Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 607 Yu Shijun Crashes a Car

The little princess has strict family education and a small social circle. The royal family forbids her to make friends outside. In London, perhaps only Jiang Shen plays with her more.

This is the moment when bloody plots are most likely to appear. The little princess is playing around, except for the bodyguard and the younger brother. The appearance of Jiang Shen soon occupies an important position in her heart.

"Why are you standing outside?" Jiang Shen strode over, frowning: "Did you call Will?"

"Will is coming over, have you dealt with your affairs?"

"I called the Mayor of London, there's nothing wrong with it." Jiang Shen asked the British government to come forward. He didn't have to go to the scene of such an accident.

When the two were talking, the little princess hugged her shoulders slightly.

In London in the middle and late November, the temperature has dropped to single digits, and occasionally drops below zero.

The little princess was wearing an autumn windbreaker and stood outside for a long time, obviously feeling the cold.

Jiang Shen looked at the action of the little princess, it must be cold, but buddy can't take off the clothes for her to wear, I pretend I didn't see it.

Jiang Shen wanted to behave a bit worse, but the little princess said: "I feel a little cold, please put on my coat."

"---" There are still clothes to wear.

Jiang Shen took off his coat very depressed.

"Hee hee." The little princess proudly draped it on her shoulders, and then asked Jiang Shen, "Are you cold?"

"A little bit." Jiang Shen nodded, give it back to me, give me back the clothes.

"I don't think you're cold?" The little princess suddenly grabbed Jiang Shen's hand and shouted in a fuss, "Look, your hands are so hot, mine are icy cold."

"---Uh, is that the car of Will's bodyguard?" Jiang Shen stretched out his hand, and took it out of the little princess's hand.

Sure enough, it was Will.

Originally, Jiang Shen planned to pick him up, but now something happened to them, and Will asked the bodyguard to send him here.

"Sister, sir--" Prince Will was also an innocent boy.

He is younger than Jiang Shen, only seventeen years old.

"Let's go, it's getting late, let's eat." Jiang Shen waved his hand, and took the princess and prince to dinner with great momentum.

He had an illusion that he seemed to be the king of England, leading the princesses and princes around.

Dinner was eaten at a well-known local Chinese restaurant in Chinatown. The little princess and the prince ate with Jiang Shen a few times, and fell in love with Chinese food deeply. Every time Jiang Shen was called out, they ate Chinese food.

The best Chinese restaurant in Chinatown is of course the Xinhua Kitchen of the Brother Group, but Jiang Shen doesn't like Lu Bufang, so every time he eats at a Chinese restaurant called 'Jufenglou'.

After the three of them arrived, Jiang Shen called Yu Shijun.

He told Yu Shijun about the place before, why hasn't he come yet?

But no one answered the phone.

Grass, let me dove?Jiang Shen was furious at first, and then thought, no, Yu Shijun's character, if he doesn't agree, if he agrees, he won't come.

"Wait for me, Director Yu seems to have something to do." Jiang Shen quickly left the restaurant, swept away his spiritual thoughts, and started searching in Chinatown.

Now he has cultivated one-thousandth of the seeds of the divine realm, and his strength has doubled several times. With a sweep of divine sense, he can cover a radius of two hundred miles.

Almost comparable to the most advanced radar, the whole of London will be scanned.

Of course, he had to find someone out of tens of millions of people, but of course not so fast.

However, Chinatown is relatively small, and the scope of his search has been reduced countless.

What is Yu Shijun doing?

Yu Shijun also had a car accident.

There are three cars in the office, two are Audis, sponsored by Christian, and one is made in China, bought by Jiang Shen himself.

The domestically produced one was smashed just now, and Yu Shijun drove out in an Audi.

But obviously, she is used to driving in the left cab and driving on the right in China, and she is a little uncomfortable after arriving in the UK.

Not long after entering Chinatown, he collided with an off-road vehicle at a corner.

In terms of responsibility, Yu Shijun is almost entirely responsible. What's even more frightening is that she doesn't have a British driver's license yet.

However, the off-road vehicles are still Chinese.

Three big Chinese men jumped out of the car, surrounded them and yelled, "Can you drive so that you can hit me like this?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Yu Shijun kept apologizing. At first, both sides still spoke English. Later, Yu Shijun tried to ask in Chinese when he saw that they looked like Chinese: "Are you Chinese?"

"How about the Chinese." The other party obviously didn't sell it, but Yu Shijun's beauty caught their eyes: "The Chinese also want to accompany money, beauty, you crashed our car, did you call the police or do it privately?"

Yu Shijun didn't have a driver's license, so of course he couldn't call the police.

"Let's go private, tell me, how much money do you want to accompany?" She was also honest, but now she is alone abroad, and she is still being caught.

The sooner this kind of thing is over, the better. If someone stabbed him into the country, and the second generation of officials crashed into a car without a license, it would be a disaster.

Now is the critical period for her father. The third middle school meeting is going on, which may affect her father's progress.

"One hundred thousand pounds." One of the Chinese youths, the lion, opened his mouth.

"One hundred thousand?" Yu Shijun gasped?Are you stealing money?

"What are you doing?" Another Chinese man in his 40s sneered, "This is a Land Rover Range Rover Genesis Edition. Do you know how much it costs?"

"Your new car is only 200 pounds." Yu Shijun said angrily, you pretend I don't know, the domestic price is more than [-] million Chinese coins, and in the UK it can cost more than [-] pounds at most, and it is estimated to be less than [-].

