The vomit was disgusting, but Niman took out a bag from the side of the room, and there was a test tube in the bag. Regardless of the nausea, she collected the things she swallowed on the ground, carefully put them into the test tube, and finally put them into the bag inside.

Ni, what are you trying to do?

Jiang Shen was in the room, using his divine sense to lock on Niman all the time.

He never expected that after Niman went out, she would collect her own things.

After Niman came in to kiss him for the first time, Jiang Shen didn't feel anything strange, but when he came in to help him directly for the second time, Jiang Shen felt something was wrong, so he kept locking with his divine sense. Unexpectedly, seeing him now to this change.

Who is this Niman?

Niman stood up, and saw her violently touching her face.

"Ah---" she screamed, her voice was very low and depressed, and then her face began to change.

Little by little, her face changed from Niman to another woman in ten seconds.

"Khrisheva ---" I was ignorant, Jiang Shen said goodbye. Unexpectedly, Nyman who entered the door for the second time turned out to be Ukrainian beauty Khrisheva.

Yes, she will change?

She will transform?

Khrisheva didn't wear a human skin mask in martial arts novels on her face.

She changed abruptly by changing the muscles on her face.

This kind of kung fu is only available in the world where Nalan Bubai lives.

Jiang Shen can also change, by changing the muscles on his face to become other people, but he has not used it so far.

Because he never needed or wanted to become someone else to do anything, he felt that it was not fair enough.

But today, he saw others changing.

Ability?Is this a supernatural power?Is it from the Divine Power Bureau again?

At this time, Jiang Shen finally understood that this Helisheva belonged to the Divine Power Bureau of Country M.

Moreover, I don't know if Khrisheva is her real identity, and I don't know if her face is her real face now.

This is a country m agent who will change.

Great, the people in the Divine Power Bureau are really full of talents.

This Helisheva is too scary, she will turn into someone else's appearance, I don't know if she will become a man?

Jiang Shen followed Helisheva spiritually, and when she saw that she had collected Jiang Shen's things, she immediately left the room, and soon found a palace guard outside, and then Helisheva handed the test tube to the guard.

The guard nodded to her and turned away with the test tube.

In less than 5 minutes, the test tube containing Jiang Shen's body fluid was sent out of the palace.

I have a go?Jiang Shen has been lying on the bed, watching the test tube containing his things being sent away overnight, shocked and angry.

What is country m trying to do?Get a little Jiang Shen out?Then fight me?

Can he figure it out?

Jiang Shen couldn't care less, whoosh, an invisible person disappeared into the room.

After 10 minutes, he returned to the room with a smirk all over his face.

Early the next morning, bang, bang, bang, someone knocked on the door.

Jiang Shen was pretending to be asleep on the bed, and his thoughts swept over him. It turned out to be Niman.

But, is this real Nyman or fake Nyman?

Jiang Shen went out and opened the door.

"Morning, get ready to have breakfast. After breakfast, Sixth Brother will take you to see my father."

Jiang Shen didn't speak, but stared at Niman firmly.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Niman blushed slightly, probably thinking of the passionate kiss between the two yesterday.

"Last night -----" Jiang Shen deliberately slowed down.

"It's time for breakfast." Niman smiled lightly, as if she didn't remember what happened last night, but Jiang Shen could feel her heart trembling slightly.

Prince Ramien's father was the previous oil minister, and now he is a member of the Federal Council. He is one of the seven most powerful giants in the UAE. People outside call him 'Chief Adiya'.

The reason why Prince Lamen recommended Jiang Shen to him was that Princess Niman was kidnapped outside, and Jiang Shen rescued her.

To Jiang Shen's surprise, Chief Adeya didn't seem to have a good impression of the Chinese people.

The first time he saw Jiang Shen, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes. He probably thought in his heart that it was another toad who wanted to eat swans.

"Tell me, what reward do you want?"

"Chief Adeya, I don't need any rewards, I came to talk to you-"

"Come on." Chief Adeya waved his hand directly: "Do you know how many young heroes approach my daughter in various ways every year? They all want to be my son-in-law in Sharjah, but let me tell you, I Sharjah's son-in-law can be from Western Europe, or from country M, but I don't think they are from China."

"Let's say a number, to thank you for saving my daughter, say a number, after taking the money, never come to our Sharjah again."

In the eyes of Chief Adeya, Jiang Shen is Lai Toad who dreams of marrying the princess and reaching the sky in one step.

Jiang Shen is on fire, does Nima's father look like he has no money?Anyway, I'm wearing Jeanswest too.

"Are you following me?" Jiang Shen asked.

Hmph, Chief Adeya snorted coldly, didn't say yes, didn't say no, look, he is really a pauper in Huaguo, this is revealed, well, I want to see how thick-skinned you are: "Say, I, the Emirate of Sharjah, although not as rich as Abu Dhabi, will definitely give you the rewards you deserve."

He said it should be, so naturally he kept his back.

