Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 549 Going to Country M

July 27.

News came from London that the office had already been rented and a small part was being renovated. Little Jamie also sent photos of the environment and location of the office building to Jiang Shen for a look.

Jiang Shen is very satisfied, because the location of the office building is very conspicuous.

Central London in London.

Now, the City of London is the central area in London's history, and the City of Westminster next to it forms a modern British combined city.London's boundaries have remained unchanged since the Middle Ages, and today they form a tiny part of the greater London metropolitan area.

Its area is only about 2.6 square kilometers, and it is the most central and most prosperous place in London.

London, as the largest city in Europe, can be said to be very expensive. Little Jamie found a building for Jiang Shen in such a central area, and then contracted the first to fourth floors of the building, with a total area of ​​1000 to 60 square meters , with an annual rent of £[-].

The money will be paid by Little Jamie's Hellfire.

At the beginning, Jiang Shen said that he would let them branch in the first year, and he would sponsor it himself in the future.

But old Jamie insisted on paying for Jiang Shen, saying that as long as Jiang Shen was the director there, Hellfire would support him.

Jiang Shen deliberated, but finally refused, Ni? I am a Chinese government agency, and I use the money of the French underworld, Hellfire, which is a bit bad, so I only asked Jamie to pay for the first year. rent.

A group of people from the office will leave on the 28th, live in the UK first, and then clean up, buy things, and prepare for the opening of the office, which is tentatively scheduled to open on August [-]th.

And Jiang Shen will also fly to country m on July 28th.

Why go to country m.

Because the World Hongmen Association sent invitations before, Jiang Shen was invited to participate in the World Hongmen Promise Conference on July 28.

Since the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties, Hongmen has always been the pride of the Chinese community. Regardless of its influence or ability, it is unmatched in the history of China. It has a long history and strict organization. It can be said that there is no civil society organization in the history of various countries that can reach such a height.

Jiang Shen seriously injured Mr. Qi in Huaguo, and finally killed Luo Bushen in the Philippines, challenging the Hongmen one after another, and finally attracted the attention of the Hongmen Association of the World.

As the largest club in the world today, an invitation was sent to Jiang Shen.

It can be said that participating in the Hongmen Association is an honor, but it may also be a challenge.

On the morning of July 27th, a plane arrived in Dongning, a graceful girl got off the plane, and soon met Jiang Shen at the airport.

This girl is wearing an ordinary short-sleeved shirt and a hot short skirt underneath. A kind of calmness like a mountain.

After not seeing each other for so long, Jiang Shen knew that Xue Xiaoyin's martial arts had improved again as soon as he saw her.

"Master." When Xue Xiaoyin saw her master again, her heart was full of joy. Although she was successful in martial arts and her appearance was calm, she couldn't hide the joy in her eyes.

This is also the reason why she has practiced Chinese martial arts. When her kung fu is mastered, she will calm down. Changing to the second-hand Guan Ruohua, she has long thrown herself into Jiang Shen's arms to eat Jiang Shen's tofu.

"Your dad told you, come with me to Hongmen to see."

"Well, my dad also received the invitation card, but he doesn't want to go, so I'll go on behalf of my dad." Xue Xiaoyin also wanted to do an internship after this summer vacation, and this time she just took the opportunity to go out with Jiang Shen to experience the world.

"Let's go, go to country m to open your eyes." Jiang Shen laughed loudly, boarding the plane to country m for the first time.

The Hongmen Association is located in Honolulu in Country M. People in Country M say that Honolulu is the capital and port city of Hawaii. The climate is mild. The temperature at this time is between 20 degrees and [-] degrees, which is better than in China. It is a resort.

At this time, there are no direct flights to Honolulu International Airport in China. Generally, you can transfer from Taiwan, Xiangmen, Japan, South Korea and other places in Asia, or you can go directly to other airports in country m, and then transfer.

According to the time, Jiang Shen chose the nearest and most convenient place, Xiangmen.

Arrive at Xiangmen after [-] am, and then go to Honolulu from Xiangmen Island.

On the plane, Xue Xiaoyin was the same as last time, she took out a handkerchief and wiped Jiang Shen's seat as soon as she got on the plane, and then let Jiang Shen sit.

Jiang Shen naturally did his part, and the two of them brushed each other and sat down, which immediately attracted the attention of the other two people nearby.

These two are like brothers.

They are all in their 40s, and the person on the left still has a small scar on his face. Because his hair is a bit long, it covers the scar, which is not very conspicuous.

When he saw Jiang Shen's pretending, he was furious.

Ni, so pretentious?It's okay to let the beauty wipe the position for you, but the expression is still pretending like this?

Jiang Shen's actions can easily arouse the anger of others outside.

If you don’t believe me, try to take a beautiful woman out, go there, and let that beautiful woman help you clean the table and benches, it’s no wonder you don’t get beaten to death.

It was the same when eating, Xue Xiaoyin was used to it, she wiped Jiang Shen's tableware before giving it to Jiang Shen.

Now that person can't take it anymore, Nima, you still wipe the things on the plane, and I'll wipe your sister's.

"Miss, where are you going?" The person on the left is closer to Xue Xiaoyin, and the two are separated by the corridor in the middle.

Xue Xiaoyin heard the words, turned her head to look at the man, ignored him, and nodded slightly to him, as a response.