"Are you going to accompany me or not? Or should we call the police?" The other party saw that Yu Shijun didn't want to call the police, and his driving skills were poor, so he probably didn't have a driver's license.

"I'm from the Dongning Provincial Office in the UK. I can be a little less." Yu Shijun had no choice but to report his identity.

She felt that Jiang Shen still had a lot of status in London, and maybe others would give him face.

At this moment, she was a little helpless, and even missed Jiang Shen a little bit.

If Jiang Shen was here, why would I be persecuted by such a small person? If Hong Chao was here, it would be useless. This person's style of work must be dealt with by the police, or directly paid for private affairs.

The days without a boyfriend by my side turned out to be really helpless.

Yu Shijun was married alone, but he didn't encounter any troubles at home. Now that he encounters troubles abroad, he knows that it is not easy to be a woman, and it is best to have a man by his side.

"The Dongning office in the UK?" The other party's face changed slightly when he heard it.

"Wait a minute." Someone went to the side to make a phone call.

Where are these three people?


He made a phone call to Lu Bufang and explained the situation.

The car was hit by a beautiful woman from the Dongning Provincial Office in the UK, and she asked to keep it private. We offered a price of [-] yuan, and she reported her identity. She wanted less, Shao Fang, what do you say?

"Beauty?" Lu Bufang had always fantasized about the beauties in the office.

The last time Jiang Shen brought Youmi and Xue Xiaoyin there, after he saw it, he couldn't forget it, but unfortunately, his father didn't let Jiang Shen be provoked.

Well, I won't mess with you, Jiang Shen, these women have nothing to do with you, right?

Hold on, I'll be right there.

In less than 5 minutes, Lu Bufang's car arrived at the scene.

Seeing Yu Shijun for the first time, Lu Bufang's eyes lit up.

An absolute beauty, Dongning's number one official beauty is not called for nothing.

You Mi may be a little more charming than her, and Xue Xiaoyin may be a little calmer than her, but when it comes to the beauty of her face, both of them are not as good as Yu Shijun.

In addition, she has recently transformed from a girl to a woman, and she has a unique style of a young woman.

Men are sometimes animals that think from the lower body.

When Jiang Shen was not there, as soon as Lu Bufang saw Yu Shijun, she had an urge to push her to the ground and stab her fiercely.

"The ones in the office also need to accompany the money." Lu Bufang smiled and said, "I'm a little familiar with you, Director Jiang. Otherwise, if you think about it, I will accompany you with a thousand pounds."

"Thank you." Yu Shijun seems to remember that this person came when the listing was listed, but she didn't pay attention to it at the time, and she didn't have a deep impression, so she quickly took out a thousand pounds: "Thank you, who are you the boss? Let us, Director Jiang, thank you for me."

"No need, you go there." Lu Bufang stretched out his hand as a beckoning gesture: "I'll send you off, all of whom are Director Jiang's friends, just my own. I'll find someone to send the car to you for repair."

Yu Shijun was overjoyed, he didn't expect Jiang Shen's name to be so useful: "I'm going to Jufeng Tower." Without any doubt, he got into Lu Bufang's car.

As soon as she got in the car, she took out her mobile phone: "I'll make a call to Director Jiang."

As soon as the voice fell, the cell phone in his hand was snatched by someone, and after a few beeps, the doors and windows were locked.

"You—what are you doing?" Yu Shijun was startled and terrified, and found that the car was already starting.

This is a commercial sedan with a lot of space, and the windows around it are covered with a deep film, so it is estimated that the inside cannot be seen from the outside.

"What are you doing?" Lu Bufang laughed obscenely: "You don't have a driver's license, and you got into a car accident. You were afraid that we would call the police and ask to have sex with me. If I refused, you seduced me into the car and wanted to use ** to pay back our repairs. fare."

As Lu Bufang said that, she crawled over from the front to the back.

"Asshole." Yu Shijun knew that something was wrong as soon as she heard it, she bent down and stretched out her hand, took off her high heels, and threw it on Lu Bufang's head.

She is very courageous, but Lu Bufang is considered the boss of gangsters and big men in the Hongmen, so she would be afraid that she, a frail woman, would snatch the shoe away after a few casual moves, and then firmly hold Yu Shijun down.

"Help, get out--" Yu Shijun struggled, but his strength was not as strong as Lu Bufang's.

Moreover, while the car was driving, she rolled over and over, and was pushed down in the back row in the end.

Lu Bufang inserted her left leg between Yu's legs, and sneered as she took off her pants: "Jiang Shen, a jerk, has accepted more than 6000 million red envelopes from us, playing with a woman in the office, so there is no problem."

He also thought about it, Jiang Shen's office brought it in, it seemed that Youmi and Xue Xiaoyin were the only ones who didn't have such a good relationship with him.

It's okay to do one by yourself, the big deal is to ask Dad to come forward and pay some money.

He wouldn't turn against himself just because of a temporary worker woman, would he?

Last time he actually participated in the bombing of the office, but Jiang Shen didn't look for him. He thought that Jiang Shen had collected more than 6000 million and just let it go.

This is a person who acts on money. I played with the woman in his office, and I just need to spend some money with him.

And what happened today, they were reasonable, but Yu Shijun was not.

Lu Bufang thought she knew Jiang Shen, but she didn't expect that he didn't know Jiang Shen at all.

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