Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 610 Xiao Jiang is going to be demoted

The news about Jiang Fengmin was of course brought by Hong Chao.

When Hong Chao came to Dongning for the Lu family, he had originally planned to recruit people and horses.

He found out that Jiang Shen and Jiang Fengmin's family had feuds, and Huang Zhenguo and Jiang Shen had a good relationship. As soon as he talked about the relationship with Jiang Fengmin, Jiang Fengmin would consider gains and losses.

The Huang family has cultivated him, but it is easy to abandon him.

Now he and Jiang Shen are peerless enemies, sooner or later, the Huang family will speak out.

Either help Jiang Shen, or help Jiang Fengmin.

Jiang Fengmin is not sure that the Huang family will help him.

Therefore, in order to retreat, he had no choice but to turn to the Lu family.

In addition to this betrayal, something even more painful happened.

Not long ago, Tang Jianguo, another brother of his wife Tang Hairong, was found dead at home.

The cause of death was meth poisoning, an accident.

But people in Dongning official circles don't think so.

The Tang family and Jiang Shen, life and death enemies, everyone felt that this might be Jiang Shen's hand.

This little beast is so vicious, he kills without blinking an eye, even his own relatives.

Jiang Fengmin is very regretful now, if he knew that Jiang Shen was so vicious, he would have strangled Jiang Shen to death when he gave birth to him.

No, this animal should not have been born back then.

Jiang Fengmin is getting more and more ruthless now, ruthless the woman before, and ruthless before giving birth to Jiang Shen.

So he was promoted, but he was not in a good mood at all.

And now his wife Tang Hairong is like crazy, desperately looking for someone to kill Jiang Shen.

The Tang family and Jiang Shen had already reached the point of death.

The family situation is not good, no matter how prestigious the officialdom is, they are not happy.

"Bang, bang, bang." At nine o'clock in the morning, someone knocked on the door.

The secretary walked in first: "Minister Jiang, Chief Hong is here."

"Let him in." Jiang Fengmin remained calm.

The person who came in was Hong Chao who had just come down from the capital.

Hong Chao's 32-year-old Zhengting can be ranked among the top three in the country.

Moreover, the main hall has been in the office for two years. With his background, if he stays in the capital for another one to two years, he will be able to set up a vice-province. By then, he may be the youngest vice-province in the country.

However, this time, for the sake of the Lu family, he went down to the grassroots level ahead of time.

Hong Chao, deputy director of the Provincial Investment Promotion Bureau, arrived.

"Minister Jiang, I'm sorry to bother you."

"Sit down, Xiao Hong." Jiang Fengmin didn't dare to neglect, got up and pretended to pour tea for him, but his father was a member of the bureau.

"Minister Jiang, I'll do it myself, I'll do it myself." Hong Chao hurriedly snatched it away. Of course, it was impossible for Jiang Fengmin to pour tea for him.

"Thank you, Minister Jiang, for your concern, which has raised the level of our office."

"This is normal. Our Dongning is a sub-provincial city. It is normal for the office to be half a level higher than other provinces. However, you are going to be the director soon. What else do you think?" Jiang Fengmin asked calmly.

"I have a little idea, and I want to report it to Minister Jiang."

"En." Jiang Fengmin nodded, motioning for him to continue.

"It's about the establishment of personnel." Hong Chao said: "The office is now promoted to a deputy department, and there are currently only five official national cadres, which seem to be a bit inconsistent with the preparation at the deputy department level. I want to apply for three more establishments. into eight."

"Well--" Jiang Fengmin continued to nod: "The request is still reasonable, I will fight for it from above, what else is there?"

"In terms of staffing, I want to adjust."

"You are the director, and you have the final say in the office. If you have any ideas, you can directly bring them up."

"I want Yu Shijun to be the deputy director of the office, and Ge Danni to be the director of the office---" He said, Yu Shijun was promoted from the deputy to the chief, and Ge Danni was promoted from the principal to the deputy. get benefits.

"It seems that there is already a deputy director?" Jiang Fengmin put on airs: "Are you planning to transfer Jiang Shen back?"

Bring it back, bring the little beast back and fix him.

"No, I plan to let him be the chief of the foreign affairs section, and stay in the UK. Jiang Shen still has the ability to work. I want to communicate with him more." Hong Chao smiled sinisterly.

That's right, he didn't intend to transfer Jiang Shen back at all, at least not now.

He wants to slap Jiang Shen in the face, first demote Jiang Shen to section chief, then Jiang Shen is still a deputy director, then, then, Jiang Shen still doesn't listen to me honestly, tell him to go east, how dare he go west?

Hong Chao wanted to humiliate Jiang Shen.

Jiang Fengmin understood Hong Chao's meaning as soon as he heard it, and immediately frowned and said: "This Jiang Shen came from the grassroots. It is rumored outside that he is a bit of a hooligan and lawless. Are you sure you want to keep him?"

"Let's stay here for now. No matter how lawless he is, he still dares to hit me, the director?" Hong Chao said with a smile. Find an excuse to fire him.

Jiang Fengmin thought about it, after all, he was the son of the bureau committee, so he was a bit courageous.

"Okay, you are the director, you have the final say in the office, go to the ministry next week to get the documents, and then go to the UK to take up the post."

"Please trouble Minister Jiang, thank you Minister Jiang."

Hong Chao walked out of the organization department proudly.

England, I'm coming soon.

Shijun, you are still my woman after all, it doesn’t matter if you play with men, I also play with women, but you have to understand that no matter what, you are still from my Hong family, if that man is British, it’s fine, if Jiang gentry?I will make his life worse than death.

