There is a door on the side that leads to another hall, which is the Merchants Hall. There are companies from all over Japan and many dignitaries.

There are two heavily armed guards at the gate, as well as a staff member.

Director Du went over to communicate with them just now, and was driven back.

Everyone stared at Jiang Shen, waiting to see him make a fool of himself.

"Ji li ji li ji li la la ba, wa ta wa ha wa ha ha ha." Jiang Shen communicated with the staff for a while in ji li gua la.

The staff member picked up his cell phone and made a call.

In less than 3 minutes, an old Japanese man hurried over from the other side of the gate.

This Japanese man is about 50 years old, with white hair all over his head. It can be seen that he is usually worried, but he walks steadily and is full of energy, but when he sees Jiang Shen, he seems a little scared.

"Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrah, wahdahwahahahaha." The old man continued to communicate with Jiang Shen.

He suddenly bowed to Jiang Shen, and stretched out his hand as a gesture of invitation.

Then everyone watched Jiang Shen lead Miao Fang to the opposite side.

My grass.Glasses dropped all over the place.

shocked.Everyone was dumbfounded.

Jiang Shen really passed.

Damn, even Governor Ou can't handle things, let Jiang Shen handle them.

Everyone's mood is indescribable.

But it's not over yet.

But I saw the Japanese old man walking over suddenly with the staff member.

Walked all the way in front of them and spoke a paragraph of Japanese to the crowd.

The staff on the side immediately translated: "Our Excellency Shandu said, welcome District Chief Xiang Lan and Director Lu Qi from Huaguodong Ningchengdong District to our Japan to discuss investment and joint venture matters. Please come with us."

After that, he stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation.

Governor Ou was also dumbfounded.

Damn, just invite two people over?

I don't even think of a vice-province in your eyes?

What should we do with so many districts and so many cities?

Bao Gang's eyelids twitched, and he finally knew who the legendary "Jia Zi must be punished" refers to.

Jiang Shen didn't follow the routine at all.

If you don't believe me, that's fine, I'll just let my own people in.

Jiang Shen called Lu Qi because she felt that she was one of his own, and called Xiang Lan out of politeness.

But in this way, all other districts, cities, and people in the province were offended.

Even Bao Gang, Ge Danni and other people from the east of the city didn't call.

Too much.

Never seen such a person.

Almost instantly, everyone scolded Jiang Shen.

The staff member said again: "Is that District Chief Xiang, Director Lu? We have people from the six major consortiums showing up today. If you don't go in, then shall we leave?"

What?The six consortiums?Everyone was startled.

What is the concept of Japan's six major consortiums?All of them are super consortiums that surpass state-owned enterprises in Huaguo. If they really want to negotiate an investment, that would be a big deal.

"I am." Xiang Lan called out in Chinese, then looked at Governor Ou.

Do you want to go in?

Governor Ou's face was very ugly.

Damn it, even my majestic governor was thrown out by you.

"Wait a minute, I'll make a call." Xiang Lan hurriedly called Jiang Shen.

"Little Jiang, talk to the Japanese again and let us all go in."

"What are you talking about? I said it just now. Does anyone believe it? Those bastards are all self-righteous, sitting in a well and looking at the sky. They are extremely arrogant in the country, but they are as cowardly as dogs when they go abroad. Don't take them and forget it. We are in the east of the city. Play." Jiang Shen yelled loudly on the phone on purpose, the voice, although Xiang Lan didn't use the hands-free, it was almost clearly heard by everyone on the field.

"Sb? Cowardly? Like a dog?"

Did I fool you, many people were almost mad at Jiang Shen.

Xiang Lan almost fainted, quickly covered her phone, and said in a low voice, "Take the overall situation as the most important thing."

"Okay, let District Chief Xiang show you face, and let Sanduto answer the phone."

Xiang Lan picked up the phone: "That's Sandutuo."

The staff spoke to the old man, and the old man answered the phone.

"Hi, hi--hi--Watahini, the country boy Lisi---" He chatted for a while again, and his attitude was not too good.

Everyone looked at this man, and nodded while talking, saying hi, those who didn't know thought the Japanese Prime Minister was on the other end of the phone.

The phone call is over.

The old man said a few words to the staff.

"Okay, you can all go there." The staff waved a big hand, indicating that everyone can enter another venue.

Phew, Xiang Lan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, everyone, including Governor Ou, was stunned.

Isn't it true that this Jiang Shen is so awesome that he brought us all over like this?

The old man turned around and left. A secretary-like person next to Governor Ou stepped forward quickly and grabbed the staff member.

"Excuse me, is Mr. Sanduto the person in charge here?"

The staff member shook his head: "No, His Excellency Santo is the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry of our country, and he is fully in charge of this investment promotion meeting today." After speaking, he turned and left.

"Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry?" Mine.

Some low-level clerks may not know it, but most people still know it.

In addition to the prime minister, the Japanese cabinet has only [-] members, and the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry is one of them.

It is equivalent to a member of the Politburo of Huaguo.

There are only more than 20 members of the Politburo in Huaguo.

Of all the secretaries of the provincial party committee, generally only one or two can become bureau committee members.

That is to say, not to mention Governor Ou, even the Secretary of the Dongning Provincial Party Committee is not as good as the Minister of Economic Regeneration.

Moreover, the power of the cabinet in Japan is different from that of domestic bureaus.

In terms of power, it is actually more like the domestic situation.

However, there are usually only seven domestic bureaus, and Japan has a little more.

Governor Ou twitched again when he heard that this person was the Minister of Economic Regeneration.