But Jiang Shen said: "I think the princess is priceless. In your heart and in father's heart, she should be a priceless treasure."

"--" Chief Adeya was taken aback for a moment, this little bastard is really good at talking.

There is no way to refute this sentence, Chief Adeya was furious: "Tell me, how much do you want?"

He swore that when he finished speaking, he would throw the check in Jiang Shen's face and tell him to get out. From then on, he would send more guards to protect his princess, and any Chinese people who approached the princess would be driven away.

"Not much." Jiang Shen stretched out two fingers.

"200 million?" Chief Adeya gasped, wanting to scold her.

In the UAE, when talking about money with foreigners, it is either dollars or euros.

Whether it is 200 million US dollars or euros, it is not a small sum, how dare you speak.

However, 200 million is still within his tolerance, it must be to save his daughter, whether it is true or not, I will give it to you.

Chief Adeya began to draw out the check.

"Two million? Dear Mr. Sheikh, is your daughter's life worth two million? I'm talking two hundred million ----- euros."

"I'm stupid." Chief Adeya swears.

He stared at Jiang Shen firmly, as if he didn't expect that there were such thick-skinned people in the world. After five seconds, he yelled loudly: "Guards."

Kakaka, two heavily armed guards strode in from outside.

At the same time, Chief Adeya wrote 200 million US dollars on a check with his pen like flying, and then squeezed it into a ball and threw it at Jiang Shen's feet.

"Send this Jiang Shen from the Hua Kingdom out of the palace."

"Wait." Jiang Shen was very upset: "Do you have any complaints about us Chinese people?" Jiang Shen waved his hand, and an order came into the minds of the two guards, and the chief asked them to go out.

The two guards turned around sharply, and strode away obediently.

"---" Chief Adeya stayed there, nima, I didn't tell you to leave, why did you all leave.

"Okay, no guards will come in now, let's talk about it." Jiang Shen sat down in front of him boldly.

"First, I am not short of money. Your whole UAE, maybe only Dubai and Abu Dhabi are richer than me. You Sharjah and you Sheikh Adeya are a little bit worse."

"Secondly, I'm not interested in princesses. All of my women are more beautiful and gentle than your princesses. Their fathers are still high-ranking officials in Huaguo, and the power in their hands exceeds that of your entire UAE."

"Third---this is a gift I gave you. I hope that after you accept it, we can talk about cooperation."

Jiang Shen casually took it out of his pocket, and when he came out again, he already had a crystal-like pearl in his hand.

Brush, the pearl shines brightly. Although it is broad daylight, the office of Chief Adeya is extremely bright, and this kind of light does not irritate the eyes at all. The more Chief Adeya looks, the gentler his eyes are. It is also more comfortable.

What a beautiful pearl. Chief Adeya has seen countless treasures, and there are countless treasures in the palace, but he has never seen such a beautiful pearl.

What's more amazing, Sharjah in July is extremely hot, so the air conditioner was turned on in his office, but when this pearl appeared, the temperature in the office was like the temperature of nature, without the humidity of the air conditioner, without The scorching heat of summer is like the most natural and comfortable climate on the prairie.

In an instant, Chief Adeya had the illusion that he had left Sharjah and came to Sweden, the most pleasant place in Western Europe.

Jiang Shen tossed it lightly, and the pearl flew towards Chief Adeya.

Chief Adeya stretched out his hand to pick it up reflexively. He was in a hurry for fear of missing it by mistake.

When the pearl landed on his hand, swish, a refreshing and comfortable air flow passed from his hand to all parts of his body, and it seemed to dispel the fatigue all over his body in an instant. He seemed to be a few years younger and his whole body changed full of energy.

"Hiss..." Chief Adeya couldn't believe his feelings, but the feeling was really clear.

"Baby, what a treasure." Chief Adeya held the pearl fondly, seeing the brilliance in his eyes.

"This pearl is called 'Adeya Star', and I think it is very suitable for you, chief Adeya. The pearl has the effect of warming in winter and cooling in summer. It is extremely magical. Wearing it on your body will prevent all diseases. Chief Adeya, you Like it?"

"Can't get rid of all diseases?" Chief Adeya's eyes lit up again when he heard this, "Adeya Star, this name really suits me.

If Jiang Shen said that before, he would definitely slap it in the face, you think I am an idiot, but when he holds it in his hand, he really feels different.

A baby is a baby. Chief Adeya switched from his left hand to his right hand, and then from his right hand to his left hand, almost reluctant to leave his eyes.

This is also a common problem of Arabs. Arabs believe in Allah. There are all kinds of magical treasures in myths and legends, such as the legendary Aladdin magic lamp, flying carpet, night pearl, etc., so seeing treasures is more important than people in other countries. Careful, often put it down to study for a long time.

"Cough cough" Jiang Shen saw that he was indulging in the pearl, and quickly coughed twice.

"Sit, sit, what do you want to tell me?" Chief Adeya came back to his senses, and his attitude turned 360 degrees.

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