"Ah..." Jiang Shen from the UK office was sneezing again.

"What the hell, who is scolding me again?" Is it easy for a god to sneeze?

"Director Jiang, who dares to scold you, does someone miss you?" Ge Danni walked in with a sweet smile.

"You look radiant, little Danni, are you going to improve?" Jiang Shen seemed to have realized something.

"Are you young? Where am I?" Ge Danni straightened her breasts.

In terms of age, she is several years older than Jiang Shen.

Ge Danni probably got some news, she was beaming with excitement, and handed over a piece of information: "Director, take a look, the document just came from China, the office is about to be upgraded."

"Oh--" Jiang Shen naturally knew it a long time ago, so he took it calmly and put it on the table.

"The director already knew? He didn't tell us." Ge Danni covered her mouth and smiled: "Congratulations to the director, you will be promoted again."

"What a fart to be promoted." Jiang Shen swears, the head of the organization has been replaced, and it's my turn to be promoted?

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong?" Ge Danni looked back at the office door anxiously, feeling a little nervous.

"Don't talk nonsense, don't disturb the morale of the army, just work with peace of mind, it doesn't matter whether I get promoted or not, I'm just as happy if you can get promoted." Jiang Shen was telling the truth.

On the surface, he is 21 years old, but in fact he is only 20 years old. A [-]-year-old deputy is already rare in the country. Even if he can't get promoted this time, it's okay.

"Director Jiang knows how to care about his subordinates." There was something in Ge Danni's words, and she seemed a little resentful, and at the same time her little head turned around.

Something happened?Something happened?

Our office has just started, and now something has changed?

It seems that the upgrade of the office was not done by Director Jiang?

Is this the rhythm for someone to come down to be the director?

She is also considered a veteran, Jiang Shen said, she thought of countless possibilities.

For a while, she was a little depressed.

Just when I was about to hug Jiang Shen's thigh, a new leader suddenly changed, how should I stand in line?

She has changed back and forth. When she was in the Merchants Bureau of Chengdong District, she was half-hearted towards Jiang Shen. She didn't decide to follow Jiang Shen until here.

It's all right now, I just made up my mind to change the leader again.

Little Danni is also the master who is dedicated to climbing up. Now that the leader is about to change, does this thigh have to be hugged again?

She walked out of Jiang Shen's office with wild thoughts, and when she came out, she happened to see Yu Shijun going in.

The two beauties nodded slightly and said nothing.

something wrong?Ge Danni thought about it, Director Yu and Director Jiang seem to be getting closer recently?

She used to be enemies with Director Jiang, and her father is the governor, so he must have better information than me. Is it possible that Jiang Shen is going to be promoted again?Say it out on purpose to try me?

After thinking about it, Ge Danni went back to her office and called her father, Bureau Chief of the Municipal Bureau of Merchants Bureau.

When Director Lu heard Ge Danni's thoughts, he couldn't laugh or cry.

"What are you dreaming about? You have to hug the leader's thigh to make progress?"

"Jiang Shen can't be underestimated. It's been smooth sailing all the way. Those who follow him are beneficial. I managed to treat him to a meal for you and build a good relationship. Don't mess it up. .”

"You don't care who is the leader, listen to me, you can't go wrong following Jiang Shen."

"This man has an aura, an aura that soars to the sky. I have been an official for so long, and I can feel it. It is not easy to knock him down."

"I think so too." Ge Danni was a little embarrassed: "I also feel that I can't change back and forth, or I won't follow, follow to the end, otherwise others will look down on me."

"It's good that you know, even if you follow wrongly and Jiang Shen falls down, if there is no your father and me, it will be no problem to transfer you away."

"I understand, I understand Dad." Ge Danni hung up the phone, making up her mind not to be half-hearted, and from now on, she will follow Jiang Shen relentlessly.

As her father said, even if she made a mistake, Jiang Shen will be overthrown by the new leader, and she will be transferred.

Women are the most casual. In the afternoon, the office was upgraded, and news of the leadership change was flying all over the sky. Everyone knew that the leadership was about to change.

Temporary workers were worried about whether they would be kicked back to China and whether they could still get such a high salary. For a while, a faint cloud of gloom hung over the office.

"Hong Chao will come next Monday. Considering the time difference, we will arrive in London on Tuesday morning." After Ge Danni left, Yu Shijun sat in Jiang Shen's office.

"So fast?" Jiang Shen was a little surprised.

"The third middle school conference is over, and the upper levels are moving, and the province is also moving. It will be adjusted in place within half a month at most."

Yu Shijun's eyes were slightly disappointed. As soon as Hong Chao came, the two-person world between her and Jiang Shen was over: "You have to be mentally prepared. I got the news. Hong Chao mentioned that I will be the deputy director and Ge Danni will be the office director. You are in charge of the Internal Affairs or External Affairs Section."

When "Grass" Jiang Shen heard it, buddy, the deputy director has been dismissed?Or the deputy?

In fact, it doesn't matter that the deputy director remains unchanged, but the removal of the deputy director is a naked slap in the face.

The office is at the deputy department level, but the deputy department can also serve as the deputy director.

After all, this is not a formal department of the government, and Jiang Shen can be the deputy director and deputy director.

By doing this, Hong Chao was slapping Jiang Shen in the face.

"Thank you boyfriend, demote me?" Jiang Shen sneered.

For some reason, Yu Shijun felt a chill in his heart, feeling a little bad.

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