This is considered polite, with Xue Xiaoyin's personality and temper, apart from her father and elder brother, only Jiang Shen is in her eyes, and other men are shit.

Because she was carrying the things Jiang Shen gave her, and after she carried them, the more she practiced the martial arts, the more refined she became, and her physical fitness became better and better. She had an inexplicable admiration for Jiang Shen. in the invincible existence.

When a woman has an idol, other men are almost indistinguishable from shit.

However, she kept Jiang Shen's orders in mind, and she was more restrained in front of Jiang Shen. In school, she would not even look at other boys.

But the man didn't know what was going on, and immediately asked in English, "Aren't you from China?"

The mandarin he used just now, seeing Xue Xiaoyin not speaking, thought he was a foreigner.

"Huaguo people." Xue Xiaoyin suppressed her displeasure, and responded, then turned her body slightly, and turned a little more towards Jiang Shen.

The body turned to one side, which meant that he didn't want to talk to this man.

But this man is also the proud son of heaven in Xiangmen Island, he has picked up countless girls, and he is surprisingly thick-skinned.

Ignore what I’m afraid of. Many beauties ignored me at first, but then they were raped by me, and they could do whatever they wanted on the bed. Women are like this. They start pretending to be goddesses. Bitch like.

The man reached out and took out a business card from his arms, which read "Xiangmen Forty International Finance Company, General Manager Wu Zhiyong."

"My little surname is Wu, come to Xiangmen Island to play when I have time."

"Thank you." Xue Xiaoyin didn't look at the business card this time, and nodded without taking the business card.

Wu Zhiyong is a bit thick-skinned and has a vicious eye. Seeing that Xue Xiaoyin is an extraordinary beauty, he also has the intention of making friends, so he put his business card on Xue Xiaoyin's lap.

Xue Xiaoyin was wearing hot shorts, with her white thighs exposed.

Seeing Wu Zhiyong put it on her lap, Xue Xiaoyin was furious and waved her hand.

Well, Wu Zhiyong seemed to have been whipped on his hand.

"Ah..." Wu Zhiyong felt his hands and almost jumped up. If he hadn't been wearing a seat belt, he would have jumped up.

"You--" Wu Zhiyong looked at the business card on the ground and got a little angry.

"Brother Yong." The people next to Wu Zhiyong looked over and stared at Xue Xiaoyin.

She is indeed a beautiful woman, but Brother Yong, you are too anxious: "Sorry, sorry." The man greeted Xue Xiaoyin.

Then he bent down to pick up the business card on the ground and put it away, but when he looked at Xue Xiaoyin and Jiang Shen again, his eyes became a little bit cruel.

"You have character." Wu Zhiyong's hand pain improved a little, and he looked at Xue Xiaoyin with great interest.

Xue Xiaoyin's thigh was exposed, and he just stared at Xue Xiaoyin's thigh without sleepiness, which made Xue Xiaoyin extremely annoyed.

If it wasn't for being on the plane, he would have been crippled with a slap.

Just now, he was too lenient, and he would have been crippled earlier.Xue Xiaoyin thought fiercely.

"Brother Yong, isn't he just a girl? When we arrive in Honolulu, there are plenty of them, and there are girls from country M to play with."

"Niu is also not very good, this one is good, I like it."

Wu Zhiyong and the people around him commented on their personalities, discussing it presumptuously on the plane.

That man's name is Li Bingnan, and he is also a very powerful figure in Xiangmen Island.

Both of them were a little annoyed. Wu Zhiyong's business card was sent out. This was in Xiangmen, so many people would lose face. They didn't expect to meet two country bumpkins.

Just when the two were teasing Xue Xiaoyin unscrupulously, Jiang Shen spoke.

He stretched out his head and looked at Wu Zhiyong.

"Forty thousand? Who's in charge in that district?"

Hey, both Wu Zhiyong and Li Bingnan were surprised. They thought they were country bumpkins from the mainland, but they turned out to be fellow-citizens.

"Yuen Long Lee Ping Nam."

"Wu Zhiyong is a pile of Yi characters."

Both of them looked a little smug.

"Oh, so it's Brother Nan and Brother Yong." Jiang Shen smiled faintly.

What is the origin of these two people?

Xiangmen Island [-]k talker.

Forty K is a mafia organization in Xiangmen Island, with members ranging from 20 to 1990. In the [-]s, it became the largest gang organization in the world.

His original name was "Hongmen Loyalty Association", founded by Ge Zhaohuang, the former nationalist general. In 49, the Chinese People's Liberation Army occupied Guangdong and Guangxi. He led his troops to flee to Xiangmen, where he reorganized the Hongmen Loyalty Association and became a local underworld society.

Even now, when there are so many societies on Xiangmen Island and a hundred flowers are flourishing, Forty K is still one of the best local gangs on Xiangmen Island.

Now that Jiang Shen has met these two, they are very famous in Xiangmen. Li Bingnan is also called 'Nanshan Tiger', one of the five tigers of Xiangmen, as famous as Zhong Ping.

Wu Zhiyong, nicknamed Hu Xuyong, is the new talker.

Both of them are [-]K people who are very popular recently, and this time they represent [-]K to participate in the Hongmen Promise Conference.

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