Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 562 Find sponsorship

"Fuck, what does he mean? Master Lu, does he look down on you?" Lu Bufang sneered as she watched Jiang Shen and the three leave.

"Young Master Fang, this person is not simple, he is always calm and calm, but I can't tell if he has practiced kung fu, but the woman next to him, surnamed Xue, is very powerful, Young Master Fang, please don't mess with her." Lu Zhenhua persuaded Lu Bufang.

"What? You said that the surnamed Xue is very powerful? It turns out to be a strong horse, interesting, interesting, a national official, who has practiced Chinese martial arts, if you can ride such a horse, it will be a great joy in life." Lu Bufang didn't let Lu Zhenhua's words go. on heart.

"Young Master Fang, if you do this, do you want to ask the old man, this matter is related to the relationship with the Hongmen Association, and you should also inform the old man?"

"No need, my dad is getting old, and he is afraid of the past and the future when doing things. He only wants to avoid offending, but that old bastard You San wants to secure the position of president as a woman? Is it possible?"

"In the history of Hongmen, there has never been a woman who can be the president."

"In the past two days, the Liang family in Nepal, the Chen family in Singapore, the Mi family in India, the Tang family in the Netherlands, and more than a dozen Hongmen families have been discussing how to deal with Youngest You."

"Let's watch the tigers fight from the other side, maybe we will have a chance, president? It doesn't have to be only the people from the Hongmen headquarters, right?"

"This time they fought among themselves. Xiang Wenshen died, Duan Er died, and people from the general meeting died. It's the turn of our branch to be the president."

Lu Bufang is full of vigor and ambition. It turns out that he also wants to be the president of the Hongmen.

"Fang Shao has ambition." Lu Zhenhua gave a thumbs up.

In life, some people are for power, some are for fame, some are for money, some are for women, and some are for family members. Everyone has their own ideals, and Lu Zhenhua also wants to be famous.

His national skills are among the best in Europe, but he has been unknown all the time. If Lu Bufang can hold the power of Hongmen, he, Lu Zhenhua, can also become famous all over the world.

The two had a tacit understanding in an instant.

outside the building.

"Master, let's forget it? My mother waived their 1000 million dues." You Mi was very dissatisfied.

"I thought your mother gave them money?" Jiang Shen smiled wryly: "Your mother waived their membership fees. I think what Lu Bufang means is that your mother's permanent position is not a problem, so in his eyes , it won't be long before your mother resigns, and the membership fee waiver will be waived."

"I called my mother and dismissed him from the Lu family's UK branch." Miss Youmi lost her temper.

"Don't, now that the Hong family has undergone great changes, people's hearts are fluctuating, and your mother's position has not yet been firmly established. Whether Lu Chunqiu listens or not is a problem. Don't force them back."

"Furthermore, the European Hongmen is different from the domestic ones. The domestic ones were founded by people from the Hongmen Association. In Europe, South America and other places, most of them were founded by people from the Hongmen branch dozens or even hundreds of years ago."

"Even the Hongmen Gang of Xiangmen, they listened to the tune and didn't listen to the announcement."

Jiang Shen and You Mi were talking, and Xue Xiaoyin who was beside him suddenly said: "Then kill it."

"The father and son of the Lu family have been killed, and the old officials of the British Hongmen have been killed, so that You San will send people to control this place again." Xue Xiaoyin's faint voice made You Mi feel a chill in her heart.

I went, Jiang Shen looked at this apprentice, he was more and more like me, he would kill him every time he moved.

"Killing people is not the best way to solve the problem." Jiang Shen didn't want to go anywhere and kill them. Didn't Hongmen Xiang Wenshen of M country want to deal with Jiang Shen, and Jiang Shen would not preemptively kill them.

"I'll think of a way to find a sponsor, not necessarily Hongmen."

Jiang Shen thought of Lu Zhenguo's father, who was recognized by the Queen of England for his martial arts, and won the great success among the Chinese, but he still couldn't bear to kill a master casually.

However, he was still a little depressed. Today he proudly took the two beauties out, but the sponsorship was not found. When he returned to work, Yu Shijun asked, wouldn't it be embarrassing?

This issue of sponsorship needs to be settled today, otherwise my reputation, Jiang Shen, will plummet.

In the eyes of all the beauties in the unit, he is a very powerful man, an idol in everyone's heart.

"I asked my mother to send the money directly." Youmi always looked for her mother.

"No, you tell your mother that she will definitely want to find Lu Chunqiu, and conflicts will inevitably arise again." Jiang Shen already had a candidate in mind at this time.

Britain and France are separated by two straits.

The three found a coffee shop to sit down, and Jiang Shen made a phone call.

"Hey, dear Miner, my baby, I miss you so much." Jiang Shen spoke, saying that You Mi just took a sip of coffee and spit it out wildly.

Can you be any more sleazy?Youmi looked at Jiang Shen in disbelief, and then at Xue Xiaoyin, Xue Xiaoxiao seemed normal, her expression didn't change at all.

"Jiang, my God, you finally called me, I'm so happy, I want to give you a surprise, a big surprise." Mi Naier's voice was extremely pleasantly surprised.

"---" Jiang Shen suddenly felt a little bad.

It turned out that Michel had already arrived in England.

From where she found out that Jiang Shen had arrived in England, she came directly from France.

Originally, she wanted to call Jiang Shen in London, but she didn't expect Jiang Shen to call her first. She was very excited, and felt that Jiang Shen was still thinking about her.

