Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 384 Undefeated King Fist

"Not good" This 'Yakuro eldest son Saito Nonosuke' is too insidious.

This move is no longer the swordsmanship of the Shinto Wunian style, but a common move among ninjas.

The long sword hides the short sword, only ninjas will use it.

In domestic kendo in Japan, there is almost no such genre.

Of course, in the kendo before the Warring States period, there were several schools that combined long and short swords, but they all had two swords on the outside, one long and the other short, so people could tell at a glance.

Now that 'Yakuro's eldest son Saito Nonosuke' hides the short sword in the long sword, it is a bit insidious.

But at this time, it is no longer the time to accuse and blame.

If Xue Chen was a few years younger, if he was born in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China, when martial arts prevailed, he would definitely be able to avoid this sword.

It's a pity that he was born in this era, martial arts are almost extinct, he has never encountered any decent opponents in his life, and his actual combat experience is not very rich.

I didn't expect that 'Mikuro's eldest son Saito Nonosuke' could hide a sword in a sword. In a dangerous moment, he could only turn sideways suddenly, and made a move of 'Splashing Monkey Roll'. Gudong, he rolled on the ground and retreated. .

There is another saying in other schools that this trick is "lazy donkey roll", which is a very shameless and bad move in martial arts novels.

"Hahaha!" Hundreds of disciples in the Shinto Hall in the inner hall laughed at the same time.

The faces of Xue Chen's two children were flushed.

So embarrassing.

It took only a few strokes before they were forced to roll off the ground by the opponent's sword.

After Xue Chen stood up, his heart was extremely cold.

Because he found that a section of hair on top of his hair had been cut off, which almost stabbed him in the scalp.

And I was forced to roll by the sword of "Yakuro's eldest son Saito Nonosuke", which is even more a disgrace to the martial arts.

Grass, Xue Chen's heart skipped a beat, and he was about to come again.

"Mr. Xue, you lost." At this moment, 'Mikuro's eldest son Saito Nonosuke' retracted his long sword, returned the sword to his waist, and then sat down slowly, looking like an outsider. expression.

"Although you are fast, you are not as good as your ancestor Xue Dian. Do you want to continue?" He implied that you are not as good as Xue Dian, so you have to get out on the ground. If Xue Dian is here, you don't have to get out. .

Xue Chen's face flushed red from anger, but he couldn't attack.

Those who practice Chinese martial arts, if they miss a move, they will lose if they lose, and they will no longer be shameless.

When Xue Dian and Fu Changrong were drinking tea in a teahouse, they made jokes and gestures. If they lost a move, they could only turn around and leave. After learning for many years, they went to take revenge.

If you really want to continue the fight, you will have a mortal enmity, and you will never stop dying. The style on the battlefield is not the style of a master of martial arts.

"I lost." Xue Chen gritted his teeth and let out a long sigh, his face full of coldness and despair.

"Hahaha." "Hohohohoo!" The disciples of the Wunianliu of the Divine Dao all around shouted triumphantly.

What kind of suzerain is wise, and the suzerain's invincible flattery is also endless, it seems that 'Mikuro's eldest son Saito Nonosuke' defeated a Xue Chen, and he defeated the Chinese martial arts circle.

"Master, the so-called Huaguo's national art is nothing more than that. Master, you said that you will go to Huaguo to open a sword hall and compete with Huaguo's national art. I think it is nothing more than that. It doesn't matter if you don't open the sword hall." A 20-something year old The Japanese man looked at Xue Chen contemptuously, walked up to "Yakuro's eldest son Saito Nonosuke" and said flatteringly.

"I, Xue Chen, am just a small person in the national art world of Huaguo. Huaguo's national art is extensive and profound, and is it something you can understand?" Xue Chen was of course dissatisfied.

"Mr. Xue, you don't have to deceive yourself. How many real masters of martial arts are there in Huaguo? Mr. Xue, tell yourself, have you ever met an opponent in your life?" With a faint smile, he supported the bamboo sword on his knee.

