He knew that he couldn't stay for too long. After a long time, all the Japanese in the distance would arrive, and he would find himself.

Unless they are all killed, they will not be exposed.

But at this time, whoa, whoa, whoa.

In the abyss, a dozen bloody ghosts suddenly appeared.

These evil spirits, with ferocious faces and shattered faces, are the evil spirits composed of a dozen or so shattered corpses outside.

They staggered and surrounded Jiang Shen.

Is he too disgusting.

Without even thinking about it, Jiang Shen stretched out his hand and patted it.

This time he didn't dare to use supernatural powers for fear of wasting his immortal energy, so he directly slapped one of the evil spirits with his palm.

Bang, the goblin shattered again.

In addition to his supernatural powers, this slap Jiang Shen had used all his strength to slap the evil spirit into dust.

But at the next moment, "What's wrong with you? --".Abe Harumi's voice sounded again in the void.

The flying powder ash re-condensed into a new evil ghost.

Jiang Shen's movements were considered fast, lightning strikes, one step at a time, one palm at a time.

I saw bang, bang, bang in the air, one by one exploded, and then reassembled one by one.

Let him blow up as much as he wants, and how many evil spirits reorganize.

Amidst the continuous shattering, an evil spirit jumped on Jiang Shen first.

Wow, he circled his arms and hugged Jiang Shen.

A trace of cold air spread around Jiang Shen.

Eerie, terrifying, and grudge.

Jiang Shen seemed to be hugged by a ghost, goosebumps all over his body.

This is forcing me to use supernatural powers.

Jiang Shen used Jin Geng's invisible sword just now, but he hasn't recovered yet.

But right now it’s not enough without supernatural powers.

"Great Insight Technique"

Jiang Shen's divine sense can't be found here, so he can only use the Great Thousand Insight Technique.

After a while, Laura Aoi's figure finally appeared in front of Jiang Shen after countless changes.

It was less than ten meters away from him.

But it was hindered by the illusion, so Jiang Shen couldn't see her.

"Scorching Sun Hanging Sword"

Jiang Shen used two moves in one breath.

All the immortal energy in the whole body was mobilized.

Swipe, the scorching sun reappeared in the sky, and the scorching sun that appeared out of thin air could be seen more than ten miles away from Fangyuan.

"Wuwu---Chi" Jiang Shen's supernatural power was limited.

Except where Lola Aoi was, the scorching sun shone everywhere, almost instantly vaporizing everything in front of her.

"Ah---" Abe Harumi let out a scream in the darkness.

The black smoke that he evolved was evaporated by the light of the scorching sun hanging sword.

This time even Abe's shikigami was hurt, and even his body was traumatized.

Jiang Shen's supernatural power this time is the right one.

Jin Geng's invisible sword in front kills people with sword energy, and can chase the enemy endlessly, but it only kills points, not slices.

And this scorching sun hanging in the air sword, a sword stabbed out, the sky was blue, and the place where the sun shines will be vaporized.

It was useless for Abe's shikigami to turn into black smoke. At such a high temperature, it was immediately vaporized.

Quit the gods and die.

The illusion is also gone.

Jiang Shen finally saw Laura Aoi.

Whoosh, as soon as he got to Laura Aoi, he gently hugged her and held her in his arms. He looked back at the group of cars that were getting closer and closer in the distance, and knew that he was making too much noise. White light, enough to attract the attention of the Japanese government.

Gone, whoosh, Jiang Shen went up and down a few times, and disappeared from the scene after a while.

This time, he was full of energy, using supernatural powers, and took Aoi Laura to the other side of Tokyo within a few seconds. With a plop, he fell heavily on the ground as soon as he landed.

Tired, really tired.

Jiang Shen and Aoi Lola lay quietly on the ground, slowly recovering their immortal energy.

At the same time, he was also thinking about the battle with Abe Harumi just now.

This time Abe Harumi dispatched his shikigami, but he didn't come.

Even so, he also saw the strength of Abe.

In terms of combat power, ten Li Buyi are not as good as him.

If this person is not eliminated, there will be endless troubles.

Jiang Shen was not afraid of him, even if he lay there and let him kill him, he couldn't kill Jiang Shen.

But this person can already threaten the safety of Jiang Shen's wife and friends.

So this Abe Harumi must die.

At the same time, just when Jiang Shen was thinking of killing Abe.

Somewhere deep in the mountains of Hokkaido, Japan.

In a temple hanging on the mountainside, two white-haired old men sat cross-legged.

One of them is Abe Harumi.

The other person is his friend, Hattori Tenyou, the leader of the Hattori Sanzang School.

"How? Did you kill Jiang Shen?" Hattori Tianyou was also very depressed at this time.

Originally, he took money to help Sakura kill people, but he lost the general again and again, and later he had to pay for it.

But later killing Jiang Shen was entirely for the reputation of Hattori Sanzang, and if he couldn't kill him any more, his face of Hattori Tianyou would not be bright.

"Hey" Abe Harumi shook his head and sighed.

"It's over, it's over." His face was pale, his eyes were dull, and there was a sense of loss on his already old face.

"What's the matter?" Hattori Tianyou couldn't believe it: "You are the strongest onmyoji in our country. If you still can't kill him, who else can deal with him?"

"Now it's not a question of whether he can be killed or not." Abe Harumi continued shaking his head.

"This person is out of my understanding. There is no such powerful Taoism on Earth. I suspect that he is not from Earth at all." Abe Harumi became more terrifying as he spoke.

