Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 564 You will regret it

Hussman is 49 years old this year. He is not too young or too old among British MPs. He belongs to the hardcore faction. However, his family is far inferior to that of Louis Helen.

Louis Helen is just an ordinary office worker. Because of the support of all political parties, plus her own beauty and fame, she has won the support of most voters.

The Hussman family has been in business for four generations and is one of the directors of Burberry, the top luxury brand in the UK.

In 1856, Thomas Burberry, a 21-year-old British boy, founded Burberry, a famous brand with a strong British style. "Wei Zhang has since become the royal brand of the British royal family.

Entering the 21st century, Burberry has accelerated the pace of global development. At this time, the Hussman family has the opportunity to inject capital into Burberry and become a director.

The last ten years have been the ten years of Burberry's global expansion, especially the Huaguo market, which is one of Burberry's most valued markets. In 2011, the largest flagship store in Asia opened in Yaolai Xintiandi, Beijing, with an area of ​​1200 square meters. This marks the beginning of Burberry's overall extravagance in China.

However, the beginning was good, but the reality is cruel. After the new leader of Huaguo came to power last year, he stepped up anti-corruption efforts and strictly prohibited the consumption of public funds. The high-end luxury goods market has suffered a strong impact.

Not far away at No. 18 on the Bund, Patek Philippe and Boucheron also withdrew.

For major luxury brands, the most profitable years in the Huaguo market have passed.

"Huaguo, I hate Huaguo, damn Huaguo people, Huaguo poor people, my Burberry has closed four stores this year." In the office of a building in London, Hussman lay on the sofa, Then swearing on the phone.

On the other end of the phone was Miner's father, Minister Rogge.

"Oh, God, old classmate, this Chinese man has abilities you can't imagine. If you want to continue to sit on your seat of parliament, you must need his help."

"Brother Roger, thank you for your kindness. I said, are you still so free after becoming a minister? Okay, I see, I will entertain him well."

"Hussman, you bastard, from school to now, I have never lied to you?"

"Damn it, you told me that Huaguo has a huge market. We opened 36 stores in [-] cities in Huaguo within three years, but this year we have to close four of them——"

"Hussman, that was an accident. I didn't expect Huaguo's policy to affect the consumption of luxury goods."

"Alright, Minister Rogge, take care of your French affairs. I will prove to you that the British don't need Chinese people." Beep, beep, beep.

Hussman hung up Rogge's cell phone, with a contemptuous smile on his mouth, not to mention that he is still ahead by five percentage points, and the opponent is still from Huaguo.

Chinese people?Just kidding, you even said that we in the UK need the help of Chinese people in the election?It's a big joke.

Those poor Chinese people are harming the whole world like parasites.

What exists in Chinatown is the garbage of Huaguo. Back then, our army knocked down their gates with cannons, burned their palaces, and robbed their most precious wealth. Oh, God, I remember my grandpa’s grandpa like It was after bringing back a batch of treasures from their palace that our Hussman family became rich from then on.

Hussman despises Chinese people from the bottom of his heart.

In particular, their brand Burberry is a brand dedicated to the British royal family, and it is a symbol of aristocratic status, and those Chinese people like country bumpkins start chasing brands crazily with a little money, but this is only worn by our noble and gentleman British. The top brand with British temperament, how can you humble Chinese people be worthy of my Burberry.

Hussman was despising the Chinese people a thousand times in the office when the secretary called.

"Mr. Hussman, there is Mr. Jiang Shen from Huaguo outside, and there is another one who says it is the daughter of your old classmate Mr. Rogge, asking to see you?"

"Rogge's daughter?" "Huaguo?"

Hussman didn't expect the other party to come so quickly.

He felt more and more contempt in his heart.

How could a truly capable person take the initiative to come to the door?

The one who took the initiative to come to me must be a guy with no skills.

Originally, he didn't want to see Jiang Shen, but when he heard that Rogge's daughter was there, he couldn't do it too embarrassingly: "Help me invite them in and tell them that I only have 5 minutes."

After a while, a burst of fragrance flooded in, and Jiang Shen walked into his office with three beauties, Mi Naier, You Mi, and Xue Xiaoyin.

Wow, Hussman's eyes lit up.

The three beauties are extremely glamorous and all have their own characteristics.

One is a typical western beauty, the other is a very distinctive gorgeous mixed race, and the other is a pure oriental beauty.

My God, Hussman is in the world's top brand Burberry, and he has seen countless beauties of various model levels, but today he was a little surprised.

He stood up hastily, and even glanced at his old classmate's daughter Michel several times.

"Minael, I haven't seen you for a few years, she's even more beautiful."

