Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 580 The Mysterious Jade Talisman

"This is not a threat, this is a deal." Liang Renying probably knew that he could not kill Jiang Shen after fighting Jiang Shen just now, so he lost the arrogance he had just shown against Laura Aoi.

"We can actually coexist peacefully? Why not?" Liang Renying laughed.

It's a ghost to believe you, of course Jiang Shen knows that country m and the Divine Power Bureau are delaying time.

They need time to decipher their dna, and they need time to create weapons to destroy me, so can people from m country do it?

"Did you tell me that because you thought you couldn't kill me?" Jiang Shen also laughed.

"Yes, I admit it, but you can't kill me, so you have to admit it." Liang Renying shrugged.

"You are wrong." Jiang Shen stared at him with cold eyes: "To me, this is a threat, and I hate threats."

Jiang Shen moved.

Lifting her finger, Rola Aoi swished in the distance, backed up three steps like lightning, and then lay down on the ground.

"Scorching Sun Hanging Sword"

Swipe, within ten meters, a white light that is so dazzling that it is enough to blind ordinary people on the spot suddenly shines brightly.

Jiang Shen's supernatural powers are the same as nuclear bombs. They are basically weapons of mass destruction, and he will not use them unless it is absolutely necessary.

But today, he was really angry.

Even if this building is evaporated, Liang Renying will be killed.

However, in order to avoid harming innocent people, the scorching sun hanging sword, which was originally enough to level several football fields, only shone brightly within ten meters.

"No --- what is this?" Liang Renying stood there confidently all the time, when he suddenly saw the scorching sun, it made him almost unable to open his eyes.

He has gathered half of the supernatural powers of the Supernatural Bureau on his body, and possesses all kinds of incredible powers, but under the power of the Lieyang Hanging Sword, he is still unable to resist.

"Ah---" Liang Renying screamed and burned, first on her chest, and then the flames spread all over her body.

The fire that ordinary people turn to ashes in an instant, burned more and more on Liang Renying.

"Man of Steel" Liang Renying yelled loudly and stepped out of the flames.

Kaka, Dang, Dang, countless cars in the underground parking lot evaporated in an instant, and dense metal molecules appeared in the air, rushing towards Liang Renying frantically.

Then it condensed quickly, and finally, like a saint's armor, Ka, Ka, Ka, was assembled on his body piece by piece, tightly wrapped.

"It's useless, this is not the fire of the earth, it is the fire of the gods from the sky, don't struggle, just die." Jiang Shen groaned, and chased after Liang Renying, the bright finger, A point is in Liang Renying's heart.

"Plop..." Liang Renying's heart beat violently, and he felt as if someone had put a sun in his heart.

That's right, after Jiang Shen's pointing, he felt that Jiang Shen pulled down the sun from the sky and put it into his heart.

What is the temperature at the center of the sun?There are probably more than 2000 million degrees, which is not as good as the core temperature of a hydrogen bomb.

But Jiang Shen's pointing continued, it was even more terrifying than a hydrogen bomb explosion.

"Bang" Liang Renying's heart exploded violently, starting from inside his body, his internal organs burned little by little.

Chi, chi, chi, the steel body outside first melted into water, and then completely evaporated.

In just five seconds, Liang Renying's whole body was on fire.

"Immortal body? Let me see why you are not dead?" Jiang Shen's face was flushed, and his hair seemed to be on fire.

The immortal energy of the whole body was mobilized by him, and the earth-shattering finger of the "Scorching Sun Hanging Sword" was enough to evaporate and burn the earth.

If it weren't for the fact that he has too little immortal energy, the killing range is too small, and the area is larger, he could evaporate the earth as well.

"Ah---" Liang Renying was completely on fire, every part of her body was not burning, even her bones and blood were turning into ashes.

"Rebirth of flesh and blood, molecular reorganization." Liang Renying called again unwillingly.

Like Jiang Shen, he actually has the ability to regenerate flesh and blood, and to regenerate molecules.

But he is different from Jiang Shen, he is more technological.

Jiang Shen's reorganization is based on the special power of Xianqi and his special physique.

And his recombination is the rapid duplication of countless molecular atoms and various elements, and a batch is killed, and he duplicates a batch, and keeps duplicating and growing to delay his life.

But he immediately discovered that his regrowth was not as fast as Jiang Shen's destruction.

Jiang Shen's supernatural power is enough to vaporize everything in his body, including molecules and atoms.

"It's not good, it's dangerous." Liang Renying found herself in an unprecedented danger.

My invincibility and immortality are indeed not as good as Jiang Shen's kung fu.

Why, I didn't copy his kung fu?I am not reconciled?

Liang Renying immediately made a decisive decision, since she was defeated, then run away.

"Jiang Shen --- I will definitely come back." Liang Renying, who had been burned to half, let out another frenzied roar.

In front of him, incredible fluctuations began to appear in the space, and a door of space slowly appeared.

Grass, Jiang Shen was dumbfounded.

