Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 393 National Glory

"It's over."

"Jiang Shen is dead."

"Knocking down the gate of God, the impact is too great."

There is also a lot of discussion on Huaguo's side.

Jiang Shen, this is equivalent to slapping the Japanese government, and it is definitely a serious political incident.

Everyone is very worried.

Only Bao Gang and Guan Haiping looked at each other, and smiled sinisterly, they deserve it, they deserve it, this little beast is lawless, do you think you are in China?

Hahaha, now, he will spend the rest of his life in a Japanese prison.

But at this time, Japanese police came over.

"Which one of you is Governor Ou?"

"I am." Ou Chufeng stood up decisively.

Xiao Jiang is winning glory for the country today, and he, the deputy governor, will not be left behind. Although he can't fight, he will definitely not hide at this time.

"Your people have knocked down our god door. As his leader, please go to the police station with us."

"Okay." Governor Ou is not afraid, at least he is a vice-provincial, and I understand that Japan will not do anything to him.

Now it's all right, the largest official and the youngest clerk of the Huaguo Merchants Group were taken away by the police.

Bao Gang seized the opportunity.

"This Jiang Shen is lawless. It doesn't matter if he acts recklessly in the country, but he also acts recklessly in Japan. Now it's fine, and he will implicate Governor Ou."

"That's right, I think he's going to serve his sentence in Japan this time, but it's really not right to implicate Governor Ou."

The two of them ignited the fire, and Governor Ou's secretary and several provincial cadres were quite annoyed.

What time is it now, do you still have time to start a civil war?

Governor Ou's secretary gave Bao Gang a cold look, and then asked Xiang Lan, "Who are these two?"

Bao Gang was overjoyed, thinking that the secretary was admiring him, and quickly said: "I am Bao Gang, deputy director of the Merchants Bureau of Chengdong District."

"This is Guan Haiping, director of our bureau's office."

"Understood." The Secretary of Governor Ou wrote down the name, and looked back for an opportunity to mention it to the boss.

As a secretary, of course he knew that at this moment, the boss didn't mean to blame Jiang Shen at all, and even wanted to try his best to save Jiang Shen.

This is no longer a time for personal behavior, it is not a time to talk about quality and character, this is a time to talk about national glory.

Normally, if you beat people in the country, this kind of cadre will definitely not be liked by the leaders, but if you don't come out to beat people at this time, you simply don't deserve to be a national cadre.

The situation is different, you, Bao Gang, still use domestic methods to flatter the leaders.

Fortunately, Governor Ou is not here. If he wants to hear what you said, he might even give you a slap in the face.

Everyone had different thoughts, but most of them were worried about Jiang Shen and Governor Ou at this moment.

The Japanese police didn't say much, they were controlled in a few cars first, and everything was waiting for the investigation results of the National Police Agency.

At this time, the police station was extremely lively.

Yoshino, the chairman of the National Public Security Commission and the minister in charge of the kidnapping issue, Kaichi Shinteng, the minister of foreign affairs, and Ka Chuan, the chief of the National Police Agency.

The three senior officials sat with Jiang Shen.

In another room, Governor Ou was alone.

"Mr. Jiang, this matter is too big. To overthrow the gate of God is tantamount to arousing public anger. Our citizens will definitely hold protests. If we don't deal with it, it may affect our cabinet---" Minister of Foreign Forces Xin Teng Huayi understood the seriousness of this matter.

If the Hua people are not dealt with, there will definitely be demonstrations in the country, and even their cabinet prime ministers will be impeached for their inaction, which will affect the cabinet in this field.

So he asked Jiang Shen cautiously.

Because this person is Jiang Shen, whoever wants to deal with it is not just dealt with.

"What are you doing? Do you want to sentence me? Believe it or not, I will raze your shrine?" Jiang Shen's eyes widened, and the hearts of the three senior officials jumped up in fright.

It's too barbaric, this Chinese man is simply a beast, with no civilization at all.

They didn't doubt that Jiang Shen razed the shrine.

It is better to knock down a gate now, if the shrine is razed, it will be really embarrassing for the whole country, and it will never be able to lift its head again.

"Mr. Jiang, don't be impulsive. What we mean is that the two sides discuss it and find a way that will not embarrass Mr. Jiang, but also allow us to calm down this matter."

How you calm down is none of my business, Jiang Shen originally wanted to say this, but after thinking about it, he must not be too high-key, and he should keep a low profile if he can.

"It was your people who provoked me first, that bastard Mitsui, I will go out to find him later to settle the score." Jiang Shen laughed.

I'm sorry, Mitsui is going to be unlucky again. The three Japanese looked at each other and shook their heads secretly.

But in this matter, it was indeed Mitsui's provocation first.

The three of them had a terrible headache.

"The Mitsui consortium is one of the six major consortiums in our country. We have already interviewed the chairman of Mitsui, and we will definitely give Mr. Jiang a satisfactory answer."

It turns out that the kid is from the Mitsui Foundation, haha, he is rich again.When Jiang Shen heard that it belonged to the Mitsui Foundation, he felt very happy.

"It seems that your attitude is also good. This time, I will not embarrass you. How about it---" Jiang Shen said, as if he was giving the Japanese government face if he didn't pursue it, but the three senior officials could only bow their heads.

"I'm asking people to take the blame. You expel one or two Chinese people from our investment group from the scene, and then let him never enter Japan. In this way, you have face, and I'm fine. Isn't it hello, how are you, everyone-- -"

"-------" expelled from the camera?The three senior officials looked at each other.

