Early May.

During the May Day holiday in China, a plane landed in Dahua State, China.

A well-dressed glamorous lady wearing sunglasses stepped out of the airport.

This person was Jiang Qian's mother, Tang Hairong who had divorced Jiang Fengmin.

In the past few months, she has haggarded a lot.

After failing to deal with Jiang Shen again, Tang Hairong was already a little bit broken, and what was even more broken was that soon after she heard the news that Tang Jiande was raided by the police for gambling in Nanchuan Province. When he was fleeing for his life, he was accidentally beaten to death by the police.

Nanchuan Province is close to Bianchui, and many Chinese gambled with foreigners. Foreigners like to carry guns, so when they caught the gamblers, the policemen were all armed. As a result, Tang Jiande was shot to death when he fled for his life.

When the news came, Tang Hairong became more and more sad.

The Tang family is flourishing, but there are only a few that can be used.

Those who can use it are either dead or afraid of Jiang Shen. Now there is no one in the Tang family who can use it.

Now, she is the only woman, together with her son, to deal with Jiang Shen.

She came to country m this time because she heard from her son that he had found a helper in country m. In addition, she hadn't seen her son for a long time, so she flew to Nevada.

After getting off the plane, someone held a sign outside the airport.

"Ms. Huaguo Tang." The sign was very large and conspicuous, and Tang Hairong knew it was for her when she saw it.

Sure enough, when she walked over to take a look, a middle-aged Chinese man and two beautiful Chinese women in small suits and short skirts saluted her respectfully.

"This must be the beautiful Ms. Tang Hairong. Hello, I am the old history of the Divine Power Bureau of Country M. My English name is 'Alec'. Ms. Tang can call me Alek."

"Hi Alec, nice to meet you, where's Qianer?"

"Group Leader Jiang is waiting for you at the hotel. He wants to give you a surprise." Alec smiled.

"Team leader Jiang?" If before, Tang Hairong knew that Jiang Qian didn't study and was a team leader, she would immediately yell at him, but now, in her mind, only revenge, only killing Jiang Shen.

"Let's go."

She followed Alec into the car, which quickly disappeared into the street.

About half an hour later, Tang Hairong felt something was wrong.

"Alec, what does your Divine Power Bureau do?"

"The Bureau of Divine Power?" Alec smiled and said, "Have you seen the blockbuster movie Iron Man in Country M? Have you seen the Avengers? The Hulk? These people are all fictional characters of the Bureau of Divine Power. Of course, there are many in the Bureau of Divine Power. Agents, their skill is beyond these fictional characters."

"You belong to the government of country m?" Tang Hairong was taken aback.

She is a domestic department-level cadre, if she gets involved with people from the government of country m, it will be a big deal.

"We have a common enemy, don't we?" Alec looked at Tang Hairong meaningfully.

common enemy?Is Jiang Shen a bastard?So he also offended the government of country m?Very well, now he is dead, and he has offended the most powerful government in the world.

Tang Hairong didn't speak for a while.

But she knew that if she followed the Divine Power Bureau to meet her son today, she might not be able to explain clearly in the future.

If the country knows, the deputy director may not be able to do it.

In normal times, she would definitely refuse, not for herself, but for Jiang Fengmin.

But she had a foresight, and Jiang Fengmin had already divorced, and she didn't care about her own future. Now, she only thought about revenge.

Seeing that Tang Hairong remained silent, Alec smiled: "Is that right? As long as there is revenge, everything can be discussed."

Tang Hairong didn't speak.

She didn't want to talk, and she didn't want to talk to people from the government of country m.

The car continues to move.

Half an hour, an hour.

As time passed, Tang Hairong suddenly realized.

"Where are we going?"

"Look, it's just ahead." Alec pointed to the front, a dark street that looked like a dark place in Carson City, the state capital of Nevada.

The car stopped in front of a huge shutter door, the shutter door opened, and a lady who was as beautiful as Tang Hairong walked out. This woman was about the same age as Tang Hairong, but she looked much sexier than Tang Hairong.

"Welcome to Nevada, please." The woman shook hands with Tang Hairong, and they walked into the rolling door, and the car outside also drove away quietly.

"Wow!" Just as Tang Hairong walked in, the rolling door was pulled down.

The lights inside were suddenly brightly lit, and a huge warehouse was displayed in front of Tang Hairong.

"Hahahaha." With a wild laugh, a big man sat on the edge of a table, clapped his feet in disgust, and touched his chest.

The clothes on his chest were opened wide, revealing the coded chest hair.

Middle-aged big guy?When Tang Hairong saw this person, she felt disgusted.

"Welcome Director Tang, hahaha." The middle-aged man stood up with his feet buckled, wiped his hands on his trousers twice before reaching out to shake hands with Tang Hairong.

It was so disgusting, Tang Hairong thought that his hand had been clasping his feet just now, how dare he stretch out his hand: "Where's Qian'er? Tell him to come out." She took a step back vigilantly.

"No hurry, you're going to see him soon, let me introduce you." The middle-aged burly man pointed to another sexy lady: "This is You Sangui, the president of the World Hongmen Association."

"My name is Mao Duoduo, and I'm from Dongning like Tang Ting. Everyone respects me and calls me Brother Chest Mao."

