June [-]st, Children's Day.

Beijing, a courtyard.

It's still these few people.

Lu Dingwen, Hong Chao, and several second-generation young officials.

"June 24th is Eargrass. You can send Jiang Shen down. Eargrain is one of the 6 solar terms. Generally, it is around June 6th, when the sun reaches 75° of the yellow longitude. Mangzhong literally means "harvest the wheat with awns quickly." , Rice with awns can be planted." "Yueling 72 Hou Jijie": "May Festival, it is said that the grains with awns can be planted. ""

"We planted the seeds and waited for the harvest. We will definitely ask Jiang Shen to make a wedding dress for us and avenge your British office."

Lu Dingwen sat there calmly, with a light tone, he didn't look like a high-ranking deputy provincial official, but like a Feng Shui master.

"Young Master Lu, when did you start playing Feng Shui?" Hong Chao and the others looked at each other in blank dismay?

"Playing with Fengshui?" Lu Dingwen sneered: "You think it's for fun? The emperors of all ages don't use Fengshui?"

"The Tuibei pictures of Li Chunfeng and Yuan Tiangang are pushed up 5000 years and down 2000 years. They are peerless books that have never been seen before. This ability to predict the future is impossible even for gods."

"Hong Chao, everything is possible. Don't underestimate the extraordinary skills of our Chinese nation. My Lu family raised an old gentleman. My father respects him more than anyone else. We all respectfully call him Mr. Yuan. This is Yuan." Mentor me."

"That's at the master level?" Hong Chao knows that some high-level people believe in Fengshui thaumaturgy. He also heard from his father that there is a strange person in the Lu family who specializes in giving advice to the Lu family. few.

In the past, he thought that his father was joking, but now that he heard it like this, it really meant something.

"Young Master Lu, can you invite him to deal with Jiang Shen?" Hong Chao couldn't wait to finish Jiang Shen.

"No." Lu Dingwen shook his head: "Mr. Yuan doesn't care about worldly affairs, and it's rare for my dad to ask him to speak now, and I happen to meet him."

"He has a good friend named Li Buyi. They were called South Li and North Yuan together back then. They were one of the best academic masters in Huaguo."

"Li Buyi had a benefactor, and he died at the hands of Jiang Shen. Later, Li Buyi almost died. Before he died, he called the capital and asked Mr. Yuan to take his life."

"It is said that a 'Century Changing Bureau' has been set up"

"A century is 100 years, and Li Buyi will use 100 years of his life in exchange for his life."

"However, he can't live so long. Li Buyi used it for 80 years, and Mr. Yuan lent him 20 years. The two of them pooled together 100 years, and it took Li Buyi to live for another three years."

"Mr. Yuan was originally much older than Li Buyi. After borrowing these 20 years, his vitality has been severely damaged, and he can no longer come out to ask questions. He told me before closing that Mr. Yuan has a senior uncle who is said to have lived for more than 150 years. Years old, Mu Liao, who was Yuan Shikai at the end of the Qing Dynasty, made great contributions to Yuan Shikai's ascension to the presidency. Unfortunately, Yuan Shikai was a little carried away later. He refused to listen to Mr. Yuan's uncle and insisted on becoming emperor. Beijing, living in seclusion in the mountains, without Mr. Yuan's uncle, Yuan Shikai will die in a few days."

"He is a talented and intelligent uncle, who is rare in a thousand years. When he was young, because his surname was not Yuan, he didn't get the true biography of Mr. Yuan's family. The younger brother who is better than the true biography is Mr. Yuan's father. It is said that the bald head heard his legend and sent people to find him out of the mountain many times. "

"However, his uncle saw the sincerity of the bald head, and finally gave a few tips. The bald head retreated to the southeast according to the last tip, and saved his life."

Lu Dingwen said a lot in eloquence, but everyone didn't know what it meant?

It was so unexpected that senior officials at the vice-provincial and ministerial level were talking to them about the history of scholars.

Young Master Lu, are you planning to write a novel?The words of Taoist priests must be published in grinding iron.

"What does this have to do with Jiang Shen?" Hong Chao held back for a long time, and finally said it, and he was the only one present who dared to say it in front of Lu Dingwen.

"Of course it has something to do with it. Mr. Yuan said that if you want to deal with Jiang Shen, you must find his uncle."

"What? His uncle is still alive?" Over 150 years old, Hong Chao was scared to death. Isn't this an old monster?

"He must be alive, and he is alive well. Mr. Yuan said that his good friend Li Buyi may also be looking for his uncle."

"His uncle can change the fate of a dynasty, and hold the throne of the country as if he is holding it in his hands. He is extremely powerful."

"Isn't this a fairy?" A young man next to him added weakly.

"Back then, all the masters in the Qing Dynasty called him Lu Shenxian."

"Surname Lu?" Hong Chao looked at Lu Dingwen thoughtfully.

June [-]th.

London, England.

Jiang Shen finally received the notice, returned to Dongning, and reported to the cadres of the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee.

Are you finally moving?

Ever since he subdued Country M and razed the Divine Power Bureau, Jiang Shen has had the idea of ​​being invincible.

On earth, there is no rival anymore.

I, Jiang Shen, can practice hard, concentrate on politics, and strive to climb up step by step.

After I fully ascend to the fourth level of the divine realm, I can almost try to leave the earth, take all the women to soar into the universe, and live a life like a real fairy.

