Merry and immortal mixed officialdom

Chapter 621 Don't Go

Jiang Shen, you bastard, I will not let you go, I will kill you, I will fuck all your women, I will fuck Yan Fen, Ge Danni, Xia Su, Yu Lei, I will do things All the women in the place are fucked to make up for the shame you have done to me.

At this moment, he hated Jiang Shen to the bone, and at the same time completely despaired of Yu Shijun.

He even wished that he couldn't open his eyes all the time. He thought that if he could open his eyes suddenly and saw Yu Shijun moaning softly under Jiang Shen's crotch, he would vomit blood to death.

"Ba, ba, ba." Jiang Shen worked hard for 15 minutes to get Yu Shijun to the top again and again, seeing her satisfied smiling face, he suddenly got up.

"Don't, don't go----" Yu Shijun felt extremely lost in an instant, and even moved forward to grab Jiang Shen.

Poet?Is this the poet I know?Hong Chao was about to cry, his girlfriend had changed from 'don't' to 'don't go'.

"Turn around and lie down." Jiang Shen patted Yu Shijun's butt lightly.

Yu Shijun, who was completely sunk, turned around immediately without any hesitation, and then knelt down on the bed.

She was lying there before noticing Hong Chao, but now she turned around and lay down on the bed, almost face to face with Hong Chao immediately.

In an instant, her face turned red and red: "No---" She wanted to turn around, she would rather lie down than kneel in front of Hong Chao.

But Jiang Shen pressed hard on her buttocks, thumped, and pressed her firmly in front of Hong Chao.

The distance between the two faces is at most ten centimeters.

"Look at him, this person is not qualified to have you at all. From now on, you, Yu Shijun, will be my Jiang Shen's woman---" Jiang Shen charged again, this time even more fierce than before.

"No---" Yu Shijun couldn't turn around, so she had to face Hong Chao's face. She closed her eyes, not daring to look at Hong Chao.

She wanted to turn around, but no matter how hard she tried, it was useless. The fire of desire spread on her body, and within 2 minutes, she sank again.

"I'm sorry---I'm sorry---" Yu Shijun looked at Hong Chao, touched Hong Chao's face with one hand, and then cried.

The physical pleasure and Jiang Shen's deliberate blow made her completely lose her last resistance, and she began to enjoy this moment crazily. She moaned loudly, catering to the shock behind her, and looked at the sleeping man with blurred eyes.

I'm sorry, Hong Chao, I'm not good enough for you.

Yu Shijun knew that from then on, it was impossible for him and Hong Chao to be together again.

Physically, she has been conquered by Jiang Shen.

Beast, bastard, I want to kill you, kill you, I want to play with all your women, Hong Chaotao is so angry.

There is nothing more humiliating than this.

On my bed, my girlfriend was being yelled at by other men in front of my face.

He swore that at dawn tomorrow, Jiang Shen would be transferred to China, and then he would play with all the women in the office.

I have to take all the photos and send them to the country for Jiang Shen to see, so that today's shame can be washed away.

At this time, Hong Chao was already numb, his mind was full of how to get revenge tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, he wanted revenge, it was a bloody revenge, a great hatred for taking his wife.

After an unknown amount of time, the bed suddenly shook even more violently.

"Don't stay inside---" Yu Shijun said these words amidst his delicate panting.

What's the meaning?Was there before?I'm stupid, when you marry me, you don't know whose child you will have?Whore, this slut, Hong Chao went mad with anger.

"Mm--" the bed suddenly came to a stillness, followed by Jiang Shen gasping for breath.

The surroundings seemed to have returned to calm, and both of them were panting heavily to calm down.

About half a minute later, Yu Shijun scolded in a hoarse voice: "You---you are too much, you fucked my face---"

"Hiss—" Hong Chaojue's heart ached sharply, his throat felt salty, and a mouthful of blood almost reached his mouth.

"Who told you not to go inside, go, go to your office room, let's continue---" Jiang Shen bent down and picked up the limp Yu Shijun.

"Come again---I can't stand it anymore---" Yu Shijun was hugged by Jiang Shen, and gave Hong Chao a last look helplessly.

The bed shook again, the two seemed to be collecting things, then Jiang Shen's footsteps became farther and farther away, and finally disappeared into Hong Chao's ears.

"The adulterer and the adulterer will die a terrible death." Hong Chao listened to the conversation between the two, felt the two leave the room, and felt his head hurt more and more, and his throat became more and more salty.

Why can't I get up, why can't I wake up?I want to open my eyes, wake up from the wine, he said silently in his heart.

Just lying on the bed like this, I don't know how long it has passed.

"Cough----" He sat up suddenly and coughed loudly.

Finally woke up?Hong Chao was surprised, delighted, and furious, and then hurriedly crawled to the bedside, "Wow---"

A lot of stuff in the stomach was vomited out again, and the room was full of alcohol.

When I looked closely, there was something red and bloody inside.

This is life and vomiting blood.

"Jiang Shen, Jiang Shen---" Hong Chao touched his head, and found that the pain was severe, obviously because he had drunk too much.

It's just that when they were here just now, why couldn't I wake up or get up, and now I suddenly woke up again.

Okay, the two of you are going to continue working again, right? I'm going to fire you and arrest your traitors.

Hong Chao stood up unsteadily.