For such a big matter, how can expulsion be enough?

The last time you a Chinese national stabbed and killed a Korean at sea, you were sentenced for decades. Now you overthrow such an important thing as Shenmen and expel him from the scene?

"You can also sentence him, but you have to tell Governor Ou that I will provide this person and see how Governor Ou handles it." Jiang Shen kicked the ball to Governor Ou.

"Okay then, let's call Governor Ou over." The three senior officials discussed it.

"Be natural, that's my leader, I'm not a devil, what are you afraid of." Jiang Shen reminded them, don't be shy in front of Governor Ou, I want to keep a low profile.

The three senior officials nodded again and again, thinking in their hearts, besides you, what is anyone else in Huaguo in front of us?What's more, the governor of Naou is not as good as us.

Governor Ou was called over soon.

"What? Find someone to take the blame?" Governor Ou thought he would discuss how to deal with Jiang Shen's matter, but he didn't expect this to be the result.

"Yes, Governor Ou, we have studied this matter. Before Mitsui made a mistake, he took the lead in provoking you and stabbing Mr. Jiang with a knife, so he was kicked down by Mr. Jiang and smashed into the gate of God---- However, Governor Ou, you also know the significance of Shenmen to us, so Mr. Jiang suggested that one or two people from your investment promotion team should come out to take the blame."

Governor Ou was shocked.

One is the attitude that shocked Little Japan.

According to his previous thinking, Little Japan must be furious, and then send a stern protest to the Wenhua embassy, ​​and then vigorously publicize and punish Jiang Shen, which will be known all over the world.

Unexpectedly, now Little Japan has a very good attitude, not only admitting that he was wrong, but also not planning to punish Jiang Shen.

But I didn't expect to find someone to take the blame. What does Xiao Jiang want to do?

Governor Ou looked at Xiao Jiang.

"Governor Ou, I think Guan Haiping or Bao Gang from Chengdong District can definitely contribute to the country. This matter can be turned into a small one. Why not?"

Rising to the height of diplomacy, the two sides are going to have a war of words again, and this time Jiang Shen has indeed overthrow the Shenmen. In terms of morale and face, Huaguo has the upper hand.

Take advantage of it, just accept it when you see it.

When Ou Chufeng heard it, you kid has enmity with Guan Haiping and Bao Gang, right?

Let them do this for you?

However, if it can be resolved smoothly without even disturbing the embassy and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, then he, the Governor of Ou, will also have a lot of face.

Such a major matter was settled by him without disturbing the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the leaders above, that is a great credit.

Some people say that this matter is so big, can the leaders not be alarmed?

It's one thing to be alarmed, it's another thing not to bother. If the subordinates get things done, the leaders don't have to worry about it, and they can concentrate on development. Only in this way can they prove that the subordinates are capable.

"What are you going to do with these two?"

"We plan to convict them of damage to public property, sentence them to three years in prison, and then deport them from the country, and never allow them to enter Japan ---".After the foreign minister finished speaking, he added another sentence, "We don't count him as the crime of intentionally hurting people."

Don't bring such a thing, Governor Ou heard it, it's too bullying, Xiao Jiang, how much enmity you have with them, let Bao Gang and Guan Haiping spend three years here innocently.

Taking the blame for three years is a bit too much.

However, this is much better than dealing with Jiang Shen.

The person involved is fine, which means that Huaguo has won.

Governor Ou had already calculated that Jiang Shen, who hurt people and pushed the door, may be sentenced to 30 years in total. If Japan is more ruthless, the death penalty may be even possible.

Three years now is indeed not much.

Jiang Shen spoke at this time: "The person who was beaten by me was from the Mitsui Consortium. The Mitsui Consortium knew that it was a loss, and would invest [-] million Chinese dollars in our Dongning as compensation for this incident. Governor Ou, I think It's totally worthwhile for Bao to play them, to contribute to the country, in exchange for [-] million yuan, and to win with us."

Jiang Shen's words mean that I stood up for the country, and now I have the upper hand, and I have won face, and there are [-] million investments, so it is reasonable to let the two of them sit in prison for three years.

If we deal with me, our advantage will become a disadvantage, and our investment will be gone.

This one is really hard to choose.

Governor Ou was also a little embarrassed.

"Can I call my secretary?"

"of course can."

Governor Ou thought about what he saw and heard just now, and it seemed that the person surnamed Bao was really not a good person, so he called the secretary.

"What, Bao Gang and Guan Haiping from Chengdong District, who are they?" Governor Ou asked directly.

"The two of them." The secretary hesitated for a moment. He didn't know why the boss asked such a question suddenly, but he still said it out.

What he said just now, what sarcastic remarks, after Jiang Shen and you were taken away, I personally think that they are very disunity and have no sense of national glory.

"Then you should contact the embassy and the country, tell them about this matter, and the result." Governor Ou told the secretary the request made by the Japanese side.

When the secretary heard it, he stayed there.

What kind of plane is Japan doing?Instead of dealing with Jiang Shen, deal with Bao Gang and Guan Haiping.

How wronged is he?

However, if you deal with Jiang Shen, the Hua people will lose face, and if you deal with Bao Gang and Guan Haiping, the Japanese will really lose face.

This is how national glory comes about.

He didn't like the two of them either, so he gave them a sympathetic look, and then went to the side to call and report to the country.

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