"Who is this hero?" Duan Er looked at this man in disbelief. He was also considered to be a master of martial arts, but when he saw this man, he was startled reflexively.

"This is the eldest son of the Liang family in Nepal, Liang Renhong." Someone in the crowd shouted.

"It turned out to be Brother Liang's son, powerful, powerful. When I met you more than 20 years ago, you were still in elementary school. I didn't expect that in a blink of an eye, you were already a master of martial arts." Duan Er knew the Liang family. Liang Kun.

Liang Kun is good at Hongquan's Iron Line Fist, and Huang Feihong's father, Huang Qiying, is also known as the ten tigers of Guangdong and Guangxi. In the movie, Huang Feihong is often called one of the ten tigers of Guangdong and Guangxi. In fact, it is wrong. Huang Feihong's generation is too young One generation, as for some movies put Hong Xiguan in the ten tigers, it is even more wrong, Hong's seniority is even higher than Huang Qiying.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, the Liang family immigrated to Indonesia, then to Thailand, and finally settled in Nepal.

It is said that the seniors of the Liang family received unique skills taught by eminent monks in a temple in Nepal, and learned ancient Nepalese martial arts, and they have established themselves in the local area since then.

Now it is said in novels that martial arts in the world come from Shaolin, and Shaolin came from Bodhidharma, so in ancient times, Kungfu was passed down from Nepal. In modern times, Nepalese martial arts and marathon are also the strong points in the sports meeting. .

When everyone saw Liang Renhong standing up, they all knew why.

Back then, Luo Bushen was invincible all over Southeast Asia, and there were only a few places in Asia that he didn't go to.

China is one, and so is Nepal.

Firstly, Nepal is in South Asia, not Southeast Asia, and secondly, there is Liang’s family.

The Liang family has a high status in Nepal and is famous inside and outside. It is the largest family in Nepal. It is said that since the abolition of the kingship in Nepal in 2008, every time the president of Nepal takes office, he has to visit the Liang family, but the Liang family is very powerful in the local area.

Liang Renhong's father lost a fight with Luo Bushen when he was young, so Liang Renhong has always refused to accept Luo Bushen.

When he matured, Luo Bushen became famous in Southeast Asia and was known as the number one master, but he never went to Nepal. It was said that Luo Bushen was afraid of the influence of the Liang family in the local area, not because he was afraid that he would not be able to beat Liang Renhong's father. Liang Renhong has always wanted to fight against him to rectify his name.

Now that the enemy Luo Bushen died suddenly, Liang Renhong felt empty, and there was no chance of becoming famous in the first battle. Only by killing Jiang Shen could the Liang family's name be rectified.

"I think Mr. Liang is also coming out of the mountain now, and his kung fu has been trained to the strength. However, Jiang Shen is indeed a formidable enemy. It's just you, and I'm afraid it's not sure." Xiang Question deliberately looked at the audience and asked.

Of course, the more people involved in this kind of thing, the better.

Sure enough, as soon as his voice fell, someone stood up again: "How about this, Second Brother Duan said that he is not interested in becoming the chairman, or we make an agreement that whoever kills Jiang Shen will support whoever is the chairman."

Duan Eryi was startled and angry when he heard that.

However, what this person said caused the audience to echo.

President, who doesn't want to be, every time you are a member of Hongmen Association, we are also from Hongmen, although we are not in country m, we can't let you be every time?

"Brother Chen is right. In ancient times, there was an alliance to kill turtles. Today, there is a meeting of killing gentry. Today, we also follow the example of our predecessors. Whoever kills Jiang Shen will become the chairman."

"Be careful, I, Hongmen in Thailand, support Big Brother Chen."

"Brazil Hongmen also supports it."

The surname Chen is from a wealthy family in Singapore. When he spoke, he was supported by many people.

This time, Duan Er was a little panicked. He said that he didn't want to be the president.

However, his experience and qualifications are really a bit short, and Xiang Wenshen's qualifications are barely able to calm down the people present.

Don't worry, why panic?Xiang Wenshen pointed to Duan Er with his eyes, what are you afraid of, let these idiots jump out and kill Jiang Shen first, how many of them will come back alive?

Even if we can live, the members of Hongmen Association are living for nothing?Then take the last shot and deal with those who want to be the chairman.

Xiang Wenshen was really insidious, he thought of a way in an instant, and Duan Er understood as soon as he made a gesture with his eyes.

"Hahaha, Chen Xiaoniu, Ge Laozi, you think you are not from Sichuan when you come to Singapore." Xiang Wenshen laughed and stood up. As soon as he stood up, he looked around sharply. Get up, and slowly calm down again.

After all, he has been the president for many years, and his prestige is still there.

Even though Liang Renhong's national skills are world-class, his seniority is too young. In the Hongmen circle that values ​​seniority, he dare not talk nonsense.

"Okay." Xiang Wenshen also jumped at the case: "Chen Xiaoniu is right, avenging his brother is the iron rule of Hongmen, there are more than 100 people here today, we will set the rules, whoever kills Jiang Shen, we will support tomorrow Who will be the chairman."

"Apart from Nephew Liang Xian, who else will stand up for Hongmen?" Duan Er now also has an expression of serving the public rather than selfishness.

"Our Chen family counts as one." A gloomy young man stood beside Chen Xiaoniu, a wealthy family in Singapore.