On the third floor, there is only Jiang Shen's former office, which is his current office. On the second floor, there is Yu Shijun's office, together with Ge Danni and others.

He rushed to the second floor angrily, just at the stairs, and suddenly hesitated.

After they left just now, I didn't know how long I lay there. If they were over, I might not be able to catch them if I went down by myself.

Moreover, when the news spread, it was me who was ashamed.

It's too embarrassing for the girlfriend of the top leader to be raped by a subordinate.

Can't go down and catch rape?Hong Chao stood at the stairs and hesitated.

Just then, when, the stairs above sounded.

The fourth floor is the dormitory for girls, and the door is usually locked before going to bed at night.

Hearing this sound, someone has come down.

"Who's down?" Hong Chao was angry at this time, thinking that it might be Jiang Shen's woman who came down, he quietly hid to the side.

In normal times, as the son of the bureau committee, he would never do such a thing.

But today, he was already extremely angry, and, to be honest, thinking about what happened just now, he was even a little excited, wishing he could pull a woman over and press him on the bed to vomit desperately.

Just when Hong Chao was lying down, a girl came down the stairs.

This woman is obviously Yan Fen.

One of the women that Hong Chao wants to sleep with the most.

Yan Fen also drank a lot of wine today, I don't know what she came down for, her eyes were sleepy, she walked staggeringly, she walked to the third floor after a while, and then turned around, and she turned to the former Jiang Shen's office, now Hong Chao's office went.

Hong Chao just hid aside.

Seeing Yan Fen approaching, he had nowhere to hide, so he had to stand up.

"Yan Fen, it's so late, what are you doing?"

"Ah---" Yan Fen seemed to wake up suddenly, looked at Hong Chao in disbelief, and stammered: "I---I go to the bathroom---the toilet in our dormitory is broken, I want to borrow the toilet on the third floor. "

Each dormitory on the fourth floor has a toilet, and there is a public toilet on the fourth floor. The toilet on the upper floor was broken, so I had to come here.

While speaking, she hugged her chest subconsciously: "Director Hong, you haven't slept yet."

It was already the end of December, and she actually walked down wearing only a pair of long johns. The thin long gown tightly wrapped her body, and all her perfect curves were displayed in front of Hong Chao.

It was better if she didn't hug her chest. With such a hug, her chest became brighter.

Hong Chao's head was full of lust, and when he saw her move, he instantly felt like a fire was burning in his heart.

"Xiao Yan, you are still a temporary worker, how long have you been in China Merchants---" Hong Chao stared at her breasts.

Yan Fen nodded a little scared: "Well, now we have to take the exam--"

"Not necessarily, as long as you have the ability, you don't have to take the test." Hong Chao laughed.

"Really?" Yan Fen opened her eyes wide and looked at Hong Chao: "Director Hong, can you do something?" Those eyes were full of anticipation.

Seeing Yan Fen's expression, Hong Chao was very proud.

What about your woman?Still put profit first.

"Of course it's true, not everyone can get weaving---" Hong Chao said, tentatively reaching out and grabbing Yan Fen's hand.

After all, he is the son of the bureau committee, so he is still very careful about his identity. If Yan Fen shrinks back, he will shrink back.

But Yan Fen blushed and lowered his head, but he didn't stop.

OK, there is drama.

Hong Chao was overjoyed. At this moment, the fire of desire he had just been ignited by Jiang Shen was completely burned, and even the alcohol he just spit out seemed to rush into his head.

He couldn't care about it anymore, he rushed up and hugged Yan Fen by the waist, turned around and walked to the office.

"Director Hong, don't—" Yan Fen panicked, her legs flying around.

But Hong Chao was already possessed like a demon at this time, just now Jiang Shen humiliated him in front of his face, and now he needs revenge.

"Don't be afraid, be my woman, I will guarantee that you have the means, and you will have no problem becoming a deputy director in the future." Hong Chao was also a little incoherent, and couldn't wait to return to the office with Yan Fen in his arms.

"Director Hong, don't do this---" Yan Fen became anxious, and her resistance became more and more intense.

"Stop pretending, Sanba." Furious, Hong Chao threw Yan Fen onto the sofa in the hall and jumped on it.

"Pretend, you women like to pretend, say no, no, once I go in, you don't cry and beg for it--" Hong Chao began to strip Yan Fen's clothes like a madman.

"No, don't do this, Director Hong, you are committing a crime---" Yan Fen pushed Hong Chao away with all her strength, and then tried to climb to the other side on the sofa.

Her resistance made Hong Chaojue more and more agitated. He was completely crazy. The more men are in this kind of situation, the more excited they will be.

Yan Fen's laying down gave him the excitement of a game.

He rushed after Yan Fen, the two were entangled, Hong Chao hugged her waist, his body became more and more excited, when he finally pressed Yan Fen under his body, he took off Yan Fen's top, revealing the bra inside hour.

His eyes turned red.

Hahaha, Jiang Shen, if you play with my woman, I will play with your woman.

"Don't---help---" Yan Fen was crying.

"Stop pretending, let me sleep, I'll give you a way, you know how many people can't ask for it---" Hong Chao laughed wildly, and was about to separate Yan Fen's legs and finally enter.

"Bah---" The lights in the office suddenly brightened, and several figures rushed in.

I'm sorry, Hong Chao felt sober in an instant.

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