At the same time, people were shocked in a building more than 200 meters away from the football field.

Two agents of the Bureau of Divine Power were hiding in a room in the building. They were watching TV as if nothing had happened, but their thoughts were all focused on the game on the field.

"Damn it, this Jiang Shen's mind power is too strong, I'm not his opponent at all?"

"Dan Shwe, I think he already knows our direction, why don't we retreat first?"

"He can't be allowed to control the game as he wants, and he can't be allowed to have Suleman's support."

"But --- not good ---" The faces of the two of them changed drastically at the same time, and no one else could feel it. Both of them were agents with superb mind power, and they immediately sensed a powerful force, like a gust of wind coming from a football field. Sweep over.

"Let's go." Now both of them were scared.

Because they guessed that Jiang Shen had already guessed the direction, and used his divine sense to look for it.

The two quickly turned off the TV and pretended to be ordinary people.

When they opened the door and were about to leave, they found that an Englishman opened the door just opposite.

"Hello." The neighbor on the opposite side greeted politely.

"Hi" the two agents also smiled at the same time.

"Why is your heart beating so fast?" The neighbor's face changed suddenly, and his expression became very stiff: "It's from the Bureau of Divine Power?"

"Craft." The two agents looked at the neighbor in disbelief, the changes were too fast, as if they were suddenly possessed by a ghost.

They also have such masters in the Bureau of Divine Power, who can transfer their will to others, and appear in other people's faces like resurrecting a dead body.

Jiang Shen is here?

"Let's go." One of them thought, and a copper wall and iron wall formed by the power of thought stood in front of them, and the two turned and fled.

"Really?" Jiang Shen smiled, he came here with a divine sense, just to test it out.

Just now he felt the supernatural power coming from the west, so he swept across the west with his divine sense. Only these two people beat faster than the others, obviously a little guilty.

This agent is still unprofessional?Jiang Shen took a light step, and with a bang, he broke through the wall of thoughts. Under Jiang Shen's thoughts, the British rushed directly to the back of the agent as if with the help of a god.

"God." The two agents were out of their wits, their minds constantly mobilizing.

Whoosh whoosh, the trash cans in the corridor, street lamps, all things that can be commanded by the mind, smashed at the British man in a frenzy.

It's a pity that the British are no longer fighting alone. At this moment, Jiang Shen is possessed.

But now, Jiang Shen has no intention of keeping his hand.

The Bureau of Divine Power attacked him first, which was tantamount to declaring war on him. Now that there is a battle, only the strong can survive.

"Dead" others are in the air, reach out a little.

Clang, clang, two sounds in the air, like two steel knives being unsheathed through the air.


No matter how strong the mind power of the two agents was, they couldn't resist Jiang Shen's magical powers, and they were both cut in half.

Then the Englishman's eyes went black and he passed out.

on the field.

The British team launched wave after wave of attacks, but still there was not a single threatening shot formed.

On the contrary, every time Hadema spoke, he would scare Suleman half to death. "Uncle, No. [-] is going to score a goal, a header."

Bang, as soon as he finished speaking, the Swedish team counterattacked and made a cross from the bottom. No. [-] jumped high and scored with a header.

"Wow!" The Swedish fans in the audience were boiling again.

At this time, the game had just been less than 7 minutes.

Suleman's face sank like water, and he didn't know what it was like.

"Uncle, NO.15 is about to shoot in from a long distance."

"Bang" less than ten seconds after the re-kick-off, the Swedish team intercepted the ball in the midfield and shot directly from a long distance.

"Three to zero." The ball scored again.

Within 10 minutes, the Swedish team scored three goals in a row.

"It's unreasonable." Suleman was so angry that he almost wanted to scold Hadema.

"Damn it, tell Jiang Shen, let England win, let England win, let him prove to me his strength." Suleman finally believed.

To say that Hadema said that Jiang Shen could let his Manchester City win the Champions League, he really wanted to slap Hadema, but now, he believed it.

"If he can turn the England team back into victory, I'll go see him." Suleman knew that the game had just begun, but he had to ask Jiang Shen for help.

"Okay." Hadema looked at his phone: "But he said that he is a little tired now, and the England team can get back a goal in 10 minutes."

"----" Suleman lowered his head and pressed the watch: "Two 10 minutes." He started counting.

Jiang Shen made a mistake before, no wonder he had to time it, but now without the people from the Magic Bureau to stop it, it is much easier for Jiang Shen to control a game.

10 minutes later, in a counterattack, the England team made a single shot from behind.

Huh, Suleman looked at his watch, it was exactly 10 minutes.

Awesome, this Jiang Shen can control the goals of the game, what if I bet on him?Wouldn't it be faster than my oil?

Abu Dhabi's oil sales are exhausting, it is better to gamble on a football game.

But this idea, he only dared to think about it.

His money is enough, there is no need to do this kind of thing that damages the image of the royal family.

