On January 27th, shortly before the Chinese New Year, Yu Shijun was transferred back to China. Before leaving, she was entangled with Jiang Shen every day, enjoying the last madness to the fullest. The whole office knew that the two were having an affair.

She has also benefited a lot from coming to the office this time. When Zhengke came down from the province back then, she was already in the right place when she returned.

After returning, he served as the deputy head of Xicheng District, was promoted to the top position in one fell swoop, and finally left the Chengdong District where Jiang Shen was located.

Seeing that Yu Zhenqiang really didn't want his daughter to get involved with Jiang Shen, he just transferred her to Xicheng District.

These two districts, one in the west of the city and the other in the east of the city, are still relatively far away.

According to Jiang Shen's estimate, if he wants to get involved with Yu Shijun again, maybe Yu Zhenqiang will transfer Yu Shijun to another city.


In an old courtyard.

Several young people sat in a circle.

The one sitting at the top is Lu Dingwen, the most popular and youngest member of the Lu family today.

Beside Lu Dingwen, Hong Chao was smoking a dull cigarette listlessly.

The other second-generation officials were silent, staring at Lu Dingwen, the boss.

"Hong Chao, look at you. After suffering this little setback, you become like this. This is not the Hong Chao from before." Lu Dingwen spoke first and gave Hong Chao a look.

Hong Chao raised his head helplessly, you don't know what I'm suffering.

Outsiders only knew that Hong Chao had returned in a disheartened manner, but who knew the humiliation he suffered in England.

It's hard to tell.

"Yu Shijun is young and ignorant, but there is no grass in the world. With Hong Chao's status and family background, what woman can't be found? Now Yu Zhenqiang is also a general of our Lu family. You must not hurt her because of this incident." Be kind." What Lu Dingwen is most afraid of is fighting in the nest.

"Young Master Wen, don't worry. Both my father and Shi Jun's father have this awareness. Their elders won't intervene in the matters of the younger generation. It's just me who can't think about it. It will be fine after a while." Hong Chao sighed .

"What's the hurry, this Jiang Shen, if he offends you, he offends me, Lu Dingwen, and he must die in an ugly way."

"Wen Shao, Chao Shao, I heard that this kid's private life is chaotic, why don't you find someone to investigate him, as long as the evidence is convincing, double opening is the least, and at the same time help Chao Shao and revenge." Someone suggested.

"Dual opening?" Lu Dingwen and Hong Chao sneered at the same time.

With such a big enmity, double opening is fine?What is the crime of private life?It's useless, either don't do it, or do it to kill him.

"Wen Shao, I think he can't be allowed to stay in the office anymore." Hong Chao said: "The office is now at the deputy department level. If Jiang Shen stays for a year or two, and then becomes a full-time employee, then his speed will It's faster than a rocket, and it will be the assistant hall in a year or two."

"I think so too, but, didn't you make a gentleman's agreement with him that you can't touch him for the past two years?" Lu Dingwen knew that Jiang Shen threatened Hong Chao with rape and forced Hong Chao to leave the UK. One step up the ranks.

"I can't touch him, you can touch him, and he may not have any objections." Hong Chao seemed to think of something.

"Oh, what's your idea?" Lu Dingwen nodded.

"Isn't he in the right place now? Transfer him back to the country and become the mayor or county head of a county-level city---" Hong Chao paused, and said with a sinister smile: "And it is the poorest county-level city."

"Doesn't this mean that he has been promoted?" Someone beside him yelled: "The director of the agency has no qualifications for three to five years, so he can go down to be the county magistrate and mayor? Jiang Shen has only been in office for a few days?"

"It was because of his lack of qualifications that he was allowed to go down. At the grassroots level, local chauvinism is very heavy, and there is a lot of cuddling. Many people from government agencies go down to become the secretary of the municipal party committee or the secretary of the county party committee. They can't do it." Hong Chao is really insidious. I can figure it out.

"He had a mediocre life in the office. No one could match him. He can become a regular in one to two years. Then he will be the director, that is, the deputy office. He will be at the grassroots level. At his age and qualifications? Who will sell his account? Don't If you say you can’t achieve results, even if you do achieve results, you won’t be able to move in three to five years?”

"Besides, the mayor of the county has great power. I don't believe that this Jiang Shen will be Bao Qingtian. As long as he is caught, he will never stand up."

After all Hong Chao talked about, he wanted to screw Jiang Shen to death.

The office is in the UK, the sky is high, the emperor is far away, and there is no great power. If Jiang Shen is to be brought to the county or city, the power will be great, and he will make any mistakes. At that time, it will be much better than catching any life style issues, and he will be sentenced to death for life can be judged.

"Young Master Hong is wise and makes sense." Everyone agreed upon hearing this.

"But this kid forced me to promise him at the British police station that I can't touch him within two years, just because he wants to stay in the office for two years." Hong Chao said with a smile: "I still need to talk to him about this matter. "

The second day of February.

Jiang Shen came out from Jiangnan Province on the second day of the third February.

On the second day of the first February, it was the time when he went to meet his father Jiang Fengmin and then met Nalan Bubai.

Last year, I lived in China Merchants. This is the third day of the second day of February. I didn’t expect to live in the UK again.

Jiang Shen received a call from Hong Chao.

"Are you interested in going down to become a county magistrate?" Hong Chao smiled, his tone seemed to not mind at all the fact that Jiang Shen played with his woman and slapped him in the face.

"You said you wouldn't touch me for two years." Jiang Shen was a little angry, are you courting death?Talking counts?

