the expressway and happened to meet Master Quan.

That road was temporarily closed.

But Quan Ye returned to Jiangnan from other provinces, the shortest way is that road.

He also wants to go that way, and the police at the intersection won't let him go.

People say that this is Master Jiangnan.

The police are also from Jiangnan. When they heard Master Quan's name, they were taken aback, and finally came to discuss it.

Drive slowly, there is a convoy ahead of the leader, it is not good for the leader to see it.

All right, Master Quan agreed.

Then Quan Ye's car 'Jiang 88888' entered this road, and chased him all the way, and within ten minutes he caught up with the leader's convoy.

The leader is very strange, who is this, he is catching up from behind.

The police car escorting the team behind also belonged to Jiangnan Province.

Take a look, grass, Master Quan's car.

The police hesitated for a moment, Quan Ye's car suddenly accelerated, overtook the leader's car and headed back to Jiangnan Province.

At that time, the leader was in the car, and asked the governor of Jiangnan calmly, who owns this car?

The governor of Jiangnan said cautiously: "It belongs to Master Jiangnan, a big local boss."

Master?You call him Master Quan?The leader looked at the governor of Jiangnan with dissatisfaction.

What happened after this incident?

Then it was gone.

There is a legend that the leader went back and wanted to find someone to deal with Quan Ye, but the people in Jiangnan Province were not easy to use, so he wanted to transfer the armed police. Later, I don’t know who, interceded for Quan Ye, and took a few hundred million to do some charity for Jiangnan Province Engineering, let's forget about it.

No better than a cow.

This master is so awesome.

This is a real giant, with greater influence than Jiang Shen, and no one in the entire Jiangnan Province does not know his name.

In contrast, the five Tigers of Dongning, Baobiao, Xiaobai, Chen Bopi and others combined are equivalent to one-tenth of Master Quan.

When the killer saw Master Quan's name, Jiang Shen froze there, thinking that Jiang Shen was afraid.

"You offended Quan Ye's friends, and we also acted according to Quan Ye's words. Although you are not from Jiangnan Province, there are no people and things in China that Quan Ye cannot handle."

His tone also hardened.

I'm sorry, Jiang Shen was missing the rumors he heard when he was in school. When he heard what he said, he drew out his knife, bang, and slammed the knife on the killer's face.

He patted it with the blade, and there was a red mark on the killer's face, as if it was engraved on it.

"Ah---" No matter how weak Jiang Shen's strength was, he couldn't bear it. He rolled around on the ground in pain, screaming.

"Your sister, you let him try to overtake my car? Idiot." Jiang Shen has not yet returned to Jiangnan Province, and he is not as famous as Grandpa Quan.

Originally, he wanted to kill the killer, but after thinking about it, he suddenly pulled the killer's right hand.

"Save your dog's life and tell Jiang Nanquan that my name is Jiang Shen, Dongning Jiang Shen. When I am free in the future, I will naturally visit him in Jiangnan."

"Okay, it will definitely be delivered." The killer was surprised and delighted, thinking that Jiang Shen was going to let him go, so he nodded repeatedly.

"You tell him, let him pay one billion, and he is willing to pay one billion. My gentleman, I will forgive him for sending someone to kill me, otherwise---" Jiang Shen raised the knife in his hand: "There is such a thing." hand."

With a puff, all five fingers of the killer's right hand snapped off.

"Ah---" The killer rolled on the ground again in pain, his heart ached around his fingers, and this time he was so painful that he almost passed out.

"Bah" Jiang Shen spit on the ground.Then he stepped on it, smashing the severed fingers into pieces.

"Master Jiangnan, I'm so scared." After Jiang Shen dealt with the killer, he ignored him and turned to Zhong Ping.

Damn, Zhong Ping struggled until now, and finally sat up from the ground, his legs were still weak, and he couldn't stand up no matter what, he was shocked and frightened.

Seeing Jiang Shen walking over with a smile, he couldn't help feeling chills.

This young man kills people without blinking an eye. After raising the knife in his hand, he is now full of smiles. Nima, this is our Xiangmen gangster, and the future is boundless.

"Brother Gentleman, if you have something to say, I was wrong." Zhong Ping is also a character, he is indeed one of the five tigers who have been rampant in Xiangmen for many years, and he is also a good player when he sees the wind.

"The club?" Jiang Shen asked with a smile.

"Hong An's." Zhong Ping confessed honestly.

"Who asked you to come?"

"A friend from the mainland who has business dealings with our Hong An, called Xu Shengjie." Zhong Ping's current performance made the people in Hong An see that his eyes would drop all over the place, he is simply an honest baby.

"Is he also Sun Yaowu's friend?" Jiang Shen asked directly, he was sure that these people were all sent by Sun Yaowu.

Zhong Ping was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Jiang Shen to know, after about a few seconds: "I only know his friend's surname is Sun, everyone calls him Young Master Sun."

"Okay, the boat is coming outside, you can go." Jiang Shen waved his hand.

"---" Can I go?Zhong Ping didn't understand.

Then I realized that my legs were not soft all of a sudden.

"Thank you Brother Shen, thank you Brother Shen, come to Xiangmen to play when you have time." Zhong Ping quickly got up, almost scrambling, turned around and left without looking back.

"Wait." Jiang Shen yelled fiercely, but Zhong Ping thought he was repenting, and ran even faster in fright, not daring to turn his head.

"Take your knife." Whoosh, Jiang Shen waved his hand, and Dang, the knife was stuck on a container next to Zhong Ping's ear.

I don't care, the container is also made of metal, so it can fly over so far?Zhong Ping was half-dead in fright: "Thank you Brother Shen, thank you Brother Shen." He pulled out the knife vigorously, using all his strength, finally pulled out the knife in his hand, and then continued to run wildly, fleeing all the way back to Xiangmen.

"Let's go too." Jiang Shen looked at Zheng Jiaer next to him.

Zheng Jiaer is already in dementia.

Even though she had practiced taekwondo and seen many worlds, she was still terrified by what happened today.

"Let's go, what are you thinking?" Jiang Shen tugged at her again.

"Ah?---" Zheng Jiaer came back to her senses, stammered and pointed to the ground: "Here, that's it?"

Dead people, and people whose hands have been chopped off, are still rolling around moaning.

"Then what do you think? It's fine, they will handle it themselves." The fact that they were able to hide here proved that they might be a stronghold under Master Quan, so Jiang Shen didn't have to worry about them.

And it's close to the sea, which is very easy to handle.

He pulled Zheng Jiaer and walked back.

Zheng Jiaer was speechless all the way.

Her little head has accepted too many new things today.

One night, I saw Jiang Shen having sex with other women, and saw Jiang Shen killing people on the spot.

As a lawyer, Zheng Jiaer was about to collapse, this was too overwhelming her common sense.

Nima, are you, Jiang Shen, a hooligan or a gangster?

It turned out to be a student of the department-level reserve cadre class?

Especially when I heard Jiang Shen blackmailed one billion just now, it was even darker than the underworld.

After the two arrived in the car, Zheng Jiaer's mood recovered slightly.

"I didn't see anything, you take me home quickly, I didn't come today." Zheng Jiaer's little heart was also thumping.

"Aren't you audacious? I told you not to come, but you insisted on coming, hehe." Jiang Shen started the car.

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