"Make it more difficult for him." Suleman suddenly rolled his eyes: "The champion of the Champions League is not so easy to win."

"Uncle, what do you want?" Hadema looked at the phone: "How about this, he said that you can designate, designate a certain player on the field, whoever you want to score goals, whoever can score goals, this difficulty How about it?"

"Hahaha." Suleman laughed this time, this is really awesome, let whoever you want to enter?The gambling syndicate didn't dare to guarantee it.

"Okay, I really have the ability." Suleman smiled wildly and pointed: "Just him, let England's No. [-] enter one."

"----" Hadema looked at his uncle speechlessly, he didn't bring it up like this, number one is the goalkeeper.

"What's the matter, can't you? He's not bragging, whoever I designate will enter?"

Hadema had a bitter face, you thought playing against the Huaguo national team, you could bet halftime, and the goalkeeper would be able to attack.

Hadema hadn't thought of how to tell Jiang Shen yet.

The Swedish team sent a corner kick, and the England goalkeeper jumped up and confiscated the football in mid-air.

Then I saw him rushing forward with the football, and when he rushed to the edge of the penalty area, he threw the football on the ground, took a few steps forward, and kicked furiously.

The "bang" football was kicked towards Sweden's goal by the England goalkeeper.

At this time, because the Swedish team had just served a corner kick, the goalkeeper was standing near the penalty area, and suddenly saw the England goalkeeper kicking his foot, and ran back in fright.

But he was obviously running slowly.

The football flew high, passed over the head of the Swedish team's goalkeeper, and bounced again after landing. Whoosh, it bounced into the Swedish team's goal.

"Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" the whole stadium was full of horns, and the fans in England were extremely crazy.

Two to three, and got another goal.

"My grass" Su Erman was stunned for a long time, and broke out a cursive word.

Really let the goalkeeper into one, and I will go too.

"Uncle, how is it?" Hadema was also stunned.

This Jiang Shen is omnipotent?Fortunately, I did not fight against him and became friends.

"What?" Suleman's swearing in his life was not as much as today. He stood up and pointed at a person on the field.

"If there is a way for him to score one, I will accept it."

Hadema followed his fingers.

I'm dizzy.

Don't do it like that, uncle, that's the referee.

Since the beginning of a football match, there has only been one case of the referee scoring a goal on an international football field, and it happened many years ago. Now I can't find the video of that time, only relevant records.

But Suleman just finished speaking.

The situation in the field changed again.

This time it was England's corner kick. The Swedish team headed out the first spot. An England player from the outside got the second spot. He almost didn't think about it and shot angrily.

At this time, the referee was standing on the line of the penalty area. When the football came, the referee stepped back in shock.

But he didn't want to return it. The football hit his right leg with a bang.

The football suddenly changed its line in mid-air, plopped, and got into the goal of the Swedish team.

I am dizzy, Hadema is madly dizzy.

"----" Suleman was speechless.

The England fans were shocked at first, and then roared wildly.

Before the end of the first half, they tied the score at [-]-[-].

It's just that the last two goals are really weird.

At this time, a large number of Swedish players gathered around and questioned the referee about the blocked ball.

The referee shook his head and explained that according to the rules, the goal was scored by the England team.

Three to three, the score became three to three.

Suleman stood there dumbfounded for about 5 minutes, then turned around suddenly: "Let's go." He didn't even watch the game, turned around and left.

"Uncle, where is uncle going?" Hadema asked inexplicably.

"You inform Jiang Shen, I want to see him right away, right away." Suleman clenched his fists tightly, thinking of the exciting scene when his city man won the Champions League in his mind.

Yes, Hadema is right, in his heart, he wants to win the Champions League more than anyone else.

For so many years, I have invested more than one billion pounds in the team. You all say that I am a local tyrant, and my family still has a lot of misunderstandings. They laugh at me for not winning the Champions League in my life.

Today, I am going to create a miracle for you. I want to prove to the five major European football leagues that City Manchester United are not local tyrants, they can win all the championships.

I, Suleman, am not playing football, but really want to achieve results.

Yes, Jiang Shen's method of controlling the game is very unfair, but I don't want him to help every time, as long as it is in the key games. Football games are not very fair. Your gambling group can control it. Why am I Sur Man can't?

"I would like to ask you to be my team's consultant and help my City Manchester United in key games. Each game will cost 100 million pounds." Suleman did not mention speaking for Jiang Shen.

"I am not short of money, respected Prince Suleman, I must have heard of my reason for coming."

"It's impossible for my brother to go against the will of the people of country M, 500 million a game, I ask you to help me, Pound." Suleman didn't believe that there are things that money can't solve in this world, so he doubled it five times in one breath.

A game costs 500 million pounds. Do you know how many games there are from the group stage to the Champions League final?It's really expensive.

"I don't want money." Jiang Shen shook his head again.

"1000 million." Suleman, who is rich and powerful, raised a finger, his face was a little angry, don't push further, no matter how much oil you dig, you can't dig so much money.

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