Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 331 The Power of Heaven and Earth

At this time, Jiang Shen had just stepped out of Sifang City, and he already felt that something was wrong here. As a fairy, he was in the world, and for the first time he had a sense of fear of the environment, so he decided to leave.

But unexpectedly, when he came out with his front foot, a white light whized behind him and chased him up.

My grass, lightning.

Jiang Shen was electrified once, but how many watts was that, and how many watts is this lightning that fell from the sky?

And he immediately discovered that it might not be just lightning.

This white light actually had a strong vitality, very similar to his immortal energy.

He is like a force falling from the nine heavens, full of endless destruction and murderous aura.

It was too fast, the white light came so fast, with Jiang Shen's speed, he was overtaken by him in an instant.

"Nine Dragons Bodyguard"

Jiang Shen felt the danger he had never experienced before, and with a movement of his mind, golden light burst out all over his body, the nine dragons roared, and the dragon flew into the wild.

This is the first time for him to use the self-protection technique taught by Nalan Bubai. He didn't even need it to face tanks and rockets before.

In an instant, this white light hit Jiang Shen fiercely.

"Wow!" Jiulong's painful long cry came from the air.

Bang, bang, bang the nine dragons shattered one by one.

Then Jiang Shen felt as if his body was hit by a laser.

Chi Chi, a devastating power entered his body.

Bang, bang, Jiang Shen felt as if someone had thrown a bomb into his body, and it was shattering everywhere.

"Wow---pounce" Jiang Shen spat out a mouthful of blood.

There was a burst of burnt smell in the air.

With a splash, Jiang Shen fell to the ground, buzzing in his mind, he barely looked down, his chest was charred black, his clothes were all shattered, revealing the scorched breasts inside.

Damn, Jiang Shen was startled and terrified, he never thought that he, who has always been invincible, would meet such an opponent on earth.

Boom, there was another burst of thunder in the sky, and the black dragon was also roaring.

Jiang Shen endured the pain all over his body, and his mind directly locked on Fan Wencai beside the Jinshui Bridge.

Fan Wencai was looking at his watch.

He was watching the time, and when the time came, he would jump into the river and escape for his life.

Although Jiang Shen didn't know Feng Shui, he also knew that Fan Wencai had played a game of chess and used the astrolabe to attract the power of the nine heavens to attack him.

Looking for death, Jiang Shen got up, whoosh, his body transformed into a ray of light and flew towards Fan Wencai.

Boom, heck, just as Jiang Shen flew away, another bolt of lightning fell.

"It's time." Fan Wencai couldn't bear it for a long time. Seeing that the time was up, he threw the astrolabe in his hand, turned around, jumped into the river, and then swam desperately to the bank .

At the same time he jumped into the river, Jiang Shen happened to chase him to the river.

Seeing that Fan Wencai fell, Jiang Shen stretched out his hand to grab him, ready to crush him to death.

But it was the top of his head that suddenly glowed brightly.

Heck, a lightning bolt like a giant dragon appeared above his head.

Whoa, the black dragon is coming.

The power of heaven and earth.

The giant dragon formed by the black cloud in the void finally reached the star disk.

At this time, Fan Wencai left, but Jiang Shen came.

There are seven stars shining on this giant dragon, representing the Big Dipper in the sky.

The giant dragon formed by this lightning has almost the power to destroy everything.

It is at least ten times stronger than the first lightning bolt just now.

For the first time, Jiang Shen felt his own danger.

He can completely ignore tanks, cannons, bombs, and firearms on earth, but this time, he feels a real threat.

He finally knew that Li Buyi had taken his actions into account, and if he didn't chase him here, he wouldn't have to face this giant dragon.

Unfortunately, it was too late for him to withdraw at this time.

Impossible, I am a fairy, I am the only fairy on earth, impossible.

Boom, lightning exploded violently, Jiang Shen seemed to be hit hard, and with a plop, he fell heavily to the ground again.

The big tree next to it turned into ashes in an instant.

"Wuwu---" The black dragon in the starry sky let out a long cry of grief at this moment, and it disappeared in an instant, even the Big Dipper was dimmed.

Then I saw that the torrential rain in the sky was getting smaller and smaller, and then slowly the thunderstorm stopped, the black clouds disappeared, and everything returned to calm, as if it had never rained or thundered before.

The edge of Jinshui Bridge is also quiet.

Only Jiang Shen was lying on the ground alone, motionless.

"Is he dead? Is he dead?" Master Quan was more nervous than anyone else.

He could no longer see Jiang Shen in the monitoring, and Yuan Tongdi was lying on the ground like a dead dog, motionless.

Although Jiang Shen didn't kill him on the spot, but he also put some tricks on him, at least he won't be able to wake up for a while.

"Call the commoner, hurry up." Master Quan was very anxious.

Mei Yue on the side quickly took out her phone.

Before she started dialing, Li Buyi had already called.

"Master Quan, Jiang Shen is not dead yet, and, moreover, I can feel that his aura is getting stronger and stronger, let's go, Lord Quan, you go abroad immediately, and go abroad to avoid it, there is probably no one on earth who can kill him. "

"What?" Jiangnan Quanting's expression changed drastically.

This is not dead?

Fan Wencai also had a camera on his body. One second before jumping into the river, Jiang Nanquan could still see a bolt of lightning in the sky that seemed to hit Jiang Shen.

Can you and he survive being hit by lightning?

And he knew that it was not just lightning, but also the power of heaven and earth triggered by Li Buyi's layout, and even borrowed the feng shui aura of the ancient capital of ten dynasties.

It can be said that the power of heaven and earth is integrated into one body, people block and kill, gods block and punish gods.

This didn't kill Jiang Shen?

