Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 567 Spreading Hero Stickers Widely

"Mr. Jiang, look, our police station is so busy now, if there is nothing wrong, why don't you go first? We will send police officers there tomorrow." The people from the London Police Department were in a hurry.

Batch after batch of police officers were sent out, and the people in the bureau who were connected to the phone were too busy, and someone needed to deal with Jiang Shen.

"Forget it, I don't need it tomorrow, so I'll go first." Jiang Shen took Mi Naier away: "If necessary, I will call the police at any time, really, I am also a legal youth in Huaguo .”

Jiang Shen laughed and left.

Early the next morning, Youmi went out with a stack of lists.

The first place she goes is 'Black Flag'.

Heiqi is a small gang, with only a few dozen people in it, occupying a street to hang out, and their gathering place is a local bar.

The bar is closed in the morning.

However, the gate opened early, and a few gangsters from the black flag were inside talking about the earth-shattering events of last night, including two gangsters who had been to the office that day.

"God, who is so powerful and slaughtered the rice army overnight, damn it, it must be the devil."

"It must be the devil. I heard that the Mizi army killed more than 500 people. My God, there are more than 500 pigs. They can't kill them all in one night."

"I heard that some people were killed outside London. The police said they were fleeing for their lives. They all escaped from London, but they were chased and killed."

They're talking, bang, bang, bang, there's a knock on the door.

"Excuse me, is anyone there?" Youmi stood at the door of the bar with a smile.

"You—who are you looking for?" When everyone saw that it was a beautiful woman, they were overjoyed at first, and then some felt that this beautiful woman looked familiar.

"Is Billy Zhou here?" Yumi walked in front of the gangsters.

"Huaguo office." Someone remembered.

"Call Billy."

"What do you want Billy to do?"

"Boss Zhou, someone is looking for you."

Everyone gathered around, looking up and down at the sexy and charming Yumi.

These gangsters are very courageous, especially in foreign countries. If you know that Youmi is not a staff member of the Huaguo government, I am afraid that you will want to put Youmi on the ground in this bar on the spot.

Soon, a young man with a bare upper body and tattoos all over his body, who seemed to have not woken up, staggered down the stairs.

This young man in his thirties is the boss of Black Flag. His surname is Zhou, and he is called Billy Zhou in England.

"Who are you?" Billy Zhou had never been to the office, it was his two younger brothers who did not know Youmi at all.

Immediately, a younger brother who had been to the office ran to Billy Zhou, bowed his head and whispered something in his ear.

It turned out to be the office of Huaguo in the UK. I heard that it was just a provincial office. Originally, Huaguo people were away from home. The government department didn't like it very much, so when they heard that Jiang Shen could blackmail him, he sent his younger brother there without hesitation.

"Little girl, I'm Billy Zhou, what's the matter, are you looking for a boyfriend? Hahaha." Billy yawned and walked in front of Youmi.

"Mr. Zhou should have heard that we are the office of the Dongning Province of Huaguo in the UK. We were originally scheduled to be listed on the 88th of this month. We, Director Jiang, originally planned to invite Mr. Zhou to participate. Later, we thought that Mr. Zhou might be too busy. Don’t go there, you can pack a red envelope, [-] pounds, and send someone to deliver it.”

As Youmi said, she handed something up from her hand.

It turned out to be an invitation post.

Please invite Billy Zhou to attend the listing ceremony on August [-]th.

But Youmi made it very clear that the Billigo people should not go, just send a red envelope.

"What, what?" Billy Zhou digs his ears, thinking he heard it wrong.

Send me an invitation, and then tell me not to go, if people don't go, send a red envelope.

Or a red envelope of 88 pounds?

Did I hear you wrong, or did you say it wrong?

The audience was silent, everyone looked at Youmi like an idiot.

After half a minute.

"Hahahaha." Everyone laughed wildly.

Billy Zhou smiled the most exaggeratedly, tears and snot all flowed out, his whole body bent down while laughing, and then pointed at Youmi.

"You----you're not crazy, are you? Director Jiang, what kind of shit are you, aren't you crazy, hahaha."

If you put up a sign, I won’t accept the red envelope, but you want Amitabha, and you actually asked me to make a red envelope?

Another 88, my eighth sister, how much money does I earn in a year?

People like Billy Zhou can be found everywhere in London, with dozens of people under his command, and their annual income is less than 88 pounds after expenses.

Everyone laughed wildly at first, and in the middle of the laugh, Billy Zhou's face suddenly darkened.

"Fuck you, drag her up and strip her naked." Billy Zhou was furious.

"Yes, boss."

As soon as everyone heard what the boss said, they all jumped down from their seats, those who closed the door went to close the door, those who arrested people went to arrest people, and were about to drag Youmi upstairs before talking.

"How many people are there in your black flag? How many Mi Zijun are there?" You Mi was unmoved, and said indifferently: "More than 500 people from the Mi Zijun have died."

"---" Hiss, the audience fell silent in an instant.

Including Billy Zhou, everyone looked at Youmi dumbfounded.