"Hatto, I think you'd better stop messing with him. Let me figure it out. What will he do next?"

Abe Harumi is also good at reckoning. Of course, his reckoning skills are definitely not as good as Li Buyi.

But this calculation immediately changed his expression.

"Not good." Abe Harumi stood up abruptly.

"What's the matter?" Chusuke Hattori was terrified by what Abe said today, and he was also a little scared.

Abe Harumi's face changed countless times, and finally four words burst out of his mouth. "A bad omen."

Great omen?

Hattori Chusuke's expression changed drastically.

After hesitating again and again, he asked tentatively, "You and I? Both are big culprits?"

"More than that, our national fortune is a bad omen."

According to Abe's estimation, Jiang Shen's anger this time actually affected the national destiny of a country.

"Such an exaggeration." Hattori Nakasuke was a little dissatisfied.

No matter how strong you Jiang Shen is, can you beat a country?

The power of the whole country can't deal with you?

"Would you like to call the police?"

"You can't catch his evidence, how can you call the police?" Abe Harumi let out a long sigh of relief.

"I have lived for more than 130 years. I have never understood the meaning of 'never come back' in the ancestral motto? Today I finally understand." Now Abe finally understands.

There are people beyond people, and mountains beyond mountains.

There are also masters outside of Onmyoji.

He acted impulsively today, and brought endless disasters to himself.

"As Abe-san, if you say one word, even the emperor will give you face."

"It's useless. Jiang Shen has broken away from the constraints of the system. When a person reaches a certain level of strength, the country may not have anything to do with him." Abe shook his head.

As far as he is Abe, the Japanese government is not afraid to make trouble for him, let alone Jiang Shen.

"This is a devil. We opened Pandora's box and brought us endless disasters---" Abe Harumi walked slowly to the window, looked at the night scene in the distance, and smiled wryly.

In Tokyo city.

The hotel where Jiang Shen lived.

He has returned to the hotel.

Aoi Rola is still sleeping.

She seemed to have suffered some kind of yin and yang spell, and she was in a coma.

How to wake her up?

Jiang Shen's spiritual thoughts swept back and forth in her body.

Finally let him discover a secret.

In the body of Lola Aoi, there is a talisman needle as small as a hair.

It should be using this thing to put Aoi in a coma.

"wake up."

Jiang Shen patted lightly, and sucked out the talisman needle.

In less than half a minute, Laura Aoi's eyes slowly opened.

"Aoi? Are you alright?" Jiang Shen waved his hands in front of Aoi's face to test her reaction.

"Jiang Shen?" Laura Aoi did not call out to her master as before.

Then, her eyes suddenly changed, whoosh, she stretched her hands fiercely towards Jiang Shen's throat.

Grass, are you still in chaos?

Jiang Shen suddenly grabbed Aoi's hands, but Aoi jumped up from the bed, whoosh, kicked off Jiang Shen's trousers.

I was dizzy, Jiang Shen pinched Aoi's calf with his legs.

"Wow..." Aoi opened his mouth and bit Jiang Shen like a zombie.

I took one and completely lost my mind.

Jiang Shen had no choice but to strike lightly, knocking out Laura Aoi again.

Seeing Lola Aoi lying motionless on the bed, Jiang Shen was extremely depressed.

It seems that if you want to resolve it, you have to go to Abe Harumi.

Just then, bang bang bang, someone knocked on his door.

no?Jiang Shen looked up at his watch, it was past nine o'clock in the evening.

Scan the divine sense again.

Lu Qi.

The deputy director, Lu Qi, is here.

I said why are you knocking on my door at nine o'clock in the evening?

Although Jiang Shen's room is very big, but now Laura Aoi is lying on the bed.

And Rola Aoi doesn't wear many clothes.

Tokyo could already wear down jackets at this time, but Aoi didn't wear much when he was caught.Both black silk legs are exposed.

This is for Lu Qi to see, I don't know what I did here.

Jiang Shen quickly picked up the quilt and covered Laura Aoi, then ran outside to open the door.

Lu Qi also put on a down jacket, but because she was in a hotel, she didn't button it up, so she put it on casually, and she still looked more elegant.

Jiang Shen glanced at the plump sweater inside her, and asked directly: "Ju Lu is so late? What's the matter?"

Lu Qi blushed slightly, nodded, and walked in.

"Sorry to bother you so late."

Jiang Shen wanted to keep her from talking outside the door, but when she walked in, Jiang Shen had no choice but to move aside.

"What instructions does Director Lu have?"

"Actually, I've wanted to come a long time ago. You weren't there when I knocked on the door. I just asked the waiter and said that I came here because I saw you coming in." After Lu Qi finished speaking, she took out a few cards from her pocket.

"This is the card you gave us. District Chief asked me to return it to you. Don't get me wrong. District Chief is not blaming you, but she is still young. You know, she asked me to thank you for your kindness. I appreciate it."

It turned out that Jiang Shen had given Xiang Lan and the others the card. Xiang Lan didn't return it to him at the time, but it was actually to save him face for fear of embarrassing him.

You must know that Xiang Lan didn't accept it at the time, and no one else dared to accept it, and it seemed to be blocking other people's money.

Miao Fang and the others are just small section chiefs, and they usually don't have much income.

You Xiang Lan has a high salary and good benefits. If you don't care about this little money, it's hard for us to collect it, right?

Xiang Lan is an old Jianghu, so she didn't block their way of making money, she accepted it first, and then asked Lu Qi to come back.

This took care of the mood of the subordinates and gave Jiang Shen face.

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