Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 559 An acquaintance is here

The dormitory and the place of work are together, which has advantages and disadvantages. It is close to work, so I can sleep late in the morning, but it is not easy to work overtime. If I work overtime, I can go to the unit, and we have to meet every day in the unit.

Jiang Shen didn't wake up on the first day. He thought about something in the morning and practiced for a while after five o'clock in the morning. The time for practice passed the fastest. When he heard the knock on the door, he opened his eyes and looked at the time. It's eight o'clock.

The work time of the unit is set at 08:30, and at eight o'clock, almost all the beauties upstairs are up.

Jiang Shen is used to sweeping away his spiritual thoughts, huh, Ge Danni?

Jiang Shen went out and opened the door of the office: "What's the matter? So early?"

"Director Jiang?" Ge Danni looked at him dumbfounded, then her face flushed, but she still saw Jiang Shen's feet from the top.

Jiang Shen was still in a daze, after all, he had just sat up in meditation, and looked down at himself following Ge Danni's eyes.

"---" Oh, when Jiang Shen meditated at night, he only wore a pair of underwear, which were still sexy briefs. After all, the temperature in London often exceeds [-] degrees, and ordinary people dare to wear briefs to run outside. him.

But the biggest problem is that his little Jiang Shen is famously big, and he is wearing sexy briefs. Now, the lower gear is bulging high, as if there is a big fist stuffed inside.

My God, so big?Ge Danni stared fixedly at the bottom for a few seconds, then reacted abruptly, and quickly raised her head.

She was quite courageous, she had seen Jiang Shen flirting with Japanese girls when she was staying in a hotel, and she was very perverted, but this didn't stop her from knocking on Jiang Shen's door.

"What's the matter? Do you want to come in and talk about it?" Jiang Shen didn't take it seriously, anyway, he was also a perverted existence in Ge Danni's heart, he liked to play master and servant, and tied up women.

It’s okay if he didn’t say anything, but after she said that, Ge Danni glanced outside, this floor is the third floor, everyone’s office is not working yet, but there are people coming and going, she quickly walked into Jiang Shen office.

"Let me tell you, at 08:30, there are two colleagues coming to report. They are local college students who are doing vacation internships. Before, they were scheduled to clean up and do chores. Does the director have any arrangements now?"

"You and Director Yu have made arrangements for these small matters. By the way, do we need so many people?" Jiang Shen was a little depressed. He recruited six from China, three from the UK, and nine temporary workers.

"Yes." Ge Danni was very decisive, and at the same time looked at Jiang Shen's bottom.

This is her habitual reaction, after all, Jiang Shen's behavior is too obvious, and she can't help it, when she looks at it again, Jiang Shen's eyelids twitch, hiss, you still look, look again, brother is about to react.

"We will be listing right away, so we must be busy. In the future, we will have to receive people who come from the province, and it may not be enough." Ge Danni has worked in an office, and knows that sometimes it is better to have more people prepared. Anyway, you have the ability to find funds. , He also said that more than 200 million a year is not much.

There are fewer people, and the few of us have to work.

She and Yu Shijun don't want to do chores every day.

"If you want it, hurry up and recruit the security guard." Jiang Shenjue, what does this have to do with you knocking on my door early in the morning?You don't mean it?

"Two new colleagues, don't you see me? They want to see you by name."

"---" Kao, Jiang Shen felt that something was wrong, could it be some acquaintance again?

"How do you recruit people?" Jiang Shen's eyebrows were raised: "Is there any procedure? I just look for people randomly." You won't just pick the beautiful ones, right?

"Director Yu and I chose both, both of whom speak English very well and are familiar with the local area." Then Ge Danni smiled very interestingly: "The most important thing is that they are both beautiful, and they all say they know you."

"What's your name?" Jiang Shen was startled and angry, don't let my women chase me, oh my god.

"It seems that one is called Youmi, and the other is called Xue Xiaoyin."



Jiang Shen petrified for about ten seconds.

"I'm stupid." Ten seconds later, Jiang Shen swears.

Xue Xiaoyin knew that it might be because she had been concentrating on martial arts since she was a child, she didn't study very well, and she was admitted to an ordinary university. Now she is just a junior. After the summer vacation, she will be a senior. In the first half of the senior year, they are all interns.

Why did you suddenly come to England?

And that Yumi, I made an agreement with You San and agreed to take her in, but I have to wait until I go back to England.

Nimei, did the two agree?Come here together?

"Is there a problem? Director Jiang?" Ge Danni looked at Jiang Shen's reaction strangely: "Is there a problem? Do I need to reject them?"

As he said that, reflexively, he looked down at Jiang Shen again.

Hiss, Jiang Shen felt a little uncomfortable.

He has a thick skin, and he always feels flustered when a woman looks down on him all the time.

"Ahem, it's okay, it's okay, when are they coming?"

"Said 08:30."

"I know." Jiang Shen's words were driving people away.

"Then are you going to have breakfast? They went out to buy breakfast, and I asked you to eat it." Ge Danni didn't talk about the topic until now.

It turned out that Jiang Shen was asked to have breakfast.

"No, I won't eat it, you guys can eat it." Jiang Shen waved his hand: "I'll take a shower and go out to find sponsors later."

"Do you need me to accompany you?" Ge Danni glanced at Jiang Shen again.