According to Jiang Shen's estimate, it may not be something that can be accomplished in one or two hundred years to be promoted to the fourth level of the divine realm.

And his women all have his immortal energy to temper their bodies, and Jiang Shen plans to turn them into monks like Xue Xiaoyin and Youmi in the future, so there is absolutely no problem in terms of lifespan.

The question is, where will they settle in the future?


I heard that Venus is all gold?

While Jiang Shen wanted to join Feifei, he rushed to the country.

This time he was flying back home in a serious manner.

"Are you also from England?" On the plane, a man sitting next to Jiang Shen asked Jiang Shen with a smile.

This man is in his 30s and looks very gentle.

"Well, hello." Jiang Shen replied calmly.

The other party saw that Jiang Shen was indeed from Huaguo, and chatted with him enthusiastically.

His name was Jia Xiaotu, and he didn't say what he was doing. He talked to Jiang Shen about various things in Britain, where it was fun, and what specialties there were.

It can be seen that Jia Xiaotu prefers traveling and food.

Although Jiang Shen has been in the UK for nearly a year and doesn't go out much to play, but he has an excellent memory, and he memorizes the entire Encyclopedia Britannica in his mind, so naturally he speaks clearly and logically with him.

Jia Xiaotu admired Jiang Shen very much, and he knew everything Jiang Shen said, thinking that Jiang Shen had lived in England for more than ten years.

The two were chatting happily.

Suddenly, a driver-like person stepped out from the front cabin.

Holding a small bottle in his hand, he didn't know what was in it, and shouted at everyone in English: "Gentlemen and ladies, I have some bad news for you. Now this plane is under the control of me, Jesse."



As soon as everyone heard his expression and tone of voice, they knew that they had encountered the legendary hijacking.

no?Jiang Shen sat there very depressed, I usually fly around, this time it is rare to take a plane, you let me be hijacked?Don't do that.

A few young white men from Europe and the United States jumped up from their seats when they saw it.

"Don't move around. If you throw the liquid bomb in this small bottle on the ground, everyone will die together. I'm just a hijacker. Hijacking a plane doesn't rob people. You don't need to help the police desperately, do you?"

Hearing what Jesse said, several young white men sat down resentfully.

Some people panicked, some women even sobbed softly, and the terrifying atmosphere of hijacking filled the whole plane.

Sure enough, soon even the stewardesses disappeared, and then a broadcast announced that the plane had been controlled by the robbers and would fly from England to Russia instead of China.

Everyone keep calm. The robbers just asked the Russian government to release a few people. They will not harm the people on the plane. As long as you keep calm, no one will touch them. Everyone must tie themselves with seat belts. Whoever leaves the seat will bear the consequences.

After just a few words, the cabin fell into silence, and all kinds of panic were written on everyone's faces.

At this time, a woman in the uniform of a flight attendant came over, took Jesse's small bottle, stood at the door and stared at everyone, and Jesse seemed to go to the front cockpit.

"Hush, shh--" Jia Xiaotu rubbed Jiang Shen with his shoulder.

what?Jiang Shen turned around with a dazed expression. It was so strange that he said it would not hurt us, and we just sat and watched the play.

He doesn't want to be nosy, this is to blackmail Russia, none of Jiang Shen's business.

"Let's do it together." Jia Xiaotu whispered.

"---" Jiang Shen stared at him, unexpectedly he was still a brave man, he shook his head decisively: "They have bombs, I suspect the gun in the cab also fell into their hands."

There is a gun in the cockpit of the plane.

What Jiang Shen said was correct, he swept his spiritual sense, and it was clear how many robbers there were and what they got.

There were three robbers, one man and two women, and two of the flight attendants were robbers.

The gun in the cab also fell into the hands of Jesse.

"What are you afraid of? That's a woman. I'll call her over later when I say my stomach hurts. I'll be in charge of snatching her bottle. Help me put her down." Jia Xiaotu really figured it out.

"---" What do you think about making a movie?Jiang Shen didn't understand, he came just as you said, and he continued to shake his head: "Don't mess around, I don't want the plane to be bombed, and we will die together."

"Coward." Jia Xiaotu ruthlessly despised Jiang Shen.

Jiang Shen shrugged, he was already famous enough and didn't want to be a hero anymore.

"You really don't dare?" Jia Xiaotu scolded, but Jiang Shen didn't respond yet, and was a little anxious.

Jiang Shen looked at Jia Xiaotu from the corner of his eye, ignored him, turned his head and closed his eyes to sleep.

"Kao, there are too many people like you in China, and the matter has already been put on the table." Jia Xiaotu cursed, and finally said: "I will do it myself."

"Don't--" Jiang Shen was in a hurry, aren't you just looking for trouble?Wouldn't it be nice to wait for the plane to stop?This is in the air.

"Report--" Jia Xiaotu raised his hand suddenly without waiting for Jiang Shen's reaction, and said in English.

"---" Report what?Jiang Shen was baffled again.

"What's the matter?" The stewardess holding the bomb immediately paid attention to this side.

"The Japanese persuaded me to deal with you with him. He wants to steal your bomb. I will report him." Jia Xiaotu pointed at Jiang Shen.

"I'm dizzy--" Jiang Shen almost fainted, when did I become Japanese?

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