"Second, why do you call me and I want to get through? Did you force me to call you, a little policeman? Does Zhengke know? What level are you?" Jiang Shen poked the policeman's chest with his finger.

It's an insult to naked chat.

You are also legitimate?I bother.Don't let me get caught, it was you who did it, and I'll kill you when I get to Anzhou.

The little policeman's eyes were full of dissatisfaction.

"Okay, okay, Director Jiang is back, is there anything else? Let's go if there is nothing." The Dongning police officer hurriedly pulled off the Anzhou police officer to leave.

"Don't agree?" Jiang Shen sneered: "Well, Xiao Qi, don't be with him. This is Dongning. If anything happens, don't blame me."

Jiang Shen, a policeman in Dongning, knew him. Jiang Shen knew it when he was an assistant police officer in the police station. His surname was Qi.

When Xiao Qi heard this, his face changed greatly in fright.

He dragged the Anzhou police officers to the outside of the China Merchants Bureau, and said, "Okay, we're here to help, if there's anything wrong, let your leaders contact our leaders."

Turn around and leave.

"Well, good scolding, I heard that our beauty Director Chen and Team Chen are still detained in Fu'an." Another Dongning policeman also disagreed with Anzhou.

"These bastards have detained our Bureau Chen, and dare to come here to provoke Jiang Wenshen?" Two Dongning policemen left cursing.

The two Anzhou police officers were also calling to report.

"I saw Jiang Shen. He is in Dongning. There is no entry and exit record for him at the airport or train. He probably didn't go to Fu'an yesterday."

It has only been three hours since Jiang Shen answered Shu Jue's call.

Except for airplanes, there is no domestic transportation from Fu'an to Dongning.

So after Fu'an received this fact, he realized that what Shu Jue said might be wrong.

"This Jiang Shen is really a hooligan, isn't he?" Two Anzhou police officers hung up the phone and cursed.

"It can only prove that what Shu Jue said is wrong, but it cannot prove that he didn't go there last night. He wants to kill Sun Yaowu and come back by car. Twelve hours are still enough."

"That is, we must catch his flaws."

The two Anzhou police were still chattering, and someone on the side of the road shouted: "Be careful."

When the two turned their heads, boom.

A large truck on the road suddenly made a sharp turn.

"I'm stupid." The two police officers were cursing at the same time before they fainted: "This rascal can do this?"

Boom, boom.

Ten minutes later, Anzhou received the news.

Two policemen sent to Dongning were seriously injured by a big truck, but luckily their lives were not in danger.

It is said that someone ran a red light at that time, and the big truck did not brake quickly. In order to avoid the person who ran the red light, it hit two policemen.

Anzhou's popularity is half dead.

The Dongning people were scared to death.

Nima Jiang Wenshen told the two people to be careful at the gate of the China Merchants Bureau, and it really worked.

Fortunately, we go fast.

Besides, Jiang Shen returned to the bureau, pretended to meet with some leaders in the bureau, and then mentioned the small bag: "I'll go to the company for a while."

Whoosh, an invisibility returned to Tianlou District.

At this time, the interrogation in Tianlou District came to an end.

People from the task force are communicating in an office.

"Through the investigation, Shu Jue said that it was Jiang Shen who answered the phone, which may be a lie. Jiang Shen is still in Dongning, and there is not enough time to go back."

"However, it is not ruled out that Jiang Shen came to Fu'an last night. From the time he killed someone to his appearance in Dongning, there were more than ten hours in the middle. Let alone driving by himself, taking a long-distance bus is enough."

"So now Jiang Shen is still suspected."

The person who summed it up was none other than Zeng Li who called Young Master Sun to do it.

Zeng Li was the deputy head of the special case team. Although he was handling the case, he was a little scared.

He reminded Sun Shao yesterday, but Jiang Shen's woman was fine, and Sun Shao died.

Now the team leader Zhao Zhicheng and his intentions are desperately trying to put this case on Jiang Shen's head.

Because Jiang Shen is not unlucky, they are going to be unlucky.

Taking Chen Xiaomiao away this time was to offend Jiang Shen. With Jiang Shen's personality, they knew that they would definitely cause trouble afterwards, so they must convict Jiang Shen.

But it's so easy to convict.

All the evidence proves that the two Vietnamese did it, and now only Dong Xin's testimony is in favor of them.

"Ask Shu Jue again, why did you hear Jiang Shen talking?"

"Protect Dong Xin well. He is our important witness. I think he should be transferred first. How about asking the Provincial Armed Police Corps to transfer him to the armed police?"

Because Chen Xiaomiao's father was also a high-ranking police official, after what happened last time, Zhao Zhicheng felt that the province and department were not safe and trustworthy.

At this time, Jiang Shen knew that Dong Xin was there.

Witness, okay.

Then what we said earlier happened that day, Dong Xin committed suicide by hitting a wall in the detention center.

In the middle of their meeting, a phone call came from behind, and Dong Xin hit the wall and died.

"I'm stupid." Zhao Zhicheng and Zeng Li were dumbfounded.

The only person who can testify against Chen Xiaomiao and Jiang Shen is dead.

There is really no way out now.

In good conscience, although Zhao Zhicheng and Zeng Li knew that the Vietnamese killed Sun Yaowu, they absolutely believed that it had something to do with Jiang Shen.

They believed Dong Xin's words, Sun Yaowu and Jiang Shen had a grudge, and they must have sent the Vietnamese to get rid of Chen Xiaomiao, but, but what happened to him? In the end, the Vietnamese turned and killed Sun Yaowu.

Knowing that Jiang Shen is guilty, but can't find his flaws.

