Everyone turned their heads to look at Jiang Shen.

Xiao Jiang, it’s not good for you to be like this. You are a state cadre, how can you open a business, just like a gang meeting?Ou Sheng's eyes were full of doubts.

"That's Vietnamese food. The most famous Vietnamese food in London. They opened a restaurant with a domineering name called Vietnam Gang. The Vietnamese food is really delicious." Jiang Shen laughed, but the smile was a bit forced: " Looking back, I will take some leaders to taste Vietnamese food."

Your cooking is going to kill the Quartet?Everyone was silent.

Hurry up, hurry up, Jiang Shen motioned to Youmi who was beside him with his eyes, telling them to get out, and come one by one without worshiping the mountain, just put down the red envelope and leave.

Youmi suppressed her smile and hurriedly went out to dismiss these people.

Of course, not everyone can't stay here.

Soon, Sun's boss Adams and his younger brother Cole came.

"Director Jiang, congratulations on the official opening of your office. On behalf of the whole of London---"

I'm sorry, Jiang Shen was taken aback, thinking he was going to talk about the underworld in London.

"The people of London welcome you and wish you a happy working in London."

Adams is also very formally dressed, as if attending a very orthodox occasion.

When their brothers and Ou Sheng stood together, Jiang Shen naturally wanted to introduce each other.

"This is the Governor of Dongningou, Director Du." They introduced them one by one.

It was Adams' turn.

"This is--" Jiang Shen looked at Adams, brother, what company do you belong to?

"Call me Adams." Adams looked like a British gentleman. Judging from his appearance and attire, he didn't look like a mafia boss at all. Then he took out his business card and handed it to Ou Sheng and others.

Everyone took a look.

"British Sun Group International Limited."

The business card is still gold.

High-end atmosphere on the grade.

Not bad, not bad, Jiang Shen looked at the name of the company, then looked at Adams's attire and temperament, this move, it really is the biggest gangster in London and even in the UK, and the appearance of a gentleman is better than others.

This is like a real gangster. In today's society, it is all about collectivization and science. What kind of financial company is it? Isn't it shameful to invest in a company?

Jiang Shen looked at Adams appreciatively.

"Mr. Adams, what kind of business do you all do, have you considered investing in our Dongning Province?"

While Jiang Shen was admiring Adams, Director Lu Da of the Border Market Bureau asked Adams about his professional habits.

This is a good opportunity. You can tell from the name of the company that it is a big group, and it has a good relationship with Jiang Shen. It must attract some investment.

If I fork, Jiang Shen will faint.

Sure enough, Adams was stunned for two seconds, and Cole on the side hurriedly said: "Human resources---we mainly do human resources---"

"Human resources?" Director Lu and the others were puzzled. Every unit has a human resources department, but a company's business may also be human resources?

"We have a lot of people." Adams reflexively said.

"---" Everyone jumped subconsciously.

"We have many departments, such as moving company, demolition company, and sometimes do some business for the bank. We have a wide range of businesses, and we also have our own model company, film production company---" Cole quickly picked up: " We have offices all over the UK and we have a lot of staff from all walks of life."

While he was talking, Jiang Shen was thinking in his heart, move?Is it robbery?

Demolition?Is it a fight?

For the bank?debt collection?


Film Production?Isn't it just AV shooting?

This Cole, what a genius.

It turns out that Ou Sheng and others were slightly moved. This group company is very big. It has all kinds of branches, and there is also a demolition company in the UK?

At this time, Section Chief Xu and Lei Guoqiang, who were packing things around the office, saw it.

"Leike, isn't that Adams, the godfather of Britain's biggest gangster? Jiang Shen also knows him well?" Xu Ke was shocked: "No wonder he is so arrogant?"

"But as a state cadre, he has such close contacts with the gang godfather?"

"Don't talk nonsense." Lei Guoqiang shook his head: "Do you know that they are close? They might come to collect protection money. Leave him alone. Besides, the safety of our government departments outside must be taken care of in every aspect."

"Cool..." Chief Xu glared at Jiang Shen disapprovingly.

If they were in China, they would have the urge to arrest Jiang Shen.

"Mr. Jiang, congratulations." At this moment, Lu Bufang strode over with Lu Zhenguo, but he said congratulations with an uncomfortable expression on his face.

He was asked for 800 million by Jiang Shen.

Lu Chunqiu personally interceded, and Jiang Shen reduced it to 600 million.

It is also a huge sum of money.

The annual expenditure of Hongmen in the UK is not so much.

But he gritted his teeth and left.

Bring a check.

Jiang Shen, you have the guts to survive today, take out the money, otherwise, you will die to enjoy it.

He knew that today someone was going to kill Jiang Shen and blow up the office.

"Boss Lu, welcome." Jiang Shen strode forward to receive him.

"Here's the money?" Jiang Shen held Lu Bufang's hand and said softly with a smile on his face.

"I brought it here, sixty-six million, not a single word missing, Brother Gentleman, I have caused you trouble." Lu Bufang said in a strange tone.