"---This..." Xue Chen was suddenly stunned by his question.

"After Yashan, there is no Huaguo, and after Shaobao, there is no Guoshu. Your Huaguo has long since abandoned your most precious things, so why do you still hold on to this persistence?" 'Mikuro's eldest son Saito Nonosuke' continued. : "Mr. Xue, why don't you come to our Shendao Wunian Hall to teach in the future, you and I put aside the differences between the two countries' martial arts, study together, master them, and carry forward our martial arts?"

'Yakuro's eldest son Saito Nonosuke' also wanted to seduce Xue Chen.

His temptation was not just casually speaking without purpose, but he only spoke out when he knew Xue Chen's details.

Xue Chen's ancestor, Xue Dian, died tragically.

Xue Dian joined Yiguandao in 1934 and became a master of Dianchuan.

Yiguandao belongs to a cult organization that spreads superstition and anti-science speech.

In 1953, after the founding of New China, the central government launched an anti-rightist movement.

Xue Dian was arrested by the government because he joined Guandao.

But this Xue Dian was very fast and couldn't fix his eyes on him, so the police couldn't hit him with a gun.

It is said that a company of troops was sent to block him in an alley with machine guns, and he was shot to death with machine guns.

Xue Dian also became one of the most tragic people who died among the masters of martial arts, so that some masters of martial arts were disheartened when they heard the news.

In the age of firearms, no matter how strong a person's national skills are, they are useless. After the founding of the New Hua Kingdom, many masters of national martial arts retired one after another, and national martial arts gradually weakened.

'Yakuro's eldest son Saito Nonosuke' just wanted to use this to lure Xue Chen.

And he went on to say: "Of course, if Mr. Xue just wants to continue to study Xingyiquan, we can form a joint stock company, and our Shendao Wunian Museum will provide money to let Mr. Xue open a martial arts gym in Japan and teach you Chinese martial arts. How about it?" , is Mr. Xue interested in developing here?"

As soon as these words came out, Xue Chen's face changed drastically, and his heart was slightly moved.

Because Xue Dian was executed by the government, it was considered a taboo. After ten years of special experience, his disciples also disappeared, and his descendants dared not open martial arts gyms in China to teach martial arts.

And what is the greatest wish of the generation of masters?

Every master of Chinese martial arts hopes to open his martial arts gym all over the land of China, his disciples are everywhere, and his unique skills are famous all over the world.

'Yakuro's eldest son, Saito Nonosuke' This is naked temptation.

Xue Chen was really tempted.

Since martial arts gyms cannot be opened in China, why not open them abroad?

Jiang Shen also felt his psychological changes at this time.

"Hahaha, who said that after Yashan there will be no Huaguo, and after Shaobao there will be no national art?" Ba, ba, ba, Jiang Shen pushed aside the disciples of the Shinto Hall outside, and strode in.

"You---" the disciples of the Shinto Hall originally wanted to stop him, but when they found that he was a foot away, they felt a mass of air blocking them out, and their expressions changed drastically.

They were also considered martial arts learners, and they dared to stop Jiang Shen when they saw how tyrannical Jiang Shen was.

Then he heard bang, bang, bang, Jiang Shen walked into the inner hall, took three steps in a row, the earth shook and the mountains shook.

The entire inner hall was shaken.

However, only the inner hall moved, and no one outside the inner hall felt any difference.

"Nani" 'Yakuro's eldest son Saito Nonosuke' Huo stood up from the ground.

When Jiang Shen walked in, the earth was shaken and the mountains were shaken. Even Sun Lutang, the legendary number one master in the world, did not have such kung fu.

Moreover, Jiang Shen's three steps made the heart of 'Yakuro Nagao Saito Nonosusumu' thump, bang, bang, three times in a row.