"That's why I asked for your opinion first." Hong Chao said: "If you don't want to go, forget it, but I want to remind you that the true meaning of being an official is the one in charge, and all officials are desperate to climb up. , why? Isn’t it for one day to be able to be a feudal official in charge of the government.”

It has to be said that Hong Chao is an excellent politician, and Jiang Shen's heart moved when he said the words "in charge of the party".

Of course, he wouldn't know who Hong Chao was, so he would have such a good thing to find himself.

"I'm afraid my qualifications are a little shallow." Jiang Shen also smiled, knowing that his qualifications are low, and it is not easy to be in charge of the party.

Those who are county magistrates have never been deputy county magistrates, town mayors, bureau chiefs, etc., so people will die of laughter.

Up to now, Jiang Shen has only been the deputy director of one office, the deputy director or something.

"As long as you dare, what is qualifications?" Hong Chao was full of confidence. It was too easy for the Lu family to arrange a county magistrate.

"I dare not?" Jiang Shen seemed to be provoked a bit.

"Think about it, Boss Yu, I don't want you to get too close to Shijun, and I plan to let you out." Hong Chao found an excuse: "It's not that I want to adjust you. If you really don't want to go, I will help you refuse." .”

"England, isn't it far enough?" Jiang Shen sneered.

"Ask the people around you, the magistrate of Lishan County, which is in the westernmost part of Dongning Province." After Hong Chao finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

"Lishan County? Where is this place?" Jiang Shen hung up the phone, inexplicably: "Xiao Xia, bring me a map."

After searching for a long time, I finally found Lishan County on the map.

The westernmost part of Dongning Province is adjacent to the western province 'Liaoxi'.

Damn, why is this area full of mountains?

Jiang Shen saw a stretch of high mountains on the map.

To be honest, Hong Chao's four words of ruling party really moved him.

Dude is just in his early twenties after the Chinese New Year. Don't be too handsome for the party in charge.

Jiang Shen's vanity is on the rise. As for why Hong Chao is so kind and how he wants to deal with him, he doesn't pay attention at all. Is there anything on earth that can threaten me?

After looking at the map, he took the lead in calling the old man, Qiao Xiaoshan.

Just like the last time he was transferred from the police station to the China Merchants Bureau, he was used to asking Qiao Xiaoshan about everything.

Qiao Xiaoshan has worked his way up from a township clerk to deputy mayor, mayor, secretary, bureau chief, deputy district chief, district chief, secretary, and deputy mayor step by step. He knows the officialdom very well.

"What?" Qiao Xiaoshan thought he had heard wrong.

Ni, it's been a few days since I mentioned it, right?Is this going to let you go?When the county magistrate?

The pie that fell from the sky, the head of the agency, without three to five years of experience, how many people can go down to take charge of the party.

What's more, there are very few people who go to the government now, especially the county-level cadres, who are basically promoted step by step from the grassroots. There are really too few people like you who go directly from the provincial government to become county magistrates.

Qiao Xiaoshan didn't know that Jiang Shen had an enmity with Dongning's big boss, the Lu family, and thought he had some backing support for him.

"I support you. You are right. You do have the opportunity to be promoted to the deputy department after two years in office. However, in the future, you may stop at the deputy department. Without grassroots experience, it will be difficult to govern a party in the future. The current governor Most of the secretaries have worked at the grassroots level.”

"If you're young, it's good to go down and learn more. The grassroots and the top are different after all."

"Moreover, it is easy for the grassroots to make achievements."

"I know Lishan County. It is the poorest county in Dongning. If you go down, one county magistrate will die. Ah Shen, this is your chance. I think Dongning, only you can do it."

"---" Ni, Dongning is the poorest?Go down and finish one by one?

As expected, Hong Chao had nothing to do with him.

When Jiang Shen heard this, his heart turned cold.

"Dad, I think Dongning is developing quite well, why is Lishan so poor?" Isn't it scientific?

"It's quite special there. It's all mountainous. The mountainous area is still a trivial matter. If you rely on the mountain, you can develop well. The problem is that the people there are very grouped and it's not easy to listen to outsiders. The town returns to the town, and the village returns to the village. , can’t tolerate outsiders’ interference, of course it can’t develop, so it gets poorer and poorer.”

"Hey, it's hard to explain in a word. You can find their news by searching the information on the Internet, and you will know when you go." What Qiao Xiaoshan meant was that he still hoped that Jiang Shen would go to the ruling side.

Jiang Shen hung up the phone and called Jin Zhonglin again to ask.

Jin Zhonglin was not in Dongning, but he still cared about Jiang Shen very much. After hearing it clearly, he was silent for a while, and asked first: "Who told you to go? Did you mean it?"

"Hong Chao, Secretary Hong's son, last time I slapped him and kicked him out of the office."

"---" Jin Zhonglin smiled, he's kind, Hong's surname is very embarrassing now, you're proud of our Jin family.

"He's trying to harm you. It's not easy to be in power. When you have great power, you will make mistakes. Besides, it's really not a place where you can make political achievements easily." Jin Zhonglin's ancestral home is also from Dongning, so he naturally knows a little bit about it.

Jiang Shen agreed with this very much, but he immediately changed his tone: "Of course, it is a good thing to be in charge of the party, but you are young and have little seniority, and the seniority is very serious at the grassroots level. The folk customs in Li'an are---hehe- ---It's a bit difficult, you can figure it out yourself."

When Jin Zhonglin talked about the folk customs over there, he laughed wryly, saying everything without saying anything.

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