Damn, isn't Jiang Shen the emperor's illegitimate son?

The emperor's illegitimate son is not so powerful.

Swipe Japan's Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry around.

In the eyes of everyone just now, Jiang Shen, who was not even qualified to speak, suddenly rose to a new position of incomparable mystery.

Everyone had different thoughts and followed Xiang Lan to another hall.

This hall is completely different from before.

This hall is not only larger than the one just now, but also the same as the reception, with a row of tables in the middle where there is a buffet, and there are drinks and so on.

There are counters of various enterprises in all directions, and there are introductions of various enterprises.

This is a place for business negotiations, not only for food and drink, but also for business groups from all over Japan.

In addition to the country of Hua, people from many other countries have already arrived.

As long as you have the ability, you can even bring companies from other countries to China.

Now that everyone has come in, everyone will use their abilities to attract people everywhere. Whoever is eloquent and can attract an investment will make a great contribution.

People from all cities and districts acted one after another, but Jiang Shen brought Miao Fang to a VIP room at this time.

There are two old men in the VIP room.

One is Japan's Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, Yamato Takumi.

"Mr. Jiang, this is an executive from the Sanwa Foundation, one of the six largest consortiums in Japan, President Tian Mu."

"Hello, President Tian Mu."

Both parties communicate in Japanese.

Miao Fang next to me was puzzled because she couldn't speak Japanese.

Sandutuo is here to discuss compensation.

They want to pay Jiang Shen 1000 billion US dollars, but the government is inconvenient to do this kind of thing, so they asked the Sanhe Consortium to come forward.

According to the secret agreement with Jiang Shen, they will compensate 50 billion US dollars every year.

Today is the first year.

Their cooperation is that Jiang Shen will first contribute [-] million US dollars, and the Sanhe Consortium will contribute [-] million US dollars, and the two parties will establish a mining company.

Then it acquired a large iron mine in Australia from the Sanhe Consortium.

Because the iron mine is very large, the Sanhe consortium will continue to inject capital in the future, but Jiang Shen's shares will remain unchanged.

In this way, by the end of the year, the price of Jiang Shen's shares will be far more than [-] million.

Let Jiang Shen sell his shares at the end of the year, and the Sanhe Consortium will take back his shares at a high price of 51 billion US dollars.

It sounds a bit complicated, but if you do this, there is nothing wrong with it on the surface, and it is safer than money laundering.

After the two parties had a good talk in the VIP room, they signed a non-disclosure agreement, and then Jiang Shen brought Miao Fang out.

"A project has been negotiated?" Miao Fang looked puzzled.

Jiang Shen seemed to sign something directly with the other party?

"No, I'm just talking about cooperation. The project is not in a hurry, but there are plenty."

At noon, everyone ate at the buffet inside and continued to search for items.

One afternoon, Jiang Shen followed Xiang Lan and Lu Qi to contact businessmen from Japan and even other countries, but there was no progress.

After three o'clock in the afternoon, Governor Ou asked someone to count the results.

As a result, the entire Dongning Province made a verbal agreement with two Japanese companies in two prefecture-level cities. The Japanese side promised to go to the country to have a look later, but there were no achievements in other places.

Such agreements are basically empty.

Xiang Lan and Lu Qi also made appointments with a few houses, but looking at the Japanese's obsessive eyes, the two also knew that they were afraid that drunkards were not interested in drinking, so they didn't have any hope, let alone reported it.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Governor Ou once again gathered the leaders of the various districts.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Shen was also named this time.

As a result, among the deputy mayors and deputy district chiefs in charge of investment promotion in each city and district, there was a small clerk Jiang Shen among them.

"Ahem" Governor Ou finally paid attention to Jiang Shen's existence. After taking a look at him, he began to speak: "Today's grades are not good, but everyone should not be discouraged. This is the first day. We can still work hard. Now is We fight together in the whole province, and hope that everyone will put aside regional differences and strengthen cooperation, but whoever invests in the end will be in our Dongning, and it will benefit our people---"

Governor Ou said a lot, meaning that starting tomorrow, it is best for everyone to strengthen cooperation and stop robbing.

Because I saw a lot of domestic people today, even fighting with their own people, making a fool of themselves in front of Japanese companies.

And his main point is that if Jiang Shen has acquaintances in Japan, it is best to take the initiative to help everyone get in touch.

What, didn't I say that, there are six major consortiums in Japan, so you can play it.

Governor Ou's status is not good to talk to Jiang Shen in person, so he had to use this tone to remind Jiang Shen.

Jiang Shen naturally pretended not to hear.

Today, he didn't make any movement, just ran behind Xiang Lan and Lu Qi.

They still have five days left, and it's only the first day. What he has to do, I don't know how many burdens will be placed on him in the future. Now Governor Ou wants to use him, and if he receives the project today, he will be fine.

Therefore, he was not in a hurry at all, and followed behind the leader, just watching but not talking.

When Governor Ou was in meetings, he always looked at Jiang Shen.

But Jiang Shen didn't mean to speak the same way as last time.

At the end of the drive, he also felt bored.

"Do you have any questions or comments? Today is all for work, no matter how big or small, everyone can play freely." Governor Ou's speech this time is very interesting.

Swipe, everyone looked at Jiang Shen.

Jiang Shen was looking down at his phone.

Just kidding, last time you said that my clerk is not qualified to speak.

The scene is very deserted.

Governor Ou waved his hand awkwardly: "Let's adjourn the meeting if you have nothing to do."

The crowd dispersed.

"Xiao Jiang." Governor Ou stopped Jiang Shen at this moment.

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