My God, luckily I called first, Jiang Shen was secretly thankful, but at the same time a little embarrassed, Michel defended him like a jade in Paris, and when he arrived in England, it took him a day to think of her. She must have come this time To make up for it.

"I want to invite you after things are arranged. When my office is listed, your father and Mr. Christian will all come to praise my presence."

"Of course, Jiang, my father, is now the Minister of Economy, Finance, and Foreign Trade."

"---" Jiang Shen remembered that in May, France produced a new cabinet led by a new prime minister. As an important part of the cabinet, a total of 34 women were selected and elected as ministers or sub-ministers. It accounts for half of the [-] members of the total cabinet.

This is the first time in the history of the French government that men and women are divided equally.

There are many ministers in France, and there are differences between ministers and branch ministers.

Miner's father is now the Minister of Economy, Finance, and Foreign Trade, and he is also an important figure in the cabinet.

"Oh, congratulations to your father, Miner, I'm so happy." Jiang Shen was really happy, happier than Miner.

My father-in-law has become a minister. If you work harder and become a prime minister in the future, then I am too awesome.

Jiang Shen said that it is still a trivial matter to invite Rogge and Chrisanne, the most important thing is to find Chrisann for sponsorship.

He didn't have Chrisanne's phone number, so he could only find Miner.

Mi Naier understood Jiang Shen's meaning and asked Jiang Shen to wait for a while.

Less than five minutes later, a transoceanic call came.

On the phone, it was really hearty Christian.

"Ginger, my God, I'm glad you thought of me." Of course Chris Ann was happy. He was rescued by Jiang Shen when he was dying, and he didn't receive the huge wealth he promised. For saving his life, he admired Jiang Shen's mind even more.

Not everyone can treat so much wealth as rubbish.

He also always hoped that there would be a time to repay Jiang Shen.

"I also have a branch in London. It is a clothing company, a second-rate brand in Europe. How about this, my company provides you with work clothes, and it is you who help us promote us. We spend 300 million euros in advertising fees every year."

"---" This is to allow Jiang Shen's employees to enjoy the treatment of world-class superstars.

Generally, world-renowned brands will find celebrities to represent and use their brands, and then pay endorsement fees.

Now this second-rate brand in Europe invites Jiang Shen's colleagues to wear their clothes, and then they have an excuse to pay for advertising endorsements.

It can be seen that Chrisan understands how the Huaguo government operates.

"300 million? It's a bit too much. I want other people to sponsor it." Jiang Shen and Mi Naier mentioned that the annual cost is about 250 million euros.

Unexpectedly, Chrisan directly offered 300 million.

Jiang Shen can appreciate Chris Ann's kindness.

"Jiang, how can you do this, you are my benefactor, let me do my best." Chrisanne screamed on the phone.

Xue Xiaoyin and Youmi were speechless.

In this world, some people can't earn so much money in their whole life, but now some people are crying and clamoring to give it to Jiang Shen.

However, Jiang Shen also has a lot of sex with him.

Jiang Shen actually has this character, if others are more reluctant to take money out, the more Jiang Shen likes to knock their bamboo poles, the more generous they are, Jiang Shen doesn't want it.

Jiang Shen and Chris Ann argued for a while, and finally settled the deal with 200 million a year, and agreed that if Jiang Shen would not be the director in the future, Chris Ann would also be in charge for two years.

This gives others a buffer time.

200 million, although it may not be enough for a year, but it can be used for more than half a year. Jiang Shen only needs to find another sponsor.

After the sponsorship was settled, Jiang Shen was in a much better mood, and now he was just waiting for his precious Miner to arrive in London.

By the way, I haven't seen Michel for a long time, and I really miss her.

Youmi watched coldly from the side, and seeing the expression on Jiang Shen's face, she knew that Jiang Shen was thinking about that French beauty.

What beauty?Better than me and Xue Xiaoyin?Yumi was a little dissatisfied.

Not long after Chrisann's phone hung up, another call came.

This call is terrible. The current French Minister of Finance, Foreign Trade and Economy Rogge.

At his current level, he would not easily make phone calls abroad.

"Jiang, I heard that you have come to England. I really hope you can come to France to see me again."

"Minister Rogge, you are now the minister." Jiang Shen smiled.

"You're also the director, hahaha." Rogge laughed and said, "I'll introduce you to someone, Congressman, Hughesman."

The British Parliament is divided into the House of Lords and the House of Commons.

The House of Lords is also called the House of Peers, and the House of Commons is called the House of Commons.

The powers of both parties are also different.

Hughesman, introduced by Rogge, is a member of the House of Commons.

It is Rogge's friend in the UK, who once went to school at the University of Cambridge in the UK, and is an alumni.

Don't underestimate the lower councilors. It sounds like the House of Commons, which doesn't sound good, but the important ministers in the cabinet have always been more responsible for the lower councilors.

Especially since 1902, the successive prime ministers of the United Kingdom have all come from members of the House of Commons.

Moreover, the British government is also responsible to the House of Commons. If the prime minister loses the support of the House of Commons, he will step down.

"Hussman seems to be in trouble recently. In his constituency, he may lose his position as a member of parliament. Jiang, please help him. He also has a little power in London. If you help him, he will give you unexpected surprises." .”

Rogge introduced Huesman not only to help Jiang Shen, but also to want Jiang Shen to help him.

"Oh, help the congressmen? Hehe, I like doing this kind of thing the most." Jiang Shen laughed. If the prime minister needs my help, I would like it more.

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