Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 556 The Kiss Arrived

After ten o'clock in the evening.

Jiang Shen and Xue Xiaoyin strolled along the roads of Country M.

They came to kill at eight o'clock, and stayed with You's mother and daughter for more than an hour. Now when they go back, they walk all the way.

This villa is close to the seaside and some distance away from the urban area. When the two of them came, they flew here. Now they are not in a hurry to go back, they just take a walk slowly.

Especially Xue Xiaoyin, who likes walking side by side with Master very much.

"Master, I've done some research. This Third Sister You is the successor of Hongquan, a true member of the old Hong family. Her family came to Country M in the early years of the Republic of China. You San married a local wealthy man of M nationality at the age of 19. In less than a year, her husband died before she gave birth to a child. After her daughter was born, she took the surname You, and their You family had a tradition that all grandchildren should take the surname You to ensure that the You family would last forever. "

Xue Xiaoyin actually did her homework.

"I'll copy you." Jiang Shen heard that, if someone married Youmi and gave birth to a baby, and the surname is You, why should you copy your sister.

"She forced me to accept Youmi just now." Jiang Shen gave Xue Xiaoyin a faint look, wanting to see what this apprentice thought.

Although he agreed, but if Xue Xiaoyin didn't like it, he would still respect her opinion and accept her without teaching.

Xue Xiaoyin lowered her head to look at the road, thinking as she walked, she was silent for about three or four seconds: "Actually, Youmi's kung fu is not bad. In my conscience, before I knew Master, my kung fu was not as good as Youmi's now. .”

Xue Xiaoyin's heart softened, thinking of what Youmi said to herself just now, and the tears she shed, Xue Xiaoyin's heart softened.

"Hey" Jiang Shen shook his head: "I see that you just killed someone decisively, but in fact you are still a little soft-hearted." After speaking, he strode forward and speeded up, he saw Xue Xiaoyin, Xue Xiaoyin was tricked by You Mi, and he was a little soft-hearted , wanted to take her in by himself.

Xue Xiaoyin was stunned for a moment, and hurried to catch up, her voice lowered a lot: "Just now I acted for Master, I can't lose Master's face, but this Youmi, I really think she has good talent."

Yes, she has a good acting talent, Jiang Shen smiled wryly.

He was on the top just now, and his spiritual sense was also watching the bottom. He would not know what Youmi did.

"Excuse me--" Xue Xiaoyin, who was running fast, suddenly hummed softly, then frowned.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Shen felt her change: "Is it because I'm too fast?" He was in a hurry to go back, so his pace was a little fast, but Xue Xiaoyin suddenly groaned.

"It seems that the wound has become bigger." Xue Xiaoyin looked down at her chest.

Here just now, she was shot twice in a row, and she forced the bullets out, but the wound did not heal.

"I forgot, you were shot, stop and show me." After Jiang Shen finished speaking, he felt something was wrong again.

Xue Xiaoyin was shot at the wrong place: "Let's go, let's go back to the hospital and have a look."

"I was shot, the hospital will call the police." Xue Xiaoyin said, gently tore, in front of Jiang Shen, whew, the clothes on her chest were torn a little.

The blood had glued her clothes and body together, but now it was torn apart, and the gunshot wound could be clearly seen.

The wound was right in the middle of the breast, and there was a little bit of pink in the middle, so when the bullets in the hall were forced out just now, that little bit of pink was exposed, and if it was a little bit off, even this bit of pink would be pierced, which is very dangerous .

"I haven't mastered my kung fu yet. I heard that masters can clamp the wound with their muscles to stop the blood flow, um---" Xue Xiaoyin slammed again, tearing off the bra.

The bra had already been pierced, but now she tore off the bra again in front of Jiang Shen.

I went, Jiang Shen tilted his head, although it was night, but under the moonlight, most of his breasts could be seen.

Are you doing this on purpose?Jiang Shen suddenly discovered that Xue Xiaoyin was not very innocent.

"Master, my injury?" Xue Xiaoyin asked Jiang Shen again.

Jiang Shen couldn't do it anymore if he didn't want to look at it. Xue Xiaoyin left a wound, so it's not perfect, isn't it?

He took a deep breath, looked back, and looked at the wound.

The blood flow didn't stop, but after all, she was a little more skilled, and the bleeding was very slow. With her breathing, the white snow rose and fell, which was very eye-catching.

"Let me heal you." Jiang Shen smiled wryly, then closed his eyes and stretched out his fingers.

Gently pointing his finger at Xuebai on the apprentice's chest, originally he planned not to touch Xue Xiaoyin with his finger, but with his current supernatural power, the immortal energy can still repair her body with a distance of one piece of clothing, but the speed is faster than usual Just slow down.

But as soon as his fingers stopped in mid-air, Xue Xiaoyin straightened her chest and took the initiative to lean her chest against his hand.

"Dizzy..." Jiang Shen wanted to shrink back, but felt that he was looking wretched. Since it was healing an injury, don't think too much about it.

"It's so comfortable, master, your qigong has been practiced to the point of rebirth of flesh and blood. This is the method of a god." Xue Xiaoyin also closed her eyes to enjoy it. After a few seconds, she secretly opened her eyes with a blushing face and looked at Jiang Shen. .