The sudden sharp pain made 'Yakuro's eldest son Saito Nonosusumi' turn pale, and he almost vomited out a mouthful of blood.

What kind of work is this?

The rebirth of Sun Lutang and the rebirth of Fu Changrong, the sum of which is not as good as the young man in front of him.

'Yakuro's eldest son Saito Nonosuke' suddenly frightened his face paler than Xue Chen.

"Mr. Nozhijin, Huaguo Jiang Shen, I have met Mr. Jiang Shen." Jiang Shen also cupped his fists respectfully.

This etiquette is a commonly used etiquette in martial arts, which means that he is also learning martial arts.

"Jiang---Master Jiang, who did you learn from and what did you learn?" Xue Chen was also dumbfounded.

Such a young Jiang Shen, such a powerful force.

One step is like an image, only to see his full destructive power.

Among Yihua's martial arts, I have never seen such a destructive sect.

As soon as he finished speaking, squeak, squeak, squeak.

From the gate to the front of 'Yakuro Nagao Saito Nonosuke', the road was about 50 meters long, and all the wooden boards were broken in a straight line.

"My grass" Xue Chen's son burst into foul language.

"Nani?" Hundreds of disciples from the Nippon Shinto Hall stood up together, stepping back step by step with terrified faces.

"You----You are Jiang Shen----" 'Yakuro's eldest son Saito Nonosuke' knew this person, and someone asked himself to teach him a lesson, but he didn't expect to see the real person in a blink of an eye.

I seem to have invited him to compete.

But is it comparable?

It is more terrifying than ten Sun Lutangs.

Fu Changrong just stepped on the water in the washbasin so that it flew up, and he stepped on people so much that they flew up.

"It's Jiang Shen." After Jiang Shen finished speaking, he turned around and smiled at Xue Chen: "Master Xue, my master Nalan Bubai learned the 'Bubai Wangquan'."

"Undefeated King Fist?" Good name.However, Xue Chen's face was full of doubts. He had never heard of such a school in Chinese martial arts, and Nalan was undefeated, which was even more unheard of.

"It's really domineering." Xue Chen's son and daughter looked at each other at the same time, their faces full of admiration.

"No--defeated--Wang--quan" that 'Mikuro's eldest son Saito Nonosuke' could speak Chinese, but he didn't speak very clearly. He muttered these four words to himself, his eyes It's all shocking.

Undefeated King Fist.

Undefeated King Fist.

Just relying on this name, he is invincible and invincible in the world.

"The biggest wish of a teacher in his life is to seek a defeat. Mr. Nozhijin, I heard that your Shinto Wunian sect has been passed down for a hundred years and is unparalleled in the world. Jiang Shen came to Japan this time, just to experience it. I don’t know Mr. Nozhijin, thank you No face."

Just kidding, with your kung fu, who would dare to fight you.

"Cough, cough, cough" 'Mikuro's eldest son Saito Nonosuke' coughed heavily: "Mr. Jiang is joking, I am already old, people who are almost 80 years old, there are opponents of your young people." The implication is, don't Bullying the weak and the old, I am an old man.

Didn't you say that just now?Xue Chen's son and daughter showed contempt in their eyes.

Seeing that 'Mikuro's eldest son Saito Nonosuke' immediately changed his tone: "How about this, let my closed disciple, Shinno Kataro, compete with you, and everyone clicks to enter immediately, so don't hurt your friendship."

Didn't you say that just now?Xue Chen and his sons and daughters continued to despise them.

"No need, the fist has no eyes, I'm afraid of hurting him." Jiang Shen sneered: "If he can stand, he will win."

After speaking, Jiang Shen turned around, and looked up at the Japanese who flattered him just now, said that Hua Guo's national skills were not good, and even despised Xue Chen.

"Kneel down and kowtow to Master Xue to admit your mistake."

"Bage" Shinno Kazutaro was furious.

Before he had an attack, he felt his legs go limp, and he knelt down with a plop.

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