"Using the power of the government? I recorded it all. He attacked Yuan Tongdi and threatened me to pay. We can call the police? Let the government deal with him?" Jiangnan Quan recorded it with the cameras of Yuan Tongdi and Fan Wencai. .

Even seeing Jiang Shen leap tens of meters, which can only be seen in movies, clearly proves that he is a supernatural person.

The government will definitely control such people.

"Don't worry, Jiang Shen has supernatural powers. If he still can't die this time, then his supernatural powers may be completely useless to him even by the country and the law. Now you have to run for your life, and then find a way to fight with him." Dissolve it, otherwise, you will definitely die." You don't have to provoke him anymore, and reporting the video to the government will arouse Jiang Shen's viciousness.

Li Buyi actually made a fortune to Master Quan, it was a bad omen.

Because Master Quan is a very vicious person, he won't give up easily.

"30 billion, he wants 30 billion, how can I resolve it?" Master Quan roared fiercely.

I have worked hard all my life, and all my assets add up to more than 20 billion. What is the difference between him asking for [-] and killing me?

It's better to let him kill, and I can leave some money for my family.

"Let Mei Yue try it. He saved Mei Yue. There is a relationship. We who study Feng Shui also talk about cause and effect. Where there is cause, there will be effect. Cause and effect determine life, but I don't know if you can let go, Master Quan?"

"What?" Let my woman save me?Master Quan certainly understands this meaning, I, Jiangnan Quan, am I going to sell out a woman to save myself?

"Time is running out. Grandpa, you should go abroad as soon as possible. Jiang Shen is a man with boundless supernatural powers. Even abroad, he can find you. Now, I have to avoid it—"

Li Buyi wanted to hide too.

When Jiang Shen was fighting with the Big Dipper, he had already left Jiangjing City.

He is very smart, knowing that Jiang Shen is too powerful, so let himself be in a safe place first.

This time Jiang Shen didn't die, he must first find Master Quan, and then find himself.

Fortunately, Li Buyi has the art of feng shui, and he can make arrangements to hide it from the world. If Jiang Shen is not found for the time being, Master Quan is basically in danger.

At this time, Li Buyi not only has to take care of Master Quan, but also takes care of his own life.

He heard that Jiang Shen is a person who will take revenge, and he almost killed Jiang Shen today, so it's no wonder that Jiang Shen would let him go.

After hanging up the phone, Master Quan also fell into deep regret.

A mistake in one thought provoked Jiang Shen, the great enemy.

It's too unscientific, how can there be such a character in modern society.

The last time he offended the chief, he didn't feel the impending disaster as much as today.

Now, the last hope is Mei Yue.

What Li Buyi meant was obvious.

However, it is simply a shame for a man to send his woman to save himself.

Master Quan really wanted to fight Jiang Shen.

However, who in this world is not afraid of death?

Some people are not afraid of death because they have been forced to die.

Now, Master Quan still has a chance.

"A Yue, how do I treat you?" Master Quan's expression was a little old, as if he had aged several years all of a sudden.

Mei Yue remained calm, with a hint of disappointment in her eyes.

She could hear Li Buyi's words clearly through the mobile phone. In your eyes, I am a plaything after all?Doom is imminent, you just want to abandon me?

"Give me the video, I'll give it to Jiang Shen, show him my favor, and try my best to make him stop troublesome Master Quan."

"A Yue---I---I'm sorry for you." Master Quan burst into tears.

As soon as Master Quan finished speaking, the phone vibrated slightly.

He looked down and received a short message.

Quan Ye stared blankly for a while, then deleted the message.

"As soon as the day breaks, you call Jiang Shen, and you tell him that I will raise one billion Chinese coins, twenty shops, and sixteen clubs, and ask him for peace."

Is it finally time to pay?Mei Yue didn't know why, but when she heard that Master Quan was going to lose his money, she felt a kind of pleasure in her heart.

I have been with you for so many years without a name. Today, you are going to give me to someone else for your life. You deserve the heavy loss.

What about Jiang Shen?

Of course Jiang Shen didn't die, but he almost died.

If he didn't have the immortal energy, and didn't have that king-grade fairy crystal, he would really be dead this time.

Li Buyi was really powerful, he mobilized the Big Dipper Bureau and used the power of the seven stars of heaven and earth to deal with Jiang Shen.

This is no longer the power on the earth, but the power in the universe. Like Jiang Shen's immortal energy, it comes from the vast universe.

Two blows back and forth, one more powerful than the other.

Jiang Shen's body was broken by the first blow, and his heart was almost shattered.

Fortunately, his body has the ability to repair itself, and it will repair itself immediately.

When the second blow came down, Jiang Shen was a little smarter, opened his mouth and vomited, Wang Pin Xianjing vomited on the top of his head.

This heavy blow almost destroyed all vitality in and out of Jiang Shen's body.

When he lay on the ground, his body was only a skin, and his spiritual sense was severely injured.

But at this moment, the king-grade fairy crystal was shattered by lightning, and then turned into countless fairy qi and poured into Jiang Shen's body.

"Get up, just fall down like this? A small lightning calamity in the divine realm can kill you? Get up, wake up---"

Jiang Shen, who was in a coma, seemed to hear a familiar voice calling him in the dark.

Following this call, those immortal qi reorganized all his vitality in his body.

The broken heart is also recovering and beating stronger.

After an unknown amount of time, there was a sudden bang in his mind, and Jiang Shen felt his whole body tremble, and his whole body felt comfortable, so comfortable that he almost groaned.

Then he felt the unstoppable power in his whole body, this kind of power was exactly the same as the feeling he had just met Nalan Bubai.


I have been promoted to the second level of God Realm?

I was promoted by a blessing in disguise?

Hahahaha, Jiang Shen slowly realized and opened his eyes little by little.

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