"Three-time Singapore shooting champion, Chen Shuangxi, who is known as the gun god." Someone in the crowd immediately recognized this young man.

The rookie of the Chen family, a young man with superb marksmanship, is currently serving in a special force in Singapore. He did not expect to come to today's conference.

"The era of martial arts has passed, now is the era of firearms." Chen Shuangxi raised his head and looked at Liang Renhong lightly.

What he meant is that no matter how skilled you are, you are still afraid of kitchen knives. If I have a pistol, who am I afraid of?

Liang Renhong was about to speak when he raised his eyebrows.

Whoosh, whoosh, a cold light flashed in the air, and the wind was like thunder.

More than 100 people in the audience heard a sharp sound of howling wind, and everyone felt a chill in their hearts.

Dang Dang Dang, a series of metal clapping sounds continued.

When the sound ended, everyone saw countless dense silver needles arranged in a word on the long table where they had a meeting.


A "kill" character made of silver needles appeared in front of everyone.

These silver needles are all deeply nailed on the long table, the height is the same, and they are dazzling.

Hiss, everyone in the venue took a deep breath.

The long table for the meeting is all made of 10cm thick bulletproof glass, which is often used in associations and big families. When it is critical, it can be used as a shield wall to prevent machine gun fire by pushing it on the ground.

Now someone has nailed a silver needle into it, just like driving a silver needle into steel.

Everyone turned their heads and saw a girl in a red dress, smiling, playing with a silver needle in her hand.

"Invincible in the East?" Someone thought of the movie they saw many years ago.

"So it's Miss Mi from Hongmen, India." Naturally, someone in the crowd recognized her.

The Mi family in India, in Asia, and even in the world is the first big family that combines Chinese martial arts and yoga.

Mijia Silver Needle, known as the best in India, can not only kill, but also save people.

It is said that their ancestors were imperial physicians of the court.

"Ms. Mi has a silver needle in her hand, even if she is wearing a bulletproof vest, you can pierce through it." Xiang Wenshen praised repeatedly.

"For a person like Major Chen, within 20 meters, kill him like a dog." Miss Mi obviously refused to accept Chen Shuangxi.

"I'm stupid." Chen Shuangxi jumped like thunder when he heard Mi said that killing him was like a dog.

However, he was also afraid.

Just listen to the sound first, then see the needle, the surname Mi is quick and anxious, throwing out such a big handful of silver needles, and can throw a kill, definitely ten times more terrifying than him.

Chen Shuangxi reckoned that with the speed at which he drew the gun, the other party would be able to pierce him into a full face.

Miss Mi said that within 20 meters, killing him like a dog is absolutely true.

But 20 meters away, the power of the silver needle is limited, and the advantage of the pistol comes out.

"Okay, with Miss Mi's help, it's like a tiger with wings. Don't slander, everyone, it's better for Jiang Shen." Xiang Wenshen laughed loudly, and quickly comforted the Quartet.

"Although my kung fu is not as good as Brother Liang's, I can still help." Someone stood up in the crowd, whoever kills Jiang Shen will be the president, and many people are eager to try it. All can be successful.

This person is playing with two big iron balls, which are exaggeratedly big, twice as big as the one that Jiang Shen was playing with when he saw Master Qi last time.

It looked as if he was spinning around with two heads in his hands.

Everyone saw that the iron ball probably weighed more than twenty catties each, and they had been playing with it for years and months without making any sound.

This person's kung fu has also been practiced to the master, and his palms may be able to disintegrate bones and shatter corpses.

"This is not Master Zhao from Vietnam." Xiang Wenshen knew almost everyone.

"Master Zhao, we haven't seen each other for many years. I remember that we joined Hongmen together back then."

Xiang Wenshen started the routine: "Master Zhao's Tai Chi hands can beat cattle across mountains. Back then, I saw with my own eyes that a cow was beaten to death across a hill of fifteen feet."

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar.

Fighting cattle across mountains, fighting cattle across mountains is generally only heard in novels.

But why was this idiom invented?It's simple, and someone actually did it.

A Hongmen master surnamed Zhao was able to beat cattle across mountains when he was young.

Everyone looked at him differently at this time. He spoke politely, not as good as Liang Renhong, and I am afraid that his real skill would not be inferior to Liang Renhong.

The surname Zhao is low-key. When Luo Bushen is around, I don't see him much. It seems that the real person does not show his appearance.

Because of the addition of a rule that whoever kills Jiang Shen will become the chairman, people from the crowd stood up one after another, and within a short while, more than a dozen people stood in the field.

"Okay, okay, today our heroes are gathered together, and there are so many brothers and sisters who have come forward, Jiang Shen's little thief is not far from death, so we will kill Jiang Shen tonight."

"Kill Jiang Shen, kill Jiang Shen."

"For Hongmen, kill Jiang Shen."

"For Hongmen, kill Jiang Shen."

The audience was full of excitement, and everyone raised their arms and cheered.

"What a big tone?" Just as everyone screamed in unison, the door suddenly opened, and a man and a woman entered side by side.

With so many people present, more than 200 bodyguards outside, and thousands of cameras, no one knows when these two people came in.

These two people are exactly Jiang Shen and his beautiful apprentice Xue Xiaoyin.

"You don't need to look for me. I'm here to look for you. Those who are here today will all die. Now it depends on who can run faster and who can get out of this hall. I will spare his dog's life."

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