"Uncle Hussman, you're getting more and more handsome." Mi Naier went up to hug him warmly.

Well, this is the tradition of foreigners, Jiang Shen thought depressingly.

"Sit, sit." Hussman only had three beauties in his eyes now, and he spoke very politely.

"Did my father tell you—" Mi Naier said: "This is Mr. Jiang Shen from Huaguo, the director of Huaguo's office in Dongning Province, England."

Mi Naier naturally filtered out the adverb of Jiang Shen's deputy director.

"Oh sure, your father just called me, but—" But, that was just a joke, do I need his help?

Hussman was thinking about what to say to make the Chinese quit, but Jiang Shen spoke first: "Mr. Hussman, I hope to get sponsorship from your company. You know, the rent in London is so low. Expensive, we need a little sponsorship, in return, our hall can contribute to your company's new product launch conference, I believe my location should be one of the best locations in London."

Jiang Shen knows that Burberry often chooses the best location and the best venue in London for new product launches, and the location of Jiang Shen's office is in the most central and prosperous area of ​​London, plus he has 600 square meters per floor. Multi-square, it is indeed a good place for a press conference.

Why did Jiang Shen think of it? Because yesterday, a small local company in London negotiated with their office about renting a venue. The other party rented it for two days for an event and offered two thousand pounds.

Of course, Jiang Shen didn't pay attention to this kind of small activity, and immediately refused, so when he got here, he thought of this condition.

After he finished speaking, Huesman was obviously surprised, "---"Sponsorship?Provide venue?

Didn't you come to help me vote?Hussman had already thought up a lot of words to satirize Jiang Shen, but he came up with a request for sponsorship.

"You came to me just to ask for sponsorship?" Huesman reconfirmed.

"Of course." Jiang Shen nodded with certainty, the three girls beside him were a little confused, but Youmi seemed to understand a little bit, and there was a half smile in her eyes.

"Is there anything else?" Hussman asked again.

"What can I do." Jiang Shen said, "I am extremely honored that Mr. Huesman is willing to sponsor you."

"Where is your office?" Of course, Huesman will not give sponsorship in vain.

With the relationship between Rogge and him, and the fact that his daughter Michelle came to the door in person, I have to give some face, but I can't give it for nothing, right?

"Huanying Building, 38 Huangbin Avenue, London Street, floors one to four."

"Huanying Building, oh, what a good location." Huesman's eyes lit up again, and he couldn't help but look at Jiang Shen. Can you country bumpkins also rent this place?

"Well, for the sake of Rogge's old classmate and the angel Michel, Chinese people, I will sponsor you [-] pounds." [-] is really not bad for Huusman.

What about the annual salary of an official in your country of Hua?

"Ten thousand?" Jiang Shen was slightly taken aback, and I said, Rogge, who did you introduce?

I, Jiang Shen, came here for [-] yuan to speak once. You are not ashamed, but I am ashamed.

If I had known it was this number, I wouldn't have killed Jiang Shen.

"Ten thousand?" Mi Naier also had black lines on his face.

"Uncle Hussman---" Miner asked with a face.

She knew that Jiang Shen was not short of money, and she wanted sponsorship to show that she was capable as a leader.

"Is it too little?" A trace of disgust flashed in Huesman's eyes, the Chinese people are greedy and insatiable.

"Okay, Minail, I'll give you face, one hundred thousand at a time, but---" Hussman suddenly smiled, stood up, and looked at Xue Xiaoyin and Youmi who were beside Jiang Shen: "These two beautiful Would your lady like to have lunch with me?"

Swipe, the faces of the three daughters of Miner changed drastically.

Jiang Shen suddenly stood up.

"Hussman, isn't this the style of a British gentleman?" Jiang Shen looked at him coldly.

If it hadn't been for Minister Rogge's face, Jiang Shen wanted to hit him on the head with the ashtray on the table just now.

"When it comes to transactions, no one is a gentleman." Hussman smiled. This is a transaction. When it comes to transactions, everything comes first.

One hundred thousand pounds for your woman to fuck me, the most beautiful model in England is no more than that price.

Moreover, he is sure that this is not Jiang Shen's woman, so he thinks this condition is normal, and it's not your woman, so why are you pretending.

He thought Jiang Shen used it as sugar-coated shells.

The Chinese are far ahead of the Europeans in the ability to bribe others.

"You will regret it." Jiang Shen also smiled: "Goodbye, Mr. Huesman."

Said Jiang Shen turned and left.

Xue Xiaoyin stared fiercely at Hussman and Youmi and left.

Mi Naier wanted to say something, shook her head, stomped away.

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