At this time, a phone call came down from above.

Lu Dingfeng, the director of the Fu'an Provincial Police Department who helped Chen Xiaomiao and Jiang Shen last time, called.

"How is the investigation of the case? There is a lot of pressure on Dongning. You detained the three policemen, but you couldn't find anything. When the time comes, you will release them."

"But Governor Sun—" Zhao Zhicheng wanted to say something else.

"Governor Sun Changsha, are you from the police department or the provincial government?" Lu Dingfeng was furious.

He is a dignified director of the police department, and he is not much worse than the deputy governor who is not a member of the Provincial Standing Committee.

Moreover, the police chief will often be promoted to the deputy governor or the secretary of the political and legal committee, which is much better than that shit governor sun.

"Yes, I know how to do it." Zhao Zhicheng had no choice.

Lu Dingfeng was his immediate boss. He took advantage of Governor Sun's anger and other leaders in the province to say hello, so he was asked to set up a special case team. Now that the case has been investigated like this, there is no way to continue the investigation.

Even if Lu Dingfeng doesn't put pressure on him, if Dong Xin dies, he has no chance of turning the tables.

Especially Chen Xiaomiao and Jiang Shen both have backgrounds.

Ordinary ordinary people, as long as Dong Xin points out, he can use some means immediately, if they don't kill them, they can kill them.

But this set is useless in front of Chen Xiaomiao and Jiang Shen.

"Let him go." Zhao Zhicheng shook his head and sighed, then walked to another office on the side alone.

He picked up the phone, who did he call?

"Director Jiang, I'm Zhao Zhicheng." Zhao Zhicheng, the dignified deputy director, called Jiang Shen.

"Hehe, Zhao Ting, you are so capable, you have arrested my girlfriend again."

"Don't get me wrong, this is the meaning of Governor Sun. I am also under the pressure of the leadership. Now I want to express my sincere apology to you. We will release him immediately. Director Jiang, don't be fooled, don't take it to heart, what request do you have?" , you can mention it to me."

Zhao Zhicheng was scared.

He had been fucked by Jiang Shen before, and he knew how terrifying Jiang Shen was.

If Jiang Shen can be convicted this time, the state machinery can be launched to deal with Jiang Shen, which is why he dared to participate.

Now that he can't be convicted, Zhao Chengcheng is still scared out of his wits.

That Jiang Shen was lawless, Anzhou sent two policemen to go there and was seriously injured and unconscious.

So once he decided to close the case and release him, Zhao Zhicheng immediately begged Jiang Shen for mercy.

"Okay, my girlfriend is fine. What, Zeng Li's, is your deputy director. Get him down and ask the Discipline Inspection Commission to investigate him."

"---" Zhao Zhicheng burst into tears.

"Is there a problem?" Jiang Shen sneered.

"No problem, no problem." Zhao Zhicheng had no choice but to say in his heart, Zeng Li, I'm sorry, you are unlucky, it's better than the two of us.

April [-]th at one o'clock in the afternoon.

The exhausted Chen Xiaomiao returned to Dongning by plane.

Although Fu'an and his party had some accidents, they were safe and sound.

And this time, the name of Jiang Plague God shocked Fu'an again.

Last time in Fu'an, Jiang Shen had already made a name for himself. After a few months, everyone almost forgot about him.

But this time, the two Anzhou policemen were seriously injured by the collision, and it took them three months to recover after returning home. From then on, whenever the Anzhou policemen heard that they were going to Dongning to handle the case, they were frightened and refused.

Two in the afternoon.

Jiang Shen carried his small bag and staggered back to China Merchants.

At noon, he slapped the policeman at the gate of the police station, and the whole situation was shaken. After the people who saw it added fuel and vinegar to the publicity, it turned into Director Jiang beating the policemen from other places at the gate.

Jiang Ju's prestige is even more prosperous.

"Good job Jiang."

"Morning Jiang Ju."

"Okay, okay." Jiang Shen came along the road and found that there were more people saying hello than before.

It's not too early, it's too early for your sister, Jiang Shen chuckled secretly.

In the past, most of his achievements were investment promotion. There were people who respected him in the bureau, but not many people were afraid of him. Only a few people knew about the Japanese beating incident.

Now that someone saw him so cruel with his own eyes, his prestige was immediately revealed.

Therefore, fame is something that can only be obtained through fighting and killing.

Jiang Shen arrived at the office triumphantly. His office was side by side with Lu Qi and Yu Shijun.

Now that Lu Yong has not left, although Lu Qi has been appointed as the head of the district, the party committee will not be held until after the May Day holiday.

Only Jiang Shen knew about this matter in the entire China Merchants Bureau.

Jiang Shen didn't even have time to talk to Lu Qi.

He passed Lu Qi's office and happened to see Yu Shijun also in Lu Qi's office.

The two beauties didn't know what they were discussing there.

"Jiang Ju." Lu Qi's complexion was a little bad, and she forced a smile when she saw Jiang Shen coming in.

"Jiang Ju came just in time." Yu Shijun held a piece of paper in his hand.

"I met with the Lu Bureau. During the May Day holiday, we were supposed to take a break, but recently several foreign capitals such as Citibank have followed suit. Foreigners don't celebrate May Day, so the bureau must arrange someone to be on duty. "

"I'm on May [-]st, Bureau Lu is No. [-], and Bureau Jiang is No. [-]. Our three leaders must take the lead."

Yu Shijun was very high-spirited, and it was almost written on his face that I am the chief of the bureau.

Zhuang Zhiguo failed to fight for her, and he was ashamed to tell her that Yu Shijun now thought that he would be the chief after May [-]st.

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