Does this count as an artificially created delivery space?

In Nalan Bubai's memory, their world has a teleportation array, how many planets can be teleported in an instant.

Now Liang Renying's ability is to create a space-time wormhole and jump to escape.

Jiang Shen knew that he couldn't chase in casually. The teleportation space he created might be teleportable at will. It would be ridiculous if he plunged into it and was teleported to the outside of the earth, or even farther away.

"The next time we meet, it will be when I kill you." Jiang Shen quietly watched the appearance of the space gate: "Go back and tell your people that this is a battle between me and your Divine Power Bureau. If you dare to touch me family and friends, for every hair they lose, I will detonate a nuclear bomb on you and wipe out one of your cities."

"Crazy, crazy." Liang Renying listened to these words in horror: "Okay, Jiang Shen, this is a battle between our Divine Power Bureau and you, I hope you will keep your word."

When she said the last few words, countless dense black particles welled up in Liang Renying's eyes.

It's just that these particles are smaller and smaller than when they entered Liang Renying's body last time, and they are dozens of times smaller. Not to mention the eyes of ordinary people, Jiang Shen's eyes can't see clearly, and they can only be felt with spiritual thoughts. .

"This, this is Liang Renying's biggest reliance?" Jiang Shen stretched out his hand to grab these black particles, and wanted to kill Liang Renying completely.

But grabbing it once is like catching a wave of air, a handful of river water.

These particles, through his palm, passed through his skin, like transparent air, entered the gate of time and space.

With a swipe, the door disappeared, and Liang Renying's body slowly turned into ashes.

The entire parking lot returned to its calmness just now.

"Let's go, the police are here." Jiang Shen's figure flashed, and he disappeared from the scene with Laura Aoi.

m Nevada, NW of Las Vegas.

The headquarters of Area 51, in a certain laboratory under it.

In the huge sky, a bronze-colored dilapidated warship was suspended.

There are many stripes around the warship, and these stripes seem to be carved with a carving knife.

If Jiang Shen was here, he would be able to tell that this was the rune pattern in the world where Nalan Bubai lived. These rune patterns contained various supernatural powers and secret techniques of the Taoist sect.

On the last wall of the warship.

The three staff members in white clothes all wore huge space helmet-like hats on their heads, covering their entire faces tightly, and there was a strange machine in front of them.

"The super laser machine is ready, is it ready to start?"

"Mr. President, let me remind you once again that the nuclear power you requested is too high." On the other side of the research room, in the time-transparent glass environment, there are many people sitting there, watching.

"The entire state of Nevada will shut down for you for three seconds. Remember, you only have three seconds. Otherwise, Nevada will collapse. All kinds of electric power in the state will support you for three seconds."

Think about what would happen if there was a sudden power outage in Dongning Province, Huaguo?

Even a second is enough to cause unimaginable harm.

The government of country m has made countless preparations for the three-second power outage. Many places that must need electricity have used backup power to prepare.

However, the state-wide power outage is really an earth-shattering event, even the people of country m don't know about it, maybe they may not feel the power outage afterwards.

Like those who play with laptops, they may not be able to sense a three-second power outage.

"Got it, three seconds, we're ready."

"The countdown begins."

The three staff members stared closely at a jade talisman on the inner wall of the ship. The jade talisman was deeply embedded in the wall, shining with a strange light.

In the middle of the jade talisman was a fingernail-sized thing similar to a diamond. No one knew what it was.

Scientists who touched the diamond died.

Ever since the establishment of Area 51, they have been trying to peel off this jade talisman.

But they spent nearly a hundred years and various methods, but they failed to peel off this jade talisman from the hull.

Now, finally found the most scientific method.

Only three seconds, only three seconds to try it out.






"start up."

Card, the entire Nevada state momentary blackout.

At the same time, the super-energy laser machine in front of the three staff finally started.

Swipe, a beam of light that was even more dazzling than Jiang Shen's blazing sun hanging sword just now shot out.

Chi Chi, the light accurately hit a piece of the ship wall below the jade talisman, making a burning Chi Chi sound.

One second, two seconds, three seconds.

Three seconds later, the super laser machine misfiring.

"Ah!" The three staff screamed while covering their helmets and eyes.

Although wearing protection, their eyes were still injured.

The three of them rolled into a ball on the ground and cried out for more than ten seconds before they could stand up slowly.

"My eyes, my eyes seem to be blind."

"Me too, Jason, Jason, I can't see."

"No success? Didn't fall?" The people in the research room stared dumbfounded at the jade talisman and the diamond-like thing between the jade talisman.

Just when this person's voice just fell.

Card, the hull slammed.

Then, with a bang, the jade talisman bounced out of the hull.

Before he fell to the ground, he suddenly flew up in mid-air.

Swipe, a white light flashed past, and the jade talisman with diamonds broke through numerous obstacles and left the underground laboratory of Area 51 through the air.

"No" countless people screamed at the scene.

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