Look at your sister, Jiang Shen found himself a little ready to move, and now urgently needs to take a cold shower to cool down.

"No, no, you go." Jiang Shen was afraid that little Jiang Shen would be ashamed when he got up, so he turned around quickly.

"Oh" Ge Danni stared at Jiang Shen's butt, it was really big.She thought about Jiang Shen's downside again, then shook her head, collected herself, turned and left.

Jiang Shen went directly to take a shower.

It's not that the body is dirty, but the fire is lowered.

In the past two days in England, the upstairs and downstairs are full of beauties, and all of them are in short skirts and uniforms, and all of them have hot and hot bodies. After being teased by Ge Danni just now, Jiang Shen just wanted to calm down.

But after only 3 minutes of taking a shower, someone shouted outside.

"Director Jiang, Director Jiang."

Who is it?Jiang Shen's spiritual thoughts swept away, and there was a little girl outside, who was very sweet, with a melon-shaped face, big eyes, and when her mouth smiled, there was a beautiful curve, which made people look very kind.

This is the relationship between the director of the Municipal Investment Promotion Bureau, Chen Ruolan.

"Xiao Chen, why did you come in without knocking?" Jiang Shen walked out with a towel wrapped around his body.

The bath towel was tightly wrapped, and only one head was exposed from the whole body. This was Jiang Shen's signal to them that brother is not a casual person.

Of course, if you get up casually, you are not a human being.

Chen Ruolan didn't expect Jiang Shen to come out like this, her face flushed slightly: "I'm sorry Director Jiang, I didn't know you were taking a shower, your office door is open, then Section Chief Ge asked me to deliver breakfast."

Jiang Shen saw that there was indeed breakfast on the desk.

"Okay, thank you, don't send it off, don't call, I'll go out after I have breakfast." Jiang Shen was much stricter with them, he told himself that he couldn't do anything with any other women this time, Otherwise, brother, the friend of women, will not be able to get rid of it.

And to be honest, although there are many beautiful women, compared with his women, only the three cadres Yu Shijun, Ge Danni, and Xia Su can compare, and the other six temporary workers are still a step behind.

From his current perspective, it is basically impossible to accept someone who is worse than his own woman.

Hearing Jiang Shen's serious tone, Chen Ruolan was also scared to death.

She came here to flatter the leader, but the flattery didn't work out, she was frightened, and turned away with a blushing face.

What the fuck is this?Jiang Shen found that it was not right that he lived in the office.

They have to report to work, and all of them have to come to the office. What if they all come to report in the morning?Or looking for night?

No, I want to live in another place.

After Jiang Shen took a shower, he looked at the things on the table, shook his head and smiled, ate a little, and then came out.

It was about twenty past eight.

Waited less than a few minutes.

A BMW stopped at the door, and then two graceful women got out of the car, each took a trailer from the back, and walked slowly towards the gate of the office.

I'm dizzy, Youmi and Xue Xiaoyin are really here.

Jiang Shen walked to the door.


The two beauties greeted Jiang Shen overjoyed at the same time.

"Then what." Jiang Shen walked out of the door and pulled the two of them aside.

"Why are you here?"

"I told the school that I'll find the internship unit myself, and it's here with the master." Xue Xiaoyin smiled, she was usually calm, but now she smiled mischievously, but it was also very playful and cute.

"My mother said that you agreed to accept me as an apprentice, master, can I come to learn Chinese martial arts?" Youmi was full of charm and vitality.

"---" Jiang Shen was depressed for a few seconds.

"You can stay here, but don't call me Master in front of others."

"Understood, Master." The two girls said in unison.

Then the two women looked at each other and changed their words at the same time: "I know Director Jiang."

I said, when did you become so in harmony?Jiang Shen remembered that when he was in country m, the two women were still enemies.

Isn't this scientific?

"Put your things down, report to Section Chief Ge Danni, and then go out with me to do business." Jiang Shen waited for them outside as soon as he ordered.

Now that the two girls are here, it's just right to take them to ask for help.

It's very cool to take two beauties out to solicit sponsorship.

Nine o'clock in the morning.

Jiang Shen and his two apprentices came to the headquarters of the famous British Chinese restaurant giant 'Brothers Catering Group' in a BMW.

The BMW was rented by Youmi, and after sending them to Chinatown in England, they returned by themselves.

Chinatown in England is also called Huaguo City.

Located in the Soho district of Westminster, London, it has the largest number of Chinese restaurants and merchandise stores, as well as souvenir stores. People who like to eat Chinese food can come to Chinatown.

The local residents are mainly Chinese, especially Fu'an Province, followed by Japanese, Koreans, and Singaporeans.

The local gangs were originally mainly Hongmen, and they were called triads by the police in the UK.

However, in the past ten years, as more and more Hongmen around the world have switched to righteous business, except for super gangsters like Forty K, ordinary small gangsters have been kicked out of the World Hongmen Convention.

Early annexed ones like fraternities also became business magnates and no longer considered themselves gangsters.

As soon as Jiang Shen arrived in Chinatown, he immediately attracted the attention of others.

A handsome guy is nothing at all, but you are a bit arrogant if you bring two beauties, and each of you brings two of them.

Just as Jiang Shen was walking on the street with two beautiful apprentices, four Chinese men who were playing cards at the corner of the street paid attention to them.

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