"This is not qigong, it's supernatural powers. When you master kung fu, I will also teach you such supernatural powers." According to Jiang Shen's estimation, Xue Xiaoyin should be able to reach the Heavenly Emperor Continent with his immortal energy three to forty years later. The initial stage of divine power.

Then you can really learn supernatural powers.

"Really Master? How long will it take?"

"Three or forty years."

"So long? Is there a faster one?"

"----" Yes, double cultivation, but of course I can't do it with you. It would be great if my women knew martial arts.Jiang Shen thought depressedly.

"Don't rush for success when you practice. You still have to bring my jade talisman to fight for 40 years.

No, don't be impatient, practice hard, and one day, you too will become a fairy. "

"Goddess fairy?" Xue Xiaoyin muttered to herself, then suddenly lowered her head and said, "It doesn't matter if you become a fairy or not, as long as you can follow Master all the time."

"Ahem" Jiang Shen withdrew his hands, then took out a piece of underwear and a piece of clothing from the storage bag: "Put it on."

"Huh, where did it come out?" Xue Xiaoyin looked down at her chest, touched Jiang Shen's chest by herself, and said pleasantly, "The wound is healed, even a little scar is useless, Master is really amazing."

Jiang Shen has black lines on his face, you don't have to pinch me in front of me.

"I'm leaving first, and I have to go back early tomorrow." Whoosh, Jiang Shen used his magical powers, and left without caring about Xue Xiaoyin.

"Hee hee." Xue Xiaoyin held the clothes Jiang Shen gave her in her hand, and she felt a little proud of seeing Jiang Shen fleeing in despair.

Youmi, your mother knows how to do this, so can I.

the next morning.

The World Hongmen Conference has been held for a long time, but this time so many people died at once, it still alarmed the world Hongmen and the local police. After investigation, the police knew that the murderer was Jiang Shen, so they had to let it go.

The Hongmen meeting lasted for a long time, and Sanjie You was elected as the new president of Hongmen.

At the same time, Jiang Shen and Xue Xiaoyin also flew back to China.

After returning to China, Jiang Shen and Xue Xiaoyin also parted ways.

He's a little busy next time.

To prepare for going abroad, there are still a lot of things and people waiting for him in the UK, and so many women in the country have to be appeased.

If it was someone else, it would definitely be sad for a long time, but with Jiang Shen's current supernatural power, it is a matter of minutes to travel to and from England and China. As long as he thinks about women, he can come back every day without noticing it.

Only one person died of grief.

who is it.

Second-hand Guan Ruohua.

Guan Ruohua has been living in Jiang Shen's house since chasing after Dongning. She tried every means but failed to get Jiang Shen.

But at this moment, something happened to Qingfeng Province.

She has been away from home for so long, and several opponents in Qingfeng Province have jumped up again.

Although it is important to be a handsome guy, so are the family affairs, Guan Ruohua finally waited for Jiang Shen to come back, and reluctantly parted with him.

"Master, I'm going back to Qingfeng for a while, and after I'm done, I'll go to England to find you."

"---No hurry, no rush, take it slowly." Jiang Shen's face was darkened, he exposed you for so long, you still don't give up?

"Then what? Master, I'm leaving, how about giving me a hug?" Guan Ruohua reluctantly gave up.

Jiang Shen looked at Guan Ruohua, and after a few seconds, his heart softened, he shook his head and smiled wryly, opened his arms, and said, "Hug me, hug me---"

Don't mess around Before saying this, Guan Ruohua threw himself into Jiang Shen's arms.

"Hmm---" Two lines of tears flowed from Guan Ruohua's eyes.

She hugged Jiang Shen tightly, as if she was afraid that Jiang Shen would disappear, and her chest was pressed tightly against Jiang Shen's chest, so that Jiang Shen couldn't breathe.

Knowing that she was pretending, Jiang Shen was also moved: "What are you doing? It's not life and death."

"I have been in Dongning for 89 days, and I have shared a room with you for only 21 days. Although you are often away, I am very happy because I feel very safe living in your home, unlike in Qingfeng Province. I worry every day whether I will be hacked to death at home."

"Thank you, Master, for giving me the happiest 21 days in my life."

Jiang Shen, who listened to Guan Ruohua's words, also stood there blankly.

Before he could react, Boo, Guan Ruohua kissed him on the mouth, turned around and fled.

"Master is waiting for me, I will go to England to find you, hahaha, I'm so happy." Guan Ruohua smiled wildly, complacent, and finally kissed Master.

I have a go?Jiang Shen stood in the same place very depressed, and I said that after all the calculations, you have not been in Dongning for 89 days. You are talking nonsense, which made me moved for nothing.

It turned out that what Guan Ruohua said about 89 days and 21 days was all nonsense, because she didn't remember it at all, but Jiang Shen was taken aback by what she said, thinking that he really remembered it so clearly, and suddenly he was a little moved just now.

In this moment of stupefaction, Guan Ruohua succeeded in a sneak attack.

After sending off Guan Ruohua, Jiang Shen wanted to comfort his women one by one.

After all, it is such a big thing to go abroad, and the tenderness with the women is a must, and it took three days to have a ridiculous time with women from all walks of life.

It was August [-]nd when we officially set off for England.

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