Hiss, Tang Hairong gasped when she heard this sentence.

She finally remembered, no wonder this person looked familiar, Jiang Shen's top horse, a man of the hour on Dongning Road, Brother Chest Mao.

"What do you want to do?" Tang Hairong's voice suddenly became several times sharper, and she backed away to the left again and again, her face full of horror.

She received a call from her son, but unexpectedly, she was picked up by Jiang Shen's men.

"Tang Ting, it's not good for you. In order to deal with Jiang Shen, you actually want to cooperate with people from the Divine Power Bureau. This is a political issue. You, the director, don't want to do it anymore?" After the chest hair was pinched to the feet, he began to pinch his booger.

"It was Jiang Shen who directed you, right? This little bastard has harmed so many people in our Tang family. Tell him to come out, tell him to come out, this bastard, bastard, when he was born, I was going to strangle him to death. He should have killed his mother in the first place, gave birth to this bastard, and brought disaster to our Tang family—" Tang Hairong screamed like crazy.

"Ba" the chest hair went up in one step, and Tang Hairong, who was slapped with a slap in the face, almost sat down on the ground.

"What the fuck, you still have a hard mouth. Okay, let me see how hard your mouth is in a moment. You don't have a good mouth job. I have a hairy chest, but I like it very much."

"Hee hee, Brother Chest Hair, enjoy it slowly, and call me after you're done, tell me, where do you want to send her to be a prostitute?" Third Sister You covered her mouth and smiled.

"Brother Gentleman has ordered, and when it's over, send her to Japan, and Sakura will accept prostitutes there, but at her age, is she a bit older." Chest Mao said, and suddenly laughed: "Sister You, I didn't mean you , not about you, my mouth stinks, my mouth stinks."

"Hmph." You San pretended to be angry, turned around and left: "A woman's age is just the time to be familiar with it, Brother Chest Hair, you will understand when you enjoy it."

Chest Mao watched You San's buttocks twist and turn away, and thought in his heart: "This bitch, won't she have an affair with Brother Shen?"

"Beast--" Tang Hairong who was next to him suddenly picked up a stool at his feet, and threw it at the chest hair: "Where is Jiang Shen, there is a seed, I will fight him."

"Fuck you." Chest hair raised a foot: "This is the first time I hit a woman, you fucking."

Then step by step to force the past.

"Help ---" Tang Hairong was frightened, and screamed loudly.

"Don't call me baby, let my brother love you well." The chest-haired brother smiled lewdly.

"God damn Jiang Shen, god damn beast, you go to die, you go to death." Tang Hairong's soul flew into the sky, struggling to run out and call for help.

But no matter how hard she struggled, she couldn't escape from the palm of the chest hair. After a few efforts, she was firmly pressed to the ground by the hair on the chest, and the clothes on her body were also torn a lot.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of tearing the clothes, Chest Mao touched Tang Hairong's whole body up and down.

Immediately, her tears fell, she knew that she would not escape bad luck today, suddenly she stopped resisting, then looked at the chest hair, and said in an extremely gentle voice: "Can you be gentle, I will listen to you."

At this time, she knew what would happen to her. She wondered, if she tried her best to please the chest hair, would she let him betray Jiang Shen?

The plots in many novels and movies are like this. When a woman is critical, she can use her body to recover from her disadvantages.

"You're overthinking." Chest Hair showed a mouthful of big yellow teeth at this moment, and then reached out.

"Ba" slapped Tang Hairong on the face.

"Brother Gentleman, I just asked me to beat you up." The chest hair laughed wildly, slapped, and Tang Hairong, who had been slapped both positively and negatively, was covered in blood. The former number one official beauty in Dongning, in his hands, was Indistinguishable from a sow.

"Ah---you bastard---" Tang Hairong never imagined that she would be beaten up in exchange for her utmost gentleness.

"Thirty-eight, bitch, bitch--" The hairy chest was not satisfied with the beating, and he raised his foot and kicked it down.

"Forcing me to beat someone, I haven't hit a woman before, I'm stupid." Chest Mao said nicely, kicking her like a pig.

In less than 2 minutes, Tang Hairong on the ground was beaten so hard that she remained motionless.

"What the hell, bitch, I thought you'd never go abroad for the rest of your life." Chest Mao kicked Tang Hairong with his foot.

Tang Hairong didn't respond at all, her mouth and face were covered with blood.

"Wow, Brother Chest Hair, you beat so hard." At this moment, a person appeared with a camera in his hand, and this person was Jiang Shen's other general, Tiger.

"Show me, is the photo handsome?"

"Very professional, you can tell at a glance that you are raped by her." Tiger replayed the scene.

"Didn't you slap me in the face?"

"Of course not, look and see."

"That's right, the filming was very good. I deleted the part where she hit her later and sent it to the Bureau of Divine Power."

It turned out that the front of the chest hair was deliberately like this, just to film a scene where Tang Hairong was raped, but his real purpose was to beat her up behind.

"What about the girls?"

"Send it to Japan, Brother Gentleman said."

"Department level, waste it."

"Do you want to go?" Chest Mao looked at the tiger with encouraging eyes.

Tiger swallowed.

"This is Brother Shen's former stepmother." Chest Mao said again.

"Forget it." Tiger shook his head violently.

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