"The Mi Zijun charged us [-] pounds a few days ago, and Director Jiang said, kill them all." You Mi continued there, her expression as if she was talking to a dead person.

"When I came today, I asked Director Jiang if he wanted to kill all the black flags as well."

"Director Jiang said, we are a government department, not a gangster. Why are we always beating and killing people? Besides, the black flags are not so much Chinese. Give them a chance and just charge 88 yuan."

"Then I asked Director Jiang, what if they refuse?"

"Director Jiang said, let's kill them all."

"Then I asked again. I heard that there are not dozens of people in the black flag, and even a hundred people can't make up. The Mizi army over there killed more than 500 people."

"Then Director Jiang said, Does Billy Zhou have a wife? Does he have a son? Does he have no wives? Does he have parents? You can kill as many as you like, and you can make up a hundred."

"I asked Director Jiang, isn't this going to kill the whole family? Is it immoral?"

"Hee hee." You Mi smiled, then raised her head.

She was talking to herself all the time, the scene was very strange, and everyone felt their hearts trembling when they heard it. The moment she raised her head, everyone's heart skipped a beat, feeling that her gaze was terrifying to kill.

"Mr. Zhou, do you know how Director Jiang answered me?"

"----" Everyone's face was livid, and they were too scared to speak out.

"Director Jiang said, people are coming to burn our office and pour our shit. If you don't kill their whole family, how can you stand in London? There are so many gangsters in London, you can't kill them all, right? Two, other gangsters will not dare to approach our office."

"We Hua people, call this killing chickens to scare monkeys. If one rice character army is not enough, then add a black flag."

"If the black flag is not enough, add another Vietnamese gang."

"There will always be enough."

Hiss, patches of air-conditioning made the gangsters at the scene feel chilly.

Youmi really can say more than Xue Xiaoyin, if Xue Xiaoyin is around, she would cherish words like gold, except for Jiang Shen, she would say as little as she can.

But what Youmi said was really brutal and bloody, naked persecution.

Billy Zhou can also be regarded as the boss of a gangster. He has hacked, shot, and confronted the police. Hearing Youmi's words today, he feels that compared with her, he is simply an excellent citizen.

Are you also an office?Government department?The underworld is not as black as you.

"Don't be afraid of her, she's scaring us. Let's talk after stripping off her clothes." Before Billy Zhou could speak, a younger brother didn't know whether he was frightened crazy or he was really not afraid of death. He yelled, picked up a bench and rushed go up.

A single woman, you dare to come to our black flag to show off?Let's talk after you're done.

"Looking for death" Youmi looked at the little gangster who was charging, and turned around 360 degrees on the spot and charged her legs.

Bang, the little bastard flew backwards like an arrow, crashed, knocked down a piece of stools and chairs, and after flying a full dozen meters, passed out with a mouthful of blood.

"Don't mess around." Billy Zhou quickly called to stop other people who were about to move.

With Youmi's kick alone, all the people present are no match for her.

At this moment, he half believed that what happened last night was the work of someone sent by Jiang Shen.

"Think about it carefully, August 88th, [-]." Youmi said, turned and left: "After the [-]th, if Director Jiang doesn't see Qian, Mr. Zhou, put down the black flag for you and prepare a hundred coffins Bar."

"Five hundred Britons would dare to kill, not even a hundred Chinese, hahaha."

Yumi laughed wildly and left.

"Crazy, crazy woman."

"Boss Zhou, let's run away."

"Call the police, call the police."

"Shut up." Billy Zhou's face turned pale, and his eyes were angry: "Why are you running? They want money now, not life."

After looking at the situation, if he guessed correctly, Jiang Shen must send someone to find other gangsters.

See how other gangsters react.

In the past three or four days, there were almost a dozen gangs, large and small, in London who went to the office to blackmail them.

Even Sun, the largest gangster in the UK, sent people there.

On the same day, almost all the gangsters in the London area, regardless of whether they had blackmailed the office or not, all received invitations from Youmi.

There are only a few words in the invitation post, welcome to come, but it is best not to go for people, just go for red envelopes.

No matter the size of the gang, the starting price is 88 pounds.

Sun, the most powerful gangster, was asked for 880 eight.

And that's not the most.

Most are fraternities.

You Mi sent a message to Lu Bufang, asking Hongmen in the UK to give a red envelope of 800 million pounds.

The most unlucky is forty k.

Forty K's power in London was squeezed by the three factions of Sun, the Mizi Army, and the Brotherhood. It was not very strong. 88 yuan is required for posting invitations.

The [-]k London talker took the invitation card and cursed at home.

"Who, who did he go to the Dongning office to collect protection money?"

"No, boss, none of us went there, and none of us knew about it."

"Didn't go, didn't go, he would send an invitation card? I'm a bastard, 88 pounds, how much money will it take to sell it back? Someone must have followed other gangsters to the office , check, find out for me, and hack the mother to death."

Finally, after a long time of investigation, there was a [-]k brother who, for some reason, walked past the office that day, and the [-]k people thought he was going to the office to ask for protection money, and then hacked him to death inside the [-]k.

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