"You're welcome, you're welcome, it's not troublesome now, but don't really trouble me. If someone else troubles me, I will let him have no trouble for the rest of his life." Jiang Shen accepted the red envelope with a smile, and handed it to the side Xiasu.

"I'm afraid that someone is of poor character, and there are people who make trouble for him everywhere." Lu Bufang laughed.

Others saw the two of them holding hands, laughing and communicating, but no one knew that the two were secretly confronting each other.

The last time Lu Bufang asked to pick on Jiang Shen's apprentice, Jiang Shen had wanted to tease him for a long time, and now hearing his words, he immediately became furious.

You bastard, are you worthy of crooked lips with me?Your father is submissive and doesn't dare to show off, but you want to show off, right?

Young people just don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth.

Jiang Shen knew that Lu Bufang had always been dissatisfied with Jiang Shen and You Mi.

But it's okay if you don't accept it, don't provoke me.

I really want to slap you to death, Jiang Shen glanced at him, but ignored him.

At any rate, they sent more than 6000 million over, not looking at the people but the money.

It is said that opening a business like this today, listing a card, and collecting almost [-] million pounds.

Enough office expenses until Jiang Shen's retirement.

Jiang Shen was complacent, and two people came in one after the other outside.

A man and a woman came in.

The one in front was smiling, squinting, and holding a huge cigar in his hand. It was the congressman Hussman Jiang Shen had met.

"Director Jiang, congratulations, congratulations." Hussman even took out a red envelope and handed it to the staff on the face.

Ni, I didn't invite you?Jiang Shen's eyelids twitched, and he suddenly felt a little funny.

"Mr. Hussman, what a surprise, you are welcome." Jiang Shen greeted him, and then introduced him to Director Lu.

That's right, with the level of Hussman MP, he can almost match Upper Europe Province.

But Jiang Shen deliberately introduced him to Director Lu, who told you to come here uninvited.

"Lu Bureau, this is Mr. Hughesman, Member of Parliament."

Director Lu took it over with a smile and chatted.

Hussman was depressed for a moment, he actually wanted to talk to Jiang Shen about something.

His purpose is the same as that of the person behind him.

It was a sexy and charming British beauty with beautiful eyes like blue pearls. Many men would feel overwhelmed after seeing her.

"This handsome gentleman must be Director Jiang. My name is Louie Helen, just call me Helen." It turned out that behind Hussman was his greatest enemy, the former supermodel Louie Helen.

She walked up to Jiang Shen, took the initiative to hug him, and kissed Jiang Shen's face with her face.

Wow, all the Huaguo officials around were stunned and jealous.

"It turns out that you are Miss Helen, the most beautiful member of Parliament in the UK. It's a pleasure to meet you." Jiang Shen held her hand enthusiastically, and seemed unwilling to let go.

When the two met for the first time, they seemed to be lovers for several generations, and they both looked at each other with affectionate eyes.

"Damn, this little goblin, came to grab votes from me?" Hussman cursed secretly from the side.

That's right, in the past few days, newspapers and magazines have been overwhelmingly promoting Youmi. In public opinion polls, Youmi's votes have exceeded [-], and it is gradually increasing.

Hussman has already paid attention to Yumi.

He came here this time to take the opportunity to ease the relationship with Jiang Shen, maybe he can give Jiang Shen some benefits and transfer Youmi's votes to him.

However, looking at the current situation, Jiang Shen obviously likes Louis Helen very much.

"Director Jiang." Hussman stepped in from the side, trying to hold Jiang Shen to say something.

"I'm sorry, Director Jiang wants to talk alone for a while." Louis Helen naturally wouldn't give Hussman a chance to intervene, she gently took Jiang Shen's hand, and pulled Jiang Shen aside, leaving Hussman embarrassed standing there.

"Oh, the damn Hua people, have been holding on to her hand? What a pervert." Hussman stared at Jiang Shen firmly, feeling a bad premonition in his heart.

'You will regret this? What Jiang Shen said to himself before he left, especially in his ears.

Hussman now knew what that meant.

Louis Helen pulled Jiang Shen aside.

Then his face straightened, and he withdrew the hand holding Jiang Shen.

"Director Jiang, stop playing. You are from China. There is no need to play politics in the UK. Let me make a price. How much money do I need to sponsor your office so that voters who support Youmi will support me?"

When Louie Helen talked about her work, she acted like a female politician, crisp and clear, full of heroic spirit.

"Miss Helen, did you make a mistake? I'm just a Chinese official. How can I decide your votes in Britain? Every voter is an adult who has reached the age of eighteen. They can distinguish their hobbies and make their own decisions. Who to vote for---" Jiang Shen doesn't like the faces of politicians.

The Helen just now was beautiful, charming, kind and lovely, but now she suddenly talked about politics, which made Jiang Shen very uncomfortable.

"The people who support Youmi are all triad organizations and members of major gangs in London, as well as local Chinese, Director Jiang, I know you have the ability, you can decide their votes, really, I I admire you very much, in the history of London, the votes of gangsters have always been sold for money, and only you, Director Jiang, are the first person outside the UK who can control the votes of gang members."

When he said these words, infinite tenderness and admiration for heroes appeared in Louis Helen's eyes again.

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